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TT banner first. Obviously Idunn is the goal.

  1. 4* Laslow: Nope.

And now back to Weekly Revival 1 and Linde-hunting since I'm not interested in the Easter banner. 190 orbs to start.

  1. 3* Mathilda: Feathers.
  2. 3* Clair: Okay.

Moving on. 181 orbs left.

  1. 4* Roderick: More feathers.
  2. 3* Effie: And more feathers.

More disappointments. 172 orbs left.

  1. 4* Raven: Bleh.

No blues that time. 167 orbs left.

  1. 3* Est: Mind coming back as the free pull later?
  2. 4* Mathilda: Really?

More worthless pulls. 158 orbs left.

  1. 5* Linde: There we go! Not as cheap as I would have liked, but not too bad. +Atk/-Spd is lousy, but she'll make a good master copy compared to the +Def I was running with before.

That went well. Now back to stockpiling.

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I also went back into weekly revival one for Linde. I got her in 60 orbs! Not ideal, but I am glad she is marked off my list. -Spd/+HP too! 

Next week is my first Genny. After that, I can avoid these banners until May in which I will have to summon every week for the month lol. There I need Blue Olwen and Arya in a single week which is quite unfortunate! I also need Minerva and Faye right before those two. Then Dorcas and Eldigan down the line if I want to commit to completing Book 1 units. We shall see!

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Spring looks to be a skip so I went back to try for Lys or maybe an Annette merge


Got Lysithea finally! Of course she's +HP like every unit I want to use on my IP teams, but it's still low enough to be pulsed.

I'd say I'm done with this Banner but I may go back near the end since I don't particularly want anything off the Mythic Banner~ But I may just end here~

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Promising pool of 2 blue, 2 red and one green. 4 out of 5 were 4 stars but sadly not even S!Narcian showed up. Last red was a *3 Hana. 

Ultimately a waste of orbs. Unlike most banners with Tempests however, I won't be spending TT orbs immediately on any of the current banners which is an opportunity to stock up.

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I budgeted 20 orbs for this because I have a mild summoning itch that won't be truly scratched until Golden Week. Budgeted 20 orbs, which is sort of a new approach to summoning me, but with under 100 orbs to my name I need to be careful. Sniping Green and Red.

3* Camilla

4* Arthur
3* Lon'qu

5* Spring Fir +Atk -Def
4* Soleil

Got exactly what I wanted, which was amazing, with just 18 orbs and zero temptation to go over-budget as the rest of the orbs were blue and grey.


EDIT: Geez, she's got a massive noggin.

Edited by Humanoid
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It sucks when you don't have a bonus unit for Tempest, and it would have been a little nice to free summon a Focus unit or even budget the first summon circle, but I got a Gerik instead, which wasn't too fruitless.

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Free pull on the Spring banner was a Lon'qu because no greens to even try for Fir. 

In other news I got DB4+Time's Pulse/Lull Spd/Res fodder because the Lysithea I pulled is -Atk and I don't feel like going back to the 3H banner because I'm gonna save to get H!Myrrh to +10 this year. 

I see Reinhardt drooling for DB4 and the Lull but I've never been on the "Magic is everything" train so I'll probably farm HM with Lysithea for now. Anyways, I cannot really think of anyone that wants to go full Nuke mode that I'm willing to invest into so eh.

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@Landmaster Congratulations on Lysithea! 

@Zeo Sorry about the circle, hope there was at least okay fodder

@daisy jane

Grinded the new maps for 15 orbs, and I thought I'd just do the first circle of red and greens.

Second account had 1 red. Seth, sure okay.

Main account had 3 reds. Free pull was also Seth. Sure.

Wouldn't mind Fir- green was Raven (he's back!). Then the other two reds, one was Hinata (always welcome) and the last one leaving me at 3 orbs again?

+Def/-Res Spring Idunn!!! I'll take it!

Okay game, I'll take it as an apology for that -Atk Idunn yesterday. Armour/Dragon protection is nice since I use armour dragons and I have Snowthis in this account, so that's gonna be fun! Guess I have to train Peri now since heterochromia team is now complete! Now I really need to save.

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Let's see if I get any of these units.

2 each Red, Blue, 1 Colourless

3* Tailtiu (Oh boy, +Def/-HP), 4* Nowi (Book 1 units: I'm coming to hate them. +HP/-Spd), 3* Stahl (Stahp. +HP/-Def), 4* Caeda (I kind of hate puller her more than Raigh. +HP/-Spd)

3 Blue, 1 each Red, Colourless

4* Odin (I have too many of these. +Res/-Def), 4* Clair (Also really don't want her.+Spd/-HP), 4* L'Arachel (It's a Renewal. +Atk/-Spd), 4* Cain (I don't have enough uses for WoM. That'd explain whey I have multiple copies. +Def/-Spd)


3 Green, 1 each Blue, Colourless

3* Tailtiu (I mean, I've pulled worse. +Atk/-HP), 4* Nino (It's another Draw Back. +Atk/-HP), 3* Gunter (Fall into Valla maybe? +Res/-Def), 3* Fae (That's not the right one at all. +Atk/-Res)


2 each Red, Colourless, 1 Green

4* Barst (Reposition. +Res/-Atk), 4* Eliwood (That's also not half bad. +Res/-Def), 3* Chrom (After the legendary banner you look even worse. +Spd/-Atl)


4 Colourless, 1 Red

4* A!TIki (It's Bonfire. +Def/-Res)

3 Red, 1 each Blue, Green

3* Lon'qu (Vantage boi. +HP/-Atk), 3* Ares (If he was a 50% 3* unit I'd be happy. +HP/-Res), 4* Lon'qu (It's another one. +Atk/-HP), 3* Ross (One step closer to +10 apparently. +Spd/-Atk), 4* Valbar (The wall returns. +HP/-Der)


3 Blue, 1 each Green, Colourless

3* Oscar (Fodder keeps on raining down. +HP/-Def), 3* Mathilda (I want to remove it all. +HP/-Atk), 3* Cordelia (Look, can you cut it out? +Atk/-Res), 4* Reyson (IT'S A BIRD! IT'S A MAN! IT'S BETTER THAN THIS CRAP! +HP/-Spd)


This banner's been bad so far.

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And it's Easter again. I'll take any non-grey in the first circle and leave it at that. 168 orbs on hand.

  1. 3* Jagen: Feathers.
  2. 5* Selkie: Okay? A very nice surprise here. Maybe she was out hunting rabbits? Anyway, full neutral is fine. Better than -Res or -Spd, that's for sure.
  3. 4* Shigure: Bleh.
  4. 4* Cecilia: Oh well.

No focus hero, but Selkie decided to show up out of nowhere. I'll gladly take her.

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Wow, I ended up getting just the kind of luck I like here!

No red on the free pull, but in the next session which had two, the second was:


STURDY STANCE 3 FOR FREDDY!! 😄 HELL YES! These two were -Atk, so no big deal! And he enjoyed eating two dragon girls. lol

Since I got so lucky here and I had a decent orb stash left, I decided to give Fir a few tries. I don't care about her father, Idunn and Fae aren't as interesting to me, and Narcian is a creep, so I'd rather have her as a bonus unit in the TT. I would've just ended my pulling with Idunn + Fae if getting that fodder for Freddy Bear took a lot of orbs.

It took a few sessions and about half of the orbs I had, but:


She did appear! And she's freaking +Spd, -HP on top of that! I'm more than satisfied here, yup. 😁

Edited by Anacybele
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On my first try, I got two 5-star pulls on the new Spring banner...

...except they were a duplicate Karla and a duplicate Sue, not Bunny Idunn + Fae or Bunny Fir. No worries, there's a blue orb, too! Maybe I can get Bunny Est!

Ah, never mind. It's Bunny Narcian, as a 4-star. Okay. I suppose I'm not supposed to have Bunny Est, Fir, or Idunn + Fae right now. Oh well, back to saving for Lyn reruns; I'll try the Spring banner again after that.

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Got Narcian as 4 star, then pulled another Tibarn and Duo Idunn and Fae in quick succession!

Gerome is finally getting an upgrated stance skill!

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I got hella lucky. Within my first 5 pulls, I pulled a +Atk - Res Est, 2 5-star Narcians (both -HP +Defense), and a 4-star +Speed Narcian. I think I'll stop summoning while I'm ahead, but I'm definitely happy. +Atk Est hits 59 freaking Attack BEFORE any buffs from her weapon or Fury 4. She'll complement my +Attack Spring Catria and +Attack Spring Palla very nicely. Narcian is pretty awesome to have as well. Not sure if I should go with +Speed or +Defense for his IVs though.

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And you know who I summon in the end?


...ohey Annette! Rage absolved!

...+Res -Atk... rage building again...

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3,746 total pulled units.


Chrom (+Res/-HP): Someone's getting Aether.  One day.  When I have the feathers for it.

Hana (+Def/-Spd): Nope.
Subaki (+Res/-Spd): Man, Sakura, you need to talk to your retainers!
Cecilia (+Res/-Atk): Someone will appreciate Escape Route--
Yarne (+Res/-Atk): Now I have to make a decision.  Either merge up Bunny Boy again, or give someone else Atk/Spd Solo and Galeforce.  Leaning towards merging.
Lucius (+Atk/-HP): And we finish with a proper staffbot!

Seth (+Res/-Spd): Unlike the others, he can make use of this, but he'd rather be +Atk.
Est (+Def/-Spd): OG Est is still no good as fodder.
Azama (+Atk/-Def): This is. . .kind of a waste TBH.
Lissa (+Def/-Atk): This, however, can be useful for Dazzling Pain.
Sakura (+Spd/-Res): Setting a better example for your retainers, I see.

Kjelle (+Spd/-Res): First one of her I've pulled.  Wonder if she wants to join Yarne.  Eh, glad to have a new unit, even if she's Wendy+!
Narcian (+Spd/-Def): A strict upgrade to Heath, even if he'd rather be -Res.  He has a good weapon, for the time being.  If I pull a second one, his lance is going to Travant.
Bartre (+Res/-Def): I'm not giving Narcian Smite. ;/
Barst (+Spd/-HP): Oh hello there!
Mercedes (+HP/-Spd): And we end on the wrong foot.

Can't complain about this, since I got a near-perfect Narcian fairly quickly, a new unit, and a potential merge.


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So...while waiting in ICU, I got bored and started blowing my orb stash. I made this a thing...and have more than enough copies to finish him off. Don't know why I like Narcian...I just do. Still need to give him an assist and a different Special, but yeah. I also pulled 4 Est (Yay, fodder!) One meh Bunny!Fir, and one Duo Idunn. Plus both Byleths, a flying Morgan, a Ranulf, Lene, Keaton. Kinda disappointed I didn't pull a Dimitri with all that off-banner stuff. Oh, well. I'll keep the rest of my check to pay for my +10 Dimitri. 3 of these merges are from 5* copies, all others are 4*.


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BHB banner, was just going to open single the grey and green. 3* Rebecca and 4* Nino. That one blue was staring at me though, and I caved.

5* Tsubasa +Def -HP

Nice. Hugely lucky break because if there had been more than one blue I wouldn't have opened any of them. I didn't even want Dimitri anyway so getting an even better unit is a bonus. That said, I'm never going to remember how her weapon works if I ever deploy her...

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Yeah so... I got a five star too... heh, yeah I got a five star alright.


Yep. Pretty sure this is the second worst thing I could get, worst thing being a Mercedes (Elise is pretty bad too though). Of all the pitybreakers in the colorless pool, and there are glorious ones.

Still this feels generous if anything after the - SPD Pythons and the -ATK Thea I've pulled in the past. Can't wait for these units to be purged from the pitybreaker pool in April hopefully.

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