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I saw someone on tumblr saying that there are other way to see that if the summoned unit would be 4* or 5* before tapping the orb, they say it 's the sparkle. Have anyone confirmed this? if this is true,can someone post the pic of their summoning pool to tell the difference betwene the orb with 3* and the one with 4*/5*?

Edited by DraceEmpressa
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12 minutes ago, Lushen said:

Drag Back has been better for me personally. I find myself backed into corners/walls too often with reposition, unable to actually pull someone out of harms way.

Reposition and Draw Back have the exact same space requirements, though. The only difference is who ends up in which of the occupied squares in the end.


1 minute ago, XRay said:

2. You mean I overestimated your summoning rate?

You mentioned a "few weeks" to fill out 500. That's about two weeks of one banner and the initial pull spree of the next, so it'll still take only about two and a half weeks to hit 500. ("Few" to me is "three or more".)

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10 minutes ago, Lushen said:

But I agree.  If you cleared it easily and others are struggling, you either got lucky and had the right units, your teams are OP, or you're a whale.

So skill is just not a factor at all huh? XD

11 minutes ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

"why are you scrubs struggling with difficult content"

"i just cleared it with horse/blade emblem, it was easy"

Pretty sure you can't use horse/blade emblem for all 5 maps unless you're a MEGA whale LOL

For the record, blade emblem didn't help much for me :P

13 minutes ago, Falcom said:

Reason 1- Had a bit of issues trying to get a consistent plan for the first map since both Marth and Caeda are able to double my party.

Reason 2- As I mentioned, the last map is a pain. The thieves have very high resistance and speed. Doubling even a 39 Spd Lucina. Getting rid of one is easy enough, but when the other thief approaches, it becomes difficult to beat him without someone getting killed. (Also little space to work with)



I actually wanted to know what type of drugs they had to take to get that fast HEH


@DraceEmpressa those are also fixed I believe!

Edited by Arcanite
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1 minute ago, Ice Dragon said:

You mentioned a "few weeks" to fill out 500. That's about two weeks of one banner and the initial pull spree of the next, so it'll still take only about two and a half weeks to hit 500. ("Few" to me is "three or more".)


I thought you summon like 500+ at a time when a new banner comes up, so I suggested doing it over a few weeks would be less stressful. I do not think I summoned that much when I tried to max out my B!Cordelia, but I spaced it out over a few days so it was less stressful than doing it all in one night.

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11 minutes ago, DraceEmpressa said:

I saw someone on tumblr saying that there are other way to see that if the summoned unit would be 4* or 5* before tapping the orb, they say it 's the sparkle. Have anyone confirmed this? if this is true,can someone post the pic of their summoning pool to tell the difference betwene the orb with 3* and the one with 4*/5*?

Definitely a myth. Somebody would have figured it out back in February were it true.

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4 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

Reposition and Draw Back have the exact same space requirements, though. The only difference is who ends up in which of the occupied squares in the end.


You mentioned a "few weeks" to fill out 500. That's about two weeks of one banner and the initial pull spree of the next, so it'll still take only about two and a half weeks to hit 500. ("Few" to me is "three or more".)

D'oh.  I don't know why I always had trouble on my other acc't with reposition....Haven't even touched/thought about it on this acc't.  I suppose drag back is for glassy units and reposition is for tanks.

Just now, Arcanite said:

So skill is just not a factor at all huh? XD

Skill factors in, but not as much as luck when it comes to day 1 clears.  People who have an easy time with these maps/modes without thought simply have the right units so they don't need to think as hard.  It's the same thing with tempest.  I happen to only have 4:16 (1:4) ratio of what is considered good 5*s to what is considered bad 5*s because I picked units based on if I like them and most of those units just weren't good.  Same with the 4*s that I've trained, I've trained Odin.  I also have been pullinng nocolors only for the last two banners so I have like no SI fodder.  I had a lot of difficulties in tempest, despite having blade the game since the beginning.  I'm sure I could have struggled with it and thought more strategically (skill), but the work I had to do to get my teams to clear lunatic was simply not worth F!Marth, which is why I quit.  Meanwhile, people were talking about how it couldn't be easier.

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Ugh. 111 summons in and I finally get my first Barst of the banner. Reposition really doesn't seem to like me at all.

On a happier note, I've pulled 3 Tikis, 3 Robins, and 1 Gaius so far, and the only off-focus 5-star I've pulled is a Ninian.


16 minutes ago, XRay said:

I thought you summon like 500+ at a time when a new banner comes up, so I suggested doing it over a few weeks would be less stressful. I do not think I summoned that much when I tried to max out my B!Cordelia, but I spaced it out over a few days so it was less stressful than doing it all in one night.

Oh, okay. Yeah, I can't really bring myself to spend some of my patience quota when it doesn't really matter all that much. A monthly budget doesn't care if it's spent in the first week or the last week of the month as long as all the money is accounted for.

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@DehNutCase, Draconic Aura is slightly stronger, by 1 point, than Bonfire if L&D3 Selena's +Atk, -Def. Otherwise, they're equal and a similar case happens with Dragon Fang and Ignis. Kind of funny how L&D3 tanking her defense and resistance still lets her get the same damage from both specials. For me, attack buffs are more common and for a L&D3 Selena, a Fortify Def 3 boosted Bonfire doesn't become that stronger compared to DA and with Fortify Def 3 and Hone Attack 3, Bonfire only equals a Hone Attack boosted DA. Now, if only there were speed-based specials. 20 to 30 damage from 40 speed is pretty gnarly.

Anyway, I think I'm just traumatized by Veronica and to a lesser extent, Boey and Merric from the Tempest Trials. Nobody will know if she'll be the boss again until Thursday, but I know I'm terrified of her if she comes back, especially since the final map has defense tiles and if she gets on one... Welp.

Lucina is my most reliable means to deal with her and so would masked Lucina if I had her leveled up and kitted out and a 4* Sophia with T-Adept 2 and G Tomebreaker 3 -- as sad as it would be to part with my first Henry. And the always if I had summoned them, Athena -- basically a L&D3 Selena in stats --, Celica, Katarina, Tharja and a 5* Lilina wold be able to deal with her. All of these are way cheaper than "Hey, let's get L&D3 and Ruby Sword+ on Selena."

That being said, having an anti-green unit, especially one that can still double most of them after their stats are boosted because of them being NPC enemies, would still be pretty good. L&D Selena as an idea is also hilarious to me. Tank her defenses, but she's still tanky and now she hits harder. Ruby Sword would mitigate the damage she takes from them, so -5 to defense and resistance is all right.

Assuming she has the same stats as before, Fury 3, Ruby Sword+, +Atk, -Def 4* Selena would not be able to double Veronica without at least a Speed +1 seal or baiting Veronica and having Threaten Speed 3 affect her. +Spd, -Res would be able to double her, but without Fury 3, a Hone Attack 3 or Spur Attack 3 buff, or a special, she needs to 3RKO Veronica while +Atk, -Def 4* Selena can 2RKO Veronica without any of that if she baits Veronica which is basically how I had Lucina deal with Veronica.

L&D3 would let both of them double and 2RKO Veronica regardless. +Atk is just off by 5 points of damage from ORKO'ing Veronica after a bait. If +Atk Selena were a 5*, she can straight up murder full HP Veronica with a Hone Attack 3 or Spur Attack 3 buff.

A minimum investment of just a Ruby Sword would make 4* Selena a decent anti-Veronica unit. Ruby Sword+ would be icing on the cake. +Spd, -Res Selena with a Ruby Sword would need at least 4 rounds of combat without an attack buff and an Attack +1 seal which would drop it to 2 rounds. +Atk, -Def Selena would need an attack buff or a special to 2RKO otherwise she's looking at a 3RKO. Both need Threaten Speed to affect Veronica, though.

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49 minutes ago, Kaden said:

Anyway, I think I'm just traumatized by Veronica and to a lesser extent, Boey and Merric from the Tempest Trials. Nobody will know if she'll be the boss again until Thursday, but I know I'm terrified of her if she comes back, especially since the final map has defense tiles and if she gets on one... Welp.

IRRC, my 4* Selena 2RKOs Veronica without issues. +Spd and Fury means she had 39 spd, 2 more than needed to double Veronica, Ignis and the Ruby she got from somewhere meant: A, she took 0 damage aside from Fury burn, and B, she actually hits quite hard. 17x 2 or something, and of course Ignis just explodes people.

Renewal meant Fury burn damage isn't even a problem, too, since she can just hang out in the back doing reposition things while waiting for Hp to recover.


Off-topic edit:

The more I use Wings of Mercy, the more I like it as a mobility skill. It lets me do janky stuff like running my Nino into an enemy, with both surviving, and then Cordelia and Azura both fly in to kill the opposing Nino, and then dance Nino to finish, say, S!Tiki who would've OHKOd Cordelia.

Edited by DehNutCase
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The banners now have a little information dossier on the represented units. Kinda cool, but if I'm remembering Boey's minor skill right, it doesn't provide any hints as to that- it lists the passives in alphabetical slot order.

Granted, if a character is on a banner, it's not like it particularly matters.

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5 minutes ago, phineas81707 said:

The banners now have a little information dossier on the represented units. Kinda cool, but if I'm remembering Boey's minor skill right, it doesn't provide any hints as to that- it lists the passives in alphabetical slot order.

The dossiers have been there since release back in February. The More Info button has just been added though, the dossiers were previously located on the bulletin board.

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1 minute ago, Vaximillian said:

The dossiers have been there since release back in February. The More Info button has just been added though, the dossiers were previously located on the bulletin board.

So it's even less useful than I thought.

...Good for quick reminders, I suppose. But you really should have an idea of this information before you even get to the Summon screen.

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I'm surprised how well Alphonse is performing at 4* with a regular brave sword, maybe I'll 5* him when I feel like it. I finished building my F.Robin, pretty happy about it.




Green Raven
B.Tome Killer
Hone SPD


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Finally have a 40% character for Tempest Trials for one of my accounts at least!

Pulled a Boey, although he is +Spd/-Atk and 4 star...

I seem to have a thing for pulling focus characters in their banners- except they aren't 5 stars.

Also lately things have been getting -Atk...

Now I just need a 40% bonus character on my main account.

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2 hours ago, Fei Mao said:

I'm surprised how well Alphonse is performing at 4* with a regular brave sword, maybe I'll 5* him when I feel like it. I finished building my F.Robin, pretty happy about it.


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Green Raven
B.Tome Killer
Hone SPD


Damnit, that's what I've been trying to do, but I still need to 5* a Cecilia first... The road is long.

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I think I'm too salty for Tempest to be starting so soon. After blowing almost all the new orbs from Chain Battle to get literally nothing of worth I think I need a break.

I get the feeling even a month isn't going to be long enough to get Tiki and Robin at this rate.

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12 hours ago, GuiltyLove said:

Tier lists for this game are kinda silly considering it's not PvP. They make a lot more sense for fighting games. Do be aware that even for fighting games, they're mostly only accurate at the top level and don't apply to casual or low-level players

That doesn't explain the Invoker Spammer in muh 3k mmr BabyRage

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5 minutes ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

tfw you can't even slice open a bikini

Ryoma's just being honorable. In the conquest route, he only hits Xander if he's available---Xander, on the other hand, will ride his horse and ORKO anyone he can get his hands on in Birthright. Gameplay and story intergration!

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Just now, JSND said:

That doesn't explain the Invoker Spammer in muh 3k mmr BabyRage

Fighting games are lame anyway, especially melee. I would know, since I was part of the competitive scene for that for 10+ years FailFish

waste of my life

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1 minute ago, DehNutCase said:

Ryoma's just being honorable. In the conquest route, he only hits Xander if he's available---Xander, on the other hand, will ride his horse and ORKO anyone he can get his hands on in Birthright. Gameplay and story intergration!

Well, Xanders have been doing damage to my Robin. Maybe you're onto something here.

Also, my sig is relevant lmao

Just now, GuiltyLove said:

Fighting games are lame anyway, especially melee. I would know, since I was part of the competitive scene for that for 10+ years FailFish

waste of my life

1v1 me in smeysh!

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3 minutes ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

1v1 me in smeysh!

64 sucks. It's just camping with aerials until you get a hit and then someone dies. If you shield, it get broken and you die

Melee sucks. It got too big from the smash documentary and now there are too many reddit and twitch noobs invading with their awful opinions and complete lack of skill. Wobbling is stupid, low tiers are dumb, and defensive play started becoming much more important than aggression

Brawl has awful physics and everything about actual matches was ruined by Sakurai, who thought that competitive smash was bad. I mean, it is, but he made Brawl so much worse by adding tripping, getting rid of hitstun, and making everything so much slower

Smash 4 is pretty lame too since it's just as slow. There's a reason why matches are only two stocks in tournament, as one stock takes way too long to use up. The ledge mechanics are bad as well

There is my rant on smash! I don't miss melee at all!

17 minutes ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:


tfw you can't even slice open a bikini

on topic: ur lewd

Also I still haven't gotten the summer units FeelsBadMan

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1 minute ago, GuiltyLove said:

64 sucks. It's just camping with aerials until you get a hit and then someone dies. If you shield, it get broken and you die

Melee sucks. It got too big from the smash documentary and now there are too many reddit and twitch noobs invading with their awful opinions and complete lack of skill. Wobbling is stupid, low tiers are dumb, and defensive play started becoming much more important than aggression

Brawl has awful physics and everything about actual matches was ruined by Sakurai, who thought that competitive smash was bad. I mean, it is, but he made Brawl so much worse by adding tripping, getting rid of hitstun, and making everything so much slower

Smash 4 is pretty lame too since it's just as slow. There's a reason why matches are only two stocks in tournament, as one stock takes way too long to use up. The ledge mechanics are bad as well

There is my rant on smash! I don't miss melee at all!

on topic: ur lewd

Also I still haven't gotten the summer units FeelsBadMan

I actually like the Smash 4 ledge trump thing, though if you're talking about dem magnet hands I'll agree.

Brawl (and Smash 4) hitstun formula is actually exactly the same as Melee's. They just added hitstun cancelling in Brawl because lol, and in Smash 4 base knockback is higher so combos aren't as free form.

ill smash u

so you can love smash again


Yes, I am. But right now I'm just disappointed in lobster lord.

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2 minutes ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

I actually like the Smash 4 ledge trump thing, though if you're talking about dem magnet hands I'll agree.

Brawl (and Smash 4) hitstun formula is actually exactly the same as Melee's. They just added hitstun cancelling in Brawl because lol, and in Smash 4 base knockback is higher so combos aren't as free form.

ill smash u

so you can love smash again


Yes, I am. But right now I'm just disappointed in lobster lord.

If the hitstun mechanics are the same, you could have fooled me. The characters are sOOOOoo0o0o slow. The lack of Z/L canceling in 64/Melee doesn't help either.

Smash is terrible

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Just now, GuiltyLove said:

If the hitstun mechanics are the same, you could have fooled me. The characters are sOOOOoo0o0o slow. The lack of Z/L canceling in 64/Melee doesn't help either.

Smash is terrible

ur too slow!!

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