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Posts posted by mcsilas

  1. 23 hours ago, Zeo said:

    Really not a fan of the Hall of Forms selection. Groom Marth is meh, Bride Caeda is one of the most underwhelming mages in existence at this point. Draug is massively outdated without a prf and Merric is just meh. I like the theme they went for. It's just... this mode is a good chance for people to try out units they'd otherwise never try and well... everyone has tried these units or simply doesn't need to.

    At the very least if I get lucky with RNG I could finally try Firesweep Axe on Marth. Not many ax cavs in the game, and 5*-locked Firesweep Axe is ehh so if I somehow get that combo I can at least try that out for fun.

    Also gonna try and make speedy Draug happen. DC is a must for his A skill though.

  2. @Zeo Whoa, I'm jealous of that Quan. That Atk stat + Heavy Blade can be fun.

    @Alexmender Oh hey fellow -Spd Quan person. I just gave him QR and it works well enough. Congrats on the nice Rhajat though yeah she should have gotten a refine by now (F Kana could have waited later).

    Got exactly 1 blue. Got my first Valbar, 3 star with a nice +Atk/-Res so that's something.

  3. @Landmaster Wow, that damage potential from healer Elise! Love the exact kill in the end, too! 

    @DLNarshen Putting the Dire siblings in the map gave me a chuckle. I love how the duo didn't care too much about the Venin Edge stuff because Julia ran Fury anyway and Julius has Mystic Boost. Julius just laughed off the damage in the map with Loptuous + Atk Smoke. Also wow at Julia's 102 damage!

    Also double Brazen Nanna caught me off-guard in AR back in the day. It's pretty legit.

    @SatsumaFSoysoy Weell that's one way to shrug off Candelight effects. Peony's movement buffs come in really handy for tight maps like this. Also Eir's JP voice is so serene, I love it.

    @Zeo @mampfoid @Alexmender @daisy jane @Ginko

    This map annoyed me since I do mostly enemy-phase stuff. This first clear took me a while to do, I really wanted to do a Poison Emblem clear with units like Picnic Felicia (her cooking) or Halloween Dorcas (no normal Dorcas and candy = sugar = poison in a way?) but I couldn't make it work. Then I realised I needed to be more offensive, biting the bullet as I brought a dancer to the team.


    Team is neutral Kempf, neutral Kronya, +Def/-HP Jaffar and +Spd +1 Performing Azura

    Music is Fanatic Waltz from the King of Fighters 1998

    -Chip damage ahoy! Kronya because Athame has peculiar properties that makes wounds not heal. Kempf because of Venin Edge. Jaffar for similar chip damage and PA!Azura because uhh...I needed a dancer to make this work. Well I guess she makes Garon groan in discomfort so it's uhh...spiritual poison to the Nohr king?

    (Believe me I tried and wanted to make it work it with Picnic Felicia/Halloween Dorcas for poison memes\ but armour movement is bad for this map).

    -Kronya and Kempf make a perfect pair, Kempf's weapon makes it easier for Athame's Vantage effect to activate. Kempf copied Kronya's schtick, using Vantage to strike weakened enemies before they can reach him (with some clutch Moonbow activations). This maybe a cheap Kronya build, but Desperation and Vantage is fun to use. Brazen Atk/Def was needed so that the Shining Bow would target Jaffar instead and to also survive the last battle. Fury 1 was used instead of Fury 3 since any more los in health meant the Shining Bow archer can KO her.

    Also "Witness my strategy" says Kempf as he uses Pivot to run away from the enemy's range... The trench and tight space is really annoying but at least it makes splash damage strategies quite effective.

    -Jaffar is quite weak but the the chip damage is so fun to see with dancer support. He needed Poison Strike to whittle down the blue armour faster so Kronya can defeat it faster.

    -Speaking of dancers, Axura needed to keep the green mage busy for a turn since it's easy to get trapped by ranged cav range in that column.


    Now for a more traditional clear, here is a Thracia clear with the new Osian debut!

    Team is +Res/-Spd Osian, +Atk/-HP Nanna, neutral Saias and +Spd/-Res Soiree Reinhardt

    Music is Leif Army - In Search of the Victory Base from Fire Emblem: Thracia 776

    - So the map layout huh? You think Kempf has trapped my team? No the enemies are fell into Saias's trap- it's perfect for Ploy tactics! He needed to Swordbreaker to quickly deal with Kempf. Draw Back tactics helped keep the team safe when needed.

    - Osian is pretty fun to use. His Spd bane was showing though against the green cav mage, so he needed Drive Spd support from Saias to double the mage. Steady Stance also kept him safe from an ongoing onslaught from melee units and archers.

    -Nanna's Pain really helped softened up the enemies. Wrathful refine was needed to quickly deal with the red archer. Restore was also perfect to deal with the Gravity staff user and keep Osian moving.

    -Reinhardt was a Guidance bot in addition to having dancing duties. He was respectful enough to let the other Thracia units shine.

  4. @mampfoid I hear Astram is good with it but to be fair I haven't been using Astram much. Maybe L!Marth for triple Bonus Doubler with L!Eliwood? lol

    @Zeo Wow your nephew is really lucky!

    @Nanima Darn sorry about the superbane but hey, at least 1 Sothis is better than none =( . Hope you get it fixed in the future.

    @Alexmender Wow, surprise Surtr! Nice superboon!

    @Landmaster Congrats on the floating Christmas tree 😄

    @daisy jane

    Well finally broke the rate on the seasonal banner. About 7-7.50%.

    Unfortunately with the only colourless, I get the worst +Def/-Atk Summer Ursula in my main. Serves me right for pulling for Xander for CC+Dagger. Well at least she's new and I never had a dagger cav before and the Black Fang is complete still haven't promoted regular Ursula Her special art is awesome though.

    I wanted to end it happy, so I decided to get rid of the rate on my alt and with the only green orb, I finally got Summer Elincia at neutral! Finally have her here, one of my favourite art. Didn't have enough to open the two reds but I got what I came for at least.

  5. @Zeo Yeah the tight spaces on this map is quite something. Morgan's team was tense especially with the music, but his debuff tome still holds up and is great for places that have tight formations. Amelia really appreciated those tactic buffs and I love that little Pain attack Priscilla did to help whittle down enemies.

    Serra sure tanked a lot in that clear, to be honest I like that more than countering in close range because she just shrugs it off without even putting the effort to attack in my headcanon. Never really thought of covering the top left corner early on, that really helps ease the burden and prevents your team feeling trapped in the middle. Lovely the fluffy chicken vs slime dragon bout! 

    Of course Genny shows up in the Echoes clear! I know from experience how perfect she is in this map. I remember wanting to use Lukas on the map, too but there were too many dragons. Interesting how you don't have his Daybreak Lance. (Also I never thought of being aggressive in the left corner!) I love the 'tings' and the genius move against the blue mage flier. 1 HP on L!Alm was scary, too, never thought he'd go for Miracle instead of an offensive special. My personal favourite clear.

    Abyssal Matthew clear was no slouch either. Poor Ayra kept getting bullied by blues but the power of healing really shone through in both Genny and Matthew's Sol. Love that little Matthew chokepoint in the end as the music kept building up in intensity.

    and yeah thanks for the comments again, Duma's maps were a real doozy to figure out with my enemy-phasing. Reminds me how it took me 2-3 hours to beat the actual map in Echoes because I didn't know about some peculiarities in the prominent bosses and the never-ending monster spawns. I think the Duma vs Duma one is still my longest video because of how slow it took for my Duma to reach the other side lol.

  6. welp decided to either pull the full circle or at least until I get 1 green.

    Of course it took me 3 circles to get even 1 green for my main. 3* Gunter, too. Oh well, I got my second Norne at least, who is identical to my first +Def/-Spd one. Probably should've opened the other colourless instead of looking for that green.

    On my second account I pulled the whole circle and got my second Nah with a great Atk/-HP! First one is neutral so debating if she'll be Bonus Doubler fodder or a merge.


  7. This close to getting a seasonal Lloyd. Or a Lloyd/Linus duo. Ah well.

    Zephiel is an interesting choice (love how FEH can utilise the platform to make NPCs being playable). Also @Ice Dragon finally a red sword armour with good Res?

    Same interesting choice with Elice, love her star cape thing.

    Huh, never noticed how Sothis's hair resembled a Christmas tree so much.

    Lyn weeps as being the only blue amour mage without Bold Fighter

    Nice choice of characters but nothing too needed, and having armours again gets a bit repetitive, even if I like using them

  8. @Alexmender Oooh congrats! She's a pretty unique type (Elise being the other red horse dagger) and is kind of annoying in some AR defense maps. Ultimately up to you if you would rather use her dagger for Cecilia if you use her a lot more, her weapon is really nice. The mobility is nice though.

    I still need a horse dagger of any type so if it was me I'd use her haha.

    Well I decided I didn't really need any of the Christmas units so I went ahead to try for Elincia/Xander again with 30 orbs....and got nothing...ah well.


  9. On 12/8/2019 at 10:02 PM, mampfoid said:


    @mcsilas congrats to Tanya! Were you aiming for her? 

    Not particularly since she wasn't a focus unit but she looks cool so glad to have her anyway.

    So sudden new bait banner! Seemed like a good deal so opened the first circle, got nothing. Then I remembered how I want an extra Xander for Summer Frederick for CC + dagger + QR3 so I summoned a little bit more and...nothing. Speaking of, got my first Tanya on my main, who is +Atk/-Spd. Great boon, eh bane though. Chad/Tethys when though

    Funnily enough I want green/colourless more than the newer seasonals in red/blue since I like an Elincia for my alt and Xander for fodder. Wouldn't say no to Python/Echidna along the way, too.

    @Zeo This seems like Close Counter week though. I should have waited and not summoned as much as I did on the Takumi banner lol. Xander has more synergetic skill fodder for my purposes ><

    But..as tempting as it is I better wait until the calendar or the end of the banner.

    @Landmaster Congrats on the broadleaf fan!

  10. @Landmaster Wow tanking with HS!Elise, huh? Neat approach. And then OG Elise drowns Eirika with large marshmallows lol.

    @Zeo @DLNarshen @mampfoid @Ginko @Alexmender @SatsumaFSoysoy

    Team is neutral Sigrun, +Spd/-Def Siegbert, +Res/-Atk Linde and +Atk/-HP Eirika

    Music is Sha La La from the King of Fighters 1999

    - Had this theme in mind for a while and this BHB seemed like the perfect debut. Of course, Eirika with Sieglinde is in the team, but also Siegbert and LindeRIP never summoned L!Eirika

    Had to make do with Sigrun as the 4th member, since I needed a different movement type for Tactics. Plus her Swap + Link combo actually has nice synergy with the team.

    I'm Siegbert showcases how Galeforce is really good for his player-phase playstyle. Drag Back hey something Eirika has was needed for Hit and Run tactics and escape from the threat of pre-charged specials.

    - Sigrun needed Darting Blow to double the mage. Linde provided ranged damage and would normally have Blarblade and have good synergy with the Tactic buffs but it felt weird not using Aura. Also kind of neat that if she didn't have LaD she would take 0 damage from the red flier.

    - Eirika vs Eirika is the obligatory boss matchup, although I just promoted Eirika for this clear so she pales in comparison to @Alexmender's so she doesn't have much SP/skill investment right now. Good enough though with her team's support.


    Next is a Sacred Stones clear!

    Team is +Atk +1 Ross, neutral Cormag, +Def/-Spd Myrrh and +Res +1 Lute.

    Music is Truth, Despair and Hope from Fire Emblem Sacred Stones.

    - Finally IS gave a different map theme for a SS special map so I can use my favourite SS map theme. Ross smite Myrrh across the mountain to unleash her DC+QR rampage...at least until she gets hit by Flash lol. She then had to stay in the mountains because she doesn't have enough HP to get hit by both the axe cav and Eirika.

    - Cormag needed Def Tactic to survive Innes's attacks even with Iote's Shield. Ross tanks Eirika and just had enough HP to live by 1 by the end of the map. Also Wo Gunn is fun.


    And finally, since I wanted to incorporate Gerik somehow, here is a Desert Emblem theme!

    Team is +Def/-Spd Gerik, neutral Marisa, +Spd/-Res Igrene and +Res/-HP Fae

    Music is DESERT REQUIEM ~Operation02UM~ from the King of Fighters 2002 Unlimited Match

    - Gerik and Marisa are desert mercenaries who hail from Jehanna (a desert nation) while Igrene and Fae live in the Nabata Desert.

    - It just happens that both Sacred Stones mercenaries have Infantry Pulse so Igrene unleashes her powers with Quickened Pulse straight away! Her Pulse Smoke was also key to dispel Innes's Iceberg special, allowing Fae to survive.

    - Marisa also does well to tank the blue mage (she has so much HP) while Gerik laughs at the squishy mage flier's so-called weapon triangle advantage. Also kind of funny since in SS (Eirika's route), which this map is seemingly based on, you recruit Innes, Gerik and Marisa (if Gerik talks to her). In this timeline, Marisa doesn't join Innes and instead lands the finishing blow lol.

  11. 27 minutes ago, Zeo said:

    40+ orbs got me noting but a 4.67%, a plethora of 1 or no grey stone circles and then a surprise 3 when I finally went in at the end with less than 13. Was there a Takumi in the stone I couldn't afford? Probably not, but I'll never know, will I? At least I pulled a +SPD/-RES Chad so that's something.

    Anyways, as you well know,  this is my last banner before I'm officially saving, so I'm all in until I pull a colorless *5. Be it Takumi or anyone else. I'd like to actually get what I'm aiming for once in a while though. Altina was a nice surprise, I hope we can recreate that one last time before I save orbs.

    Ooof jealous of that Chad. Still don't have him.

    Went a little more than just the first circle. Should've stopped there to be honest, didn't really get anything much. Kaze/Legault is at least appreciated. Should've waited for the event calendar first before bored summoning but oh well.

    I did get a +Def/-Res Tanya though on my second account so at least there's something new. Unsure how to build her yet but I love her spunky design.

  12. @Zeo Yune doing 0 damage to Fae was crazy. Add in Aether and she just wrecks things and heals back up.

    As for the Abyssal clear, your team was put to the test. Those high HP stats meant Matthew couldn't exactly one shot Yune, but it's nice to see Guard shut her down. Matthew must feel special being sung and danced to a lot, although the refreshers themselves had to take a hit though. Also, neat to see Eliwood be a little active and be more than just supporting as well.

  13. Hmm, guess I'll go green since I lack a green unit for making Thracia team clears, and some sort of DC is always nice. Had Dorcas on my alt, so Osian was more of a priority in my main.

    Didn't get him on my main, although funnily enough (?) my last 3 tickets all gave me Gunthers on all the single green orbs.. Well I was running out of Hone Cav at some point but three in a row is kind of...eh.

    On my final ticket for my second account, I actually did get a +Res/-Spd Osian! Kind of funny that he's also -Spd like Gerik, but hey I can use QR. Also +Res might be fun. Oh and also somehow got 2 more Caedas from greenless sessions...I think that's about 5 just from this week alone.

  14. 1 minute ago, XRay said:

    Where do you find the data mine for the Refine info? It is still blank on Gamepress.

    Reddit has posts of the refines.

    So Mathilda got switch to Slaying huh? Clive gets armour effectiveness, which is neat since I gave him a Heavy Spear so I can just upgrade that. Looks like I need to use Supports more though for Mathilda to get more stats.


  15. Meh..not really digging the fairy aesthetic.

    Good for Thracia fans, and Tanya looks cool so there's another colourless in the list that I hope visits one day with Chad and Tethys. Kinda a shame OC gets shoved in the banner but at least Tanya is immediately more accessible.

    So I guess Thorr is really more for 'mode' side-stories huh? 

  16. @Zeo oooohhh congrats!  Same boon/bane as my Marth lol. A shame there won't be any videos to see Infantry Flash in action but sounds like fun

    @MonkeyCheez3K Congrats on the Caeda lol. Ironically I'm with you where Caedas are really rare for me all year, but for some reason suddenly I got like, 3 hunting for the other blue haired sword flier (Altina).

    @mampfoid A shame +Spd Sothis had to go but as long as you're having fun with Time Pulse!

    @daisy jane

    So I was so proud of saving at least 50 orbs waiting for the Feh channel..then I found nothing that I wanted from the new banner (congrats Thracia fans though!) so I just spent everything trying to get Altina/Sothis.

    ...and got nothing. Even did the BHB orbs quickly but came out with nothing but a 9% rate (at least it's not that high).

    Of particular note was suddenly getting Caedas now after a drought of many months. Also Morgan M.

    Actually both of my accounts had a circle of 2 reds and were identically, a Morgan M and a Lilina for both accounts. What are the odds? (At least I found a +Atk one for my main account to upgrade to). 

    Also found a +HP Virion at least if I ever decide to build him.

    Well time to go back to stockpiling orbs again. 

  17. @Landmaster

    Wow I love that flier dealing no damage to OG Elise! Really great moments in there, Hot Springs Elise barely surviving was neat, too. Gravity strats are so fun to see!

    B!Ike sure did a lot of tanking at the start for Ike Emblem, DC is a great skill for him now. Nice to see OG Ike in the mix as well, really solid clear all around.

    @Zeo @Ginko @mampfoid @daisy jane @SatsumaFSoysoy @Alexmender @DLNarshen

    Team is neutral Haar, +Spd +1 Python, +Atk/-Res Sothis and +Atk/-Spd Adult Tiki

    Music is Beneath the Mask from Persona 5

    -So a chill clear for a chill unit. A lot of yawning in this team, everyone is known for sleeping (Python takes naps) so had to wake them up a bit for this clear. Haar did a lot of tanking while Sothis had to step up to deal with that pesky swordie that threatens my half green team (and whose Moonbow would defeat TIki).

    -So glad Python's Atk was finally fixed- it's really funny to get the blue mage to throw himself onto Python's B Tomebreaker. (Take that surprise Guidance shenanigans!).

    -Haar needed to stall enemy Haar for a bit while Python chipped away Guard's HP threshold. Could've done it faster with Sothis, but I wanted a Haar shadow battle. Python needed Atk+1 to chip just enough health so my Haar could unleash Bonfire.

  18. @Zeo Yeah Shiro is my favourite Fates kid, such a chill, cool kid. I think almost a favourite as Silas. (Even requested a sprite edit of him for my sig when he wasn't in the game yet). Oh and fun fact, Shiro's VA is the same as Owain/Odin, which seals the deal, I was so gobsmacked when I saw him in one of the first Book 2 maps when it came out since they weren't announced yet.

    Mathilda is getting a refine so maybe Gray soon???

    Yeah Seth's weapon is pretty niche but also Spd Tactic is nice since it's the rarest Tactic skill. Once I figured out that Silver Emblem is also a Tactics team, I went ahead and refined it since I couldn't not use Silverbrand for the theme. Such a shame about his stat spread though. Oh if you want to see how the Silver Emblem's debut worked out as a synergetic Chill + Tactics team, I recommend watching their clear against Walhart's rerun whenever you're free.

    Glad you enjoyed L!Lyn stepping up, I really hope you do get her sometime. I think you'd enjoy the Sacaen Emblem team on the previous page because I think she did better in that clear with the Atk/Spd bond seal (she didn't even need Lancebreaker). But again, whenever you have time.

    Speaking of time, yeah clears and even comments take time, even just giving your really nice detailed comments are so great to see. Really feel those days where just recording clears isn't very motivating, but just gotta do what you enjoy and what time allows so it's understandable not really seeing more clears lol

  19. @mampfoid Aww sorry to hear that result. Has Velouria been working well without the skill so far?

    Going back to legendary is really tempting for me too, but I'm trying to wait for that darn trailer/FEH channel but it's taking it's time to even show up so I'm using my will power to hold on. At least I'm hoping and waiting for some kind of an announcement of something tomorrow.

    @Zeo @daisy jane @Landmaster

    Either way uhh, I forgot there was a new BHB with a new banner. A free Ephraim would be nice, but also would like Innes since Niles is my only anti-mage archer right now.

    Didn't get any green orbs, so colourless it is. A Tethys/Chad would be nice.

    Second account had two colourless. Picked one and it gave me a Kaze. Good enough, always welcome Atk Smoke.

    First account only had one colourless. I see smoke and... I got a neutral Loki! Huh, that's neat. I guess she's good for Light seasons in AR right? (although already light-blessed Veronica) Her staff seems like it will be fun to use.


  20. @Diovani Bressan Wow, really impressed with that Nowi against Abyssal Altina! Marth was also a great choice, providing both support, and being effective against those dragons while L!Alm had a field day shooting things down.

    @DLNarshen Youcan read German? Wow. Love how you started with exact damage with Julia vs the lance cav. There were some nice dragons to eat for breakfast for her, Nice to see Julius doubling a few enemies, too. Nanna really shone through with both Gravity support and of course, preparing Altina for Reinhardt.

    @Ginko Yay Shiro back in Abyssal action! He sure showed Altina, going against her without a sweat! Even taking on greens and fafnirs and healing back up! Also Road Taken is always a nice track.

    Wasn't sure how you'd do it with Dagger Emblem but wow, Kaze's Desperation Iceberg pulled through! Those buckets sure did some work against those dragons, too.

    @SatsumaFSoysoy Ooh a Slaying GF B!Celica! Those GF procs are always fun to see, and at least you got Spd out of it. Kagero's Desperation attack obliterated Altina, and I love how Kagero kept the mage cav in the corner lol.

    @Landmaster Wow, that's some specific combinations you had there, but glad it worked out. Blue Elise had to step in in this map! Elise's Smoke Dagger debuffs sure came in handy for that boss battle though (blue Elise's 1 health though then healing up!), good thing one of the Elises was a dagger. Loved how OG Elise used the power of the enemy's Pain to her advantage.

    @Alexmender Swap shenanigans, woo! I love how your team moved as a unit to the top sides of the map. I love Brazens, so neat to see that it was what worked for you here. Eirika sure hung on after taking two legendary swords a once!

    @Zeo @daisy jane @mampfoid

    Now for my clear. Don't really have too much time, so this will do. I call it, the goddess of chaos brings turmoil by allowing Fates units to fight her battle.

    Team is +Res/-Def Yune, +Res +1 Elincia, +Res/-Def Summer Takumi and +Atk/-Def Legendary Azura

    Music is Hymn of the Righteous from Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn (truly my favourite RD map theme)

    -What better chaos than having L!Azura join Yune's army? S!Takumi is also along for the ride, riding the ocean's gray waves as he shoots many a pesky flier with her water-themed bow. I just wanted the orbs fast and after loli armoured dragons couldn't do the map because of the layout, I just went ahead and used my own flier emblem since there were a lot of fliers in this map.

    -That said, this was a whole team effort, while Takumi shot things down, he did need Yune's debuffs/Drive Atk, Elincia's Goad Fliers AND Azura's buffs to deal with Altina (Darn anti-archer skill!). Because the team was all fliers, Azura couldn't use Atk Tactic, but then this meant Takumi had to rely on his Res Wave so he gets the +6 all stat buffs.

    -While Takumi had the boss kill spotlight, Elincia was no slouch. Who cares if the new Mythic unit has a multi-phase brave prf? Elincia shows she can still do her Brave weaoon job- and even quad! She did have to get Darting Blow to secure some kills but it's still nice to see the x4, and her weapon pushing through the healer's Miracle. Flier Formation also helped her do some tactical melee sniping as she was my best unit to handle approaching archers. Her Swap was just a filler positional skill back when I first got her, but boy did it shine through in a map like this one where my team was being pushed into a corner.

    -Yune demanded a rematch against Altina, and while she couldn't directly challenge Altina, her massive Res meant a whole lot of enemies will get debuffed, perfect for her weapon and those Glacies bombs. Plus, she could just shrug away the healer's attacks to keep her busy. Also her attack animation is just gorgeous.

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