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New banner time. Only one ticket so far, so two blues it is.

  1. 4* A!Tiki: Or not.
  2. 3* Roderick: Meh.

Now back to the Weekly Revival banner before it disappears. 43 orbs on hand.

  1. 4* Marth: No.

Not quite right there. 38 orbs left.

  1. 4* Hinata: Fury fodder.
  2. 4* Eirika: Nope.

Getting Julia last time this banner came by was so much easier...29 orbs left.

  1. 4* Lon'qu: No thanks.
  2. 3* Hana: Worthless.

So many myrmidons. 20 orbs left.

  1. 4* Soleil:
  2. 3* Palla: SI fodder.
  3. 4* Bantu: New unit! He's finally made his appearance after quite a long wait.

A nice surprise at the end, but still no Lucina. Fortunately I haven't done the new story chapters beyond Normal yet, so there's still some hope.

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@TheSilentChloey Nice, glad to see things are working out!

So far it's been mostly boring 3-4S crap with one Chrom for Aether fodder for me. The closest things to a highlight so far have been Echidna 4 Orbs in, who won't see use because Nagi recently replaced Brave Ike as my Green Unit, and Free Altina, who also won't see use because I put way too much effort into my Roy to let pretty much anything switch him out. Maybe I'll use her for like Chain Challenge or something, but in all honesty I really would rather have had OG Ike. My alt account managed to miss getting any 5S Units for Altina's Banner the first day, and I wasn't able to log in the second day, and that was the last day for the Banner so RIP, I could have used more Fjorm because I'm currently at +3 for some reason. Not very helpful when I already have DC Berkut's Lance +7 Cordy but whatever I guess.
Also I'd like to point out we still haven't got Darting Breath on a Unit yet, who the heck could they be saving it for?

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And here's the 3 remaining tickets.

  1. 4* Mamui: Eh.
  2. 5* Nailah: Well, that's a pleasant surprise. +Atk/-Def is pretty good, although Res would have been a better flaw. And now for the last ticket.
  3. 4* Camilla: Oh well.

So there's one free 5* from the tickets. Hopefully I can get Lucina now. 43 orbs again.

  1. 3* Selena: Reposition fodder.

Nice. 38 orbs left.

  1. 5* Lucina: There we go! +2 for her now. +HP/-Atk for the record. Now for the 3 blues in case her Brave alt wants to show up.
  2. 4* Oboro: Meh.
  3. 3* Reinhardt: Worthless.
  4. 3* Nowi: Also worthless.

That was a waste of 12 orbs at the end, but I achieved my goal of getting Lucina a merge. Along with the free Nailah this went very well.

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16 hours ago, SoulWeaver said:

@TheSilentChloey Nice, glad to see things are working out!

So far it's been mostly boring 3-4S crap with one Chrom for Aether fodder for me. The closest things to a highlight so far have been Echidna 4 Orbs in, who won't see use because Nagi recently replaced Brave Ike as my Green Unit, and Free Altina, who also won't see use because I put way too much effort into my Roy to let pretty much anything switch him out. Maybe I'll use her for like Chain Challenge or something, but in all honesty I really would rather have had OG Ike. My alt account managed to miss getting any 5S Units for Altina's Banner the first day, and I wasn't able to log in the second day, and that was the last day for the Banner so RIP, I could have used more Fjorm because I'm currently at +3 for some reason. Not very helpful when I already have DC Berkut's Lance +7 Cordy but whatever I guess.
Also I'd like to point out we still haven't got Darting Breath on a Unit yet, who the heck could they be saving it for?

I am actually scared now because those last two Lucys...may not come as easily as I'd hoped-

Also nice to know I'm not the only one who's been lucky over the past week, a shame about missing the other banner though 😞

Edited by TheSilentChloey
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Once more to be in Vouge.

2 each Red, Green, 1 Colourless

3* Merric (You could stand to be Ross you know. +Res/-Atk), 4* Raven (I DON'T WANT +10 RAVEN! +Spd/-Def)

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I had some weirdness the last few days where I pulled a Lucina, a Julia, and a random Yarne over the revival and the Thracia banners. This morning got another Julia, this one +res -def! I'm happy with that.

Okay, now I'm REALLY going to save orbs for Christmas Eirika, since the Thracia unit I care most about in this current batch is a GHB. (Although depending on stuff, I may come back to break my pity on the banner.)

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Well I caved and used the ax quest orbs on the new banner and I pulled my first Echidna at 4*.  I am really going to stop on this banner now, since I should save for whenever someone I really want gets in.  Even though this banner has not given me any 5*s it has given me two wanted ax users so I am happy.

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3,434 total pulled units.


Henry (+Atk/-Res): That, uh, surprisingly competent.

Reyson (+HP/-Def): Again?
Beruka (neutral): Uh, Glimmer maybe?
Libra (+Res/-Atk): NO.  AGAIN.

Eliwood (+Res/-Atk): . . .why. . .just, why. . .
Clarine (+HP/-Spd): Merge fodder, maybe.
Frederick (+Atk/-Def): Oh hi, you're not bad!
Oscar (+Res/-Spd): Blech.
Cordelia (+Res/-Spd): Not you too. . .

Norne (+Def/-Spd): She's trying to be Gordin. ;/
Brady (+HP/Res): I'm due for one that doesn't suck, one day.
Tethys (+HP/-Def): I'll train one that's better.
Klein (+Spd/-Def): Not bad, but I already have a +Spd one.
Rody (+Def/-Res): Ugh. . .

Athena (+HP/-Res): Well, uh, thanks for Moonbow?
Sothis (+HP/-Atk): I want to have some. . .words with whoever made her their waifu.
Chad (+Res/-Spd): This isn't how you introduce yourself to strangers!
Jakob (+Def/HP): I think he'll be good fodder, uh, never.
Beruka (+Res/-Atk): I think this is the worst one possible.

Barst (+HP/-Atk): Hey, fodder~!

Ares (+Def/-Atk): No, he's not my waifu, why do you ask?

Hana (+Atk/-HP): Hey, that's not bad!
Palla (+Spd/-Def): I prefer +Atk on her, but this isn't horrid.
Raven (+Def/-Atk): WHY.
Matthew (+Def/-Atk): Why are all the guys suddenly waifus?
Fir (+Res/-Atk): . . .this has got to be some kind of record. ;/

Shanna (+Spd/-HP): Hey, maybe I can merge her!
Sakura (+Def/-Atk): REALLY?
Leanne (+Res/-HP): +HP might be funnier, if I can get my hands on another Bracing Stance.
Lissa (+Spd/-Def): Good combo, but not on her.
Sothe (+Def/-Res): NO.

Ross (+Spd/-Res): Not bad for my first one!  I think I'll get rid of that Brave Axe for Libra's axe instead.  He seems to have decent Speed.
Tailtiu (+HP/-Res): Oh hello there Drive Spd.
Norne (+Spd/-Def): This is the first one I kinda like.  Might want to fiddle with her equipment a bit!
Maria (+Atk/-HP): I'm not complaining!
Lucius (+Spd/-Def): +Atk has spoiled me rotten.

Tiki (+Def/-Atk): At least this one looks legal.
Sheena (+HP/-Def): NO.
Clair (+Def/-Spd): She heard Clive got a personal weapon, and she's trying to follow in his steps. ;/
Lucius (+Spd/-Def): Doing it twice isn't going to change my mind.

Henry (+HP/-Spd): This is. . .not bad.
Eliwood (+Def/-HP): This is bad.
Saizo (+Def/-Spd): So is this.
Lissa (+Atk/-Spd): She never hit very hard?  But the bane's in the right place, at least.
Niles (+Def/-HP): I don't ship you with Saizo.

Jagen (+Res/-Spd): This. . .might just work.

Leanne isn't a Thracia unit, dammit!


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40+ orbs got me nothing but a 4.67%, a plethora of 1 or no grey stone circles and then a surprise 3 when I finally went in at the end with less than 13. Was there a Takumi in the stone I couldn't afford? Probably not, but I'll never know, will I? At least I pulled a +SPD/-RES Chad so that's something.

Anyways, as you well know,  this is my last banner before I'm officially saving, so I'm all in until I pull a colorless *5. Be it Takumi or anyone else. I'd like to actually get what I'm aiming for once in a while though. Altina was a nice surprise, I hope we can recreate that one last time before I save orbs.

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27 minutes ago, Zeo said:

40+ orbs got me noting but a 4.67%, a plethora of 1 or no grey stone circles and then a surprise 3 when I finally went in at the end with less than 13. Was there a Takumi in the stone I couldn't afford? Probably not, but I'll never know, will I? At least I pulled a +SPD/-RES Chad so that's something.

Anyways, as you well know,  this is my last banner before I'm officially saving, so I'm all in until I pull a colorless *5. Be it Takumi or anyone else. I'd like to actually get what I'm aiming for once in a while though. Altina was a nice surprise, I hope we can recreate that one last time before I save orbs.

Ooof jealous of that Chad. Still don't have him.

Went a little more than just the first circle. Should've stopped there to be honest, didn't really get anything much. Kaze/Legault is at least appreciated. Should've waited for the event calendar first before bored summoning but oh well.

I did get a +Def/-Res Tanya though on my second account so at least there's something new. Unsure how to build her yet but I love her spunky design.

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Why did I have to get a near perfect Takumi to not fodder.  I need Close Counter for Morgan damn it 😧 and +Atk/-Spd is not how you do fodder, get the meme Takumi...I don't need a second Nina 😧

Edited by TheSilentChloey
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@lightcosmo Both of the fastest units in the game, that's awesome! Congrats!

@Zeo Hope you get CC fodder eventually this week. Fingers crossed!

@mampfoid Wow, you had some amazing luck with the tickets and orbs! I'm pretty jealous of that Female Byleth. Your Shiro is looking really strong as well.


I got nothing from the tickets and some of the story orbs, just 3,50% pity rate. But on the revival banner today I had four colorless stones, so I decided to open all of them. The first one was another Mercedes, and the second was Takumi! I've been needing Close Counter fodder, so getting that easily is amazing. Another merge for Mercedes is just the cherry on top! I regret opening the two last colorless stones though, they were just Gordin and 3-star Kagero, so that's 8 orbs wasted, but I can't complain when Takumi was in the same circle.

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6 hours ago, TheSilentChloey said:

Why did I have to get a near perfect Takumi to not fodder.  I need Close Counter for Morgan damn it 😧 and +Atk/-Spd is not how you do fodder, get the meme Takumi...I don't need a second Nina 😧

honestly, if you're not going to use taco, perfect ivs or not, just fodder him.
But i noticed when i want fodder, the unit comes basically perfect, but if you aren't ever going to use the guy then it'sa waste. 

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Not sure why I even wasted orbs on the Peony banner, none of them are actually useful to me.... boredom is harsh.

Anyways, the tickets and orbs got me a disappointing 5* Python (what a waste of a 5* appearance) and immediately after, to wash Python down, an Osian, sure why not. Osian will serve me well during story quests where I need an Axe/Lance/Sword member in my team, without having to swap units between each map. Goodbye Dorcas, you kinda sucked lately. An additional merge for my Reyson is also well appreciated... and that's it. Not too shabby for the few orbs used, but I should have just started saving, to be honest.

2019 5* count (no guarantees/TT): 112

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After using up all the tickets and a few extra saved orbs I got Osian (+Spd - Res) and a second Eyvel who I'm considering merging. Also got my first Ross (two of them, in fact!). Time to start hoarding again.

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1 minute ago, Jave said:

After using up all the tickets and a few extra saved orbs I got Osian (+Spd - Res) and a second Eyvel who I'm considering merging. Also got my first Ross (two of them, in fact!). Time to start hoarding again.


that's great 🙂

yeah i am in hoard mode. 
Basically if blue doesn't have picnic lukas i'll be spending orbs at the end of the month. (even though having one means Sumia will have a better weapon). 

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