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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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You're telling me that in the entire Internet, nobody's uploaded a Twilight Princess HD rom that works without decompressing the wux file or whatever? I did not have this problem with Wind Waker HD.

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4 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Ok but the thing with Lea is that she physically cannot talk. She can at most say a few basic words but she can't form a sentence. It's a disability for her. She's not like Byleth or Joker who don't talk because they represent the player. She doesn't talk because she literally cannot.

And yet, she's so damn expressive that you can basically fill in the blanks. Brilliant character writing, one of my favorite protags of all time

oh i was not talking about crosscode, i was talking about protag that can speak but not speak. not someone that cant speak literally. but i get your point, thats different ofcourse. and i already put it in wishlist unlike persona so i will get to play it eventually... maybe.

i was ranting about zelda, 3house and every atlus game

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7 minutes ago, joevar said:

every atlus game

Ringo clears (i still haven't finished Soul Hackers 2).

But it's funny you mention that because Persona 5 had the very unfortunate side effect of me playing it after CrossCode. Also after 13 Sentinels and Odin Sphere, two games that handled In Medias Res way better.

(For the record, i am fine with Link. And also Cross from Xenoblade X because Cross isn't the main character anyways).

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@Saint Rubenio i was talking about this when suggesting Fire emblem should be able to make cutscenes like this with its newest 3D model


5 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Ringo clears (i still haven't finished Soul Hackers 2).

But it's funny you mention that because Persona 5 had the very unfortunate side effect of me playing it after CrossCode. Also after 13 Sentinels and Odin Sphere, two games that handled In Medias Res way better.

i was actually quite interested in soul hacker 2 because of Ringo. she gives me Manic Pixie Dream Girl vibe with that looks. 

but i keep seeing mixed reviews of it. also again, the price

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I had stopped playing almost two months ago! Then I just blitzed through the morning segment of Two Days Left, pft.

Also, as funny it was


using the Pepper Spray on the Hooligans

I know it can come in handy on a future situation, so reloaded afterwards, haha.

Well, next time I'll do the evening portion. But that's it for now.

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9 hours ago, Sooks said:

Throné grew a beard in her 2nd chapter?

No, I made it to turn 10 of chapter 10-main.

9 hours ago, Sooks said:

Just so we’re clear, the recommended level didn’t change?

Haha, sorry. No, it does not.

8 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Btw Teehee

I will be on a trip next week, so less activity for one, and the linked Ironman will be on hold for the duration of next week from my side. Will try to get one more chapter this week tho, maybe even tonight

Have some fun.

7 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


The only good thing to come out of ElibeFE

Eh, I like Jahn's theme, The Last Dragon, better. Problem is, you hear that one for like, five seconds before the useless moron jobs lol

6 hours ago, joevar said:

That, and mute protagonist. Props to zelda at least for the earliest original game that makes me not want to play because the protag dont speak

I've seen games that made it work well enough (Omori comes to mind), but most often it feels like it's just there because old games did it, God forbid we progress past the trappings of the past. It's one of those relics from a bygone era that, for the most part, we really could do without.

6 hours ago, Armagon said:

Well Lea is canonically mute. Different from just a silent MC. She literally cannot speak, so she plays charades instead.

Yeah, from what I played of CrossCode I got a much different vibe from her. She still communicates, even if she cannot speak normally. At most it's a cute nod to the old trope. It's not quite like classic JRPG silent protagonists, who just stand there emotionless while things happen around them and other people converse amongst themselves while occasionally going "what's that, Protagonist? You agree that we must chase after Evilmann?"

6 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:


Some good satire of Michel Foucault. The intellectual who claimed that sexual identities (both queer and normative) as we understand them are modern constructs, which we cannot trace far back in time.

  • Which is not to say that intimate same-sex relationships didn't exist going back to the dawn of humankind. 
    • Only that we could say that individuals (prior the 1700s-1800s historians would say) would not have conceived of themselves as gay. As the construct that being homosocial/romantic/erotic/sexual makes you belong to a certain identity, was not yet created.
  • Nor is this is meant to demean our modern conceptualization of sexual (and gender) identities. Since cis-heteronormativity is as much a construct as queerness.

As modern video games are created in the modern world and tend to possess modern sensibilities, it would then be fair to say video games abide by modern sexual identity constructs, unless stated otherwise.🧐

I mean, duh. Everyone knows there was no gay in The Good Ol' Days™ before gay was invented by infamous urologist Dr. John Gay in 1997.

5 hours ago, Sooks said:

I have no recruited all 8 travelers in Octopath Traveler 2. The final objective ranking for the chapter 1s is: Throné > Castti > Osvald > Partitio > Ochette = Temenos > Agnea = Hikari.

I’m not sure what to do now. I’m overleveled for almost every chapter on the map, and I’m afraid of overleveling for the few I’m good on. I might walk around grabbing secondary jobs, and I still want to check out the Scent of Commerce events. I also never got the money to get that boat… after that it’ll likely be tackling the chapters I’m over leveled for with the lowest level characters I have… and Castti…

Honestly, I'd say go for it. If you're already way above just about everyone, you might as well go all nine yards and start having fun building your team.

5 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

The place i am going to i went to before, and while there's alot i am looking forward to, one thing i am not:

The food. Oh god they can not make food XD

I hope no one will be offended by this when i post pics next week

Breaking news: Local shrimp causes WWIII

2 hours ago, joevar said:


@Saint Rubenio i was talking about this when suggesting Fire emblem should be able to make cutscenes like this with its newest 3D model

Oh yeah, that looks pretty great. Basically what Radiant Dawn would have been had it been released 10-15 later. What game is it?

1 hour ago, Acacia Sgt said:

I had stopped playing almost two months ago! Then I just blitzed through the morning segment of Two Days Left, pft.

Also, as funny it was

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using the Pepper Spray on the Hooligans

I know it can come in handy on a future situation, so reloaded afterwards, haha.

Well, next time I'll do the evening portion. But that's it for now.



I am fairly certain there is no other situation where you can use the pepper spray lol, it's just a funny little secret way to beat this otherwise unwinnable battle.


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6 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

As modern video games are created in the modern world and tend to possess modern sensibilities, it would then be fair to say video games abide by modern sexual identity constructs, unless stated otherwise.🧐

so.. can i start complaining theres a severe lack of video games created in medieval and renaissance era where i dont have to care about this sexual talk get shoved in my face everytime, when i just want to care about fighting an invasions from human and monster since thats what the game main point was all about?

because i dont believe at all about "stated otherwise" being a thing thats even allowed now.


24 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Oh yeah, that looks pretty great. Basically what Radiant Dawn would have been had it been released 10-15 later. What game is it?

Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous.


26 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

but most often it feels like it's just there because old games did it, God forbid we progress past the trappings of the past. It's one of those relics from a bygone era that, for the most part, we really could do without.

yeah, thats why i dislike it. Also when the reaction from character other than player character is only between A or B is clearly not doing "Self insert" reasoning any justice. games with good self insert always had plenty option to choose from. Theres no real benefit imo when protag dont say a line at all despite not mute canonically.

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Another day, another me coming closer to quitting the job



4 hours ago, Benice said:

I hope I get to travel someday too.

You will, son!

4 hours ago, Benice said:

Have a great trip!


4 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Have fun on your trip!



56 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

ave some fun

Thanks: D 

Edited by Shrimpy -Limited Edition-
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Well this is a bit unfortunate, but I seem to have lost a lot of images in my little Blue Kaizo Nuzlocke, or more likely the Screenshot button I mapped to my controller wasn't registering for some reason for the earlier bit, but I will do my best with explaining what wasn't screen captured, and what was.


Speaking of which, most of what was lost was the approach to Mt. Moon, and the parts of Mt. Moon before we start running into some terrifying Rocket, whom have all proven to be utterly terrifying teams.

The first big thing to note is me capturing an Ekans I named @joevar, and Ekans is looking legitimately really good at this point in the game. It starts with just Glare and Wrap, which is an overpowered combo in Generation 1 to begin with. Then as it levels it learns Earthquake and Rock Slide, all before evolving at level 16...apparently the hack maker really likes the Ekans line to buff it so much

The next big thing to note is that you can get your Route 4 encounter before entering Mt. Moon (something I showed off with the Town Map), and found there a Psyduck, who came uncomfortably close to killing some of my Pokemon, and I ended up naming it after @GuardianSing, although due to character limit that got shortened to Guard.Sing. It also has a rather buffed move pool, with Psybeam, Waterfall, Seismic Toss, and Hypnosis all from the start.

Another big thing to note is that Route 4 is the first route with exploding wild pokemon, in Voltorb, which I thought would make training too dangerous, and require me to start chugging Repels a lot, but as I soon learned, thanks to Voltorb's low attack, Joevar the Arbok can take a critical Explosion from the wild ones, so as long as I was careful about being close to the outside Mt. Moon Pokemon center this became the new best grinding grass. Inside Mt. Moon there are exploding pokemon with less embarrassing attack, so it became the place to either Repel, or once my Pokes were fast enough, simply leading with a fast Mon, and running.

Speaking of Mt. Moon, that is where I picked up my next encounter, a Paras I named after @Interdimensional Observer, which due to character limits I shortened to IntrDimObs, and whom I initially left in the box, figuring I would wait till it could reach the level to learn Spore...

Within Mt. Moon, the first thing to note is that Elemental Stones other than Moon stones have been sprinkled throughout the cave, so I managed to evolve @Benice into a Ninetales before the images resume with the battle with the first Rocket. The most notable trainer (other than those with funny dialogue, like the shorts kid), was a trainer with a Clefairy, that used sing to put our Pokemon to sleep, and started showing me scary moves with Metronome, but the Rocket are scary. I even left before this one to train up


And it probably wasn't enough. I don't why I thought Joevar would be able to out speed an Abra with only one level above the thing. I wasn't punished for it, but a crit would have definitely killed here, and thing would have been so much harder without this bulky boy here. He did one shot it in return, but then comes in a Dratini, with Dragon Rage, and all of my Pokemon have less than 80 health...


Thankfully Guard.Sing here kept it from becoming an absolute slaughter with by landing this utterly vital Hypnosis here. If they hadn't have landed that I am fairly certain I would ave lost at least two mons powering through the tanky little thing, but before they can get the kill


This terrifying Rocket switches in an Arbok, and thinking of the Arbok I have I am expecting things to go very badly, as all of my Pokemon other than the heavily injured Guard.Sing there is weak to either Earthquake or Rockslide


So I switch in the pokemon most likely to take a hit, and outspeed, although I get the rude realization that this isn't what I have to worry about. It was Ekans that learns Earthquake and Rockslide,instead this bastard is going to spam the obnoxious combo of Glare to Paralyze, and Wrap to keep me from acting...Things don't go well, and I am down to hoping for good RNG, and switcing when pokes get too low on health


And I have a bit of a lucky break with @Sooks landing a Psybeam...for the sad amount of damage seen here, but the mad lad may have saved the run anyway by proccing the 10% chance of Confusing the little bastard


I even manage to get @Saint Rubenio in without being paralyzed...only for me to massively punished for waiting on a better move before evolving as he gets out sped, paralyzed by glare, and fully paralyzed...thing really get desperate, but


Joevar lucks into another hit on the damnable thing to finish it off, but


The sleeping Dratini comes back in, and if I have some bad luck with full paralysis, this might be the end...


But as luck would have it, I never got desperate enough to bring Guard.Sing back in on the Arbok, so they aren't paralyzed, and I know they can outspeed this thing, so we limp our way out of this utterly brutal battle without any losses...barely.


No buddy, I almost blew it. I need to take these Rockets more seriously, do a few calcs ahead of time, and


Escape Rope the hell out of here to do some more training, getting my guys to at least level 20


Which gets Guard.Sing to evolve, and LightCosmo get's the potent Thunderbolt attack. This time I come in with a different approach


Benice is much faster, and can take special hits much better, although as is apparant does not hit physically as hard


I am very glad it did this instead of putting him to sleep, as even with a turn of full Paralysis things went just fine,


And Joevar utterly trivializes the Golbat with Rockslide


The other trainers are a bit of a joke, with a LightCosmo sweep on this sad little youngster along the way, and not long after


We finally find a Thunderstone to evolve @Lightcosmo as well.


A kid that can slaughter your team, even when you decide to spam three super potions on your Machop.


See random hiker, this is how you intimidate children.


...Phew. I am glad that landed, as while it used Super Fang on the first turn, if my docs are right this thing could have pulled out a Hyper Beam, and with Hyper Beam not requiring a recharge turn if it kills, things could have gotten ugly. Speaking of which, with the next Rocket having a Kadabra, I decide its time to grind a little more, and


While I will almost certain regret this, I might want to have a hail mary like this in my back pocket...


I also finally get the move I waiting on getting before evolving St.Rubenio.


Lets talk to him now, that way he don't block the path forward and force me to backtrack to this location after the fact to get past him...


And I open by out speeding and one shotting this Gastly before it can annoy me with status, but next in is that terrifying Kadabra, and hopefully LightCosmo is enough


...That complicates things, as LightCosmo should outspeed


But turnabout is fair play. Although this does make things a little spicy, as now a full paralysis and crit will kill us...


So hopefully Benice can finish the job, even wit the Paralysis on the switch


Sadly he misses the kill on the psychic type again, but with it missing a Kinesis, this is the perfect opportunity to-


...Oh boy, I guess it got that Kinesis off against us anyway


Benice...sigh, now he can't take a crit, so lets move on to


Oh course, why can't this dastard get fully para-


...Phew. Alright we have made it out of another terrifying Rocket battle, but do you know what it is time for again?


Escape Rope the heck out of there to heal my crippled team for the next terrifying battle


With the Scientist, and guess what his gimmick is?


Its Explosion, and while I knew Joevar can take even a crit from this thing (which it luckily didn't), the next few have less embarrassing attack (also a thankfully lower crit rate)


Although they can do things other than explode, so Guard.Sing made a lot of sense for dealing with the Shellder


And thanks to sleep we disarm the Shellder bomb, even with the jerk survivn two Seismic tosses on exactly 1 HP to be Hyper Potioned back up, hence requiring me to use a resisted Waterfall the second time around. Thank goodness Gen 1 sleep is so powerful...


Although we miss the Hypnosis on the last bomb, and we get what we rightly deserve for it. Although I get the feeling this will  bait it into


...Nobody on my team had the stats to take a crit, so I figured it blowing up earlier than later would be best. I am glad we didn't lose anyone to that, and while we did


Earn a Helix Fossil that I will likely never survive long enough to use. Also the hack maker moved one of the most optional trainers in the original game between me and Cerulean, so time for


Another escape rope. Although in retrospect that just wastes a bit of time, as


Its just a regular trainer that I could have easily swept with uninjured Beince. Fun little fact about this trainer, in the original she was only reachable by surfing over to the entrance of Cerulean cave early.


And like that I have reached the Cerulean City Pokecenter, but that was a lot of close calls, and was quite draining, so I will end it off here.


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7 hours ago, Armagon said:

I will play tomorrow tho, i do not have time for the game's ten trillion year long opening lol.

I don't often replay Zelda games, but TP is low on my list even so.

That you're going directly from ALttP to TP, whiplash. From one of the freer Zeldas that plunges you into an epic start with Hyrule Castle, to the epitome of LoZ's descent into sluggishness and restrictiveness. I don't think Twilight Princess is a bad game, but I'd take the snappiness of ALttP over it in a heartbeat.

Admittedly, my one TP playthrough was bifurcated, I played half of it (up to Arbiter's Grounds), didn't finish it until years later, which no doubt weakened the experience. Whereas ALttP (with a physical guidebook so I was never stuck) is earliest childhood memories for me.

As it stands, if I want a dose Twilight Princess, there is always this.:

While slamming enemies with the Mirror of Twilight. (Although, I concede HW went overboard with its exaggeration of Zant.)


3 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Speaking of Mt. Moon, that is where I picked up my next encounter, a Paras I named after @Interdimensional Observer, which due to character limits I shortened to IntrDimObs, and whom I initially left in the box, figuring I would wait till it could reach the level to learn Spore...

The fungi that's pretending to be a bug. Cordyceps are interesting, yet incredibly disgusting, freaky, and scary when you think about. I approve actually.

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4 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:


While I will almost certain regret this, I might want to have a hail mary like this in my back pocket...

Given the nature of the hack, I assume that X-Accuracy is removed from the game?

Actually, given the nature of the hack, I assume that X-Accuracy is an enemy-only item?


For people unfamiliar with Gen1 jank, X-Accuracy used to completely remove the To Hit roll, which means that using it will allow attacks like Fissure to always hit their target. Well, unless the "higher speed" requirement still applies, I actually don't know.


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8 hours ago, Armagon said:

I will play tomorrow tho, i do not have time for the game's ten trillion year long opening lol.

Good luck fishing.

I struggled a lot with that as a kid.

6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Haha, sorry. No, it does not.

What’s even the point of giving you a choice in the order you do things if the recommended level forces you into a specific order or you just… overlevel?

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Wave 4 be like


1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

That you're going directly from ALttP to TP, whiplash. From one of the freer Zeldas that plunges you into an epic start with Hyrule Castle, to the epitome of LoZ's descent into sluggishness and restrictiveness.

Well it was either this or Skyward Sword. Cause i'm trying to space out the 3D games with two 2D games in between.

Though i may run one of the Oracle games alongside my TP playthrough. Just to speed this up.

47 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Good luck fishing.

I struggled a lot with that as a kid.

Why was the fishing unironically difficult? 

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6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


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I am fairly certain there is no other situation where you can use the pepper spray lol, it's just a funny little secret way to beat this otherwise unwinnable battle.


I mean, assuming it's not coded to only work on the Hooligans, then it doesn't hurt to... Recycle the item to Reuse later, Reducing the trouble...


Edited by Acacia Sgt
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1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Although, I concede HW went overboard with its exaggeration of Zant.)

Watch carfully in the boss battle against him in TP, his attacks are VERY faithful to his home game in HW actually.

Edited by Lightcosmo
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16 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Well it was either this or Skyward Sword. Cause i'm trying to space out the 3D games with two 2D games in between.

I see you've been changing it up like this. Certainly for the better that you have.

Just to clarify my definitions, BTW.:

Zelda is rarely truly "free", and it isn't hugely important that dungeons be allowed to be done in freeform order. When I speak of "freedom" with Zelda, I mean more a sense of being able to explore around the overworld. Parts of the overworld will inevitably be sealed off b/c you don't have X item from Y dungeon or whatnot, but having a modest measure of being able to wander around makes Zelda feel more adventurous, and less chafing.

This might not be relevant to all players, some would possibly be fine if LoZ consisted of a series of short straight lines connecting dungeons, which they deem the only thing that matters. I acknowledge that. Yet, for me, the first half of WW and TP alike really tie you up, and "freedom" isn't obtained after the first three dungeons and the MS is obtained. Which, TBF, is also true of ALttP, it invented this setup. Yet the amount of world you can half-aimlessly wander around in ALttP prior to entering the Dark World, is much greater than WW and TP. (Wind Waker I concede is more free/adventurous than ALttP later on, post-Forsaken Fortress 2.)

-Am I being too negative towards Twilight Princess? I apologize if I'm dampening the experience before it even begins.

16 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Though i may run one of the Oracle games alongside my TP playthrough. Just to speed this up.

How familiar are you with the Oracles? And which one do you think you would play first?


7 minutes ago, Lightcosmo said:

his attacks are VERY faithful to his home game in HW actually.

Which is a sign of how much love they threw into his moveset. The Phantom Zants, the Zant hands, the Zant Heads, every single phase of his boss battle, all consolidated into his arsenal of attacks. It's 👌.

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18 minutes ago, Armagon said:
Why was the fishing unironically difficult? 

Because I played on the wii and there was motion controlled fishing. And the tutorial was kind of vague on how to do it properly (iirc, I was also a dumb kid).

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17 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

see you've been changing it up like this. Certainly for the better that you have.

For the record, this only works because I'm skipping the Four Swords and DS games.

18 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Yet the amount of world you can half-aimlessly wander around in ALttP prior to entering the Dark World

I remember the first time I played it all those years ago, I didn't realize you were supposed to use the mirror to reach Hera's Tower so I just wandered down Death Mountain in bunny form.

19 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Am I being too negative towards Twilight Princess? I apologize if I'm dampening the experience before it even begins.

Nah it's fine. I always go in these with an open mind.

19 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

And which one do you think you would play first?

Might do Seasons first.

15 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Because I played on the wii and there was motion controlled fishing. And the tutorial was kind of vague on how to do it properly (iirc, I was also a dumb kid).

Nah even on GameCube that shit sucked lol.

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4 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Might do Seasons first.

Officially (timeline) and unofficially (manga), Seasons is considered to the first of the two.

Although if you don't care about that, you may wish to ask yourself how much of a puzzling mood you're in. B/c CrossCode came up last night, I know you'll breeze through anything Zelda has in that department, but Ages -the game formerly known as "Mystical Seed of Wisdom", is heavier on the puzzles than Seasons.

And you know to play the second game Linked, right?

Also, after Snake's Remains/Moonlit Grotto, the Strange Flutes become available. In Seasons, Moosh's becomes buyable at the shop, while Dimitri's can be randomly won via the Subrosian Dancing minigame. In Ages, you buy Dimitri's, while Ricky's requires scoring 50 points or more at the shooting gallery minigame. Failing to acquire one of these, you'll get Ricky by default in Seasons, Moosh by default in Ages. Your first game's fluted-partner carries over into the second when Linked. -The animal companions are an ultimately very minor aspect of the Oracles, but I'm throwing this out there. Playing un-Linked, I bought Dimitri's flute in Ages b/c I did not want to be stuck with more of Moosh's pitfalls after the one earlier mandatory segment of them in OoA.

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13 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

And you know to play the second game Linked, right?

I actually don't know how to on Virtual Console.

14 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Although if you don't care about that, you may wish to ask yourself how much of a puzzling mood you're in. B/c CrossCode came up last night, I know you'll breeze through anything Zelda has in that department, but Ages -the game formerly known as "Mystical Seed of Wisdom", is heavier on the puzzles than Seasons.

After Ocarina and Link to the Past were devoid of puzzles, i could go with that. But if i'm also playing Twilight Princess alongside it, i may want something lighter on the side.

I'll think about it.

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On 2/27/2023 at 7:23 PM, ping said:

Next stop: Jasmine. Let's see what she's got.


Or maybe not.

Next stop: Lake of Rage. Hoping for a cool shiny.

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