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Let it be established that I'm an idiot who, despite making overcomplicated plans to save for future banners with things I know I want, is still really bad at saving when something unexpected that I really like shows up.

Let it also be established that I'm an idiot who still got lucky enough to pull +atk -HP Summer Eirika in 12 pulls, along with a summer Lyon free-pull.

I'm going to just thank my luck and attempt to save.

Edited by Sunwoo
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I don't know what my phone was smoking, but it must've been good stuff.

My initial intention was to pull for both Thorr and Nifl until I was satisfied with the number of Thorrs I got before switching to just sniping for a +10 Nifl, but then this happened.

404 pulls:

  • 10 Nifl (+1 spark)
  • 11 Thorr
  • 1 Eirika
  • 1 5-star Lyon
  • 1 4-star Lyon

5.7% focus rate, which is way above average. "Way above average" as in this is normally the number of pulls I need for just a single +10. (Even though this is two +10's in the number of pulls normally needed for a single +10, the rate is less than double the average because for a single +10, you're likely to get a few focus units of the wrong color due to summon circles that are missing the color you're sniping.)

The 4-star Lyon was my free pull. I also barely managed to pull one copy of each character before my spark (I got Nifl on pull 40).

I also got two copies each of Ascended Laegjarn, Fallen Rhea, and Nimue for some reason among the other pity breakers.

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My summoning has been extraordinarily lucky this week. Firstly, I free summoned Summer Innes, Nifl, and Summer Lyon. Then, I decided to try a summoning session from the Micaiah/Dimitri/Claude/Edelgard summer banner so I'd have a better bonus unit for Arena, and...got both Summer Micaiah and Summer Claude. In addition, I got a merge for, Karla, Dorcas, and Quan. Now watch as my summoning luck is absolute garbage for the next few months, lol...

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Blue for Summer's Arrival.

  1. 4* Mordecai: No.

Blue again for the TT banner.

  1. 4* Lena: No.

Blue again for Ylissean Summer.

  1. 5* Winter!Chrom: Kind of the wrong season, sir. +Def/-HP isn't bad, so welcome aboard anyway.

A new 4* Special is always nice to have. And now to start spending. First off is hunting for Eirika and Nifl. 276 orbs to start, let's see where my luck takes me.

  1. 4* Hinata: No.
  2. 3* Ares: No.
  3. 3* Odin: No.
  4. 5* Summer!Eirika: A very nice start! +Atk/-Res is very good too.
  5. 4* Serra: No.

That went better than expected. The first circle gave me Summer!Eirika at +Atk/-Res. Rather than try to find Nifl for now, I'm going to finally get around to pulling on the BHB banner so Morgan and Morgan can get merges. 261 orbs left.

  1. 4* Olivia: No.
  2. 4* Marth: No.

257 orbs left.

  1. 3* Bantu: No.
  2. 4* Draug: No.
  3. 4* Echidna: No.

244 orbs left.

  1. 3* Guy: First time pulling you.
  2. 3* Arthur: No.
  3. 5* Hilda: Another 4* Special. +HP/-Atk is garbage, so might as well merge you into my current +Def/-Atk copy.

231 orbs left.

  1. 4* Raigh: No.
  2. 5* Fallen!F!Morgan: There we go! +Res/-Atk is awful, so merge fodder for my current +HP copy. She's +5 now.
  3. 5* Kaden: A third 4* Special! +HP/-Res is mediocre. so merge doffer for my current +Def/-Spd copy.

This is going very well. 218 orbs left.

  1. 4* Guy: Hello again.
  2. 4* Chrom: No.
  3. 4* Nino: No.
  4. 4* Soren: No.
  5. 3* Camilla: No.

198 orbs left.

  1. 3* Marth: No.

There was probably an Fallen!Edelgard somewhere in the four other greys, but I hate her. Moving on with 193 orbs left.

  1. 3* Tharja: No.

188 orbs left.

  1. 4* Marth: Go away.
  2. 4* Hawkeye: No.

179 orbs left.

  1. 4* M!Morgan: Not quite...

174 orbs left.

  1. 3* Mamui: No.
  2. 4* Roy: No.
  3. 4* Miranda: No.
  4. 3* Bartre: No.

157 orbs left.

  1. 4* Roy: Really?
  2. 4* Hana: No.
  3. 4* Barst: Reposition fodder.

I think my luck has abandoned me. 144 orbs left.

  1. 3* Fir: No.
  2. 3* Soleil: No.
  3. 4* Seliph: No.
  4. 4* Mustafa: No.

127 orbs left.

  1. 4* Kent: Hello there. You're new, so welcome to the barracks. +Def/-Atk isn't great, but then neither are you.
  2. 5* Fallen!F!Morgan: Full neutral, so another merge. +6 now.

I think I'll try for one more merge with my remaining 118 orbs.

  1. 4* Lon'qu: No.
  2. 3* Lex: Reposition fodder.
  3. 5* Rennac: Huh, you're a surprise. Full neutral's good enough.

105 orbs left.

  1. 4* Hana: No.
  2. 3* Cherche: No.

96 orbs left.

  1. 4* Eliwood: No.
  2. 3* Lex: Reposition fodder.

87 orbs left.

  1. 4* Raigh: No.

82 orbs left.

  1. 4* Hana: No.
  2. 4* Cherche: No.

73 orbs left.

  1. 5* Malice: Okay! +Spd/-Res is excellent too.
  2. 4* Hinata: No.
  3. 4* M!Morgan: Not quite.
  4. 3* Python: No.

Going to end it with 56 orbs left since I don't want to leave a pity rate here. Ended up getting 2 merges for Fallen!F!Morgan, leaving her at +6 to her brother's +4. I also got Malice and Rennac as pity-breakers, plus merges for Kaden and Hilda as 4* Specials. Combined with my earlier pulls that's a total of 8 5*s for 220 orbs. Very nice, all things considered.

Edited by KMT4ever
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So, I spent all my orbs (like, 150 or something) trying to get Axe Valor. (First year seasonal units often don't like coming to my barracks as I only have Robin from this banner and that was only through a guaranteed seasonal unit pull.) I got my first and second Gerriks, and a Faye. Still waiting on Axe Valor. I'll keep trying for the duration of the banner or until I finally manage to get the dern skill.

Edit: To my surprise, I pulled a Bunny Sharena.

Edited by Mercakete
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Well, i have for a while been meaning to save up all the orbs i can to +10 the next Deirdre alt we get. As you all might guess, I have plenty of time!!! LOL.....................😢

but well, even i was not strong enough to resist the summer waves. I managed a Micaiah, at about 20 something pulls and with -ATK +DEF, horrible IVs but hey at least she came home. I consider myself lucky tbh. Also pulled Elise, Fayeh, and picked up a Summer Claude, -ATK +SPD.....

I was sure the second summer banner could not bring anything of interest to me but....i was wrong. I had to try for Erika, with only 92 orbs. I was willing to spend about 40 orbs and the plan was to pull out if nothing showed up because its too easy to lose everything for nothing very fast on these banners, but i could not manage that. Still, she actually came home! 20+ pulls in she showed up, with the now typical -ATK bane but i take that as the game making a personal challenge to me to clear the content with an added handicap or something. Along the way I got another B!Edelgard, Deirdre (Summer Deirdre when?!), and Helbindi. Walked away with only 19 orbs left but they, for the first time in probably a while, i actually walk away with what i really wanted from these banners, and without spending a dime.


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Free Neutral Julian from the New Power banner, which is, uh, sure I'll take it. Odd unit whose kit isn't all that but he always shuts me down in Mjolnir's Strike.

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I know a lot of people, if they are pulling on this banner, are probably pulling for a Yuri +10 project, but Hapi is one of my favorite characters, and I don't have a red mage that I like yet, so have been pulling for Constance and Hapi. I have had some unusual luck. 16 draws - six new five star characters including Constance. The others are Petra, OG Ike, Mareeta, Lene and Melady. As mad as I am that I don't have Hapi yet, that is a heckuva load for 16.

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Sniping red on the Muspell banner because it has the highest 5-star rate and because I don't have either of Muspell or Constanze fully merged yet (or a decent merge base for Constanze, either). Pulled for the spark and then cleaned up my (not actually high) 3.25% pity rate.

48 pulls:

  • 2 Muspell (now +8)
  • 3 Constanze (now +4 with a neutral merge base)
  • 0 Yuri (+1 spark) (now +6)
  • 1 Fina (would be +5 if I had a merge base to work with)
  • 1 Male Byleth (now +8)

10.4% focus rate and 12.5% 5-star rate are both quite a bit above average.

I'm still not used to the fact that the original Byleths are now in the 4-star SR pool.

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Figures that after I went and badmouthed Harmonic Caeda's art, she arrives in the one round on her banner that I committed to doing. +Atk -Def even. Fourth pull overall so doing a lone pull wouldn't have done it. Fifth pull was a 4* Summer Ogma, +Atk -Spd which is a nice bonus.

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No reds on the Muspell banner, so I grabbed a colorless and freepulled a 4* Special Leanne for my trouble. I sure won't say no to a +5; she's now tied with Sanaki and L!Marth for my second-highest merged units.

I also grabbed an FF!Morgan from an impulse pull the day before the BHB banner ended. B!Larum will appreciate that Atk/Def Menace.

Edited by Some Jerk
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I was originally going to pull red on the returning summer banner, but I'm pretty sure I didn't get any. That's why I have a free-summon Summer Ogma now. Not 100% sure why all of these summer heroes are suddenly showing up for me this particular summer, but I guess I'm not complaining.

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I doubt it was worth it, but I sparked for Hapi this morning (fanboying hits a new low). I probably should have saved the orbs or tried for Summer Freya since she is rated as such a high unit on the tier charts. That said, is she worth spending orbs on, or do I save up for Legendary at this point?

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12 hours ago, jameslove001 said:

I doubt it was worth it, but I sparked for Hapi this morning (fanboying hits a new low). I probably should have saved the orbs or tried for Summer Freya since she is rated as such a high unit on the tier charts. That said, is she worth spending orbs on, or do I save up for Legendary at this point?

In my opinion, I would go for Hapi over Freyja: Fleeting Summer.

Hapi is a nuke and can take out tough beast/dragon tanks.

Freyja: Fleeting Summer is not bad, but her movement class is not ideal for super tanks since she lacks access to key B skills and it is expensive to merge her up. She is fine as a dual phase unit though, but again, she is expensive to build, and if you just want to throw units into the thick of battle, Save tank teams are much tougher to crack.

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1 hour ago, XRay said:

In my opinion, I would go for Hapi over Freyja: Fleeting Summer.

Hapi is a nuke and can take out tough beast/dragon tanks.

Freyja: Fleeting Summer is not bad, but her movement class is not ideal for super tanks since she lacks access to key B skills and it is expensive to merge her up. She is fine as a dual phase unit though, but again, she is expensive to build, and if you just want to throw units into the thick of battle, Save tank teams are much tougher to crack.

Thanks for the feedback. I really the Ashen Wolves and she was my last one missing so i felt I had to do it. Also, just for giggles I decided to do one last draw on the Xander banner. Somehow I got Xander and Seliph. It would have been nice to get the Nott and Eitri, but it was still a great way to end the banner.

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Got lucky in the remix banner. 250 orbs, 3 copies of L!Tiki, 2 of L!Lucina, 1 4*Special B!Hector (that is a merge project, currently at +8) and sparked for the last copy I needed to +10 Tiki.

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40 pulls on the remix banner:

  • 1 Roy
  • 2 Volke

Sparked for a third Volke since I already sparked for Yuri on the other banner and Volke has Lethality and Yuri does not. Though it's not like I actually know what to do with Lethality since its cooldown is so long.

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Grey for the New Power banner.

  1. 3* Jakob: No.

Blue for Weekly Revival 11.

  1. 4* Reinhardt: No.

Blue again for Weekly Revival 30.

  1. 4* Marcia: No.

Green for Summer's Dream.

  1. 4* Rath: No.

Red for Roy's Legendary Remix.

  1. 3* Marth: No.

And lastly red for Muspell's banner. Let's see what the tickets give me.

  1. 4* Bantu: No.
  2. 3* Miranda: No.
  3. 5* Celica: Another 4* Special. +Res/-Spd is bad, so merge fodder for my current +3 +Spd copy.
  4. 4* Mamui: No.
  5. 3* Fir: No.

Well, I got something at least. I would have much preferred Constance or Muspell, but a merge is good enough.

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The good news: I finally got Summer Gaius.

The bad news: Still no Summer Adult Tiki. I spent maybe 200 orbs this year on this banner and still no Axe Valor. Whyyyyyyy-

At least I finally got Summer Gaius I guess. I mean, I have wanted him since his debut.

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>my first circle has one colorless and two greens
>free pull isn't Ascended Celica

Me: Eh, I don't really care about Ymir but greens are a good color for me anyway so let me just pull --

>Ymir pops up


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The Summer banner hasn't treated me well, although I did get S!Eirika with an excellent nature (+Atk -Hp) after like 29 pulls. 

As for the new one, I lucked out with the tickets this time. I still need to get one more ticket, but I got Ymir (-Atk because of course she'd be) and A!Celica (+Res -Def). Celica was extra lucky because she was on a circle with 4 colorless orbs and I managed to guess where she was. Those two are the big prizes, so I'll probably use the last ticket on green again to see if I can fix Ymir's nature. 

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Free-pulled a +spd 4* Kamui, so I'll call that lucky (even though there were no green nodes) and whoa, looks like a new feature! I guess we can change the unit backgrounds now?

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at long last, the 40th pull in the second summer banner granted me the first focus unit of the banner, and the one i wanted at that: summer thorr+loki (+atk -hp, great)

i also sparked another thorr+loki, so they're +1 now

i think i'm done with the banner, altough i would've liked to merge them a little more

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  • Mia (4★ Special) (+Atk/-Res)
  • Ymir (+Def/-Spd)
  • Asc. Celica (+HP/-Spd)
  • Kamui (5★) (+HP/-Def)
  • Shamir (+Spd/-Atk)
  • Kamui (4★) (+Atk/-Spd)
  • FF!Corrin (4★ Special) (+HP/-Res)
  • Quan (4★ Special) (+HP/-Res)
  • Ymir (Spark) (Neutral)

...I think I used up all my CYL6 luck today.

Asc. Celica is to be fed to F!Ninian, who will be teamed up with Ymir who will be merged to +1, and together they will do some serious shit.

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