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10 hours ago, mampfoid said:

Ouch, sorry for your bad luck @Nanima. Hopefully Hinoka will come soon! 

Thanks. I hope so too. She or another copy of Senkura. I don't think I'll have the energy to go after both anymore. Or if something else breaks my... *shudders* pity rate. Fingers crossed.

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I bought some orbs to give another HS Elise a shot since I'm not interested in Duma.

I actually got her again! :D

This time she's a keeper. +HP, -Def, it looks like. Not -Atk or -Spd anyway.

Rest of the orbs from the pack I got will be saved for next month since I may like someone on the Valentine's banner.

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@Nanima, @mcsilas - I GOT BATH SAKURA! :) +atk/-def! hurrrraaaaahhhhhh!!!  she's a touch squishy but i mean razzle dazzle and poof. not an issue. 
(She took her sweet ole time coming too). I got a OG! Elise along the way, as well as a Faye and an Adrift Female Corrin

(Elise and Sakura +atk, which makes me very happy), Corrin is also +atk, (but minus spd), and Faye is basically neutral

other than a tiki and summer linde there wasn't really much i wanted from this banner. (then I remembered that atk solo would be great on Sakura but i have to wait). I have to think how i wanna build her up, and more importantly do I sack a Shigure or 4* camilla for ward fliers or hone fliers.I'm not loving Speed Opening on her. 

but i am also carrying a lot of orbs into Feb which was my main goal (though i am still going to go for Hinoka (and hopefully Elise the dagger). i am just happy i got my #1 target in basically what my orb budget was (a little over because i cleared some circles once i got broken, which was good because i got some much needed Barsts (and the Corrin). 



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56 minutes ago, daisy jane said:

@Nanima, @mcsilas - I GOT BATH SAKURA! :) +atk/-def! hurrrraaaaahhhhhh!!!  she's a touch squishy but i mean razzle dazzle and poof. not an issue. 
(She took her sweet ole time coming too). I got a OG! Elise along the way, as well as a Faye and an Adrift Female Corrin

(Elise and Sakura +atk, which makes me very happy), Corrin is also +atk, (but minus spd), and Faye is basically neutral

other than a tiki and summer linde there wasn't really much i wanted from this banner. (then I remembered that atk solo would be great on Sakura but i have to wait). I have to think how i wanna build her up, and more importantly do I sack a Shigure or 4* camilla for ward fliers or hone fliers.I'm not loving Speed Opening on her. 

but i am also carrying a lot of orbs into Feb which was my main goal (though i am still going to go for Hinoka (and hopefully Elise the dagger). i am just happy i got my #1 target in basically what my orb budget was (a little over because i cleared some circles once i got broken, which was good because i got some much needed Barsts (and the Corrin). 



Your luck IS SUPREME, happy you goth Sakura for Fly Squad~~

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1 hour ago, daisy jane said:

I GOT BATH SAKURA! :) +atk/-def! hurrrraaaaahhhhhh!!!  she's a touch squishy but i mean razzle dazzle and poof. not an issue. 
(She took her sweet ole time coming too). I got a OG! Elise along the way, as well as a Faye and an Adrift Female Corrin

Oh wow, thats awesome, all new units? 

Faye is great fodder and the rest are great units, congrats! 

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22 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

Oh wow, thats awesome, all new units? 

Faye is great fodder and the rest are great units, congrats! 


All new.  Yeah. I am probably gonna try to grind Faye to record her Confession and try to get as much HM as possible - but she doesn't have atk, her speed isn't going to help her, so i have to figure out who would be the best benefit of said Firesweep Bow.

I'm just stupid happy I got Sakura. honestly. OG Elise made me happy. (i'm sharing Custody with @Landmaster until she gets blessed w/Elise). but when I saw Faye, i was like.. this is Halloween ALL over again. but she came relatively soon after. 

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Finally I got a second Nailah, she was +Spd, -Res, so pretty much just as good as my Atk - Res one. I merged her into the Atk one though. Can’t wait for the update to give het that 3 res back. 

Decided to yolo a few more pulls after that one but my first round after nailah had no blues. Random Red was my second Tibarn! -atk, so i am contemplating foddering him off. Although I haven’tthought of a suitable candidate.

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5 hours ago, daisy jane said:

@Nanima, @mcsilas - I GOT BATH SAKURA! :) +atk/-def! hurrrraaaaahhhhhh!!!  she's a touch squishy but i mean razzle dazzle and poof. not an issue. 
(She took her sweet ole time coming too). I got a OG! Elise along the way, as well as a Faye and an Adrift Female Corrin

(Elise and Sakura +atk, which makes me very happy), Corrin is also +atk, (but minus spd), and Faye is basically neutral

CONGRATS!!!! That is so awesome and those are some top quality pity breakers too! And I know you've been wanting OG!Elise too, luckyyyyy :D

Meanwhile I thought about quitting the NY 2019 banner, suspecting I'd only get trash from now on cause this insane luck can't continue. Decided to go for it one last time and:


I'm....ok fine I would rather have a Hrid but I won't say no to another 5*, and I do not believe this but she has even better IVs than my +Atk one with +Spd, -Def so hell yeah I'll take it! :D

Ok let's try the colorless in the circle too for one last try for NY!Laevatein:


ASKLJSFGADSGD!!!! Damn I do not believe this, she's +Atk, -HP too, this is insane! I would've probably given up after this so I'm so happy :D :D :D

Now it's time to finally say farewell to this banner, will have to get goofy Hrid another way. But man has this banner been one hell of a rollercoaster ride. In less than 400 orbs I got nine 5* units, all with a pity rate of 3% to 3.5%. NY!Gunnthra x3, NY!Laevetein, Laegjarn, Mia, Karel, Sothe, and Exalted Chrom. And Laegjarn, Mia and Chrom were all on my wishlist too! Together with Helbindi who I get on the last legendary banner that makes ten 5* units this month. That is definitely a record for me, damn, bless you January 2019.

Next up: Bucket Hinoka!

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@daisy jane Congratulations! So jealous, I want a flying healer!

@Mau Wow that is amazing luck! I tried NY 2019 again but no reds appeared :( Tried the green but it was just a Frederick, at least he has decent fodder.

@Zeo @mampfoid @Landmaster @Nanima

So, Duma is cool and all and the colourless pool for the Legendary looks great and can't go wrong because I have none of the units... but I'd rather Mila so I won't go too hard on the legendary banner like I did for previous ones (casual full circle and maybe another try at the end). So I decided to spend my 50 orbs on current banners.

Didn't get anything on the beasts banner for my main so that was 20 orbs down the drain. Then I tried the Hot Springs banner (even if it lasts for a month) to try for flying healer and..I got pitybroken by a Brave Veronica. HP superboon and -Res? I'll take it!

Then I opened the rest of the circle anyway and I got this lady!


Not Sakura but Hinoka is my favourite Hoshidan royal anyway so this works! AND she's +Spd/-Def!! More dragonslayers are always nice and I like this art style the for her. Also kind of funny how all Hoshidans have dagger alts now (this, dancer Ryoma, NY Takumi and Halloween Sakura)


The rest of the circle was pretty decent- I finally have a +Atk/-Def Felicia I can upgrade! Azam is +Res/-Atk which is interesting with a superboon (not sure if I go with this or +Spd superboon) and Donnel...was a book. Perfectly satisfied with this though even if I have 10 orbs left.

As for my second account, I still didn't have a beast from the banner, and would take either Nailah or Tibarn to break my 3.50% pity. It took 3 summons for my first session and another 2 summons before finally having a successful session with..



FINALLY!!! It's Tibarn!!! +Def/-Res which is pretty nice!

I was convinced he was a myth from the red pitybreaker hell but I'm just glad I finally have a different coloured laguz. No Nailah is a shame, her B skill is handy but I don't have the orbs anyway to try (down to 7 and 4 unit banners are rough..). Either way, I am perfectly happy with this guy.

Now I just hope I can get lucky in my first pull for the legendary with any colourless unit/Elincia so I don't have to spend much orbs heh.

Edited by mcsilas
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@mcsilas And again great summons, congrats! Didn't know you liked Hinoka. What will you do with spare Veronica? 

I'm a little tempted to pull for towels, but I'll try to get a colorless unit from the mythic banner at least (hopefully not Linde ...). Since towels banner runs long, I may wait for the February seasonal banner first. 

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6 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

@mcsilas And again great summons, congrats! Didn't know you liked Hinoka. What will you do with spare Veronica? 

I'm a little tempted to pull for towels, but I'll try to get a colorless unit from the mythic banner at least (hopefully not Linde ...). Since towels banner runs long, I may wait for the February seasonal banner first. 

Yeah that's probably the wisest decision to be honest. I don't know why I clicked the banner when I could have waited to be honest, but I'm glad I did because at least i can grind SP fast for her. Yeah I like the Hoshidan sisters the most, and Hinoka has a really nice design, it's a shame she gets overlooked and doesn't do much storywise.

I think spare Veronica will be my non-LHB Veronica now. Will still keep my neutral Veronica for guides, but I'll invest more skills on this one (or until I get a +Spd/+Atk one randomly). Still have a spare Genny if I really need Wrathful Staff anyway.

Also forgot to say I pulled a Cherche in the beast banner so looks like I'll go with her for the VG. Oh and finally got a second Silas in my second account (same +Atk/-HP) so I'm ready for the bane neutralisation coming up

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9 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

Also forgot to say I pulled a Cherche in the beast banner so looks like I'll go with her for the VG. Oh and finally got a second Silas in my second account (same +Atk/-HP) so I'm ready for the bane neutralisation coming up

oO 5* Cherche? Edit: Beast banner you wrote, never mind. 

Will you switch to the new +ATK Silas? 

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1 minute ago, mampfoid said:

oO 5* Cherche? Edit: Beast banner you wrote, never mind. 

Will you switch to the new +ATK Silas? 

level 1 Cherche for VG cheese :P

Current Silas is +Atk in that account, so same IV. His Berkut's Lance build appreciates getting the HP back.

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3 hours ago, mcsilas said:

@daisy jane Congratulations! So jealous, I want a flying healer!

So, Duma is cool and all and the colourless pool for the Legendary looks great and can't go wrong because I have none of the units... but I'd rather Mila so I won't go too hard on the legendary banner like I did for previous ones (casual full circle and maybe another try at the end). So I decided to spend my 50 orbs on current banners.

Didn't get anything on the beasts banner for my main so that was 20 orbs down the drain. Then I tried the Hot Springs banner (even if it lasts for a month) to try for flying healer and..I got pitybroken by a Brave Veronica. HP superboon and -Res? I'll take it!

Then I opened the rest of the circle anyway and I got this lady!


Not Sakura but Hinoka is my favourite Hoshidan royal anyway so this works! AND she's +Spd/-Def!! More dragonslayers are always nice and I like this art style the for her. Also kind of funny how all Hoshidans have dagger alts now (this, dancer Ryoma, NY Takumi and Halloween Sakura)



Duma just feels (to me) he needs a lot of investment. (Ie: DC) and my DC list is very long and I don't ever get Hectors lol (or Hrids). and i think i really just wanted Sakura and Hinoka. (Sakura more so because honestly not getting Mia really burned my cookies LOL). I'm hoping it doesn't take too long to get Hinoka now. 


congrats on your pulls!!

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7 hours ago, Vicious Sal said:

Finally I got a second Nailah, she was +Spd, -Res, so pretty much just as good as my Atk - Res one. I merged her into the Atk one though. Can’t wait for the update to give het that 3 res back. 

Decided to yolo a few more pulls after that one but my first round after nailah had no blues. Random Red was my second Tibarn! -atk, so i am contemplating foddering him off. Although I haven’tthought of a suitable candidate.

Congrats on the Nailah merge and Tibarn~ Sucks about his IV, but Sturdy Impact would be really fun on someone~

4 hours ago, Mau said:

Meanwhile I thought about quitting the NY 2019 banner, suspecting I'd only get trash from now on cause this insane luck can't continue. Decided to go for it one last time and:


I'm....ok fine I would rather have a Hrid but I won't say no to another 5*, and I do not believe this but she has even better IVs than my +Atk one with +Spd, -Def so hell yeah I'll take it! :D

Ok let's try the colorless in the circle too for one last try for NY!Laevatein:


ASKLJSFGADSGD!!!! Damn I do not believe this, she's +Atk, -HP too, this is insane! I would've probably given up after this so I'm so happy :D :D :D

Now it's time to finally say farewell to this banner, will have to get goofy Hrid another way. But man has this banner been one hell of a rollercoaster ride. In less than 400 orbs I got nine 5* units, all with a pity rate of 3% to 3.5%. NY!Gunnthra x3, NY!Laevetein, Laegjarn, Mia, Karel, Sothe, and Exalted Chrom. And Laegjarn, Mia and Chrom were all on my wishlist too! Together with Helbindi who I get on the last legendary banner that makes ten 5* units this month. That is definitely a record for me, damn, bless you January 2019.

Next up: Bucket Hinoka!

Yaaaayy Laevatein finally! And another Gunnthra~ You got so many goodies overall, congrats!~

3 hours ago, mcsilas said:

So, Duma is cool and all and the colourless pool for the Legendary looks great and can't go wrong because I have none of the units... but I'd rather Mila so I won't go too hard on the legendary banner like I did for previous ones (casual full circle and maybe another try at the end). So I decided to spend my 50 orbs on current banners.

Didn't get anything on the beasts banner for my main so that was 20 orbs down the drain. Then I tried the Hot Springs banner (even if it lasts for a month) to try for flying healer and..I got pitybroken by a Brave Veronica. HP superboon and -Res? I'll take it!

Then I opened the rest of the circle anyway and I got this lady!


Not Sakura but Hinoka is my favourite Hoshidan royal anyway so this works! AND she's +Spd/-Def!! More dragonslayers are always nice and I like this art style the for her. Also kind of funny how all Hoshidans have dagger alts now (this, dancer Ryoma, NY Takumi and Halloween Sakura)


The rest of the circle was pretty decent- I finally have a +Atk/-Def Felicia I can upgrade! Azam is +Res/-Atk which is interesting with a superboon (not sure if I go with this or +Spd superboon) and Donnel...was a book. Perfectly satisfied with this though even if I have 10 orbs left.

As for my second account, I still didn't have a beast from the banner, and would take either Nailah or Tibarn to break my 3.50% pity. It took 3 summons for my first session and another 2 summons before finally having a successful session with..



FINALLY!!! It's Tibarn!!! +Def/-Res which is pretty nice!

I was convinced he was a myth from the red pitybreaker hell but I'm just glad I finally have a different coloured laguz. No Nailah is a shame, her B skill is handy but I don't have the orbs anyway to try (down to 7 and 4 unit banners are rough..). Either way, I am perfectly happy with this guy.

Now I just hope I can get lucky in my first pull for the legendary with any colourless unit/Elincia so I don't have to spend much orbs heh.

Wooo, congrats on Bucketnoka, Tibarn, and Veronica!

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