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The record keeping of hope and despair begins again. I'll be going for Elincia and Nephenee this time, skipping over the Greens and Colorless. I was questioning Nephenee, and while she is inferior to Brom I might conclude, still gotta have most of my Telliusians. She develops at least- more than Mia and Ilyana have going for them.

But first, a record of all the intermittent freebies on banners I don't care to Orb summon on: 


Kierkegaard! my first and that is good! (HwSV); Alakazama (HNY); Ms. Merlinus Music, Pon de Leon, 999, Wind, Presley, Presley (my free shot of NYoFaI, plus the five tickets); Sabin (NPwSeliph); Wuoooohhhhhhh! (HostSpr); Wuoooohhhhhhh! (HostSpr TT); Aghasura Cannon, Muramasa (VGMaSS and VGMaSM); Embryo Before Dragon (MHDuma);


If you're wondering why I kept shooting Colorless, it's because I wanted a Sothe. Not so much because I like him, although he is a fair character, and more to get the third member for my desired team of Vike, Micaiah, Soren, and Sothe- the two lords of RD and their dearest companions, an infantry team of all colors.

I was willing to shoot Green because of their relatively low number initially, but Soren came to me immediately thankfully. When no Colorless, if I could, I went back to Green in hopes of Titania. Went Red on the Son banner for a miraculous hope of Leif (which obviously didn't happen, but Aghasura is supposed to be very good, and from what little we get, he isn't a bad character, so I'll use him). And then Blue to avoid any Mother on the Mother banner.


Now, onto the slots! 832 Orbs going in...


Diehard Boy, Fire Emblem, Dragonhaze, King, This is the Tiki, Cerlis, Hexer, Dance for Me, Water Vestal, Real Thanny Bombing, Set, Pyrathian, Cirque du Soleil, Silver Lance & Iron Man, Valkyrie, Diehard Boy, King, Dance for Me, Gadabout, Kanbari, Nowhere Boy, Chroma, Dance for Me, Backflips 500 Feet From the Ground (first ugly pity breaker, bleh!), Silver Lance & Iron Man, Le Roi, Mae West, Nephenee!

Down to 715 Orbs.

Cerlis, Sheeshiicaeda, Sheeshiicaeda, Mamori's Mirage, This is the Tiki, Le Roi, JFK Killer Woman (I had no choice but Blue or Colorless, another pity breaker), Evergreen, Caw!ry, Chroma, Touma's Mirage, Joe's Girlfriend, Cerlis, Evergreen, Sheeshiicaeda, Chroma, Touma's Mirage, Odin's Bird, Set, Touma's Mirage, Welkin's Dad, El Nino, Blossom Dance, Heron Queen, Chroma, Water Vestal, Cutekumi (third pity breaker), Water Vestal, Flash Gordin, Mona Lissa, Pyrathian, Wind, Perky Sheep of the Family, I Am Setsuna, Perky Sheep of the Family, Hexer, Fire Emblem, Celes, Farore, Aghasura Cannon, Diehard Boy, Evergreen, Kanbari, Joe's Girlfriend, Diehard Boy, Fire Emblem, Son of the Destroyer, Let It Goli (fourth pity breaker), Cerlis, Chroma, King, Fire Emblem, Gnostic, Pyrathian, Teaser, Water Vestal, Sheeshiicaeda, Set, Chroma, Pyrathian, Sailor Moon, This is the Tiki, Teaser, The Jam (a fifth pity breaker- I hate the OCs!), Guardia Queen (a sixth pity breaker), Kanbari, Caw!ry, Diehard Boy, Set, Heron Queen, Takumi's Boyfriend, Athens, Farore, Nayru, Shakuya, Dance for Me, Guardia Queen (no. 7 pity break!), Caw!ry, Takumi's Boyfriend, Sheeshiicaeda, Joe's Girlfrend, Set, Elincia!

Down to 327. Ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch! I'd reduce the world to ruin over the agony of a stab like this! Over half my precious, precious supply, and all gone, for what? One Princess Elincia Ridell Crimea.

Well I have to skip the Binding Blade banner now, even if it has Lugh and some other nice ones. This Elincia must be from a world where she ended up being very racist, why else would she stay away from me but for those half-breeds of mine? I'm going to have skip many many many banners save those I most ardently desire with a burning passion the depths of which the world has never seen from here on out. 

Now if you excuse me, I have to get to speaking with Gutenberg and Pulitzer, we must start the presses again. Although I might wait on few days on some of these in case of a certain update so I can decide who to make the base onto which others are merged.

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1 hour ago, Landmaster said:

SHE IS HERE! Neutral L!Tiki! Finally, the Blue Manakete reign of terror over my head is over~  

So I'm done with this Banner~ Linde would also be some good food, but I'm fine stopping here~ Went only a little over my limit and I got fine IVs so I'm good~

(i'm also jealous you now have a dancer i want (You have all the dancers i want) but yah!! Neutral TIKI!)

I decided to summon last night and try to put the Springs banner behind me. 
I got Zelgius (UGH)- basically neutral +hp/-res
then many orbs later. HInoka +res/-def. (so basically neutral)
and Amelia (+spd/-res). so that's one more unit off my wish list. 

I am NEVER going to get Lene/Flying Olivia
I also got a Neutral Silvia (YAY, finally a non minus atk one). 
and game finally gave me another Caeda, but -atk. again :(

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While Duma would be nice and all, I'm prioritising Blue because Kliff and L!Tiki.

2 each Green, Colourless, 1 Red

3* Jakob (Bad unit. +Spd/-Res, better than base?), 4* Jakob (That doesn't mean you get to keep showing up. +Atk/-Def, I guess this is base.)

2 each Red, Blue, 1 Green

3* Mae (I would like Shanna. +Spd/-Res, I have better), 4* Shigure (Ward Fliers I guess. +Def/-Res, definite fodder.)

3 Blue, 2 Red

3* Donnel (Poor Pothead, never got the chance to be a star. +Def/-Res), 4* Reinhardt (He's not everything you know. +Def/-HP), 5* Kliff (#DELIVERAMCE! FUCKING FINALLY I GET HIM! +Spd/-HP, could be a worse nature.)

I'll still try for Tiki, though I'm just happy Kliff came. Let's go.

2 Colourless, 1 each Red, Blue, Green

4* Jeorge (Please have a good nature. +Res/-Atk, no.), 4* Gaius (Can we just.... remove him from the pool? +Def/-Spd), 3* Subaki (QR I guess. +Spd/-Res)

3 Red, 1 each Blue, Green

3* Subaki (Again QR. +Res/-Atk)

2 each Green, Colourless, 1 Red

4* Nanna (Are you good? +Def/-HP, NO.), 4* Kagero (Eh. +Atk/-Spd)


3 Colourless, 2 Blue

4* Effie (That's not the right armour. +Spd/-Red, just awful), 4* Tailtiu (Good fodder. +Res/-HP), 3* Wrys (Humble and still better than most of the pool. +Def/-Spd), 3* Azama (No thanks asshatma. +Atk/-HP, I'll never get +Spd/-Atk I guess), 3* Gaius (No Gai, I don't want you. +Atk/-HP)


2 each Blue, Green, 1 Red

4* Silas (Sturdy Stance, I could do with more of this. +Def/-Atk), 4* Shanna (Now this is good fodder. Neutral, I guess I've got more Desperation 3.)

So, after finishing off Duma, I had enough to go again.

2 Red, 1 each Blue, Green, Colourless

3* Abel (Swordbreaker. +Res/-Spd), 4* Sothe (I do not mind this fodder at all. +Def/-Atk)

9.5%, I guess I'll be back on this later in the week. Still got Kliff, so that's cool.

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I decided to drop some orbs on the mythic banner after seeing that Reyson dropped to the 4* star pool. I didn't get Reyson(r.i.p green orbs) but I did get Duma in like 14 orbs. +Atk/-Hp for the win :D. I'm very lucky when it comes to legendary Dragons, I got L!Tiki within a similar amount of orbs on her debut banner and F!Grima wasn't much trouble either. They too have some great ivs.

Edited by ChickenBits
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20 minutes ago, Warsteiner said:

Spent 1201 orbs on Duma banner because l.tiki rerun! Pull only blue and colorless.


Wow, awesome pulls, congrats! Were you saving up for Tiki merges? Did you arrive to +10 overall? 

(Tasty nick btw. Prost!)

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12 hours ago, Jave said:

Went for blue and colorless on the Duma banner and 50 orbs in I got a Loki. She’s +Res -Spd so I’ll merge her on my previous +Res -Atk and wait for the update to nullify her bane. Done with the banner for now. 

And that "For now" lasted 11 hours.

Decided to give another try to the banner because the idea of a blue pity breaker being 100% a new unit was too good to pass up. Used around 40 more orbs and in a session with no blues... Loki. My THIRD one. This one is +Spd -Atk so I used her as the base merge. She'll be fine once the merge update hits.

I decide to continue. After two sessions with nothing but trash, I started to fear "Crap, this is where my luck ends. I'm going to spend 200 orbs on 3* garbage and then I will be pity broken by another Loki in a circle with no blues." But then, in the very next circle, two blues. First L'Arachel, and then, it happened...


Of everyone in this banner, she's the one I wanted the most, so I let out a heavy sigh of relief, finally being able to leave the banner with a big smile on my face. 120 orbs spent gave me two Lokis and a Tiki. Still 250 F2P orbs saved for the Valentine banner, so time to start hoarding again.

Oh, and Tiki is +Def -HP. Woot!

Edited by Jave
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With over 470 orbs (a new record for my savings!) and up to 9 units to add to my collection, I'm more than ready for this Legendary Banner. The units I already collected are Ike, Eirika, and Lyn. So I'll be ignoring reds unless there's just one out of five to pull. Here's the haul:

  1. +Def/-Spd Legendary Lyn. No pity rate. Definitely fortunate that the dupe comes on the first attempt. My current one is +Res/-Atk, and I think I'll stick to that one. 
  2. +Spd/-Def Loki. Broke 9% pity rate. Great boon/bane! 
  3. +HP/-Def Dancing Ryoma. Broke 8.5% pity rate. As a seasonal, he is one of the highest on my priority list. Also this is the first of four Ryomas I managed to collect so that's cool!
  4. +Atk/-Def Dancing Ryoma. Literally the very next attempt. Wow that's weird, but nice to have a better boon.
  5. +Def/-Res Brave Ephraim. Broke 10% pity rate. Great pickup, but now I have to ignore greens from here on.
  6. +Res/-Spd Summer Linde. Broke 8.5% pity rate. Getting another seasonal rocks. Also pretty wild that I added both Linde's to my collection within a week of each other.

Gonna call it here with 212 orbs to spare. I'm happy to leave Duma behind since I expect he'll alternate every other month with Grima. The only unit I really consider a priority that I'm missing is dancing Elincia, and I don't want to chance another Lyn dupe, instead saving my orbs for something else.

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12 hours ago, mampfoid said:

@Landmaster Oh cool, congrats on your pulls (and good luck finishing your papers and clears). 

We spent a similar amount of orbs, but I'd trade my pulled units immediately for yours. 

Thanks, but Ike can be good fodder, too~

10 hours ago, daisy jane said:

(i'm also jealous you now have a dancer i want (You have all the dancers i want) but yah!! Neutral TIKI!)

I decided to summon last night and try to put the Springs banner behind me. 
I got Zelgius (UGH)- basically neutral +hp/-res
then many orbs later. HInoka +res/-def. (so basically neutral)
and Amelia (+spd/-res). so that's one more unit off my wish list. 

I am NEVER going to get Lene/Flying Olivia
I also got a Neutral Silvia (YAY, finally a non minus atk one). 
and game finally gave me another Caeda, but -atk. again :(

But you have all the blue and colorless dancers I NEED

Hinoka and Amelia yaaaass!

Lene and Flyliva will be next, we will plant the seed~ And +Atk Caeda~

4 hours ago, Jave said:

And that "For now" lasted 11 hours.

Decided to give another try to the banner because the idea of a blue pity breaker being 100% a new unit was too good to pass up. Used around 40 more orbs and in a session with no blues... Loki. My THIRD one. This one is +Spd -Atk so I used her as the base merge. She'll be fine once the merge update hits.

I decide to continue. After two sessions with nothing but trash, I started to fear "Crap, this is where my luck ends. I'm going to spend 200 orbs on 3* garbage and then I will be pity broken by another Loki in a circle with no blues." But then, in the very next circle, two blues. First L'Arachel, and then, it happened...


Of everyone in this banner, she's the one I wanted the most, so I let out a heavy sigh of relief, finally being able to leave the banner with a big smile on my face. 120 orbs spent gave me two Lokis and a Tiki. Still 250 F2P orbs saved for the Valentine banner, so time to start hoarding again.

Oh, and Tiki is +Def -HP. Woot!

Woo, congrats!

1 hour ago, Glennstavos said:

With over 470 orbs (a new record for my savings!) and up to 9 units to add to my collection, I'm more than ready for this Legendary Banner. The units I already collected are Ike, Eirika, and Lyn. So I'll be ignoring reds unless there's just one out of five to pull. Here's the haul:

  1. +Def/-Spd Legendary Lyn. No pity rate. Definitely fortunate that the dupe comes on the first attempt. My current one is +Res/-Atk, and I think I'll stick to that one. 
  2. +Spd/-Def Loki. Broke 9% pity rate. Great boon/bane! 
  3. +HP/-Def Dancing Ryoma. Broke 8.5% pity rate. As a seasonal, he is one of the highest on my priority list. Also this is the first of four Ryomas I managed to collect so that's cool!
  4. +Atk/-Def Dancing Ryoma. Literally the very next attempt. Wow that's weird, but nice to have a better boon.
  5. +Def/-Res Brave Ephraim. Broke 10% pity rate. Great pickup, but now I have to ignore greens from here on.
  6. +Res/-Spd Summer Linde. Broke 8.5% pity rate. Getting another seasonal rocks. Also pretty wild that I added both Linde's to my collection within a week of each other.

Gonna call it here with 212 orbs to spare. I'm happy to leave Duma behind since I expect he'll alternate every other month with Grima. The only unit I really consider a priority that I'm missing is dancing Elincia, and I don't want to chance another Lyn dupe, instead saving my orbs for something else.

Nice new stash of goodies, congrats!

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I got enough for another pull.

3 Green, 1 each Blue, Colourless

3* Effie (Again, wrong armour. Neutral), 3* Klein (Again, good fodder. +Res/-HP)

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Another day, another set of pulls. 25 orbs on hand.

  1. 3* A!Tiki: Meh.
  2. 3* Chrom: SP fodder.
  3. 4* Tharja: Meh.
  4. 5* Nephenee: And that makes +2. +HP/-Def, which compares favorably to my current +Res/-Atk copy. Guess I've got a new master copy once the merge update hits.
  5. 3* Frederick: Eh.

Finally done with that banner. Now if I can scrape together enough orbs I might poke at the Mythic banner.

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Main buys four packs. Two copies of Duma (both +Res), Laegjarn (now waiting for Summer Tana), Lucina (+HP, and I had a spare manual to erase the -Atk), and Hot Spring Hinoka (+Spd -Def). If, when Hinoka is rerun, Hector is the green legendary (or the new legendary / mythic is green), I'll pull for the bucket for Summer Linde.

I got quite a bit of value out of it. Now February can be (needs to be) quiet so I can recover.

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@mcsilas @mampfoid @Alexmender @SatsumaFSoysoy

Hey guys, I've been busy and not really on this site often but I have seen your pulls, particularly MCSilas'es and big congrats to your lucky hauls as well as condolences to your lackluster ones.

For me, I can't post pictures but I did get a free Elincia on my free pull on the BHB banner which was crazy. She was even +SPD/-HP. So I'm pretty much solid on Flier Emblem now. It's been pretty quiet outside of that but a 2nd Swordhardt cockblocked me going for Tibarn after Zelgius did so that was a thing. A 3rd Innes popped up on the hot springs seasonal banner for whatever reason and as for the legendary I pulled a +ATK/-DEF Loki and 2 Festival Elincias (one +RES/-DEF, the other +ATK/-DEF)

The legendary pulls kind of leave me mixed feelings. There was a lot of incredible stuff on this banner and I can't help but feel underwhelmed at my haul so far. C Duel Infantry is great but Loki has a great nature so she's unfodderable sadly. Elincia is a cool unit that I did want but I pulled 2 of her.... this means she cockblocked both L!Lyn and B!Ephraim who are not only favorite characters of mine but units I've been trying to pull quite literally since they came out. Also her weapon is outdated thanks to HS!Hinoka which only shoots me in the foot more. It also annoys me that I CAN'T PULL ANY OTHER COLOR DANCER THAN GREEN. I have quite literally every green dancer in the game (except Reyson) and no dancer of any other color except Ninian. It's getting annoying.

There are a lot of incredible units on this banner. I just haven't pulled any yet. But I'm not done. Gonna keep going.

Edited by Zeo
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Did not end up breaking my pity rate on the Fire and Ice New Years banner, but somehow got a Sumia on the new skills banner.

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Alright, Link banner first. I don't have Nina, so she's the target.

  1. 4* Sakura: Nope.

And thanks to the new monthly quests I have 17 orbs. Time to poke at Duma's banner, focusing greys and reds. But first, a full set.

  1. 4* Chrom: Meh.
  2. 3* Olivia: Feathers.
  3. 3* Cecilia: Bleh.
  4. 4* Subaki: Haven't seen you in a while.
  5. 4* Oscar: Lancebreaker fodder.


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Apologies to those whose new acquisitions I've been ignoring.

I am just having a hard time earnestly congratulating anyone on their pulls while I am staring at this:


They better hand us a bunch of anniversary orbs to break this. I just want to leave... orz

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