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So after pulling L!Lyn on the free pull in the in anniversary banner, I decided to try some luck with my very last 40 orbs (did pretty much every remaining quest, including a couple of Blessed Gardens I missed), and managed to get L!Azura on the last session. +Res -Atk, but I don't care. Made the whole thing worth it.

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Went pulling for more Keatons and was greeted by a certain Samurai


Funnily it was at a 3.00% rate right after I had summoned another Keaton, so not mad about it~ Not the best IVs, though with +Res, -Spd (guess I will eventually get Towel Ryoma and he'll be good IVs then to even out this one and my -Atk L!Ryoma since Dancer came at +Atk?)

Did snag two more Keatons though!


Now he's +Def (from +Res and +HP all in one day, LOL)~ Now if a +Atk one could just appear~

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Thought the arena orbs would grant me a decent chance for Kaden. No green orbs as always so I went for colorless in the hopes of getting a Legault for his Atk Tactic but I was greeted with this:


I wanted Maribelle since her release banner so I'm happy about that, what I'm not happy about is her nature (+Hp -Spd). At least she still has Staff Valor so I'll have an easier time training future healers.

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Went back to Leif's banner to try for him since I got enough orbs.

I got Celica instead. -_- I already have her at the exact same IVs too (+Spd, -HP). I guess Distant Def fodder isn't a bad thing though.

Edited by Anacybele
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Well, since the legendary banner looks largely uninteresting except for reds, back to looking for Morgan and Katarina. 161 orbs to start.

  1. 3* Athena: Moonbow fodder.
  2. 3* Sully: Draw Back fodder.

Not bad. 152 orbs left.

  1. 4* Raigh: Haven't seen you in a while.
  2. 4* Peri: Glimmer if I ever need it.
  3. 4* Donnel: Feathers.

Guess I'm not going to be supremely lucky this time around. 139 orbs left.

  1. 4* Selena: Reposition fodder.
  2. 4* Seth: Bleh.
  3. 3* Lon'qu: Meh.

More Reposition is always good. 126 orbs left.

  1. 5* Ephraim: So after almost 2 years this guy finally shows up. +Spd/-Def would be great on most other units, but not him. Well, he can still join his sister.
  2. 4* Roy: No thanks.
  3. 4* Ogma: Meh.
  4. 3* Stahl: Worthless.

52 orbs for a pretty bad Ephraim and some decent SI fodder. I'm not going to press my luck any further.

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So, last time I tried to get Hallow'een Myrrh, I ended up on a 6.25% pity rate and didn't get her (I didn't go away with nothing, it's not that tragic). This time, let's see if I can get her.

2 each Red, Blue, 1 Colourless

4* Chrom (Chrom pls. +Res/-Atk), 4* Chrom (PLS. +Def/-HP)

2 each Green, Colourless, 1 Red

4* A!Tiki (There's better fodder game. +HP/-Res)

3 Blue, 2 Green

3* Jagen (Oh look, more grumpy old men. +Spd/-Atk)

2 each Red, Colourless, 1 Blue

4* Henry (Not really good fodder any more. +HP/-Atk), 4* M!Morgan (Well, it's better fodder. +Spd/-Atk, is this better than +Atk?)


3 Green, 2 Blue (Noooooo)

4* Oboro (Honestly worthless as fodder. +Red/-Def)

3 Blue, 1 each Red, Colourless

4* Seth (Such disappoint. +HP/-Atk)

3 Colourless, 2 Blue (FUUUUUU)

3* Florina (Florino. +Res/-Atk)

3 Red, 2 Colourless

4* Hinata (More Fury. Good. +Atk/-Def), 4* Hinata (Once again, good. +Spd/-HP), 4* Seth (There are others. +Atk/-Def)


2 Red, 1 each Blue, Green, Colourless

4* Sophia (Sophinah. +Res/-Def), 4* Lilina (Maybe her nature's good? +Spd/-HP, I just can't get +Atk)

3 Red, 1 each Blue, Colourless

3* Raigh (Trash. +Res/-Spd), 4* Soleil (Well, that's not bad. +Spd/-Res, think I have that), 4* Olivia (Ugh. +HP/-Atk)


4 Colourless, 1 Blue (Fuck.)

4* Nowi (Again, I was concerned. +Def/-HP)

3 Blue, 1 each Green, Colourless (Oh come on!)

4* Clair (Whew. +Atk/-HP)

3 Red, 1 each Blue, Green

4* Henry (Heno. +Res/-Spd), 3* Lilina (Maybe this time? +Atk/-HP, it's finally time to promote her!), 3* Marth (Absolutely not 5* man. +HP/-Res)

4%. The Breidablik just eats orbs, be right back.

Edit: I return with more orbs.

4 Colourless, 1 Red

3* Raigh (Would Luke be worse than this? +Atk/-Spd)

Edited by Dayni
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Welp. That’s it. No more f2p orbs. I’ve cleaned out every chapter on every difficulty, all of the lunatic chain challenges, all the squad assaults, most of the blessed garden missions, and just about every February GHB quest.

My chances of getting any of the cool units on these upcoming banners are basically nil, given this was the result of my last 20 orbs and all I get now is a tiny 2-3 a day trickle.


(for some reason the allowed file size for attachment uploads keeps shrinking to the point I can’t even post a simple screenshot anymore without cropping it heavily)

So now I’m going back to play other, bigger Fire Emblem games that just give me these characters, to remind me how little I actually need any of these big fancy pulls on offer.

Edited by Alastor15243
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35 minutes ago, Alastor15243 said:

Welp. That’s it. No more f2p orbs. I’ve cleaned out every chapter on every difficulty, all of the lunatic chain challenges, all the squad assaults, most of the blessed garden missions, and just about every February GHB quest.

My chances of getting any of the cool units on these upcoming banners is basically nil, given this was the result of my last 20 orbs and all I get now is a tiny 2-3 a day trickle.


(for some reason the allowed file size for attachment uploads keeps shrinking to the point I can’t even post a simple screenshot anymore without cropping it heavily)

So now I’m going back to play other, bigger Fire Emblem games that just give me these characters, to remind me how little I actually need any of these big fancy pulls on offer.


we earn about 350ish a month (give or take some orbs). :) so you'll get some more. 

I need some Lewyns. I need some Morgans. I didn't like Legendary, did I go for that Banner?
Nope. I went for that banner of frustration that is the anniversary one. 

8 Ests (which is best)
Finally +atk Shigure. (to join Finally +atk Silvia), too bad +atk Caeda eludes me
my stalker, Jagen
Several L'Arachels including...

1 at 5*. (GRR. I mean I don't mind. BUT GRRR)
1 OG Azura. (yay!) -atk (boo)
Ylgr (-spd)
and LLyn (+spd, so she goes into my +def one, because honestly, i need her to be speedy, not tanky)
this is to add to the
Zelgius. (seethes)
and HMyrrh i had before. 

I actually went down to my "break in case of emergency" orbs to try to get LAzura, so i am now at a dangerously low orb count for me - and i have to not only rebuild my little cushion - but be extremely strict for next month. and then i have no "hey i could do X" for orbs for a while. (so  hopefully nothing comes to screw me over). 


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Figures that after deciding that I don't want Legendary Roy, he appears on the first circle, third pull overall. +Def -Res which is fine. The very next pull is Green Corrin, neutral. Also a Palla after I spent all mine to make a +10, and my eleventh Oscar, which means I could +10 him ...If I had another 170k feathers.


That's more than satisfactory for my 15 orb investment and I'll call it quits there, since by all reports next month's legendary banner will be quite a bit better. At the very least, it represents a chance for Legendary Azura, and possibly fixing my -Spd Legendary Lucina.

Edited by Humanoid
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Roy's our boy! Time to snipe reds. 125 orbs to start.

  1. 4* Stahl: Meh.
  2. 4* Lon'qu: More meh.

Disappointing start. 121 orbs left.

  1. 4* Seth: Even more meh.
  2. 3* Lon'qu: Grrr...

Even worse that time. 112 orbs left.

  1. 3* Palla: Good SI fodder.
  2. 4* Laslow: Meh.
  3. 3* Stahl: Oh come on.

The game can't even be bothered to give me different terrible units. 99 orbs left.

  1. 3* Draug: Garbage.
  2. 4* Cain: WoM fodder.

Just have to keep going. 90 orbs left.

  1. 4* Ares: Excellent SI fodder.

La de la de la. 85 orbs left.

  1. 4* Roy: Wrong one.
  2. 4* Draug: Seriously?

This is getting ridiculous. 3 repeats already and I've only pulled 12 units. 76 orbs left.

  1. 4* Cain: ......

Make that 4 repeats from 13 units. At least Cain's useful fodder. 71 orbs left.

  1. 3* Sophia: Feathers.
  2. 3* Stahl: 15 units, 5 of them are duplicates. Why hasn't IS changed the pools around yet?

Such nonsense...62 orbs left.

  1. 4* Cain: What the f**k?
  2. 3* Raigh: Bleh.
  3. 4* Cain: Seriously, what the f**k?

The 4* pool hasn't changed, I don't know what's supposed to be happening right now. 49 orbs left.

  1. 4* Catria: Thank god this wasn't a pitybreaker.

44 orbs left.

  1. 4* Henry: Meh.
  2. 3* Eliwood: More meh.
  3. 3* Seliph: Eh.

Knowing my luck right now I skipped half a dozen 5*s in the other colors. 31 orbs left.

  1. 4* Laslow: Another duplicate.

26 orbs left.

  1. 3* Sophia: And another...
  2. 3* Hinata: Finally someone who isn't completely worthless.

There are a total of 32 unique red units. I pulled 25 times and 9 of them were duplicates. 10.5% pity rate now for a bunch of complete trash.

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After 100+ orbs of sniping reds, greens and blue sometimes. I don't know why but at the beginning, there were hardly any red orbs. Desire sensor maybe. 

A!Corrin (F): -ATK/+RES.

A!Corrin (F): +ATK/-DEF. 

Surtr: +DEF/-SPD.  

L!Roy: Neutral. He was actually my first pull after my free summon. I wished that I was this lucky when pulling for L!Marth. 

L!Roy: +HP/-DEF. Save him for fodder or merge purposes later. 

HS!Micaiah: +ATK/-RES. Would have liked higher RES for ploys but she could run some buffs instead. 

L!Hrid: +HP/-ATK. I guess I could fodder him off for DC but I don't know who to give it to. 

I'm glad that I managed to get HS!Micaiah before I ran out of orbs. Orb count is too low to try and gun down for Duma so I'll save for L!Marth's return. 

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@mampfoid @Landmaster @daisy jane

So legendary banner is here. My main aim was to get Festival Micaiah and (hopefully) 2 Summer Xanders (1 for CC + QR3 + his dagger for Summer Frederick)..

I started with 181 orbs (proud of saving this much!)

After about 60 orbs, when there were no reds I got Summer Xander! At a perfect +Atk/-Res as well! One down!

Next I had to focus on Summer Micaiah. I finally did get her though, maybe around 20-25 orbs later although it was a +Spd/-Atk Summer Micaiah. Opened the rest of the session to see if I can luck out with Surtr/Gunnthra or a bow armour. Instead I got an Adrift Female Corrin, also +Spd/-Atk (boo at flaw, nice asset though!) At least Water Emblem will have more greens!

I still had a decent stash of orbs left, so I thought, maybe I will look for a better natured Micaiah because I also need a better natured Hrid on the way or DC fodder (current one is +Spd/-Atk).

It wasn't until I was at 40 orbs when I get my next 5 star...another Summer Micaiah!!! This time she's +Spd/-Def, so it looks like a merge is in order. She really wants to be speedy!

I was down to 16 orbs but I had the legendary battle to do, so I did Lunatic LHB and a story map quickly to make it 20. Then to do another summon..


Base 8% and I picked the first green and... neutral Surtr! Finally I get to join the game breaking club with my main. Opened the rest since maybe I can fish out another Summer Xander....instead it was +HP/-Spd Female Grima! Looks like it's just a merge to my +Atk one at least.

Now down to 0 orbs but I'm VERY satisfied. Unsure if I want to try for another Xander (or a bow armour but that's not the biggest priority) since i need to save for Mia next month, but I can be happy with what I have. Been really lucky to be honest, last time I had a big orb stash for a legendary banner I didn't get much.

Second account had nothing with my limited orbs but that's fine. Need a Mia stash anyway.

Edited by mcsilas
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Got a free +SPD/-DEF A!Corrin (green) today (the amount of free pulls is scary this year)! Opened also the other orbs of the first circle, but there was nothing else to be found. 

@mcsilas Congrats! Very cool that you got what you wanted to get and more. 

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I had only one wish from this banner - Hrid. 

41 orbs in which to do this, my hopes were not high. 

However, 20 orbs later, my beautiful ice prince popped out! So happy :D +Res - Def, so not awful but not amazing ivs. I'm still so happy :D 


Decided to try the seasonal banner again and got zilch there, but I'm not expecting owt now I have my Hrid lol 

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Got 500 orbs saved up, and I'm missing all eight of the units that are not existing Legendary heroes. My priority is the three seasonals due to their rarity. Will try to avoid greens if/when the game gives me Surtr or Corrin.

  • Surtr +Spd/-Def. Broke a 9% pity rate. Garbage nature, but it'd take a lot to make this guy not useful.
  • Legendary Roy +Atk/-Res On the very next session. Ah, another meta relevant unit.
  • Halloween Niles +Def/-Res. Broke a 9.5% pity rateThat superboon would have put him up an entire stat tier, but the superbane brings him back down. Oh well.
  • Legendary Roy +Res/-HP On the same pull session as Niles, so he's a nice bonus.
  • Dancer Xander +Res/-Atk. Broke a 9% pity rate. Very poor boon/bane, but I'm just glad I got him. This also completes my collection of Xanders.

And I also added Reyson to my catalog. Now the only 4 star unit I must collect is Silas. So that's 2 out of the 3 units I was hoping for, plus Surtr and two of the shiny new sword lord. For ~220 orbs, that's quite good. I won't push my luck hunting for Micaiah, even if the red pity breakers are as valuable as they are.

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