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I would probably be like this

I am but four loaves of meat and a coffee addict — Something particularly  saddening about this arc is...

If I didn't have to fill out 108187504250 forms by tomorrow

3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Yeah, fair enough, but... I dunno, maybe it's just me being cynical, but when people say stuff like this online, often it feels like what they're really saying is "I don't give a fuck how many lives are ruined by this monster, my unending worship of this celebrity is more important." I'm not saying that's you, far from it, but... Sheesh. People, he didn't find the cure for cancer, he's an actor. Acting is not mindlessly easy, but it's also not so incredibly complicated that good actors need to be preserved like they're one-of-a-kind chosen ones, regardless of the cost. There's tons of actors out there. If a good actor is casted out because he's a disgusting criminal, then I say, good. Hire someone else instead for your movie. Everyone involved in the making of it will have a better experience for it.

I mean, I care about these people as much as you care about random people who live in a reality far removed from your own. Like people dying of hunger in Africa. Or people living as slaves in China. As much as you.🙂

Look, I never said I was a fan of the actor, nor that I want him to get away with it just because he made some good movies, I just pointed out that the guy was talented.

3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Oh, I have no idea about that. I'm not following that case. Frankly, I couldn't care less. The only reason I brought up the name is that, when I was looking up the new charges of sexual assault that Spacey is currently facing, I saw comparisons being made to Amber Heard.

I thought they sounded pretty damn disingenuous. Like they're saying that, since this one person is a mean liar, now everyone that goes against a celebrity for this kind of stuff is automatically also a mean liar. That's a rather dangerous way of thinking. Innocent until proven guilty, but you can't just instantly dismiss anyone that goes up against a celebrity as a money-seeking opportunist either.


But Depp has already proven that he's innocent.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Ehh I don't think I agree. Move growths are fun. Sure, not the most balanced or intelligent of funs. A move-blessed enough unit - or even, dare I say, units - can completely break the game, but realistically, the chance isn't high enough for that to happen naturally. Actually, it's not high enough to matter at all outside of rigged runs - and if anyone gets close at all, the player's going to remember it fondly precisely because of how unlikely it is.

Most of the time, move growths will simply give the player a sweet dopamine rush when they happen, and that unit goes on to be just a bit more useful and just a bit more dear to the player's heart. It won't break the game. And unlike FCM, everyone has a chance to get blessed. It doesn't just arbitrarily benefit some units over others, it can happen to anyone!

So yeah, I'm afraid I'm for move growths, personally. They add to what I consider to be FE's single greatest strength and what keeps me coming back to FEs I've already beaten multiple times: Army building. Just as it's fun to try out different army compositions, watching units perform differently over multiple runs or throwing everything at your favorite bad unit to turn them into an unlikely hero, it's also fun to see the lucky one get blessed with the coveted move gain. So is my humble opinion, at least.

Still, I'm interested in hearing your view on the matter. Why do you dislike move growths so much? Please, do elaborate.

I played very little of Thracia, but I got a move level up twice, so I'm all in

1 hour ago, Ace_ said:

Sup guys


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2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Still, I'm interested in hearing your view on the matter. Why do you dislike move growths so much? Please, do elaborate.

One of the most dominant stats don't need to be increased anymore, really. Boots/MOV ring are busted enough as is.

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4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

It's an absolutely hilarious co-op experience.

I think i definitely would've enjoyed it more if i played it with friends the whole way through but as a single-player game, it's kinda a mid Inti Creates game imo.

3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I thought they sounded pretty damn disingenuous. Like they're saying that, since this one person is a mean liar, now everyone that goes against a celebrity for this kind of stuff is automatically also a mean liar. That's a rather dangerous way of thinking. Innocent until proven guilty, but you can't just instantly dismiss anyone that goes up against a celebrity as a money-seeking opportunist either.

At least in this specific case, the receipts are out there showing that Amber Heard fabricated the whole thing and she was believed because she put it out during the height of the MeToo movement and to this day, nobody takes male domestic abuse victims seriously.

Straight-up audio recording of Amber Heard telling Johnny Depp to "go on, tell the world that "I, a man, am a victim of domestic abuse" and see how many people will believe you".

And that's just the tip of the iceberg really.

Edited by Armagon
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10 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:


another Genealogy run finished

a lovely ride, as always

Do you play the OG game? If so, how do you ignore the awful unit balance and class balance?

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1 hour ago, lightcosmo said:

Do you play the OG game? If so, how do you ignore the awful unit balance and class balance?

yeah I play the normal game

...I don't? I enjoy the game as is, imbalance and all. the imbalance makes it fun, IMO.

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6 hours ago, Newtype06 said:

I mean, I care about these people as much as you care about random people who live in a reality far removed from your own. Like people dying of hunger in Africa. Or people living as slaves in China. As much as you.🙂

Low blow, man. Low blow.

6 hours ago, Newtype06 said:

I just pointed out that the guy was talented.

Yeah, okay. Never meant to accuse you of implying anything else. Sorry. I probably take these topics too seriously, anyway.

It's just, I never see "credit where credit is due" being given when a doctor murders someone, or when a bar waiter rapes someone, or when a good student shoots up their school, or when a banker commits fraud, or when a politician politicians. Even other types of celebrities, like sportspeople, don't get it to the same extent, that I've seen at least. It's always the actors that get this sort of "hand-out" after committing crimes. I'll admit it peeves me.

Probably had too much of a knee-jerk reaction there, though. I apologize.

6 hours ago, Armagon said:

I think i definitely would've enjoyed it more if i played it with friends the whole way through but as a single-player game, it's kinda a mid Inti Creates game imo.

I mean, it's the only Inti Creates game I've played. Or at least the only one I remember from them. Maybe they made something else I've played and I just didn't register their name at the credits.

Either way, it made us laugh a lot.

6 hours ago, Armagon said:

At least in this specific case, the receipts are out there showing that Amber Heard fabricated the whole thing and she was believed because she put it out during the height of the MeToo movement and to this day, nobody takes male domestic abuse victims seriously.

Straight-up audio recording of Amber Heard telling Johnny Depp to "go on, tell the world that "I, a man, am a victim of domestic abuse" and see how many people will believe you".

And that's just the tip of the iceberg really.

I do not doubt that she's despicable, but people seem to have started using her as the poster girl for celebrity innocence and calling other cases "Amber Heards", which isn't right either.

Reminds me of when youtuber Vinesauce was falsely accused of shenanigans. Then people in the comments were going like "these accusarions are always false, from now on, I'll ALWAYS side with the Youtuber." Which is pretty fucked up too.

But, well, I guess what can you do. Life is unfair. That's something we all knew already.

6 hours ago, lightcosmo said:

One of the most dominant stats don't need to be increased anymore, really. Boots/MOV ring are busted enough as is.

Yeah, fair enough, but I dunno, I think it happens rarely enough that it doesn't break anything.

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 That was a pretty long sleep I had, even if I woke up at ~5 the first time and fell asleep again.

Was nice to do that just once (Especially after only 4+1/2 hours the night before)

Just now, Acacia Sgt said:

I can't believe I ended up having a "Lugh vs Lilina" debate with someone... but it's happening all the same. lol

I'm assuming there was no winner.

Because there never is.

11 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Remember Bloodstained Curse of the Moon 2? The game I've occassionally been bringing up for the last, what, 8 months? It's finally done. After roughly 39 hours of pain, breathless laughter, artificial difficulty, failing jumps because we landed on each other's heads, cursing Iga's entire ancestry, "let's play something else to relax"es, utter bafflement at Iga's incomprehensible design choices and cheesing every game mechanic we possibly could, my friend and I have finally, finally defeated this game. On legend, too. Highest difficulty all the way through. We toppled the giant of giants.

Iga is a fucking genius. Every single time we thought we had the game figured out, Iga completely changed gears and dropped an entirely new brand of bullshit on us. And he managed to do this while also recycling the same 8 damn levels over and over and over again. And we just kept falling for it and playing the game again. Again, and again, and again, and each time, he somehow managed to pull a massive troll and keep things interesting.

Holy shit, what a grueling experience. Made more grueling by the fact that we only played once a week, and being together, we were talking and fooling around and didn't focus as much as if we were alone. But if anything, that just makes us prouder that we managed. We learned nothing and sucked our way through this game. I'm happy with that result and so is he.

Well, Iga fucking with you sounds about right.

But hey, least you had fun with a friend.

11 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I mean, it's arguable how much "acting" went into that role, but I'm sure he totally deserved that still.

It truly is such a major tragedy that the movie industry has lost this amazing genius, this absolute god of a man, this, this actor. Such crap that he gets less roles because of something so petty as the heinous crimes he committed.

Fucking PC culture, I swear. This is totally Amber Heard.

I'm not bitter. I'm not bitter.

Oh jeez, that trial just finished didn't it?

10 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Oh, I have no idea about that. I'm not following that case. Frankly, I couldn't care less. The only reason I brought up the name is that, when I was looking up the new charges of sexual assault that Spacey is currently facing, I saw comparisons being made to Amber Heard.

I thought they sounded pretty damn disingenuous. Like they're saying that, since this one person is a mean liar, now everyone that goes against a celebrity for this kind of stuff is automatically also a mean liar. That's a rather dangerous way of thinking. Innocent until proven guilty, but you can't just instantly dismiss anyone that goes up against a celebrity as a money-seeking opportunist either.

6 hours ago, Armagon said:

At least in this specific case, the receipts are out there showing that Amber Heard fabricated the whole thing and she was believed because she put it out during the height of the MeToo movement and to this day, nobody takes male domestic abuse victims seriously.

Straight-up audio recording of Amber Heard telling Johnny Depp to "go on, tell the world that "I, a man, am a victim of domestic abuse" and see how many people will believe you".

And that's just the tip of the iceberg really.

It's a mess, let's be honest.

The case itself was a counterclaim to the accusations made against him in the past, which while those at the time of those allegations had people arguing about if it were false, it has turned into a noisy debate online now. Then there's shit actions taken by his legal team, such as getting people speaking favourably about Depp outside of the case, leaking court docs (alleged, so no confirmation here) or bringing in a psychiatrist to claim she was misdiagnosed in having PTSD and instead had conditions they argued would make her more of a liar, which, yeesh. I'm sorry, but that just rings as messed up and shows just how far lawyers are willing to go for their client in the worst way. And if this shapes future domestic violence cases for the worse I wouldn't be surprised.

None of this is a "Well I think he's guilty!" statement. But it does make the way this case has been handled worry me. Funnily, I could have said similar about the original case that saw in Heard's favour. But that's been overturned in the eyes of the public now.

7 hours ago, Newtype06 said:

I mean, I care about these people as much as you care about random people who live in a reality far removed from your own. Like people dying of hunger in Africa. Or people living as slaves in China. As much as you.🙂

You say, after bringing up this this trial.

12 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

It's just, I never see "credit where credit is due" being given when a doctor murders someone, or when a bar waiter rapes someone, or when a good student shoots up their school, or when a banker commits fraud, or when a politician politicians. Even other types of celebrities, like sportspeople, don't get it to the same extent, that I've seen at least. It's always the actors that get this sort of "hand-out" after committing crimes. I'll admit it peeves me.

Probably had too much of a knee-jerk reaction there, though. I apologize.

Alas, I wish I didn't see it in some cases either (I note Paddy Jackson in the aftermath of his rape trial which fell through but definitely exposed his skeeviness even if he was innocent (which I'd argue against), or others where you see people (including the fucking judge) go "Wasn't he a good man sure" when accused of the most heinous crimes), but then again people defend awful humans with depressing regularity. I'm guessing it's partly a combination of how public these cases get and the connections these people have from being where they've been.

14 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I do not doubt that she's despicable, but people seem to have started using her as the poster girl for celebrity innocence and calling other cases "Amber Heards", which isn't right either.

Reminds me of when youtuber Vinesauce was falsely accused of shenanigans. Then people in the comments were going like "these accusarions are always false, from now on, I'll ALWAYS side with the Youtuber." Which is pretty fucked up too.

But, well, I guess what can you do. Life is unfair. That's something we all knew already.

In the end it'll be yet another item that'll be used to defend what should be indefensible.

I didn't know that about Vinesauce, but hell, we all know how certain others have been handled.

8 hours ago, Ace_ said:

Sup guys

Nothing much, what's up with you?

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7 hours ago, twilitfalchion said:

yeah I play the normal game

...I don't? I enjoy the game as is, imbalance and all. the imbalance makes it fun, IMO.

Wow, after playing the OG game once, i could never again. Using the same few units all the time got boring quickly. 

3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Yeah, fair enough, but I dunno, I think it happens rarely enough that it doesn't break anything.

I can't say i've ever gone a playthrough of Thracia where i don't get absurd amounts of moving.

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4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

But, well, I guess what can you do. Life is unfair. That's something we all knew already.

Yeah in an ideal world, we listen to both sides and look at the evidence to determine who's telling the truth but we can't have nice things. Though Johnny Depp is innocent, Amber Heard has definitely made it harder for female domestic abuse victims to come forward, which isn't good.

3 hours ago, Dayni said:

The case itself was a counterclaim to the accusations made against him in the past,

I mean yes that is what a defamation case is. Which is incredibly hard to win if you're the plaintiff (a public figure especially), especially in Virginia, which requires a unanimous jury vote.

3 hours ago, Dayni said:

or bringing in a psychiatrist to claim she was misdiagnosed in having PTSD and instead had conditions they argued would make her more of a liar, which, yeesh. I'm sorry, but that just rings as messed up and shows just how far lawyers are willing to go for their client in the worst way.

On paper this would be messed up but it ain't like Heard or her team have been making convincing arguments of the opposite nature, there's been so many contradictions, not to mention the most damning (in most people's eyes) audio recording of Heard telling Depp "no one will believe you're the victim". To top it all off, their initial argument was "Heard's op-ed wasn't about Johnny Depp" and literally the day before closing, Heard said "Johnny Depp is powerful, that's why i wrote the op-ed about him" which is just......six weeks just for her to come out and say it at the end.

The tl;dr is that the arguments made in Johnny Depp's favor are consistent and backed up by receipts and Johnny Depp himself admits to his demons. The arguments made in Amber Heard's favor are full of holes and Heard herself swears she's done nothing wrong, despite the evidence being contrary.

Of course, proving defamation is extremely hard (hence the tactics being used) but i think it's fair to say it wasn't about winning or losing the case. Depp wanted to get his voice heard and it seems the court of public opinion has sided with him. You didn't see this with actual monsters like Weinstein.

3 hours ago, Dayni said:

Funnily, I could have said similar about the original case that saw in Heard's favour. But that's been overturned in the eyes of the public now.

UK trial was just shady in general. I mean, it technically wasn't about Heard, it was about British tabloid The Sun.....and the judge that ruled in it's favor has a son working for the company which definitely sounds like a conflict of interest, among other things.

Edited by Armagon
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Man, Sanji's inability to attack women is definitely a much bigger issue in Pirate Warriors 4 then in PW3.

For one thing, he was able to somewhat circumvent it through Kizuna attacks. But that mechanic got ditched in 4.

But also PW4 is more like other Warriors games in the sense that enemies who are part of an objective take virtually no damage from your allies unless you are nearby. But in Pirate Warriors 3, this was not the case. So Sanji could just tackle other objectives until his allies dealt with the women. But that's no longer an option. He needs to be nearby now for them to take any damage.

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6 hours ago, Dayni said:

I'm assuming there was no winner.

Because there never is.

Well, it still hasn't ended. Mostly since we only exchange messages once a day.

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6 hours ago, Dayni said:

Well, Iga fucking with you sounds about right.

But hey, least you had fun with a friend.

It was a magical adventure. I will always remember Zangetsu Azul as one of the top 10 heroes of videogames.

6 hours ago, Dayni said:

people defend awful humans with depressing regularity. I'm guessing it's partly a combination of how public these cases get and the connections these people have from being where they've been.

In the end it'll be yet another item that'll be used to defend what should be indefensible.

Humans will human. That's the takeaway here, I'm afraid.

3 hours ago, lightcosmo said:

I can't say i've ever gone a playthrough of Thracia where i don't get absurd amounts of moving.

Really? Usually I get one, maaaaaybe two points on three or four characters here and there.

Then there's TRS, where there's only a select few characters who have move growths. It really only serves to make Leonie and Lionel absolutely hilarious, there. Heck, Lina actually serves a really interesting purpose: Manage to have some of the best speed and the best movement in the entire game, and still be one of the worst characters by virtue of sucking SO hard at everything else.

Far as I can recall, there aren't more official games with move growths.

2 hours ago, Armagon said:

Yeah in an ideal world, we listen to both sides and look at the evidence to determine who's telling the truth but we can't have nice things. Though Johnny Depp is innocent, Amber Heard has definitely made it harder for female domestic abuse victims to come forward, which isn't good.

Unfortunately, that's a terrible problem that happens no matter what. If Depp had been guilty, it would've made it even harder for men to be taken seriously as victims of domestic abuse. With Heard proven a massive beach, her name will be paraded as the proof that celebrities can do no wrong and anyone who goes up against them is an opportunistic douchebag.

As I said above, humans will human. We suck.

2 hours ago, Shrimpolaris said:

more like end of it. Literally the last important match of the season to crown the european champion.


Well, neat. Good to know. Who won?

2 hours ago, Shrimpolaris said:

Real Madrid won it.


Well, neat. Good to know. We won.

Pfft... There's something rather humorous about this. A guy living in a country that goes mad over football has to be told his country won by someone living in one of the countries that lost.

...And I still can't bring myself to care. Maybe that's the punchline.

1 hour ago, BrightBow said:

Man, Sanji's inability to attack women is definitely a much bigger issue in Pirate Warriors 4 then in PW3.

For one thing, he was able to somewhat circumvent it through Kizuna attacks. But that mechanic got ditched in 4.

But also PW4 is more like other Warriors games in the sense that enemies who are part of an objective take virtually no damage from your allies unless you are nearby. But in Pirate Warriors 3, this was not the case. So Sanji could just tackle other objectives until his allies dealt with the women. But that's no longer an option. He needs to be nearby now for them to take any damage.

You know, I only recently found that Pirate Warriors is actually One Piece Warriors. I'll admit this made my passing interest on the game, as a Mosou game on PC, take a blow. Is there an original Mosou game or is it a Lego kinda thing where every game in the franchise is based on some other property?

Then again, Lego has Undercover, which is like, second-best Lego game - and that's only because Skywalker Saga exists now...

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4 minutes ago, WraithReborn said:

Can’t wait to start reading Sherlock Holmes.

Way ahead of ya, buddy. I've read all the short stories and three of the novels. I can recommend them! They're fun reads. Though I'm biased, seeing as crime mystery's my favorite genre.

Edited by Saint Rubenio
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So remember when I mentioned feeling weird because I recognized music from other games in Exit Fate, just because Sun God's Wrath had also borrowed those same tracks?

Usually I cut it short on the first few notes, but I just let the death music play for the first time, while I was checking things online. Then the music got to the main part and I recognized it. So now there's a music track that I associate with Exit Fate, that I recognized in Sun God's Wrath, despite the fact that I've played SGW first and heard the first seconds of the track very often before even knowing that Exit Fate is a thing. And the music comes from God knows what JRPG* in the first place, but that isn't even a part of the equation for me.

My mind is having some difficulty trying to wrap itself around this nonsense. This is all your fault, Gerald. If you hadn't eaten a 5% crit, I wouldn't be having an existential crisis.

* The JRPG in question is Chrono Trigger. You know, the JRPG that I've played all the way up to the final boss. Wow, it really has been a long time. I don't even recognize any music that isn't  the boss themes or the church organ... But then, it's only natural. I'm pretty sure I hadn't even played Fire Emblem back when I played this game.

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