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@mcsilas @mampfoid

See... I knew it. I KNEW It. 9.50% and The next pool was ANOTHER 3 red stones with 1 green and one colorless. It's like the game knows when you're fishing for a certain color and refuses to give it to you. So I only have 20 orbs... so I'm committing to this full pull. And... first red stone.



See.. this is why I was avoiding red stones, right here. Maybe there was the possibility of pulling a L!Ike for Warding Breath for Chrom and an Earth Blessing, but there was JUST as much of a chance of pulling another one of her. I'm content with my +RES/-ATK Mia at this point and don't need another one. But yep, game drops one in my lap anyway. Oh you thought this was a good thing? Naaaaaaaaaaah +DEF/-SPD brah. Flashing Blade isn't even a good skill. In the end she's probably just a merge. Ugh.

Next red stone.



Unbelievable. The single unit I wanted the very least from this banner. Arvis is a better debuffer and I'm not hurting for red mages. Especially not RES tanks because lolreinhardt. To make matters worse, he's +SPD/-ATK. LOL. Worst nature possible.

So yeah... whole circle.



I knew this was going to happen. 100% Knew and this is why I wasn't going to summon on red until I absolutely had to. My Rate is broken with a somehow worse nature of a unit I had already and the unit I wanted the least from the entire banner with his worst nature to boot. Never did I think I would be exasperated getting 2 *5's in one pool. But wow, wow. Maybe I'll fodder off Leo's summer tome to Raigh or something. That would be funny at least.

I'm not sure what I'll do at this point. Maybe I'll have enough orbs for one more pull before it's over. Actually. No. No I think I'm done with this banner. Maybe next time for Ephraim or Breath fodder for Chrom. As for PA!Olivia... maybe next year.

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31 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

@Zeo sorry to hear that, those pity breakers are a bummer. 

But why is flashing blade a bad skill? I'm actually enjoying my freshly promoted and refined Caeda. 

For a unit like Mia (when NOT -SPD) It's decent and has synergy with her weapon. With Caeda it's a fantastic bonus to a unit that should even have the skill available to her class. For just about everyone else it's just an A-Slot stealer. The high end speed units (Ayra, Lucina, Lyn, Linde, Nino, etc) are better used with more high end skills like Fury, LnD3, Brazen Skills and Swift Sparrow 2 while the low end speed units (Lon Qu, Fir, Karel, Selena, etc) need their A Slot to improve their otherwise mediocre overall performance. Even the middle of the road speedsters like Athena are better served running something else. Flashing Blade just isn't all that great of a skill. I honestly think it as an A skill it gimps just about anyone other than Mia.

Felicia might like it, but honestly I think even she would probably rather run something else.

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6 minutes ago, Zeo said:

For a unit like Mia (when NOT -SPD) It's decent and has synergy with her weapon. With Caeda it's a fantastic bonus to a unit that should even have the skill available to her class. For just about everyone else it's just an A-Slot stealer. The high end speed units (Ayra, Lucina, Lyn, Linde, Nino, etc) are better used with more high end skills like Fury, LnD3, Brazen Skills and Swift Sparrow 2 while the low end speed units (Lon Qu, Fir, Karel, Selena, etc) need their A Slot to improve their otherwise mediocre overall performance. Even the middle of the road speedsters like Athena are better served running something else. Flashing Blade just isn't all that great of a skill. I honestly think it as an A skill it gimps just about anyone other than Mia.

Felicia might like it, but honestly I think even she would probably rather run something else.

True, it's not a skill everyone likes (Felicia already got special counter reduction in her refined plate) and like heavy blade, it's not a skill that raises the efficiency/kill count (thus uninteresting for arena). Anyway it's fun to make those skills work. A +SPD Siegbert with Galeforce would appreciate Flashing Blade/Heavy Blade for example, since his sword has got built-in Swift Sparrow. 

Lon'qu and Athena have already pretty high speed, perhaps they would kill more if they could activate their damage special (+10 Wo dao damage) in round 1 instead of slightly raising their ATK value with an A-Skill? Also Anna with Flashing Blade in TTs sounds fun. 

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11 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

True, it's not a skill everyone likes (Felicia already got special counter reduction in her refined plate) and like heavy blade, it's not a skill that raises the efficiency/kill count (thus uninteresting for arena). Anyway it's fun to make those skills work. A +SPD Siegbert with Galeforce would appreciate Flashing Blade/Heavy Blade for example, since his sword has got built-in Swift Sparrow. 

Lon'qu and Athena have already pretty high speed, perhaps they would kill more if they could activate their damage special (+10 Wo dao damage) in round 1 instead of slightly raising their ATK value with an A-Skill? Also Anna with Flashing Blade in TTs sounds fun. 

For fun I could get with it depending on the unit, otherwise probably not that great of a skill. Something like Slaying Edge+ Luna Lon Qu could be neat though, thing is stuff like this is easily replicatable with QP and stuff like that now. We just have so many more options than we used to. Also Seigbert was at the top of my list of units who could run it but it's actually an Infantry and Armor skill only so, that.

Athena could potentially make good use of it, especially if she was +SPD, she would essentially be -ATK Mia though, which... I already have one of lol.

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2 minutes ago, Zeo said:

For fun I could get with it depending on the unit, otherwise probably not that great of a skill. Something like Slaying Edge+ Luna Lon Qu could be neat though, thing is stuff like this is easily replicatable with QP and stuff like that now. We just have so many more options than we used to. Also Seigbert was at the top of my list of units who could run it but it's actually an Infantry and Armor skill only so, that.

Athena could potentially make good use of it, especially if she was +SPD, she would essentially be -ATK Mia though, which... I already have one of lol.

Ah, I always forget these restrictions. Same with Breath Skills. 

Lon'qu/Athena with Slaying Edge+, Flashing Blade and QP seal could run Astra or Ignis to proc on first round, alternatively Wo Dao+, Flashing Blade and QP seal with Luna+10 damage on round 1. 

Perhaps I'm a little biased for damage reduction skills in combination with Galeforce, but I never got Mia or Ike. 

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@Zeo Ouch. Sorry to hear that :(

Well I guess you have Atk Ploy/Iceberg fodder if you ever run out of Niles or something. Maybe someone (Serra?) can run Atk Ploy + Def Ploy seal or something (or future Ploy seals)

If you're not merging Mia..maybe uhh...inherit her Wo Dao + New Moon + Luna? Probably better to just merge though if you think no one wants Flashing Balde

but hey, at least you got two 5 stars in one session, something you said you hadn't had in a while right? (Darn you gacha, not like this)

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@mcsilas Losing against a Cav Ephraim in VG made me recognize his weapon gives him a follow-up attack when alone. I didn't consider this when telling that Galeforce wouldn't be the best Idea for him. He could double on EP and PP then, which would make him a candidate again for Galeforce/Heavy Blade. Too bad he can't inherit Breath skills. 


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No luck on this banner for now.
And I realized that it was not a smart decision to waste my orbs. At least until tomorrow. Because tomorrow will be the next 4 and 5* Banner. And there exists the chance that Athena or Gwendolyn are in this banner. I can manage somehow to pull gwendolyns. But Athena is pretty rare. I still need 6 more Athenas to get her on +10...
I hope that there will be no Athena in this banner, or that the next main banner will be not too important. 

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So, my last reserves gave me no green Orbs but 3 times full red circles and a bunch of other mixed colors. Only the very last summon had a single green.

Ending this summoning spree with another RD Ike (+Def/-Res) and Dorcas (+Def/-HP). I didn't have the latter before, so that's cool.

Despite my ramblings I have to admit I got incredibly lucky this time. I roughly spent 100 Orbs on this banner and got myself 4 five-stars (PA!Olivia, Dorcas, 2 RD!Ike) which are all useable and these RD Ikes are good fodder for Hardin and someone else like Fjorm.

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@Zeo @mampfoid Learned something new today. I had assumed being a variant of heavy blade that flashing blade was only restricted from staff users using it. Had not realized that Caeda was the only flier capable of having the skill thanks to her weapon.

And Zeo I hope my 10%+ breaker goes better than yours 9%+ went! I will get one more full pull after I get the last 2 VG orbs.

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1 minute ago, Usana said:

@Zeo @mampfoid Learned something new today. I had assumed being a variant of heavy blade that flashing blade was only restricted from staff users using it. Had not realized that Caeda was the only flier capable of having the skill thanks to her weapon.

And Zeo I hope my 10%+ breaker goes better than yours 9%+ went! I will get one more full pull after I get the last 2 VG orbs.

Yeah, the additional restriction in comparison to heavy blade is strange. But the newer special counter reducing skills have all been infantry and/or armor exclusive (Flashing Blade, Breaths, X Fighters, Infantry Pulse). 

Good luck with your pulls! 

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Well my attempt to get a break at 10 just got me a bunch of three stars. Luckily I had enough Chain's left undone that combined with the march orb quests got me another 20. 10.5 Pity broke. I got a Summer Corrin. -SPD, but she is just going to be merged into my +SPD one so what do I care. Sadly that is all I got. 3* Barst, 3*Matthew, 4* Freddy and 4* Cherche accompanied her. These legendary banners just . . . eat orbs and give so little in return. Or so it seems.

Oh well. I was really hoping for another Corrin so I guess I got the two I wanted. +4 means 1 more attack and 1 more speed and as Takumi's grand battle showed me, I REALLY need that point of speed. And I wanted a PA!Olivia, I just was hoping for one with a non -ATK or -SPD nature. No dice. But still I would have hoped for more than 2 5*'s from 140 orbs on an 8% banner. But I suppose that is rather better than what I could have expected from a normal banner, so there is that. I was kinda hoping a Dorcas was in one of those greens. I don't have him yet and that would have had me at 8.5% instead of 5.7% for the banner.

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So 111 orbs on this banner got me this



I'd just be happy I got anything at all, but the fact he is +Res -Def does leave a sour taste in my mouth. At least he is still usable unlike the -Spd +Def Ryouma I got? I hope so anyway.

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5 minutes ago, Alexmender said:


No words can describe how salty I'm feeling right now...

Look at the bright side: he does have ideal IVs. +Spd -Def is nothing to sneaze at.

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5 minutes ago, Nanima said:

Look at the bright side: he does have ideal IVs. +Spd -Def is nothing to sneaze at.

You're right...at least he's getting a new weapon which might be cool so it's not the worst thing ever but losing a 4.50% pity rate for this hurts pretty bad.

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6 hours ago, Usana said:

@Zeo @mampfoid Learned something new today. I had assumed being a variant of heavy blade that flashing blade was only restricted from staff users using it. Had not realized that Caeda was the only flier capable of having the skill thanks to her weapon.

And Zeo I hope my 10%+ breaker goes better than yours 9%+ went! I will get one more full pull after I get the last 2 VG orbs.

Sorry it went sour for you. My 2 pity breakers may have sucked, but at least it gave me closure for the banner instead of leaving it with a %. That's the real worst case scenario.

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Got 24 orbs from quests, so back to the Legendary banner.

  1. 4* Reinhardt: I don't even use you...Vantage fodder I suppose.
  2. 5* L!Ephraim: Victory! He's +Res/-HP, so overall meh IVs. Could definitely have used a better boon, but likewise could have gotten a worse bane. Now for the rest.
  3. 3* Barst: Good, more Reposition fodder.
  4. 3* Hinata: Meh.
  5. 4* Fae: Accidentally started typing Renewal when she popped up. Well, already have her at 5*, so that's all she's good for.

I'm happy with this. Got L!Ephraim with acceptable IVs and plenty of good fodder. Now I'm done with this banner. Back to saving. Morgan might pop up any day now.

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Was weighing up the various options but all that thinking for for nought, the game gave me 4 reds and 1 grey. OCD means I couldn't open one red without opening all four, so I opened the grey. 4* Gordin. And now I need to clear a space for the Takumi GHB, blah.


EDIT: Second account gets a 5* Camilla, figures.

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