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Wanted Spring Catria or Kagero for my collection since I was lucky enough to nab both Askrans the first time. The blue wasn't her, but there was a lone green and I lucked out getting another Sharena, this time neutral. Nice. I'm happy with my +HP/-Def but I'll take a merge.

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I'm happy 2018 bunnies are back. Last year I wanted Alfonse + Kagero. Back then, I got Kagero (+1 copy from a later Legendary banner), Sharena (-SPD) and Catria (-ATK).Believe it or not, I gave all my votes for the anniversary freebie to Alfonse. 

Next try to get Alfonse, here my free summon: 



exactly the same nature as last year (+HP/-SPD)

@Mau @daisy jane @Landmaster suffer with me ... another (nearly) useless free summon. 

No need for RES tactic, so I'll merge her. Since I got Veronica, Sharena won't get much action in TTs though. 

Hmm, is this a sign to continue or to stop? Using all my remaining orbs, this was penultimate pull:



-SPD this time ... 

The irony ... it's not bad fixing the girls before their TTs and two 5* in 63 orbs is pretty good, but getting everybody else from that banner twice and not getting Alfonse is kind of sad. Also no 2017 bunnies makes me fear this might my my last chance to get him. 

@Tybrosion I'd gladly trade my free bunny for yours. 

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My free pull was a +Atk Libra. My current Libra is neutral so half tempted to promote and merge.

Funny how Libra has finally agreed to start pulling for me but Legault remains hidden. He's still the only 4* I don't have xD 

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Today I finished Spring Catria. Along with her, I got a Tana merge, Selkie +Spd -Res (on the bench until she shows up again), and Brave Lucina (Aether without spending 20k feathers is always good).

180 saved-up orbs and a $40 pack of orbs.

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5 hours ago, TheSilentChloey said:

@Anacybele how far off 10+ is your boy Morgan?  My baby boy's only 2 off xD my luck of getting consistant Morgan M's are nice.

@Nym Finally got Springfonse...and so my TT team will be complete lol

Wanna give one? 

What a coincidence.

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6 hours ago, TheSilentChloey said:

 how far off 10+ is your boy Morgan?  My baby boy's only 2 off xD my luck of getting consistant Morgan M's are nice.

Only two here too. But sounds like you'll finish him first with how lucky you're getting in pulling him. I've only pulled him twice in the last four months and I've been pulling a ton of red in that timeframe. >_< I want your luck!

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Last 7 units I've pulled were +Atk, including this lovely bunny~


I got her in 3 Sessions, and +Atk, -Def~ I think I've well overstayed my lucky streak, so I didn't want to bother with those last two Colorless Orbs~ I just wanted to be done with this Banner~ 

8 hours ago, mampfoid said:

I'm happy 2018 bunnies are back. Last year I wanted Alfonse + Kagero. Back then, I got Kagero (+1 copy from a later Legendary banner), Sharena (-SPD) and Catria (-ATK).Believe it or not, I gave all my votes for the anniversary freebie to Alfonse. 

Next try to get Alfonse, here my free summon: 

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exactly the same nature as last year (+HP/-SPD)

@Mau @daisy jane @Landmaster suffer with me ... another (nearly) useless free summon. 

No need for RES tactic, so I'll merge her. Since I got Veronica, Sharena won't get much action in TTs though. 

Hmm, is this a sign to continue or to stop? Using all my remaining orbs, this was penultimate pull:

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-SPD this time ... 

The irony ... it's not bad fixing the girls before their TTs and two 5* in 63 orbs is pretty good, but getting everybody else from that banner twice and not getting Alfonse is kind of sad. Also no 2017 bunnies makes me fear this might my my last chance to get him. 

@Tybrosion I'd gladly trade my free bunny for yours. 

OOF, sorry no Alfonse again, but at lease you can fix those IVs >.> I hope you can get him before the Banner ends~ 

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So, it's another banner with a free pull.

2 Colourless, 1 each Red, Blue, Green

3* Reinhardt (I mean, I wish he was something else. +Spd/-Def)

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30 minutes ago, Kiran_ said:

Hmmm. Got S!Sharena with my free pull (need another S!Alfonse for merging purposes tho). Wondering is she any good? Should I build her up or just keep her as Res Tac. fodder??

She's got good Atk and Spd, nice Res, and a good weapon that's basically a mini Chill Atk/Spd on the slowest enemy provided she keeps her health up~ I'd at least consider trying her out before foddering her off since Res Tactic can be obtained as a Seal and in the 4* Pool (even if you need to promote to get it)~ Unless you have no interest, in which case, fodder away~

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3 hours ago, Landmaster said:

Last 7 units I've pulled were +Atk, including this lovely bunny~


So FUZZY! Congrats, what a perfect bunny!

3 hours ago, Landmaster said:

OOF, sorry no Alfonse again, but at lease you can fix those IVs >.> I hope you can get him before the Banner ends~ 

I won't try again anytime soon, don't need more Sharenas. 

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Did a full round of five summons on the retro bunny banner for the hell of it since the first pull was free. Wound up getting everyone’s favorite sex offender for my trouble. Not sure what to do with her, aside from making sure one of her three dads has a long talk with her about personal space.

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spent freebie summon on green since I'm missing both of those bunnies. And the game gave me a surprise Minerva! -Atk but I'll take it. Her family's been waiting for years. Now all I need to collect from the launch day roster is Ryoma, Azura, Lucina, and Leo.

Edited by Glennstavos
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Finally back with internet after a few days at sea, just in time to catch all three Spring banners by the sounds of it.

And I admit ...I was weak. I had it all planned out that I'd save my orbs to try for Legendary Azura before spending any meaningful amount on this banner. Spoiler warning, it didn't work out that way.

Straight into the newest banner then, sniping purely reds. A 4* Ares showed up early on, and then Karla at 3.25% so nothing to get too annoyed about, especially when I saw she was +Spd -Res, a perfect fix for my awful +HP -Spd one from her launch banner.

Things went ...somewhat less well after that. Only summons of worth from the next 100 orbs or so were a couple of Hinatas, and with 22 orbs left I was staring down the barrel. Final session - four reds. The very last one was Spring Palla. Thank goodness for that, saved my sanity. +Def -HP is totally fine since she's a niche unit, and as dumb as I am, I'm not dumb enough to chase better natures on any exclusive unit.

The situation is not as dire as it seems because I still have almost 80 orbs unclaimed in the mailbox, plus most of the quests this month. It does hurt a bit thinking about how many easy-to-obtain orbs I missed out on though -- for example, I was one day short of claiming the final three-orb login bonus from the FE6 banner because of lack of internet, plus I stupidly forgot to play Forging Bonds daily for the orbs so I missed out on eight from there. Blergh.

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Well this'll be a story.

First off, let's pretend Hares at the Fair doesn't exist, because it doesn't exist you naive fools.

Anyways, this banner was off to an absolutely FANTASTIC start! two Blues and a Green, plus some other orbs. I'm strictly summoning from focus colors (unless a 5* appears in which case everything gets pulled), because I just want to get the focus units once each and leave.

Aaand I got... Hector. Just... good ol' Hector. +Atk -Def, which I guess is good since my Hector has a merge, but... uh...

First on-focus unit to appear, very soon after, was Spring Camilla Neutral. Great! No asset or flaw, no worry!

...and then she appeared again, +Atk -Res.

...and then +Atk -Def.

...and then +Atk -Res again.

If you can imagine someone ticked off at having four of the same big-boobied sexy lady literally surrounding him, then glad to meet you in your head!

A little while later, guess who shows up but big bro Spring Xander. I don't care about asset/flaw combos on seasonals anymore, especially a Gen 1 seasonal, but +Def -Spd? I could be charged with sexual assault.

Two Blues and three Reds. First Blue, Nephenee! Which... okay. And then Spring Lucina +Spd -Atk. All I wanted was an extra Lucina at all to overwrite the terrible +HP -Spd asset/flaw I've been stuck with for the past TWO FREAKING YEARS. TWO. And ya know what? I might not use her often, but I'm glad the nightmare turned to a dream.

...oh Neph was +Spd -Def but no one cares.

Strictly just Greens now. Chrom, please knock that damn pair of boobs with legs out of the way.

...I want it on record I respect all women and care for more than just their body when judging their qualities as people and, in this case, money-sucking leeches in bunny outfits.

Had a session with Spring Lucina, Sumia, and Mia in it, which was neat.

And then Spring Chrom +Atk -Def appeared. Hey, not the best flaw, but it's workable with +Atk, not like he had that amazing a Def stat anyways.

...which is why I wasted so much time getting another Chrom to cover up the flaw...

And that's that. I'm done, no more sexy bunny outfits for me. I am looking forward to not having to worry about seeing another bunny on the summoning screen for... a few months at worst, a year at best, never again at "the guy in the sky wants to hang out and get a beer".

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17 minutes ago, Xenomata said:

Well this'll be a story.

First off, let's pretend Hares at the Fair doesn't exist, because it doesn't exist you naive fools.

Anyways, this banner was off to an absolutely FANTASTIC start! two Blues and a Green, plus some other orbs. I'm strictly summoning from focus colors (unless a 5* appears in which case everything gets pulled), because I just want to get the focus units once each and leave.

Aaand I got... Hector. Just... good ol' Hector. +Atk -Def, which I guess is good since my Hector has a merge, but... uh...

First on-focus unit to appear, very soon after, was Spring Camilla Neutral. Great! No asset or flaw, no worry!

...and then she appeared again, +Atk -Res.

...and then +Atk -Def.

...and then +Atk -Res again.

If you can imagine someone ticked off at having four of the same big-boobied sexy lady literally surrounding him, then glad to meet you in your head!

A little while later, guess who shows up but big bro Spring Xander. I don't care about asset/flaw combos on seasonals anymore, especially a Gen 1 seasonal, but +Def -Spd? I could be charged with sexual assault.

Two Blues and three Reds. First Blue, Nephenee! Which... okay. And then Spring Lucina +Spd -Atk. All I wanted was an extra Lucina at all to overwrite the terrible +HP -Spd asset/flaw I've been stuck with for the past TWO FREAKING YEARS. TWO. And ya know what? I might not use her often, but I'm glad the nightmare turned to a dream.

...oh Neph was +Spd -Def but no one cares.

Strictly just Greens now. Chrom, please knock that damn pair of boobs with legs out of the way.

...I want it on record I respect all women and care for more than just their body when judging their qualities as people and, in this case, money-sucking leeches in bunny outfits.

Had a session with Spring Lucina, Sumia, and Mia in it, which was neat.

And then Spring Chrom +Atk -Def appeared. Hey, not the best flaw, but it's workable with +Atk, not like he had that amazing a Def stat anyways.

...which is why I wasted so much time getting another Chrom to cover up the flaw...

And that's that. I'm done, no more sexy bunny outfits for me. I am looking forward to not having to worry about seeing another bunny on the summoning screen for... a few months at worst, a year at best, never again at "the guy in the sky wants to hang out and get a beer".

Great luck there, better late than never wouldn't you say?


Plus I really hate the fact that Camilla blocked me from getting Chrom last time, and I HOPE I get Lucina at some point...

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10 minutes ago, TheSilentChloey said:

Great luck there, better late than never wouldn't you say?


Plus I really hate the fact that Camilla blocked me from getting Chrom last time, and I HOPE I get Lucina at some point...

Best of luck to you there. I might have some left over, considering getting the 4 of them was both painless and somehow produced alright asset/flaw combos?

...yeah why were we ever okay with these original seasonal banners with two focus colors and 4 units? This is the kind of stuff that shatters dreams.

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Another rerun.

I don't really want anyone from this, I don't have Chrom and that'd be alright, but Bunilla's there. I would like Springcina, but Spring Xander is there too.

2 Red, 1 each Blue, Colourless

4* M!Robin (Scales tipped? +Atk/-Res)

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1 hour ago, Xenomata said:

Best of luck to you there. I might have some left over, considering getting the 4 of them was both painless and somehow produced alright asset/flaw combos?

...yeah why were we ever okay with these original seasonal banners with two focus colors and 4 units? This is the kind of stuff that shatters dreams.

Thanks.  I got double blocked by Springder so I hope this doesn't happen again.  I will be furious if it does.  I need Springcina most certainly.

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