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The BHB was a cinch, so time for the free pull from its banner.

  1. 3* Ares: Ugh. Whatever.

So much for that. Back to the New Year's banner with 251 orbs on the fourth ticket.

  1. 4* Fir: Bleh.
  2. 5* Duo!Alfonse: Awesome! There's one target down. +Atk/-Res means both a super-asset and a super-flaw. Overall it's pretty good, although I would have preferred -Spd. Hopefully I can get a merge for them while hunting for Anna.
  3. 3* Shanna: Desperation fodder.

That went well enough for my first 5*. However Anna is still out there, so back in I go. 243 orbs left.

  1. 4* Lukas: Bleh.

No reds at all...238 orbs left.

  1. 3* Eirika: No thanks.
  2. 4* Ogma: Worthless.
  3. So many greens and greys. 229 orbs left.
  4. 3* A!Tiki: Bonfire fodder.
  5. 4* Eirika: Really?

And again...220 orbs left.

  1. 3* Soleil: Go away.
  2. 4* Lon'qu: *grumbling*

Why is it that the game is throwing greens and greys at me now when I don't want them? 211 orbs left.

  1. 4* Shanna: More Desperation fodder.
  2. 4* Stahl: Garbage.
  3. 4* Palla: Great SI fodder.
  4. 4* Lilina: Meh. Might as well take the one grey to see if it's Selkie.
  5. 3* Wrys: Figures.

Again since that was mostly disappointing. 191 orbs left.

  1. 3* Soleil: Seriously, Feh?

So ridiculous...186 orbs left.

  1. 3* Palla: Okay.
  2. 4* Robin: Bonfire fodder.
  3. 3* Roderick: Feathers.
  4. 4* Roderick: I don't even have words...

I'll stop at 150 orbs. 169 left right now.

  1. 4* Shigure: No thanks.

Yet again a pile of useless greens and greys. 164 orbs left.

  1. 4* Peri: Eh.

And again! Two greens, two greys just like last time. 159 orbs left.

  1. 4* Ares: Why the hell are you so common nowadays?
  2. 3* Cain: Garbage.

Alfonse and Sharena were very nice, as were the Shannas for SI, but otherwise that was an aggravating set of pulls. I'm still sitting on 150 orbs, so barring utterly atrocious luck I should still be able to get Anna.

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5 hours ago, Diovani Bressan said:

I was pretty lucky this time! Not only Free Summon, but also I avoided a possible Roy!


Free stuff! Awesome fodder, congrats! 

I have to get my hands on that fortress skill one day.

3 hours ago, daisy jane said:



(and this is where i am so glad that i already have her, because if i hadn't this would have been my first one and i would have been slightly mad as she is minus atk LOL) As I already had Anna this is fantastic. She can always come home to me. I know for a lot of people the right thing would be to Fodder her because of Guidance,  but i can't. i love her too much lol

Yay, she came to the right person! Congrats! 

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And Celica still hates me for whatever reason. I got up to 10.50% on the banner and ended with another Thrasir after an endless sea of Sorens/Titanias/Gunthers. 

At least the Thrasir is +Spd -Atk and I don't care about defensive Mythics because I'm too lazy to change my defense team so I just merged them up and now I have her at +Spd. She might not deal super true damage but a +Spd Thrasir is pretty strong all things considered.

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I was excited to see Idunn show up as a focus unit, as she was one of the very first 5* I summoned (besides the initial ones you get), and she was awesome for me as a new player as she could solo much content on her own. I'd like to get some merges and start using her more again. Plus I really like her art/voice acting a lot. Then I saw she was sharing red with Roy, so yeah no I'm not gonna spend any orbs trying to get merges. Last time I tried to snipe a color shared unit was Ophelia and I ended up with two Quans before I got her and I'm not dealing with that again. So I figured I'd use my free summon and that's it. The session gave me a single red orb, so why not? Well, I did get a 5*. It was a dragon. But.......













Not Idunn. But I'm not even mad. I don't have Nah yet, and I actually faced her in AR a few days ago and she gave me much trouble for some reason, so I'm happy to have gotten her for free. Yay.

Also, I did another YOLO summon on the Legendary banner, and my second orb was yet ANOTHER Ike 😡 And guess what? The same IVs as the two I got in the same session the other day. -HP +Res. Uggg. Sometimes this game hates me. Can you imagine if those three Ike's were Hrid? Distant Counter fodder for days, lol. Oh well. Now I could make a +2 +Res Ike, or just use all three for fodder. I just don't know....

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One last tossing of some Orbs into Celica's Banner because she and Thrasir could really stand to be ANY boon other than HP for my IP team~


Ignore that weird border thing, I have a new phone and I don't know how to get rid of it~

Anyway she's Neutral and she's giving someone Rouse Atk/Def, I guess~

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I FINALLY got another Winter Eirika!

She's neutral, which is leagues better than the -atk one from the legendary banner. I'm pleased.

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I wanted to spend some orbs on reds after each ticket, but literally every circle had 1 or NO reds in them! I feel cheated out on lol. Oh well, I don’t badly want Anna as cute as she may be. I AM willing to try for her on a Duo Seasonal banner if she appears on one of those in the future alongside another good red. 

I also kinda miss summoning on mythic / legendary banners. I swore them off in July unless one of my absolute must-haves is on, and if Lif arrives, I may dive in hard.

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another day, another free summon! got a +hp -spd B!roy that'll be merging into my current -atk copy to get rid of the -3 attack.

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Brazen banner: 4* Clarine
BHB banner: 4* Marth

NY tickets:
3* Laslow
4* Laslow
3* Peri
3* Clair
5* Ophelia +HP -Spd

Good thing I opened the second blue in that final round, which rescued the event. Out of all the Christmas and NY tickets we've gotten, she's been my lone 5* pull, and technically not even one of the free pulls. Not much of a consolation, given that she's also one of the few FE characters I actively dislike, but eh, at least I don't walk away empty handed. I think she knows how I feel about her, resulting in my two copies being -Atk and -Spd, and both being +HP.

On about 450 orbs now, thinking about going for another Leif in this month's Mythic banner, assuming at least one decent other 5* grey on the banner. Camilla maybe? Zero interest in the other colours. Failing that, it's either an anniversary Hero Fest or just looking for Lazura merges in February I guess.

EDIT: 4* Roy and 4* Klein on the weekly banner.

Edited by Humanoid
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So I bought the New Year's Azura pack, and managed to get Selkie and Lethe:



Selkie: +Def/-Atk (bleh)
Lethe: +HP/-Res

And by Lethe, I meant regular Lethe from a YOLO pull on the TT banner.  Also, Brady has now shown up like three times (including the one above) in the last couple days for some reason. 

I also finally got Chad to show up, so now I just need Norne and Tethys as far as non-5* exclusive units go:



Chad: +Spd/-Def


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@daisy jane

So, my experience with Renewed Spirit...

I start off with this, 1836 orbs...

PJJRDGR.png Got my first Anna 53 orbs in...uNPVv49.png

and ended like this...                                          EScKFYp.png


1616 orbs spent. But that's fine because I still managed to get this in the end!



Waited three years to merge Anna or an alt of her and I'm happy I finally got the chance to do so. Already merged her and gave her flowers, just have to level her up and grind SP. Also managed to pull enough copies of Caeda, Palla, Lonqu and Eliwood along the way to +10 all of them as well (once I have the feathers to do so anyways).

But dang I thought I wasn't going to be able to do it. I heard horror stories about red being a hellish color to pull on and being an infamous color for pitybreaking people easily but my god I wasn't expecting to get pitybroken twenty-two times today!

Here's a list of characters who annoyed me today pitybreakers I gotten...

  • Mage Eirika
  • Leif
  • Hubert x2
  • Sky Olivia
  • New Years Duo Alfonse/Sharena x2
  • Owain x2
  • Mordecai
  • Sword Reinhardt x2
  • Adrift Camilla
  • Brave Alm x2
  • Laegjarm
  • Lene
  • Quan
  • Lethe
  • New Years Lethe
  • Karla
  • Mareeta

And out of this bunch the only ones I really didn't mind getting pitybroken by were Eirika, the Reinhardts and the Owains. Also surprised to have gotten all this year's New Years units besides Selkie.

Oh yeah, while I'm at it one of the tickets for the other banners managed to net me this...


My third New Years Azura so now she is up to +2 merges which is very nice.

So yeah, spent nearly my entire orb stack but I'm walking out with a +10 Anna and a free Azura so I'm pretty satisfied. Got to stock up for the next Anna alt now.

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I got no 5* from the NY Tickets, but I got this in the circle after my last ticket's circle:

b5LIh86.png xa8maOx.png jBhtpLD.png

Kinshinoka is +Spd -Def. The one I already have is also +Spd, so I will probably merge them.

NY Lethe is not the one I wanted, but I am still happy because she can be very bulky! Mine is +Atk -HP.

I also got my first Tethys! +Spd -HP.

Now I will start to save the rest of the orbs I get this month, for the Legendary Banner and/or Anniversary event. I hope we don't get anything that makes me summon.

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After using my last NY ticket, finally started doing independent sessions and got Selkie on the first one!

Also got over 700 orbs for the first time, which is neat.

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@NSSKG151 - OOH i am so happy!. and you have enough orbs left over too. congrats 🙂 Anna i got was +spd, and even taking in tempest stats - she's really great. I've got to find reasons to use her. 


@Diovani Bressan -meeee toooooo. 


@Othin oho congrats (with the orb count!)


my tickets were really generous to me, so i suppose i can't be too upset that i got Sothe and Jakob this morning. 
(but Norne. Where are you? Tethys?! (I should actually start free pulling greens too because Echidna lives there)). 

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Now that I've finished pulling colorless on the NY banner, I deliberated for a while about whether or not it was worthwhile to go for the Brazen banner, settled on "probably", did my free summon, and got Tiki. So apparently I didn't need to bother thinking about it at all, lmao.

This game really wants me to get colorless shifters today. Tiki is +Def/-Spd, which is pretty unimpressive. Meanwhile Selkie is the exact opposite, +Spd/-Def, which is great.

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Weekly Revival 11 first. Hoping for B!Lyn.

  1. 4* Lilina: Or not.

And back to the New Year's banner. 165 orbs on the fifth and final ticket.

  1. 3* Oboro: Worthless.
  2. 4* Roy: Bleh.
  3. 3* Silvia: Feathers.
  4. 5* Leif: And a pity-breaker...Well, he's getting a refine soon, and neutral is decent as far as asset and flaw go.
  5. 3* Palla: SI fodder.

There goes my pity rate. Anyway, now to just start dumping orbs on red and blue. 150 left now.

  1. 4* Jagen: Worthless.
  2. 3* Donnel: Even more worthless.

Continuing on...141 orbs left.

  1. 4* Est: Trash.
  2. 3* Selena: Reposition fodder.

That was good. 132 orbs left.

  1. 5* Adrift!Mamui: Well, isn't that a surprise? Unfortunately +HP/-Atk is pretty bad, but another 5* is still great to have.
  2. 3* Fir: No.
  3. 3* Chrom: Also no.

I swear the game forgets that 3*s were supposed to be less common now. The pity-breaker isn't exactly desirable, but he came cheap, so whatever. 119 orbs left.

  1. 4* Donnel: God I hate this guy.
  2. 3* Fir: Seriously? I like you, but this is ridiculous.

They really need to diversify the 3-4* pool. 110 orbs left.

  1. 4* Mae: Draw Back fodder.
  2. 3* Clair: Meh.
  3. 4* Fir: *eye roll*

Now I'm just going to snipe reds. Alfonse and Sharena can do without a merge if it means getting Anna. 97 orbs left.

  1. 5* Mordecai: I guess he's getting a free merge. Also, it figures that the moment I decide to snipe reds there aren't any.

No real feelings on Mordecai popping up out of nowhere. 92 orbs left.

  1. 4* Sophia: Meh.
  2. 4* Chrom: No thanks.

Such an annoying banner. 83 orbs left.

  1. 3* Hana: Feathers.
  2. 4* Chrom: Again?

A very annoying banner. 74 orbs left.

  1. 4* Lon'qu: Eh.
  2. 3* Hana: Wow, not even being subtle, Feh.

This game sometimes...65 orbs left.

  1. 3* Ogma: Ugh.
  2. 3* Tharja: At least she isn't a repeat.

Starting to run low. 56 orbs left.

  1. 5* NY!Anna: Awesome! Her flaw could be much better, +Res/-Spd, but given her skills I much prefer it this way rather than the other way around. Now I'm going to try to get her and the siblings each a merge.
  2. 3* Mathilda: Eh.
  3. 4* Robin: Bonfire fodder.

Finally achieved my main goal of this banner. Now to merge-hunt. 43 orbs left.

  1. 4* Oboro: No.
  2. 4* Odin: Moonbow fodder.
  3. 3* Stahl: Garbage.
  4. 4* Ares: Ugh.
  5. 4* Hana: Go away, please.

Enough for one more set. 23 orbs left.

  1. 4* Ogma: No.
  2. 4* Jagen: Also no.

So in the span of 151 more orbs I got three pity-breakers and Anna. Not too bad, all things considered. Fortunately there's still tons of time on this banner to merge-hunt.

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Well I give up on the New Year's banner.  While I didn't get Lethe I did get my first Gerik (sadly -atk, but I will take him), my first Valbar so I now have all 3*/4* in the game again, a +atk Ross for my merge project, a +spd Shigure for my new base and last but not least a merge for my favorite FE lord Dimitri.  While I did not get a green beast cav I am still happy and I know to quit while I am ahead.

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6 hours ago, daisy jane said:

@NSSKG151 - OOH i am so happy!. and you have enough orbs left over too. congrats 🙂 Anna i got was +spd, and even taking in tempest stats - she's really great. I've got to find reasons to use her. 

Thanks! You use +Spd too huh. Glad to hear you like using her.

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I've been wanting B!Lyn for a looong time now due to her use in many F2P guides. I hated to use most of my orbs just for her considering how many good units are available to summon now, plus the upcoming Hector for DC fodder, but I still think it's worth it. Took ~60 orbs, but she finally came home after bringing the pity rate up to 5% and was thankful the game gave me a colorless in every summon session so super low chance of a pity break. Now her IVs aren't very good, +Def -Res, but at last she's not -Spd or -Atk so I'm not going to worry about trying to get another copy anytime soon.


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