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I was ready to spend money at this banner to support the Binding Blade units. But after 200 orbs and 3 tickets I got the following units marked with Fav8


  • Adrift Corrin(M) - 3rd time in my summoning history that I got pitybroken by him. Not a fan of Fates or Adrift, so it was a bad feeling to see him once again.
  • Reyson - 4-5* unit, already had a 4* prepared with ideal IV. This one is Atk+. Probably merge.
  • Kliff - NEW! But come on, 3 pitybreaker in a row, what is going on? (Atk+, Spd-)
  • Thea - First focus unit, finally! Neutral IV, which I'm ok with - going to focus on green and red after this
  • Flora - NEW! Also 4th pitybreaker, I think I'm going crazy today. (Def+, Atk-, blunder)
  • Sue - She's finally home! (Spd+, Hp-, I like it) This feels good, now I'm going to prioritize red orbs, while opening green where needed.
  • Idunn - That's it! I'm done! IV on the screenshot, I'm perfectly fine with it. Also I love her art.

That was a rollercoaster with a happy ending. I don't have Lugh, but I feel like I should stop pushing my luck, and I can still get a summoning ticket from Thea anyway. After the past summoning sessions I had, this is very satisfying. (Hríd instead of L!Roy, Leg Lyn from F&V, Valentine banner pitybroken by Ares, Duma banner with mostly dupes and no Duma)

Edited by Garlyle
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And I got the last ticket. Going to start actively sniping greens now. 53 orbs to start.

  1. 3* Nino: Again?

That was mediocre. Another set.

  1. 3* Stahl: This guy is the new Saizo. He keeps showing his damn face where it's not wanted.

And there's the problem with trying to snipe greens: their atrocious appearance rate. 48 orbs left.

  1. 4* Chrom: Meh.

Again no greens...43 orbs left.

  1. 5* Sue: Awesome! The character I wanted the most from this banner has arrived! Of course, like many of my most-wanted units she's +Atk/-Spd (Lucina, L!Roy, Tana, Karla) but she's still more than good enough for me. One more green to see if Lugh shows up.
  2. 4* Barst: Reposition fodder's good too.

Well, I think I've burned through my luck on this banner. 23 total orbs spent for a merge and two new 5*s, plus Reposition fodder. This more than makes up for the mediocrity that was L!Roy's banner.

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Spent all the story orbs and the monthly deal going for Faye, since I already had a 4% rate on that banner, and.......... got a 4.5% rate for my efforts.

The game decided to pity me, however, since I free pulled a +Atk/-Def Lugh and pulled a +Def/-Res Idunn with a ticket.

...I still hope I can break that pity rate before the banner ends, though. Getting 4.5% on a 3-man banner is giving me flashbacks to last year when I went for NY.Azura on her debut banner.

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Spend all tickets and around 50 orbs got pity broken by Olivia. Which is not too bad I still did not had her.
But with this I might try to stay away from this banner for now... 
As much as Idunn would be cool, this banner is just....

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On 3/7/2019 at 12:13 AM, mampfoid said:

Yeah, but I can't be too bummed, since I got a lot of free stuff recently (few of these units were really wanted though). 

Haha wow, we're +SPD Corrin buddies now. Congrats! 

Yeah the amount of stats for those Corrins are insane. 

@daisy jane  Yeah Alm is really tempting since the last banner was an all red Flachion banner but... need to be strict in orb-saving right now since we have slightly less orbs lately. 

Oh yeah I forgot to say how that last pull gave me twoBinding Blade units that have been super rare for me (Shanna/Lilina). Funny that...since now it's time to pull for the new Binding Blade banner!

Since I'm in strict saving mode, I just went for reds if I saw them with the free summon and tickets. Sadly no Idunn but that's fine, H!Myrrh serves me well.

However on my main I did get my second Elincia on my 2nd ticket (3rd summon overall)! Finally i can fix my +Res/-Spd one!!!!....funnily enough the new one is also +Res/-Spd, but getting rid of that -Spd will feel so good. Now I feel silly trying for a second Elincia in her recent banners when I get her on a ticket. Also got a 4 star Ares which is always welcome.

Second account gave me no 5 stars but I did get a Selena (Reposition is always nice). Free summon was a BB unit...normaly Roy (and TA is always nice since it's rare for me). Was hoping for a good boon Ares as well on the way but nothing.

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One free pull, two Tickets, and 45 Total Orbs gave me a bunch of feathers/fodder...

And +ATK/-RES Sue! She’s one of the two characters I was hoping for on this banner, and good IVs make this perfect!

Now, just gotta hope Idunn comes home before the banner ends, but even if she remains out of my reach I’ll still be happy.

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Free pull on the new banner is my third +def/-HP Leif. This game is telling me something. All other pulls are pretty much lackluster for me.

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Whyever M!Grima likes to visit me, he came today from a ticket pull ... for the second time this year!!

@mcsilas Enjoy your fixed Elincia, congrats! 

@Garlyle Glad you got what you wanted. Great haul, congrats! Any team ideas yet? 

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Legend Roy gave me a Cherche. -Sweep went Blue at for a chance of Rody, got Shanna instead.


Decided to go only Green for Sue and Lugh on the Binding Blade banner, Thea doesn't move me, and Idunn barely had any time in FE6, so there was little to bond to.


On the free summon, I have 1 Green, gets a Sheena. Uses Shanna's ticket, no Greens, so I pick a Red, gets a 3* Marth. Lugh's ticket had 1 Green, got... Lugh!

+Spd/-Res, that's a good combo too.


On Idunn's ticket, no Greens, so again I went Red, got a 4* Draug. And Thea's ticket had 1 Green, got a Deidre! And I'm just about to begin Chapter 1 of Genealogy too! She is +Spd/-Def, so a good combo like Lugh. 


Now spending Orbs, I've 576 to start.

Eliwood, Sue!  

-HP/+Def, well at least it doesn't take from offense.


Well that was quick, for a mere 10 Orbs and the five freebies I got 3 5*s, two with desirable natures on focus, and one that wasn't that is also very good. I'm very happy.

Although I think I need to start liking mages that aren't Green, since I've only a Micaiah and Sanaki on those fronts. Meanwhile I've now Deidre, Lugh, a 5* Nino, a 5* Cecilia, and plans for finding a good Merric and Soren.

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Going for Alm until his banner ends before using my free summons on the BB banner, sooo:

  • 3* Laslow
  • 4* Ares
  • 4* Cain
  • 3* Fir

Welp no luck so far. Happy with the Cain though, now I might have enough WoM for everyone that still needs it :D

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Was just telling someone I had never gotten a 5* from any Summoning Tickets~


I didn't have too strong feelings about this Banner so I wasn't expecting anything from the Tickets but out pops a +Spd, -Def Sue~ Well, I would have vastly preferred Lugh, but another Bow Cav is never bad, so I'll be keeping her~ 

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My free pull/tickets have given me nothing noteworthy so far. I actually pulled a few entire sessions though, because they had a ton of red and blue and I want male Morgans and Silases. xP But I didn't even get them.

I have one more ticket to get though, so maybe that one will give me something good.

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“Ugh. Well I only got one 5 star from the Roy banner. I’ve got five more orbs a day too late. Okay, looks like the wolfskin and kitsune banner is almost gone. ...Might as well take the chance that I’ll make something of that 4% pity rate? Alright, I’ll try for Keaton or Velouria. ...Two red, one clear. Seeing how I want Vel more and I don’t want to be haunted by the “what if I picked the wrong orb” question, I’ll go cle-“



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Just now, TheSilentChloey said:

Oh ouch for that pity rate Ana :(

I've seen worse, but yeah, having to leave a pity rate does stink. Maybe I'll try breaking it another time, I dunno. Depends on what's coming up later.

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3 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

I've seen worse, but yeah, having to leave a pity rate does stink. Maybe I'll try breaking it another time, I dunno. Depends on what's coming up later.

I think the highest I saw was 9% on a summon simulation...from 3% which is really bad...

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1 minute ago, TheSilentChloey said:

I think the highest I saw was 9% on a summon simulation...from 3% which is really bad...

Jesus Christ, that's insane, yeah. o_O

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