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Just now, mampfoid said:

Is there any information available when Clives GHB will start? I want hit & run for Cordelia, but don't want to sacrifice my only Clair if it's not necessary.  

Clive is a tempest torture 

It's on the info board in game! They show all the upcoming events!

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1 minute ago, mampfoid said:

Is there any information available when Clives GHB will start? I want hit & run for Cordelia, but don't want to sacrifice my only Clair if it's not necessary.  

He isn't a GHB, he's the free unit for Temepest Trials

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13 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

Is there any information available when Clives GHB will start? I want hit & run for Cordelia, but don't want to sacrifice my only Clair if it's not necessary.  

Valter is the next GHB and that's not for a couple weeks.  I'm not sure what they're going to do about Arena bonus units, since the schedule of getting a new GHB every other week has stopped.

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Just realized blues are like 50% of my 5* box. Red's 2nd best @ around 10 units, green's half that, and colorless is sitting at a lonely 1. R.I.P. +Atk/-Spd Klein, your spirit lives on in B!Cordelia. (And I'll eventually promote your better +Atk/-Hp variant from 4*.)


Edit: Although, to be fair, I have 4 copies of Mathilda, so that's probably part of why my blue box is so big relative to every other color. (That feeling when you're too miserly to even fodderize 5*s you have 4 copies of.)

Double Edit: Also, is anyone else bothered by the fact that B!Cordelia has a different hair color from Cordelia and Selena?

Edited by DehNutCase
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Clive is basically Camus, except you remove everything that made Camus good without getting anything back.

If his datamined stats are accurate, his 5* stats are:


vs. Camus'


On top of the fact that he dumped 8 speed for basically no reason, his weapon is just a Silver Lance rather than Camus' 1-2 range counter Prf.


'Marth' at least had a very good spread and Prf thanks to being Lucina, even if it's neutral nature rather than +Atk/-Res or something.

Edit: Tobin's just a Armorslayer+ in case you wanted to run a hard core green check dancer in TA-3 Olivia, and I expect Clive to be basically just a free Silver Lance+ to anyone who wants one. Not really gonna care about him unless the datamine ends up being completely wrong.

Edited by DehNutCase
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13 minutes ago, DehNutCase said:

Clive is basically Camus, except you remove everything that made Camus good without getting anything back.

If his datamined stats are accurate, his 5* stats are:


vs. Camus'


On top of the fact that he dumped 8 speed for basically no reason, his weapon is just a Silver Lance rather than Camus' 1-2 range counter Prf.


'Marth' at least had a very good spread and Prf thanks to being Lucina, even if it's neutral nature rather than +Atk/-Res or something.

Edit: Tobin's just a Armorslayer+ in case you wanted to run a hard core green check dancer in TA-3 Olivia, and I expect Clive to be basically just a free Silver Lance+ to anyone who wants one. 

Too bad they couldn't even give Clive like a Ridersbane or something.  Even his skills are disappointing.  I guess they're just being true to the source material.


I got pretty far on CC 11+12 with my initial Flyer Emblem team.  I run into a wall on 12-2, since the enemies will not move even once you aggro somebody.  That b*tch Sonya even moved away from my units, just to make me lose due to turn count.  The Turn Count Missions are killer in Chapter 12, especially with the Terrain.


I wish Granni's Shield wasn't Camus exclusive, or I'd slap that on a couple Horse Emblem units just to counter the weapons there.


Oh, I miss the double SP.  I'd grind some more, but I only have 101 Stamina Potions left, and they don't grow on trees.

Edited by Rezzy
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7 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

Too bad they couldn't even give Clive like a Ridersbane or something.  Even his skills are disappointing.  I guess they're just being true to the source material.


I got pretty far on CC 11+12 with my initial Flyer Emblem team.  I run into a wall on 12-2, since the enemies will not move even once you aggro somebody.  That b*tch Sonya even moved away from my units, just to make me lose due to turn count.  The Turn Count Missions are killer in Chapter 12, especially with the Terrain.

Yeah. It's apparently Clive's fate to always underwhelm.

I also had that happen with Sonya on that map in one of my attempts. I...was not amused, to put it lightly. 

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20 minutes ago, Tybrosion said:

Yeah. It's apparently Clive's fate to always underwhelm.

Hey, at least he's beautiful. He's got that working for him.

Speaking of Clive (sort of...), how good is Mathilda? I just pulled a 5* +Spd, -Res one, and I'm wondering how worth she is to train up. Ridersbane+ seems like it can be useful to counter Horse Emblem and for a few of the PvE maps, but I'm also training Camus and Reinhardt for my Horse Emblem team (it'll have a rotating membership depending on need).

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42 minutes ago, DehNutCase said:

Clive is basically Camus, except you remove everything that made Camus good without getting anything back.

If his datamined stats are accurate, his 5* stats are:


vs. Camus'


On top of the fact that he dumped 8 speed for basically no reason, his weapon is just a Silver Lance rather than Camus' 1-2 range counter Prf.


'Marth' at least had a very good spread and Prf thanks to being Lucina, even if it's neutral nature rather than +Atk/-Res or something.

Edit: Tobin's just a Armorslayer+ in case you wanted to run a hard core green check dancer in TA-3 Olivia, and I expect Clive to be basically just a free Silver Lance+ to anyone who wants one. Not really gonna care about him unless the datamine ends up being completely wrong.

"Marth" requires the most Skill Inheritance of any unit, simply because "he" starts with nothing but Falchion. Lucina at least had Aether if nothing else.

Besides, I wasn't even talking about his stats or skillset or anything, in fact I can't explain why I anticipate him more than the others, and Tobin is just as prettyboy as Clive is.

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10 minutes ago, Xenomata said:

"Marth" requires the most Skill Inheritance of any unit, simply because "he" starts with nothing but Falchion. Lucina at least had Aether if nothing else.

Implying that Tobin and Clive have kits that don't need to be completely overhauled. Even Lucina wants everything changed up on her SI save Luna and maybe Spur Atk.

Edited by MrSmokestack
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7 minutes ago, Xenomata said:

"Marth" requires the most Skill Inheritance of any unit, simply because "he" starts with nothing but Falchion. Lucina at least had Aether if nothing else.

Besides, I wasn't even talking about his stats or skillset or anything, in fact I can't explain why I anticipate him more than the others, and Tobin is just as prettyboy as Clive is.

I think his artist, Tobi, does make his guys extremely pretty, though. His art is just fantastic. Maybe that has something to do with it? 

Or maybe you like the character more than you realise? I'm looking forward to Clive the most because, out of the three, he's one of my favourites. I think he's well written in his game, even if others might disagree. He strikes me as one of the more realistic characters, to an extent. He's not perfect, and he does pass things on to others that he probably shouldn't, but he still does try to better himself.

Or could just be Tobin was a disappointment by being another sword unit instead of the bow unit that he should have been and the third Lucina in the game (or second Marth if you want to look at it that way) just didn't feel all that exciting... 

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2 hours ago, KongDude said:

I kind of wish seasonals were more diverse. Out of 16, 2 are fliers, 1 is cav and the rest are infantry. It isn't super difficult to make them different either, seeing how Summer Corrin was just thrown on a Wyvern.

Also, Armors need love. They've gotten one new unit, who was a GHB unless I'm forgetting someone.

There aren't popular Armors, they don't make money; so, they don't need love.

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3 minutes ago, Troykv said:

There aren't popular Armors, they don't make money; so, they don't need love.

Nothing to stop them making a seasonal armour Lucina or something. Not sure how it would work, but still... xD 

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9 minutes ago, MrSmokestack said:

Implying that Tobin and Clive have kits that don't need to be completely overhauled. Even Lucina wants everything changed up on her SI save Luna and maybe Spur Atk.

I'm not saying they're perfect. In fact, what unit is? At least Lucina starts with something at all, which is a hell of a lot better than having a sword and that's about it. Hell, Tobin at least has Pivot from the starting line. TOBiN already has a head start over "Marth". TOBIN.

8 minutes ago, Cute Chao said:

I think his artist, Tobi, does make his guys extremely pretty, though. His art is just fantastic. Maybe that has something to do with it? 

Or maybe you like the character more than you realise? I'm looking forward to Clive the most because, out of the three, he's one of my favourites. I think he's well written in his game, even if others might disagree. He strikes me as one of the more realistic characters, to an extent. He's not perfect, and he does pass things on to others that he probably shouldn't, but he still does try to better himself.

Or could just be Tobin was a disappointment by being another sword unit instead of the bow unit that he should have been and the third Lucina in the game (or second Marth if you want to look at it that way) just didn't feel all that exciting... 

That actually makes a lot of sense. I do remember feeling like Clive was a relatable character throughout Echoes, and was disappointed when his stats weren't leveling up as well as I had hoped they would bcause I wanted to use him.


7 minutes ago, Troykv said:

There aren't popular Armors, they don't make money; so, they don't need love.

What about Kell...


Uh... who was I talking about again?

...oright, Benny! What about Benny? Gotta love the Gentle Titan character, right?

Edited by Xenomata
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3 minutes ago, Cute Chao said:

Nothing to stop them making a seasonal armour Lucina or something. Not sure how it would work, but still... xD 

I'd be interested in an Armour Knight Camilla actually.

or Camilla in Beruka's armour. That used to be hers.

actually who is the most popular armour knight?

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2 minutes ago, Xenomata said:

That actually makes a lot of sense. I do remember feeling like Clive was a relatable character throughout Echoes, and was disappointed when his stats weren't leveling up as well as I had hoped they would bcause I wanted to use him.

If you mean in Heroes... eh, I'm still gonna use him. He's a freebie 5*, after all. They can't all be as easy to use as Camus, I guess, and Clive has a reputation for being... not so good in his game. 

If you mean in Echoes, then he's still usable. I think the only units I struggled to use were Valbar because of movement, and Est because I couldn't be bothered to level her up. 

2 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

I'd be interested in an Armour Knight Camilla actually.

or Camilla in Beruka's armour. That used to be hers.

actually who is the most popular armour knight?

You mean Camilla wearing armour that actually covers her up :O I think the game makers would suicide before doing such a thing. They did, however, put her in a bunny outfit that somehow managed to be less revealing... 

(It would be nice to see Camilla in actual armour. But then, considering even Effie has some kind of underwear armour going on, I wouldn't hold my breath). 

Hmmm... might have to dig through the CYL. I'm guessing the most popular armour unit overall was Hector, but that's just a guess.

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9 minutes ago, Xenomata said:

I'm not saying they're perfect. In fact, what unit is? At least Lucina starts with something at all, which is a hell of a lot better than having a sword and that's about it. Hell, Tobin at least has Pivot from the starting line. TOBiN already has a head start over "Marth". TOBIN.

That actually makes a lot of sense. I do remember feeling like Clive was a relatable character throughout Echoes, and was disappointed when his stats weren't leveling up as well as I had hoped they would bcause I wanted to use him.


What about Kell...


Uh... who was I talking about again?

...oright, Benny! What about Benny? Gotta love the Gentle Titan character, right?

Do you mean...Kjelle?

also benny would be really nice to have.

@Cute Chao oh right, it somehow slipped my mind Hector was an armour. Still sleepy haha.

and hey sometimes being covered up enhances the appeal :P Women in suits for example.

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