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Alice in Brexitland Mafia - Game Over


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I bet it's 2/2, with one faction being mafia and one being another hostile faction that may/may not have a night kill (maybe they have the end of day kill but who knows).  That would explain the apparent lack of vote control and why everyone on the wagon looked good lol.

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Just putting this reply out here now, I'll rethink things based on how SB replies.

1 minute ago, Shinori said:

Eury commented on bard's initial post I think but then not much after that, but also Bard didn't really post after that.  She even commented on the fact that she missed bard after her second big wall post only to find out he hadn't made any posts at that time.

Snike/Prims seem better imo.  Snike from his role, hindsight is 20/20.  Prims looks a bit better because of the Bard push overall + deathproof claim and the evidence that cycle docs exist.

As for my interactions, I didn't really have much to say other than what I already stated.  He voted me for not liking my tone for the most part it felt like.  Which I can understand to an extent but I don't feel you can just shrug off someone's posting style as scummy if they normally post in that manner.

@Refa  Arcanite's stands out to be REALLY bad to me as well.  What is your opinion on Weapons vote swap near the end of the day phase?  He swapped off of bard to last minute push Omega who looks to be one of the first people on the Bard wagon?

Do you think Scum!Eurykins would not know if her scumbuddy posted or not?  Genuine question.

Prims pushed Bard?  Where?

Your interactions are null to me, so I'm just reading you based off of your own merits.

WRT Weapons that's...odd, I don't remember that.  I don't see why Scum!Weapons would bus his buddy only to switch his vote last minute, so I think he looks better based on that.  He could just be mafia on his own but I don't think he's Bard's buddy.

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7 minutes ago, SB. said:

There is a Mafia faction in this game.

This is ambiguous.  It doesn't state whether the riddler faction is the mafia faction or not.  However if they are indeed two separate factions I think it's safe to assume multi-ball.  Which means scum can scum-hunt as well in this game and we should play moving forward like that I feel.

I overall agree with what Refa has stated.

1 minute ago, Refa said:

Do you think Scum!Eurykins would not know if her scumbuddy posted or not?  Genuine question.

Prims pushed Bard?  Where?

Your interactions are null to me, so I'm just reading you based off of your own merits.

WRT Weapons that's...odd, I don't remember that.  I don't see why Scum!Weapons would bus his buddy only to switch his vote last minute, so I think he looks better based on that.  He could just be mafia on his own but I don't think he's Bard's buddy.

1: I think scum!Eury would know if their buddy had posted or not.  With the concept of two scum teams though that doesn't matter too much?  I don't think Eury and Bard are buddies though and I'm still not really scum reading Eury though.

2: Bard pushed Prims early on, not Prims pushing bard.

3: I understand that, but you had commented on my interactions with Bard so I was simply stating them.

4: This is a valid argument.  He's probably not Bard's buddy.  IF he is mafia on his own wouldn't his vote swap make a slight bit more sense in the light that scum probably wouldn't want any member of scum to be lynched on day 1 whether it was on their team or not?  Or am I overthinking this?

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Thoughts on the new information presented is that clearing Snike/Prims for their roles is dumb and Eurykins is looking a lot worse.

Propeller Knight (Via)

These are my current reads (substantiated by my posts except Prims/Snike and Eury moved a lot) AMA.

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1 minute ago, Shinori said:

1: I think scum!Eury would know if their buddy had posted or not.  With the concept of two scum teams though that doesn't matter too much?  I don't think Eury and Bard are buddies though and I'm still not really scum reading Eury though.

2: Bard pushed Prims early on, not Prims pushing bard.

3: I understand that, but you had commented on my interactions with Bard so I was simply stating them.

4: This is a valid argument.  He's probably not Bard's buddy.  IF he is mafia on his own wouldn't his vote swap make a slight bit more sense in the light that scum probably wouldn't want any member of scum to be lynched on day 1 whether it was on their team or not?  Or am I overthinking this?

1: Yeah, I forgot to edit that part of the post.

2: Did he?  I remember Bard pushing you hard but I don't remember a strong Prims push.

3: Fair enough.

4: Depends on if scum knows each other.  Bard was definitely informed so I'm assuming he had some dirt on the other antitown but I don't know how much.

Also yeah, Riddler could just be the mafia faction.  This game is confusing me.

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That's why I stated it was ambiguous and it doesn't quite help.  I still think it is smarter to move forward assuming two separate factions.

2:  I don't think the Prims push was overall that strong, I'll have to check and remind myself on it later.

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1 minute ago, Prims said:

I was vanillized last night.

Have fun getting killed N2!  Town!Vanillizer sounds bullshit, so you're less likely to be part of one scum faction at least.

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I assume 2/2, by the way. Despite my kneejerk reaction to Fenrir Aesir's post I actually still don't want to vote Snike because going by his claim that mayor persists in *YLO it's very possible Fenrir saw that and assumed he was supposed to be town's way out of getting endgamed or put into kingmaker too easily. He is from Smogon, yes? idk how mayor or the scum wincons work in this game but my understanding is that on Smogon, mayor can often be used to prevent scum from reaching vote parity.

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suspicious of weapons after his end of day bard actions. i need to reread his posts from the beginning which I won't have time to do until I get home late tonight but his switch to defending bard didn't seem natural. gut is that he didn't seriously think bard would get lynched because he thought bard would come back and get the wagon/suspicion off him, and also didn't realize how little time was left in the phase. then he saw that bard actually was going to get lynched and tried scrambling to save him.

also going to reread arcanite but my gut here is that he's just new and easily convinced by large cases

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##Vote: Eclipse

I think that's multiball confirmed. Congrats Shinori, that means you can try to mislynch me later!

Even if it isn't, don't let your dreams be dreams.

Refa, why would cycle doc be a thing instead of night x doc if there wasn't daykilling power in the game? I was going to get on you for that deadline lurking but I can't say I haven't done that before.

In any case, Prims reads as demotivated townie to me, imo. I think he was wrong about the Eury thing but iirc he was leaning null-scum. I don't think he fits as bard's buddy in any case so I don't want to push on him today. This is more a mechanics thing though, because Omnirogue + deathproof on one faction is dumb.

I want to go onto Arcanite or Weapons today. Arcanite because that end of day was bad as multiple people have said and his justification for Bard so close to deadline is hypocritical. Eury wouldn't be able to argue either so why was not giving Bard a chance to respond bad? I haven't felt good about the slot for most of D1, so I'm putting my vote there.



on Weapons: to quote notes I made n1:


-Speaking of Weapons, that turbo attempt at the end was really bad. I voted on Bard unspokenly because I wanted to make sure there was no lynch phoquery, pardon my French. I was surprised that it came from weapons because I was half-expecting it from Omega or Eury. A thing that gives me pause is that I don't know if scum would so blatantly try to force a turbo like that.

Prims when you say vanillized, do you mean shot or exactly the first element? If you're vanilla, out your new weak ability that you lost.

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BBM, read my case on Arcanite (it's in my reply to Omega) IMO.  Also answer my question in my catch up post.

I'm willing to vote Eury/Arcanite, need more to go off of WRT Weapons and I'm too lazy to reread ATM.

Snike, I think there's daykilling in this game but I'm paranoid because BBM specifically claimed that there was an end of the daykill at the start of the game.  How does a Cycle Doctor know this, exactly? @Eurykins Did you know of this?

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I made a stupid comment about subbing into Rapier's slot.  Little did I know that it was a prophecy.

##Vote: Snike

With that out of the way, time to read the topic.

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7 minutes ago, Refa said:

Why Walrein specifically and not Rapier?

I've kind of just assumed Rapier is town because of his claim, but yeah that's true too.

Wrt end of last phase, I woke up, reread Omega and thought he was scum, saw there were only two hours left and then just reacted. I really think everyone should give opinions on 2/2 vs 3/1 cause it changes a lot of motives scum would have.

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If it's 3/1, then Bard is part of the mafia faction (if he wasn't, then it'd be announced that his faction got eliminated) and blue seems like a weird colour for the mafia faction IMO.  It's still possible, but I think it's less likely.

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It's negative information, so to speak, refa. Here's what Eury said about the role:


I am a Cycle 4 Doc. On Day 4 I can protect target someone and protect them from all attempts on their life until the end of Day 4 and for Night 4.

Let's take both of these players at their word: That means on 2 separate cycles, there are roles that prevent both day and nighttime deaths. Why does there need to be protection from day deaths (unless this includes lynch doctors) unless there's a daykill? Even with one copy of the role in knowledge, I don't think cycle doc would exist for the sake of blocking a sniper. It amounts to Occam's razor in the end.

On numbers: I think it's probably 2/2. My point about Prims role-wise still stands in 2/2, and if it's 3/1 I don't think wolf would be allowed to  be so horribly crippled, assuming he's telling the truth (which I think he is).

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Arcanite is at L-3. Be careful about the votes because turbo D2s don't ever work out well.

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I was indeed vanillized and not shot. Had my deathproof been broken, I would have become a self-voyeur.

I still think Eury is just alt-scum. More on that when I make a proper post. Arcanite as Bard's buddy was my first thought following the flip, so I'm down with that wagon as well.

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I was gonna come in and vote arc but he's got 4 votes already lol.

hey I just got off work. I really think arc is scum off his late d1 though.

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