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51 minutes ago, daisy jane said:

i know people griped but i wouldn't mind more 2 character banners. i will totally take the pity breaks in those. vs. running up a huge rate in a 4 person. that's for sure. 

Same here!  It's so much easier to pull on 2-character banners than 3- or 4-character ones.  If I had 1000 orbs, I would have tried for a +10 Surtr, but as it was, I did the free pull only on the Fire and Ice banner and got a free Ishtar.

2 hours ago, Alkaid said:

And good luck to you guys saving for Azura! She's definitely worth the wait. Even if she seems a bit more standard next to Ninian and Olivia able to buff all stats, you'd be surprised how often the +2 def/res drive from her Hagoita can help out too.

Thank you!  Have fun with your new units!  I'll let you know how it goes!

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Used my ticket and remaining 20 orbs on the hero fest for a last chance at Eir for AR scoring. Nothing. RIP to my lift after next week. At least I did well with Ophelia yesterday.

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Alright, two final tickets. Let's see if Ophelia's underdressed ass will mind showing up.

  1. 3* Est: Nope.

One more time...

  1. 3* Wendy: And nope again.

So much for that Hero Fest. Now to wait for the Legendary banner and the return of L!Marth the Hero King.

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I haven't been posting all of my 5* pulls here lately due to my declining enthusiasm for the game, but this one was so good (in more ways than one) that I felt I needed to share it:



From a joke standpoint, I feel this speaks for itself.

That aside, Mr. Chosen One is +Atk/-Res. Very nice.

For anyone who cares, the only other recent new acquisitions (5*s that weren't repeats) I didn't previously share were Helbindi (VG banner) and kinshi Ryoma (Hrid banner).

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So, it's Monday. I took all the tickets and am now ready to try for Lewyn with those, my free summon and over 200 orbs.

3 Blue, 1 each Red, Green

4* Merric (+HP/-Def, that sucked.)

2 Red, 1 each Blue, Green, Colourless

4* Libra (I'm still wondering what nature works for him. +Def/-Spd, pretty sure I have that)

3 Blue, 1 each Red, Green (I don't want Ophelia game)

4* Soren (I never need one again game. Stop. +Def/-Atk, STOP)

3 Red, 1 each Blue, Colourless

5* Eir (I'm not even mad honestly. +Atk/-HP, could e better or worse.)

I hadn't got a percentage yet, so let's roll again.

2 Green, 1 each Red, Blue, Colourless

5* Deirdre (Okay what the fuck I love this banner. Never got her before! +Spd/-Atk, unfortunate), 4* Sheena (If this had been Lewyn all my salt would have burned away. +HP/-Def)

3 Red, 2 Blue

4* Lukas (Just one Shanna game. Please? +Spd/-Res)

3 Red, 1 each Green, Colourless

3* Sheena (The streak ends. +Def/-Atk)

2 each Blue, Colourless, 1 Green

4* Cherche (Man, not what I might have hoped. +HP/-Spd)

All my tickets got me 2 5* units. Time for the salt I guess?

2 Green, 1 each Red, Blue, Colourless

3* Raven (+Atk/-Res, I think I might make this my base.), 4* Libra (Well, it is another one. +Def/-Atk, Libra wants that defence.)


3 Red, 1 each Blue, Colourless (Where are my greens?)

4* Lissa (I wish I could pull more Chrissas. +Def/-Res)

3 Green, 2 Red (Here we go!)

5* Lewyn (That's the game boy! +Spd/-Atk too sadly, I keep getting that with 5* Green mages apparently), 3* Camilla (Not worst Camilla. +Spd/-HP), 4* Fae (Renewal. +Def/-Spd), 3* Marth (I wish he was better fodder. +Atk/-Def, better than -Res?), 4* Tharja (Eh. +Spd/-HP

I spent about 40 orbs. I'm not complaining, though Eir might go to Canas. Try to stop me.

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Haven't spent any orbs since Brave Redux but since Hero Fest ends today I figured since all the units look nice I should use all my tickets and do full summons on all of them just to see how many five stars I would get and to my surprise I managed to pull three five-star units, two were focus units and one pitybreaker. I managed to get Ophelia (+Res/-HP), Adrift Corrin (+Spd/-Def), and Lewyn (+Atk/-Res).



Ophelia and Adrift Corrin were characters I have been wanting for a while but I never attempted to get them on any of the previous banners they were on so I am glad to get them now. Lewyn is getting one of his skills foddered off though I don't know whether to fodder off Special Spiral to a mage (like Sonya, Celica or even the Ophelia I just got) or to give Odd Attack Wave to A!Tiki.

Still got 360 orbs saved up so that should be more than enough to pull Eirika on tomorrow's Christmas banner.

Edited by NSSKG151
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And on the last day of Hero Fest...

I got a Marth and a Roy. And a pity rate of 5.94%. Ugh.

Since that is a ridiculous rate to end things at, I decided to get the Tap Battle Quest orbs today and try one more time....and got a Sophia.

I can't freaking believe I didn't get a single thing on this banner, not even an off-focus pity breaker :'(

EDIT: Just remembered I still hadn't done the Infernal BHB so took care of that with a guide and:


Olivia I love you but I already have you and was actually looking for Owain -_- BUT you have Chill Spd 3 and I know I got some units who want that so I'll take it. I'm honestly just happy I got anything.

Edited by Mau
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26 minutes ago, Mau said:

And on the last day of Hero Fest...

I got a Marth and a Roy. And a pity rate of 5.94%. Ugh.

Since that is a ridiculous rate to end things at, I decided to get the Tap Battle Quest orbs today and try one more time....and got a Sophia.

I can't freaking believe I didn't get a single thing on this banner, not even an off-focus pity breaker :'(

EDIT: Just remembered I still hadn't done the Infernal BHB so took care of that with a guide and:


Olivia I love you but I already have you and was actually look for Owain -_- BUT you have Chill Spd 3 and I know I got some units who want that so I'll take it. I'm honestly just happy I got anything.


I have Owain! you have Olivia!  match made in heaven!!

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Eight new units brings me to 1,412 total pulled units.  Doing this before the next banner drops.


Tiki (+HP/-Spd): Good bane, not-so-hot boon.
Corrin (+Res/-Atk): Dragonic Aura or Hone Atk, which shall I take?
Niles (+Def/-Spd): Uhhh. . .decent fodder, maybe?

Serra (+Def/-Res): I guess she can provide Hone Atk 2 so someone can get both of Corrin's skills that matter?
Jakob (neutral): Merge levels~!
Kaze (+Def/-Res): I like his weapon, at least!
Eir (+Spd/-HP): SQUEEEEE~!  I'm not going to complain about a second one!  This one's on the dedicated flier team (which means I need to pull red for Palla).  Or I can run the double Aether Raid cheese.
Kaze (+HP/-Spd): Maybe he wants to be a +10?

So that's a lot of fodder, and one good unit.  Can't complain~!


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@Zeo @mampfoid @Vaximillian

So uhh... I had 60 orbs and thought I should do a full pull in the end. I spent my ticket day by day even though I originally wanted to wait, but that plan flew out of the window. 

Any who, the hunt for a non -Spd Lewyn continued and yet he never appeared. In my main account I did get this lady from the single colourless orb-


So at least I ended the Hero Fest with something! +Res/-Spd though so looks like she might be Mystic Boost fodder, not gonna merge into neutral in case guides near the neutral Eir. Don't really have anyone who reaaally needs the B skill yet though (maybe Julia?) so I'll keep her for now.

Then....luck gives you a bit of a summoner's high so I kept summoning, until I got the only unit I was missing from this banner.


My kids theme clear will surely appreciate Ophelia joining the ranks! Unfortunately my -Spd curse has been returning, as she is +Atk/-Spd, but I can't complain about that boon! Now I really need an extra Lewyn from this banner. (I decided I'm not really going in for the Christmas banner anyway so...might as well try and get a 5% Lewyn?)

...well as I said, I failed getting another Lewyn. I did get this lady though in a rather low rate:


+Def/-Res Minerva. Thankfully she's not -Spd like my previous Minerva, but then again, my old Minerva is +Atk/-Spd so not entirely sure if I should go back to a more neutral Atk?

Oh well looks like I'm missing out on Special Spiral, but I guess this is my luck balancing out after getting him so easily in his original banner. Looks like Ophelia's Special Spiral set will have to wait.

In the meantime my usually lucky 2nd account looks like it's leaving a 6.88% rate behind. That's gonna bug me but on the bright side, I did get some nice fodder along the way with Selena, Roy and Cain, who are way to rare for me.

Back to a depressing 2 orb and 6 orbs respectively. The only unit I'm saving for right now is a spare Lector for Myrrh I guess and maybe the beast units, so hopefully the TT should help replenish the stock. 

Edited by mcsilas
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@mcsilas Well, while you can’t have a Special Spiral Ophelia, you can have Brazen Desperation Ophelia in the meantime. She’s going to melt some faces, for sure.

Eir is absolutely pretty. Do I even need to say more?

Also hail to the queen! I’ve got my first (and yet only) Minerva in December, too. (last year) Is she a wintry type? Who knows, who knows.

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1 minute ago, Vaximillian said:

@mcsilas Well, while you can’t have a Special Spiral Ophelia, you can have Brazen Desperation Ophelia in the meantime. She’s going to melt some faces, for sure.

Eir is absolutely pretty. Do I even need to say more?

Also hail to the queen! I’ve got my first (and yet only) Minerva in December, too. (last year) Is she a wintry type? Who knows, who knows.

It would've been even funnier if she somehow showed up in the Whitewings banner.

Well glad to have her again, if I only pulled in legendary banners like my original plan then old units like her wouldn't show up to surprise me.

Brazen Ophelia sounds really fun, but I also am running out of Desperation so I need to be really careful on who I give that skill to. The pool needs more Desperation sources :(

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9 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

It would've been even funnier if she somehow showed up in the Whitewings banner.

Well glad to have her again, if I only pulled in legendary banners like my original plan then old units like her wouldn't show up to surprise me.

Brazen Ophelia sounds really fun, but I also am running out of Desperation so I need to be really careful on who I give that skill to. The pool needs more Desperation sources :(

Would have been truly amazing. She should have been on the banner just because why not.

True that. It’s infuriating how they are stamping out Swift Sparrow users, and yet 4★ Fury is still only on Hinata, 4★ Desperation is still only on Shanna, 3★ Reposition is still only on Selena and Barst, most staves still don’t unlock their Naga-damned single passive at 4★, and we haven’t got a single demote since September.

Disgusting and not in a memey way.

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5 hours ago, Vaximillian said:

Would have been truly amazing. She should have been on the banner just because why not.

True that. It’s infuriating how they are stamping out Swift Sparrow users, and yet 4★ Fury is still only on Hinata, 4★ Desperation is still only on Shanna, 3★ Reposition is still only on Selena and Barst, most staves still don’t unlock their Naga-damned single passive at 4★, and we haven’t got a single demote since September.

Disgusting and not in a memey way.

Silas has reposition too. 
but other than that. yeup. i agree with you. 

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