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@Alexmender Splendid pulls! -DEF would have had it's own bonuses for Hilda, but neutral DEF has it's perks too. It really just depends on how you want to use her. The B!Ephraim is icing on the cake.

I half hoped I could pull Petra and Hilda but I skipped a lot of green and blue orbs during my free pulls which could have had them so I'm not complaining. Too many things want my orbs and I'm not married to either of those units even if I would like them. Tibarn broke my 250+ orb streak of no *5's already so I wasn't expecting anything anyways. Also took a shot at Amelia and Olwen, no dice there. I spent about 12 orbs in all across both banner so it's not a big loss.

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7 hours ago, Rafiel's Aria said:

@mampfoid I'm undecided right now. Because his character is kind of aggressive, I kind of want to go +ATK just for fun. But 4 of the 5 copies I've pulled have been +DEF, so maybe he wants to be tanky. XD

My first copy was +DEF as well and it works pretty good with his default skills. Was thinking to make him my second GF dancer/singer and +ATK (my second copy) would be good for that, but he'd be too redundant to my GF Airzura. 

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I finally pulled the much wanted +Atk Grima off of the daily banner in 20 orbs.  He's already +3 now and only needs one more level of dragonflowers to be completely invested XD.


So now operation build Grima into the scary god of destruction and despair is a go.  He's going to get all the skills possible to make him into even more of a beast!  I can't wait for him to literally murder everything XD

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Well I finally got a Hardin on my free pull so I now have the dark emperor, but sadly he has to be -atk,+res.  I am still going to use him since the only other DC lance armor I have is B!Hector.

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Instead of either Hilda or a better copy of Petra I pulled BHector and BCelica. 

That means I have no need to pull from any of the CYL banners anymore since I got my desired DB4 and GF (even if by accident).  


Still I would have preferred a Hilda over these... 

She is my MVP in 3H and so deserves to be in barracks. 

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11 hours ago, mampfoid said:

My first copy was +DEF as well and it works pretty good with his default skills. Was thinking to make him my second GF dancer/singer and +ATK (my second copy) would be good for that, but he'd be too redundant to my GF Airzura. 

Oooh... Galeforce Dancer sounds like fun. I may have to go with that since I don't have anyone to fit that niche yet. I may go with +ATK since it'd match my Tibarn and those two are buddies.

1 hour ago, silverserpent said:

@Rafiel's Aria +Spd isn't too bad, he reaches 44 spd,  and his Def at +10 is 28, 32 with Steady Posture. 

+SPD is probably the smartest choice... But at the same time, the desire to turn him into one punch man is so strong. XD

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13 minutes ago, Rafiel's Aria said:

Oooh... Galeforce Dancer sounds like fun. I may have to go with that since I don't have anyone to fit that niche yet. I may go with +ATK since it'd match my Tibarn and those two are buddies.

Too bad he can't use brave or slaying weapons. He'll rely on heavy blade, Velouria or L!Hector + QP to proc GF in one round of combat. 

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This banner's got Grima, Hardin and a unit I'd rather not pull.

Guess what colour I'll go for?

3 Colourless, 1 each Blue, Green

4* M!Robin (Meh. +Res/-HP)

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I haven't posted my pulls here in a while, but there have been some pulls worth reporting.

I was really tempted by the Hero Fest banner. I had +Res -Atk on both Tibarn and Nailah, and would definitely want to fix that. In addition I wanted Special Fighter from Tiki to give to my Amelia.

I got a +spd -HP Mia on the second ticket. Then after reaching a 4% pity rate it got broken by a +HP -Def Shiro, who's about as bad as it gets for me. I got pretty frustrated when he showed up, and started using way more of my orb stash than I had first intended... It took almost 200 orbs to get another 5-star, but when I finally did it was three at once!



Nailah got +HP -Atk, not much better than the one I had, but at least I can fix the -atk now. Tibarn got +Atk -Res, the exact opposite of the one I had! I think I'll level up this new one and use the old one as fodder. He's definitely getting Galeforce eventually as well.

I don't remember Tiki's stats, they weren't good, but she got immidiately sacrificed to make this:



Very happy with how she turned out. It's tempting to summon for more merges on her now, but I just don't have any orbs left after this Hero Fest banner.


Then there's this new Three Houses banner. Right before it was about to start and I saw the "1 minute left" on the first Three Houses banner I decided to go for one random summon on that, and it got me a +Atk -Res Edelgard! I've already built her up, and she's a lot of fun. She'll probably be quite useful in AR next week as well.




On the current TH banner I mostly wanted Petra, as I've grown quite fond of her while playing. I aimed for blue orbs with my tickets and ended up getting a 5-star, though it wasn't Petra...



He's also +Atk -Res, that seems to be a trend now. I didn't have him so he's welcome, though I do wish I could have nabbed Petra... Maybe some other time.


And lastly, yesterday's free summon on the revival banner got me a +Def -Res Olwen.



She's not very useful to me, but she was one of the few 5-star exclusives from year 1 that I didn't have. I think the only one left that I've never pulled now is Minerva. With this summon I also have every version of Olwen and Reinhardt, as well as every unit drawn by cuboon if I'm not mistaken, so I'm very happy about this free pull.

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A round on Nohrian Summer, for yet I was yet to claim the freebie. Summer Corrin is one of my most-used units so I'd love a merge.

3* Nino
3* Soren
4* L'Arachel
4* Tailtiu

Oh well.

Yesterday's daily summon was 4* Frederick.

Today's daily summon was 5* Ares +Spd -Res. First 5* from a daily banner this year had to be a unit in the 3-4* pool, but I'm okay with this more than I would be with just about any other equivalent unit because he's my active merge project.

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Hmm, I've got Karla+2 and Kana+1, so this daily has absolutely nothing for me. Might as well try to make Karla even more powerful.

  1. 5* Ares: A free 5*, even if it's not the one I expected! Full neutral, which is exactly the same as the one I promoted before.

That was nice.

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I don't know what is happening with my summons... more especific, my Free Summons...

Screenshot_20190810-081602.png I got Mia in the "Heroes with Luna" Banner...

Screenshot_20190811-074230.png Then I got Ayra in the "Weekly Revival" Banner.

Screenshot_20190813-062918.png Finally, I got Julia today, in the "Heroes with Draconic Aura" banner.

Am I spending all my luck in these banner?! I hope this don't screw me over when I try to summon for a unit that I really like.

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I free-pulled a 5-star on one of the new daily banners.

Unfortunately, it was a Beruka with an inferior nature to my current 4-star one. But hey, merge for that weapon.

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