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Two more tries for Kaden, 2 green orbs each:

  • 3* Fae
  • 4* Cecilia
  • 3* Barst
  • 4* Beruka

Am quite lucky with getting green orbs so far, sadly they all do not contain what I want :( 3.50% pity rate still, hopefully will have enough orbs to try again tomorrow.

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Let's try... again.

4 Colourless, 1 Red

4* Chrom (COULD YOU JUST STOP. +Spd/-Atk)

And again:

2 Colourless, 1 each Red, Blue, Green


(Fucking really? I keep getting the same crappy fodder! +Res/-HP)

This is the fucking BS banner from last year all over again at this rate!

Edited by Dayni
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Legendary Roy’s banner barely gave me any Reds to pull, which sucks, but I got another Summer Micaiah today. So Micaiah’s RES bane is gone, which is great since that had been mildly bugging me and now she can run double-Ploys.

Gonna save my Orbs now since L!Roy doesn’t want to come home, and wait and see what the next banner brings before I decide whether or not to shoot for Velouria/Kaden one more time.

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Alright, I'm not sure I can get any more orbs for the 2nd anniversary banner. Mistakes were made.

3 Blue, 2 Red

4* Ogma (Also someone I don't need. +Spd/-Res), 3* Draug (Fuck. +Atk/-HP)

4.75%. Congrats, we're on the percentage I got to with the BS banner where I got no 5* units. Fuck every damm thing, I won't have enough to try on the legendary banner. I am stupid, let's get the free legendary pull out of the way.

2 each Red, Colourless, 1 Green

4* Athena (It's Moonbow)

I hate everything, I should have waited for the legendary banner.

Edited by Dayni
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VIke finally came home, yaaaay! 

Means I got all focus units together, with ~200 orbs in total. I am absolutely happy with that result. It is just the second time after the FE4 banner with Ishtar, Ares and Lene that I could get all focus units. 

Now I can save for FE6!

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So, I've spent over 600 orbs total on the rerun of the Love Abounds banner. Not only did I succeed in getting the 7 merges needed to get Lyn to +10 but I also got a slew of unintended 5* pulls (a total of 8 unintended 5* pulls).

7x Valentines Lyn 
3x Valentines Lilina
1x Valentines Hector
1x off-focus Linde (neutral)
1x off-focus Karel (lolwut +Def/-Spd)
1x off-focus Nailah (+Atk/-Def; will likely fodder after the next version update)
1x off-focus Nephenee (+Res/-HP)

Edited by Roflolxp54
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One last charge. I hope it's worth more than a 5% pity rate.

3 Green, 1 each Red, Blue

4* Caeda (Game.... Could you not? +Atk/-Spd)

Hell, I cleared Book 3 Lunatic CC 3+4 for this. I expected it to be horrible. It was not.

3 Blue, 2 Red

4* Caeda (I get the same 5 units it seems. +Spd/-Atk), *5 Hallow'Myrrh (ABOUT. FUCKING. Time. +Def/-HP, I'm just happy to have another armoured dragon.), 4* Odin (Fodder. I guess. +Atk/-Def, might change my Odin's nature.), 4* L'Arachel (I would have loved to get an easy merge. +Def/-Atk), 3* Sully (Ugh. +Atk/-Spd)

At least I got what I was aiming for. Despite it being nearly 200 orbs just to get her and nothing else, and not with a great nature at that (Moreso the bane, that Def though.).

Edited by Dayni
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Sweep skills featuring Roddy, Faye, and Alm.

"Alright, red orbs are useless to me here!"

3 green and one each Blue and Colorless.

Besides the 3 greens, free summon was 5* Roddy, and the Colorless was Faye.

"Glad we finally see eye-to-eye on something, Breidablik!"

...so yeah this banner is a skip. Not really any strong need for either firesweep weapon, and I don't need windsweep or anymore Alms. But thanks for making it easy on me, game!

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Yeah, I will take a free Alm thank you game! That will put my Alm up to 2 merges now and I get to continue to stockpile my orbs. Is it bad to think that I think this free pull is thousand times better than the Anniversary summons?

Edited by NSSKG151
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Sweep banner didn't have Soren (RIP Angery Tactic boi)

2 Green, 1 each Red, Blue, Colourless

3* Ogma (Ogno. +Res/-HP)

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I tried again on the Valentine banner and got Soren! 

He's oddly big... and bulky... and he wields a lance... and seems to go by the name of Hardin... But I refuse to believe I've got yet another pitybreaker on this dang banner so this has to be Soren!!!

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3 hours ago, Cute Chao said:

I tried again on the Valentine banner and got Soren! 

He's oddly big... and bulky... and he wields a lance... and seems to go by the name of Hardin... But I refuse to believe I've got yet another pitybreaker on this dang banner so this has to be Soren!!!

He's clearly been lifting~

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I had a rare Sight!
5 red stones - so i pulled the whole thing, and i got
Elincia #3! - she's now +2 (she can be Flier Formation Food after i get her to +10...slowly, and surely!)

Then I took a breath and decided to risk it for the biscuit - Alm hasn't had a banner since *last year* so I figure even though i am in critical Orb status and should save

My Hauls included
+spd/-atk Palla (perfect - I wanted a +spd Palla for my +10 project)
Soleils Number 10, 11, and 12! :D (so now my Soleil Project (merges!) are done! Kinda wishing i went for Hrid's butt now, she'd have DC!)
+spd... -atk Caeda (Caedas are rare as poo for me - and she's always -atk)
+atk Olivia (FINALLY) - now i can build an Olivia... 


these two showed up.



LENE! I was soooo upset that I couldn't go for her for Sword Valour (too many blocks named Horsey Chrom + Gray). Best IV (I think). I can refine Safeguard for speed and she's gonna double and hit hard i didn't pulll the blues or grey there. because orbs are few- only orb next round and..



(but oofff that -atk). 30 isn't too bad all things considering - I can give him Deathblow 3, and it gives him six on initiation. 

back to saving now. 


(also hides from @Mau)


@mcsilas, @Landmaster

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Getting Alm while I can't even pull for him cause I'm still stuck on the beasts banner D:< And your last Soleil before I could get my last too :'(

Sigh, tried two red orbs to get Alm but just got a Palla and a Cain. Appreciate the Cain though, forever short on WoM fodder.

At 3.75% on the beasts banner now, still trying for Kaden or Reyson. Would pull for Alm but having a green beast to complete the beast team is way more important sadly. I know Kaden will probs demote but look at me having zero Reysons while having pulled on green non-stop since he was demoted, so not taking that risk.

The only regular units I still want are F!Morgan and Alm and they both had to appear during the Fates Beasts banner, why are you like this IS :(

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5 hours ago, daisy jane said:

I had a rare Sight!
5 red stones - so i pulled the whole thing, and i got
Elincia #3! - she's now +2 (she can be Flier Formation Food after i get her to +10...slowly, and surely!)

Then I took a breath and decided to risk it for the biscuit - Alm hasn't had a banner since *last year* so I figure even though i am in critical Orb status and should save

My Hauls included
+spd/-atk Palla (perfect - I wanted a +spd Palla for my +10 project)
Soleils Number 10, 11, and 12! :D (so now my Soleil Project (merges!) are done! Kinda wishing i went for Hrid's butt now, she'd have DC!)
+spd... -atk Caeda (Caedas are rare as poo for me - and she's always -atk)
+atk Olivia (FINALLY) - now i can build an Olivia... 


these two showed up.



LENE! I was soooo upset that I couldn't go for her for Sword Valour (too many blocks named Horsey Chrom + Gray). Best IV (I think). I can refine Safeguard for speed and she's gonna double and hit hard i didn't pulll the blues or grey there. because orbs are few- only orb next round and..



(but oofff that -atk). 30 isn't too bad all things considering - I can give him Deathblow 3, and it gives him six on initiation. 

back to saving now. 



See, this is why we stopped you for going for Sword Valor~ And +Atk, yours can be the offensive version of mine~ 

And another Elincia, this is some super luck~ Plus all your merge projects, nice!~

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