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Rate the Unit 36: Eda


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Rules (adapted from Integrity's)

- Ratings are for Normal Mode.

- Votes need some explanation regarding their gameplay performance to be counted. If somebody else said what you want to already, quote them explicitly.

+/- ≤1 point extra regarding personality/appearance is encouraged, but no more. If you exercise your bias privileges, please do so explicitly.

- Votes are made out of 10. You cannot rate a unit above 10 or below 0.

- The rating topic will be updated whenever I feel like it, but I will try to allow at least 24 hours for each topic. They will generally be updated at around noon EST.

- A character being inferior relative to another character does not explicitly reduce their rating.

- Characters do not get credit for recruiting others or allowing access to side quests.

- Assume that the character in question is being recruited.

- Characters do not get credit for bringing items.

- I reserve the right to ignore any votes which are not well-supported.

- You may allow a character to use scrolls (and adjust their rating appropriately) so long as it is reasonable (you may debate what constitutes "reasonable" if you feel people may disagree with you). You cannot arbitrarily increase a unit's score by arguing that they may exclusively use half a dozen scrolls for themself. In general, scrolls will probably not add more than +1 to a character's overall rating.

- Warp skipping has an impact on scores in so far as "Safy has an high base staff rank". Nanna would score lower than Safy because of her lower rank, but no chapter is explicitly said to be skipped. You can't get Warp and then suddenly say every character after doesn't exist or requires turns to recruit. Something could be said of Xavier, or Conomore/Amalda who are in an escape chapter where Leaf starts next to the escape point.

Robert: 2.33

Ronan: 2.42

Alva: 2.5

Marty: 2.89

Kein: 3.5

Tanya: 3.82

Dalsin: 4.38

Trude: 4.69

Evayl: 5.02

Selphina: 5.37

Glade: 5.75

Hicks: 5.89

Fred: 6.00

Brighton: 6.90

Machua: 7.03

Olwen: 7.05

Mareeta: 7.13

Halvan: 7.35

Carrion: 7.54

Dagda: 7.54

Rifis: 7.70

Leaf: 8.18

Shiva: 8.26

Salem: 8.30

Karin: 8.50

Pahn: 8.66

Dean: 8.70

Felgus: 8.79

Othin: 8.86

Tina: 8.90

Lara: 8.92

Fin: 9.06

Nanna: 9.13

Safy: 9.48

Asvel: 9.58

Despite being a flyer, she is markedly weaker than both Karin and Dean. Her base stats are rather poor for the time at which she joins. She has no skills or PCC or other redeeming qualities. Her only decent weapon rank is her lance rank, which allows her to use some weapons at the very least, but her growths aren't even anything particularly special and it will take her a long time to catch up to Dean. Overall, she gets a bonus point for being able to fly, but is pretty useless. 3/10

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Can get good potential. But it will take some resources and scrolls to get her on par with everybody else. The only thing that is going to hurt her in the long run is having a good weapon rank that she can only use outdoors. Upon class change she gets D rank is swords making her limit her options fighting indoors. It can be possible to get her to use Kill Swords, but it will take some work to get it there. She is said to possess better luck and Speed than Dean, but her BLD isn't good not making her good for rescues. As she averages no more than about 2.05 in BLD every 20 levels. Surely, she will need Neir for better BLD, but it's more recommendable to give to Lifis or Pahn as they need it alot more. Which means she can never get good at capturing dismounted. But her lighter BLD makes rescuing her alot easier. As your rescuer will actually get more canto movement upon her getting rescued. If your going to use her, put Dean by her if possible for goodness sake. Otherwise, she can stand out with her better dodge, and Mag that she will get better than Dean overtime. She will definitely need the Elite Sword to get her battle ready more quickly for the later chapters. Especially, upon her joining time.

But also because of this...

She has no skills or PCC or other redeeming qualities.

She will need Wrath/Killer weapons in a hurry, that is if your going to make her useable throughout the game. Without Wrath for indoors, otherwise she needs access to Killer Swords in a hurry to be of any use. But because it's difficult to raise her, especially indoors.....


Edited by アイネ
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Elite!Eda was useful on my all girls run when I had her murder 14x's pegasus knights.

Otherwise, piss poor bases and if she wants to catch up you'd either need turn investment, Elite, or both. And some scrolls while you're at it. It's a lot of work just to get to a certain other dracoknight's base level of awesome, which really isn't worth it. But she can fly and if you really like her or something she isn't unusable.

3.5/10 with half bias since she did perform nicely in my girls run.

Edited by Fat Bunny
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Eda... "sigh".

Poor Eda. She really didn't get anything. No kickass skills. No PCC. No personal weapon. No awesome growths. Not even a single movement star.

Homer, who joins in the same chapter got all of these things. Except for the personal weapon bit. But he is the only one besides Linoan who can reasonably claim the Rezire tome.

But Eda? Nothing. She looks entirely ordinary except that she joins way too late to be anything but underleveled garbage. She could have joined as early as Manster instead of Karin and nobody would think there was anything odd about her.

She even has trouble doubling. With an ordinary Iron Lance, she gets weighted down by four points, so she has essentially a 5 Spd base. Even in this game, this isn't very hot. The only enemies slow enough to get doubled by these are the ones that an Iron Lance can't even scratch to begin with. Her weapon ranks are good enough to use Killer Lances who are only slightly heavier on top of doing a lot more damage. But she has no PCC, so sending her against an enemy and expecting her to kill him would still be foolish.

Unlike Marita, she actually has a support partner and a good one at that. But without a PCC, she doesn't get that much out of it.

And her growths are standard. Not bad, but there is nothing special about them. Except that she also suffers from "Females have no build growth syndrome".

At least she supports Dean back and there are only so many units that can fly. But combat is probably the last thing she is good for.

No rating since I haven't used her much besides a bit of rescuing and helping Karin in 14x to finish of stubborn fliers. But I can't see how one could get much use of her beyond that.

Edited by BrightBow
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Pretty underrated tbh. She's not as awesome as her brother and you can't do anything with her once you first get her till the next chapter, but she still can manage to do some things her brother can do. Sure there's Karin to train, but Eda will get more strength and defense than her. Also one of the best candidates for the Wrath manual if you're using her and you can't decide who to give it to.

8/10 (7/10 with + bias for being Dean's sis :>)

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Eda sadly joins with her much superior brother, but all is not entirely gloomy for her. Much like Dean, she flies, though her combat is pretty much equal to an underlevelled Karin at this point. She does have a B rank in lances, but 5 base Build and a 5% growth won't help her much when most higher ranked lances weigh in the teens. D swords for indoor combat is also quite poor, so it's likely that she won't get deployed there very often.

Her base stats are fairly low and her growths are only decent, but she at least levels up quite fast thanks to her low base level. She could use a plethora of scrolls to get her from her low bases, but I'd definitely suggest Hezul, Neir and Dain first, as contested as they are.

Fortunately, she comes in before a chapter with Pegasus Riders that are easy to kill, then comes another chapter with weak Bandits and Swordfighters, though she'll hate facing Hunters. This does mean she can at least fight those enemies decently, especially when in support range of her brother. Both chapters also happen to have a lot of mountains, making flight very useful.

Under average combat, but she may have some use with flight. Thankfully, she comes before two chapters with a lot of weaklings, so she's somewhat salvageable.


Edited by Dio
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Eda sadly joins with her much superior brother, but all is not entirely gloomy for her. Much like Dean, she flies, though her combat is pretty much equal to an underlevelled Karin at this point. She does have a B rank in lances, but 5 base Build and a 5% growth won't help her much when most higher ranked lances weigh in the teens. D swords for indoor combat is also quite poor, so it's likely that she won't get deployed there very often.

Her base stats are fairly low and her growths are only decent, but she at least levels up quite fast thanks to her low base level. She could use a plethora of scrolls to get her from her low bases, but I'd definitely suggest Hezul, Neir and Dain first, as contested as they are.

Fortunately, she comes in before a chapter with Pegasus Riders that are easy to kill, then comes another chapter with weak Bandits and Swordfighters, though she'll hate facing Hunters. This does mean she can at least fight those enemies decently, especially when in support range of her brother. Both chapters also happen to have a lot of mountains, making flight very useful.

Under average combat, but she may have some use with flight. Thankfully, she comes before two chapters with a lot of weaklings, so she's somewhat salvageable.


u debate well. Exceedingly well. =)

I always love reading yours the most. Low BLD, having trouble using more advanced weaponry. And can't double well either not until she gets enough speed. But his votes too in these threads says it all. Listen to him. =)

Edited by アイネ
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Pretty underrated tbh. She's not as awesome as her brother and you can't do anything with her once you first get her till the next chapter, but she still can manage to do some things her brother can do. Sure there's Karin to train, but Eda will get more strength and defense than her. Also one of the best candidates for the Wrath manual if you're using her and you can't decide who to give it to.

8/10 (7/10 with + bias for being Dean's sis :>)

You rate Eda 8.0? Are you sure about that? You gave Karin only a 4.0. Karin's combat might be bad but it's still miles ahead of Eda by chapter 14. Heck, she beats Eda's agility by 4 points at base level. By the time Eda joins, she will have her Speed maxed.

And the Wrath manual makes everyone kill stuff.


And the game gets more heavier on dark magic users who don't care much about Eda's defense stat.

Edited by BrightBow
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Karin had -1 bias, Eda has +1 bias. It's a 5 vs. a 7.

(Admittedly I still can't see that working, but it isn't THAT massive a difference)

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