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Wasn’t think of spending orbs but I got a full set of blues in the second year CYL banner and I couldn’t pass up the chance of an extra Brave Hector merge.

Boy was I right to go for it. 2nd orb got me a +def/-spd Hector who I merged into my neutral one. The rest of the orbs were lackluster but at least it gave some miscellaneous fodder.

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2 hours ago, NegativeExponents- said:

Boy was I right to go for it. 2nd orb got me a +def/-spd Hector who I merged into my neutral one.

Wait...you meant the other way around, right?

Because otherwise it makes no sense because merges will erase the bane, so keeping the neutral version would mean you lose the bonus stats of the boon. And even without the merge update +Def / -spd for Hector is better than neutral because this is like the best combo besides +atk / -spd. 

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Tempest Trials and some quests brought me up to 31 orbs, so back to sniping for Alm and Marth.

  1. 3* Soleil: Huh, forgot you came at this rarity.
  2. 3* Silvia: Meh. Nice to see an uncommon face for once though.
  3. 4* Silvia: Don't push it, girl.
  4. 4* Hinata: Even more Fury fodder.

I don't know what is up with this game throwing so much garbage at me. Anyway, might as well spend today's CYL-2 ticket.

  1. 4* Sheena: Fortify Armor?

Never mind me, I'm just going to go sulk in the corner now.

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I am so

fucking done

with this game.

Tried two sessions for OG Alm today, both had no reds. That is eight redless sessions so far. Eight. With no reds. The most common color. Fuck you too game.

4.25% pity rate, if I get my third pity breaker I might actually quit this ridiculous game and live a happy life instead.

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20 minutes ago, Rosalina said:

Wait...you meant the other way around, right?

Because otherwise it makes no sense because merges will erase the bane, so keeping the neutral version would mean you lose the bonus stats of the boon. And even without the merge update +Def / -spd for Hector is better than neutral because this is like the best combo besides +atk / -spd. 

Did I stutter?

No. I meant it that way.

+def nets me +2 physical bulk meanwhile Neutral nets me +1 atk and +1 magical bulk

The differences are negligible but I prefer the bit of extra atk over the def. I also run Aether over Ignis/Bonfire so the extra def isn't gonna help there either.

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47 minutes ago, NegativeExponents- said:

Did I stutter?

No. I meant it that way.

+def nets me +2 physical bulk meanwhile Neutral nets me +1 atk and +1 magical bulk

The differences are negligible but I prefer the bit of extra atk over the def. I also run Aether over Ignis/Bonfire so the extra def isn't gonna help there either.

Alright then

I might be in the minority, but this loss would hurt me. This is why I am a bit miffed that I merged my +atk / -Def Myrrh into my neutral copy before the update came out. In like 90% of the cases I would always get rid of my neutral copy. 

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1 hour ago, Rosalina said:

Alright then

I might be in the minority, but this loss would hurt me. This is why I am a bit miffed that I merged my +atk / -Def Myrrh into my neutral copy before the update came out. In like 90% of the cases I would always get rid of my neutral copy. 

Nah. You’re definitely not in the minority.

Neutral usually isn’t good enough to keep on most Heroes but Brave Hector is like the one unit where a neutral nature is a solid choice. Although I would trade it for a +atk instead if I had that.

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While it isn't quite the haul it was last time, Golden Week has been surprisingly kind to me so far. I got two free Brave Ikes from summoning tickets, my first and second, meaning I'm both 75% of the way to being able to do Ike emblem (every ike but the OG) AND I finally have breath fodder!

Also, I just got a +Atk-Def Legendary Alm, And I also finally have Winter Fae, though unfortunately she's +HP-res, so not the best, but she's still so precious.

I'm hoping I might get a brave hector from the tickets (really pushing it there after two free ikes, but I can hope), and also for some DC and BF fodder, or a legendary Roy or Marth.

Edited by Alastor15243
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I went ahead and used today's ticket~


Mind you, I also went to the Picnic Banner to attempt for a Genny for her TOASTY Skewer and got a Veronica pitybreaker there~

So three Veronicas in two days...literally what are the chances for someone not trying to +10 her?

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One of each ticket:

CYL2, did a full round because there were three blues and one green.
4* Soren
4* Peri
3* Abel
3* Tailtiu
4* Kaze

CYL1 gave 4* Beruka.


Currently holding onto three CYL2 tickets, no CYL1 ones, and that's after claiming all the quest ones. Not sure how many of each are left from the login bonuses.

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This legendary banner had been very stingy for me. I got a load of colourless orb spots, but I only managed to get one single Leanne (who I already got) untill my last session.

The Alm dream is dead. I have no orbs left to summon for Lugh, but I did get this in my final round. +atk/-def winter Eirika, +def/-res Ephraim and distant counter


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Got up to 15 orbs again, so I can safely start another CYL2 ticket round.

Red, Green, three Greys - just the green then.

3* Boey

Red, Blue, two Greens, Grey. Full round time.
3* Arthur
4* Raven
4* Jeorge
4* Marth
4* Catria

Daily CYL1 ticket:

3* Raven

Oh well, will wait for May orbs then go again. I do have 10 orbs in my inbox plus a few dozen story ones but I'd prefer to hold onto those unless necessary to get rid of my pity rate at the end of Golden Week.

Actually the 4* Raven is kinda notable for being my first +Spd one, or at least the first +Spd one that isn't also -Atk because I have an inkling I might have gotten rid of one before the merge changes. I don't plan on building him anytime soon as I'm focused on a flier and a couple cavalries at the bare minimum before I go back to infantry, but good to know he's there.

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Ok, I had ~350 orbs to get some Roy merges and an L!Alm

Legendary banner gave me two of those in ~110 orbs: 




She is beautiful and new, so I won't complain. Alm would have been better though. 

Which one should I keep? +SPD/-DEF or +ATK/-HP? 


CYL1 banner gave me some stuff and a beautiful dilemma:


Two of these: 


Roy will be +7 now. But should I keep +SPD or go +ATK with him? @LordFrigid

+SPD seems to be better for everything except Abyssal maps. 


Pity breakers: 





Saber (+DEF/-RES) and Lethe (+RES/-SPD) are new. Lethe is my first red beast, but I would have preferred Tibarn or Keaton to be honest. 

Plus I got a neutral Owain who will replace my -SPD copy. 


 Seven 5* in 350 isn't bad at all, even if I only wanted two of those (the two Roys). 

@Landmaster Congrats on your Veros and Olwen! Didn't know you got two of them. 



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4 hours ago, mampfoid said:

Ok, I had ~350 orbs to get some Roy merges and an L!Alm

Legendary banner gave me two of those in ~110 orbs: 

  Hide contents



She is beautiful and new, so I won't complain. Alm would have been better though. 

Which one should I keep? +SPD/-DEF or +ATK/-HP? 


CYL1 banner gave me some stuff and a beautiful dilemma:

  Hide contents

Two of these: 


Roy will be +7 now. But should I keep +SPD or go +ATK with him? @LordFrigid

+SPD seems to be better for everything except Abyssal maps. 


Pity breakers: 





Saber (+DEF/-RES) and Lethe (+RES/-SPD) are new. Lethe is my first red beast, but I would have preferred Tibarn or Keaton to be honest. 

Plus I got a neutral Owain who will replace my -SPD copy. 


 Seven 5* in 350 isn't bad at all, even if I only wanted two of those (the two Roys). 

@Landmaster Congrats on your Veros and Olwen! Didn't know you got two of them. 



I was wondering if you'd get some B!Roys, glad you got some! And Congrats on Leanne, Lethe, and Saber!

Yeah, one came from the Picnic Banner, wasn't expecting that many Veros, haha~

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My ticket got me...Flashing Blade. Aka Mia. Time to find someone to give it to. I don't like her, I have a lot of sword units, and her IVs are meh. So definitely fodder.

EDIT: Second red pull for this session is...Brave Roy.

Geez, all I want is a male Morgan...

Admittedly though, Roy's IVs are good (+Atk, -Def), so he can stick around. He's my first Galeforce user not named Cordelia too.

Edited by Anacybele
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Well one of the ticket finally gave me something...except it wasn't the Brave Lyn merge I was looking for. It was a spare Brave Ike. He's a good unit with good fodder so I guess it isn't a total loss, it just wasn't what I was hoping for. Ah well.

On the Legendary Alm banner side of things, I STILL have yet to have a session with a colorless orb, and what I have gotten has been more extra Bartres and Raighs and stuff.

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