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Two free summons on the new Hero Fest gave me duplicate copies of Nagi and Brave Ike! Both -Atk, although I already have better versions of both of them anyway. (Not great, but better.)

Nagi could end up as food for one of my merged armors, either Black Knight or Winter Jaffar - Jaffar can probably make better use of Special Fighter, but he can't use Distant Counter at all. Although BK doesn't have the most need for DC either.

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Hero fest 3: hope I get Brave Roy with my free summons!

Gets Shannan +Res -Spd

...well, I know I shouldn't look a gift horse in the mouth, but why do my 2 most recent 5 star summons have assets and flaws that would be better if they were reversed...?

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Two more free pulls. The BHB first, aiming for Micaiah because why not?

  1. 3* Clair: Worthless.

And now for the weekly. Can Tana fix her Speed flaw?

  1. 4* Valbar: Okay, please stop appearing so often.

Thanks to Chain Challenges I have 20 orbs, so another dip for Morgan.

  1. 4* Shanna: Finally, Desperation fodder.
  2. 5* F!Morgan: And there's merge #4! Now she's sitting at a comfortable +5. +Def/-Spd for the record.

Well, I'm satisfied with that. The New Power banner gave me four merges for Morgan, plus Petra, for ~200 orbs. Now to start saving again.

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I decided to dump some orbs and try for Brave Lucina while she was on a banner since she can help me in AR. I'd rather use money on Fiora when she's available tomorrow than her, so yeah.

I had about 70 orbs and I didn't even have to use my whole little stash!


Finally got my AR helper. +HP, -Res. Not all that bad, though her IVs don't matter to me, I just need her to do some supporting in AR for me. Though it'll be some time before I can actually make use of her there, I have basically no dew and few refining stones and she needs her refine to be the most useful.

I had just under 20 orbs left when she showed, so I still bought some more orbs to replenish them a bit.

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Yeah, I'll certainly be content with this instead of a Brave Lucina merge. As for her asset/flaw:



Eh, it's not like her neutral Res (20) was particularly great anyway. I can live with that while she also has that spicy 46 Def.


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Oh yeah, I also got my first Tanya on the new weekly revival. I was trying for Elincia merges, but I got two redless sessions before I could try at all. 😕 I turned my focus to the CYL1 banner after that.

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I forgot to mention this, but I free-pulled a Brave Ike this morning/last night. Not complaining. I pulled all the reds I got on Elincia's revival banner, but I didn't get her. I want to go in a bit deeper, but with Rath coming tomorrow I really need to chill on pulling.

Kind of ironic how I didn't get any of the Brave Heroes on the first Hero Fest banner, where I only have Eliwood, and yet pulled a freebie on each of the other. But I did need that Brave Celica, so again ... not complaining.

@eclipse Your presence is requested you-know-where 😛

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This game has decided to start trolling and hating me all of a sudden.

Free pull on the Reinhardt/Ishtar banner that has appeared doesn't give me anything noteworthy. Hero Fest ticket immediately after gives me...Sword Reinhardt. WRONG BANNER, DUMMY. That was just wacky ass timing if I ever saw any.

I had 100 orbs to try for Fiora with and I got nothing but a Nils. This is why I hate color sharing... I almost never actually get the unit I'm looking for. And to make this worse, he has perfect IVs (+Atk, -Def). So I'm not immediately inclined to fodder him. I don't need another refresher either, I have a lot of those already. So I have this great IV refresher that I probably won't be making much use of if I keep him and would dislike foddering. Such a waste.

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Thanks as always for the congratulations @mcsilas 😊 !!


Ahh!! My third ticket gave me an ALL blue circle!! I don’t remember the last time I had a same color circle... much less a color i ACTUALLY wanted!! Lol I got a Nils!! -atk/+Res but I don’t care!! I was so scared that I would get Fiora or somebody else!! Now I can save my orbs in peace! I got the best boy!!

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Got a free 5* this morning, yay! 



Neutral Leila, I'm glad. 


4 hours ago, XRay said:

I just got Brave Heroes Roy, Elincia, and Micaiah as my free summons. Nice merges.

Wow, that's a lot of free stuff, congrats!

How many merges do have on them now? 

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Went in with 203 orbs and 4 tickets. Not the best but I figured it'd be enough to pull at least one copy of Nils... *sigh*




And not just one, but 3 f**king Fioras. Alongside 1 Kjelle and 1 Dimitri because why not throw everything except Nils. She's not even a sister I like being my least favorite of the 3.

Not even sure what I want to do with them. I got a +spd one so I could merge them all into that one but honestly don't think I want to use her. At least not after this. I could use them as fodder since they got some new exclusive toys to mess around with but not sure who I'd give them to.

I suppose the lance + DC from spare Nailah could be good for the upcoming Heath but I was more inclined to make him a player phase unit since that's what I'm lacking, not to mention it feels like a waste of a Nailah since he won't be able to inherit the null skill.

Eh, I'm just not sure what to make of this except that I'm sad at my failure to pull a Nils.

Well, I still have around 60 orbs I can get from Squad Assaults and Chain Challenges. I'll gather those and come back hoping for Nils to show up.

Edited by NegativeExponents-
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Pulled all greys for leila with the tickets. No dice.  Oh well, one day she can pitybreak me. 

No dice on the hero fest either. The cyl 2 gave me a Yarne though, so now my Yarne is +1, +atk and a strong GF team contender

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Two Raths (both 4-star).

One Gerik.

Free pull Genny on the Brave Banner.

What the actual hell is going on.

Give me more Raths, preferably one that's +atk or +spd

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@mampfoid Congrats on free Leila

@Zeo @mcsilas My free pull before tickets is...



Yesss!! He is +Atk/-Spd which is not bad but he is begging me to merge him lol. So I went with all my tickets sniping blue and then after all tickets is gone. Only one more single pull worth 5 orbs, I got his 2nd copy lol

Thanks for not giving me Fiora. I don't want to fodder her lance on my Shiro yet... Good bye!! Dread Isle banner

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Today is a good day, I finally got the female Morgan merge (which makes her +2) and a +Atk base for Lancina (who is now +4, YAY!!!) no Grima merges but I free pulled a 4 star Rath who migh donate his Def smoke to someone ince I've got the level 40 convo out of the way, although I do not like having to spend 20k feathers on that.

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