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Just realized Block A has Male Corrin along with Young Tiki. I didn't even notice when I was summoning last night... Maybe I won't be spending much time trying for Young Tiki anymore. Especially if we ever get that New Mystery BHB, if it truly exists at all. New Special Maps are starting to feel like nothing but a distant memory.

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So, it looks like we won't be getting a calendar this month.  It's odd that we haven't had any news on a new GHB, BHB, or even a GHB rerun.

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...Are we just gonna get a week without a GHB or BHB? It's only been a few days so far, but considering they've been back-to-back for a while now, it seems a bit odd to suddenly stop for this long.

Also, looks like my 5-star Fir will finally come in handy. Nice!

Edit: Alternatively, maybe they actually listened to complaints about GHB/BHB happening in the middle of a Tempest? Although it's not really the "middle" of the Tempest, but it's still possible, I suppose.

Edited by DefaultBeep
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6 bonus orbs. Not bad but it'll be a bit annoying to train those 3 just for orbs, I'm glad the Warriors maps exist to make this easier.

At least now I have an excuse to start training that +Atk Fir that's been sitting on the bench for who knows how long and maybe I'll also start a Brave Axe Frederick. Sully....Ugh, I never liked her in Awakening and I don't like her here.

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3 minutes ago, Alexmender said:

6 bonus orbs. Not bad but it'll be a bit annoying to train those 3 just for orbs, I'm glad the Warriors maps exist to make this easier.

At least these three I’ve been keeping at 4★ lvl 40 for a while. Unlike certain mage and pegasus knight.

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5 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

At least these three I’ve been keeping at 4★ lvl 40 for a while. Unlike certain mage and pegasus knight.

I'm kind of the opposite, for the previous one I already had a 4* Virion for the orbs and a 4* Shanna (who became Desperation fooder right after her quest) for the free Henry. I'm swimming in Lon'qu so no need for another one and no need for Virion because he doesn't offer any kind of useful SI.

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Heh, I had all those basically ready, thanks to my need to train one of every character up to 40.

Frederick was 5* Lvl 40 already so he laughed at everyone.

Sully was 4* Lvl 40, so I stuck her against swordies and completed that nicely.

Fir was the worst at 4* Lvl 30. I threw her at healers and she did what she needed to do. Went up three levels, too :)

So two Tempest runs and those quests completed with one block of stamina ^.^

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2 hours ago, Cute Chao said:

Heh, I had all those basically ready, thanks to my need to train one of every character up to 40.

Frederick was 5* Lvl 40 already so he laughed at everyone.

Sully was 4* Lvl 40, so I stuck her against swordies and completed that nicely.

Fir was the worst at 4* Lvl 30. I threw her at healers and she did what she needed to do. Went up three levels, too :)

So two Tempest runs and those quests completed with one block of stamina ^.^

Kind of funny- in my main I have a +Atk merged Frederick ready in my main and Fir was lv 40 as well. Just need to train a Sully that I was meaning to train.

Then in my second account, Sully is lv 40, while Frederick and Fir are relatively partially trained (Fred is lv30 while Fir is lv 20 but both are 3 star)

That said the new orb missions made me fall into the trap of summoning more for green dancers/Ike but alas I think I used up all my luck this week.

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13 hours ago, Rezzy said:

So, it looks like we won't be getting a calendar this month.  It's odd that we haven't had any news on a new GHB, BHB, or even a GHB rerun.

Yeah, it's kinda odd, but then again, releasing the full schedule would reveal the Arvis GHB, which they might want to keep a secret (despite it being leaked already)

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5 minutes ago, Korath88 said:

Yeah, it's kinda odd, but then again, releasing the full schedule would reveal the Arvis GHB, which they might want to keep a secret (despite it being leaked already)

Hopefully the leak didn’t lead them to change the schedule. I could not stand another half-year of waiting for Jugdral.

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Camilla's Warriors map sure is handy for doing the defeat lv 35+ quests. That chokepoint is so good for training units (the red units just walk over to Ninian to be defeated while Frederick murderes the axe fliers and blue units to the right)

Also I thought it would be painful to level up the 3 star Virion and Henry, but the Hinoka map wasn't too bad. Virion makes short work of fliers while Henry does okay with dance support and Ignis charged (sometimes he just acts as a meat shield against swordies/axes to get Ignis charged)


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1 hour ago, Vaximillian said:

Hopefully the leak didn’t lead them to change the schedule. I could not stand another half-year of waiting for Jugdral.

They changed it to a missing Fates character banner and a Hans GHB. 

Jugdral banner and Arvis GHB will be released in October 2018.

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So, Three Heroes was a weird choice of three. Why Fir with the other two? (Fair is fair, this is partly because Fir's kind of meh and I already had a neutral and underlevelled Fir while I've raised the other two up before now anyway) I mean, Stahl would have fit more right?


Edited by Dayni
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7 hours ago, DefaultBeep said:

...Are we just gonna get a week without a GHB or BHB? It's only been a few days so far, but considering they've been back-to-back for a while now, it seems a bit odd to suddenly stop for this long.

Also, looks like my 5-star Fir will finally come in handy. Nice!

Edit: Alternatively, maybe they actually listened to complaints about GHB/BHB happening in the middle of a Tempest? Although it's not really the "middle" of the Tempest, but it's still possible, I suppose.

With the first Tempest of the Day giving one or two Stamina Potions, I don't see why extra content is a problem.  They could at least rerun Narcian again, so we can get him to +10 if we want.

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My only thought on the no GHB or BHB means that a brand new one is really coming because didn't we have a few days before Valter where there weren't any?  I am praying for Armor Mage.

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4 hours ago, Rezzy said:

With the first Tempest of the Day giving one or two Stamina Potions, I don't see why extra content is a problem.  They could at least rerun Narcian again, so we can get him to +10 if we want.

Yeah, I've never been bothered by it personally, but I've seen some complaints about it taking up stamina. Although to be fair, I think most of the complaints were for the first few iterations of the Tempest, which were a bit less kind in that regard (getting to 99,999 points in the first Tempest with only the Hard 5 maps was a nightmare I'd rather not relive). That's the only reason I could think of though, unless maybe they're giving it a few days to get it back on some kind of schedule? Maybe they were going to start aligning weirdly with Arena seasons? I just want the assumed New Mystery BHB banner...

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2 hours ago, JSND Alter Dragon Boner said:

Virion currently seems so good i'm tempted to build one



But that 60k feather cost....

Do it. Make the archest of archers. :p

Still peeved that his title wasn't Archest Archer. Speaking of Virion, apparently he has the lowest defensive spread at 39 total defense and resistance, 1 less than Legion's 40. Gamepedia has a bunch of charts: https://feheroes.gamepedia.com/Specialized_Charts, and I just found out about this one: https://feheroes.gamepedia.com/Total_Defenses_Chart. It obviously doesn't paint the whole picture considering Legion, Virion, and for that matter, Karel, Lon'qu, and Ogma have a ton of HP to back up their low defensive spreads.

Anyway, I just realized that Sanaki was the only unit introduced with 37 attack. The other 4, Cherche, Chrom, Effie, and Lilina, were already in the game. This also means we haven't gotten a new unit with +38 attack yet. The funny thing is if you go down to 36 attack, Bartre and Hector are the only launch units with 36 attack. Bride Charlotte, Delthea, summer Elise, BH Ike, Legion, Mae, and summer Tiki are all newbies.

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9 hours ago, Dayni said:

So, Three Heroes was a weird choice of three. Why Fir with the other two? (Fair is fair, this is partly because Fir's kind of meh and I already had a neutral and underlevelled Fir while I've raised the other two up before now anyway) I mean, Stahl would have fit more right?


Was Stahl in one of the last ones? I think I remember that...

Though, honestly, Fir is pretty useless to me as she has no skill fodder I want. Stahl has swap, which is one of my most needed skills (that and reposition). So I wouldn't have complained if Stahl was put in again ^.^'' I really should look at 5*'ring my current one at some point soon. 

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1 minute ago, Cute Chao said:

Was Stahl in one of the last ones? I think I remember that...

Though, honestly, Fir is pretty useless to me as she has no skill fodder I want. Stahl has swap, which is one of my most needed skills (that and reposition). So I wouldn't have complained if Stahl was put in again ^.^'' I really should look at 5*'ring my current one at some point soon. 

Hence why I assume he wasn't in this one.

Still would have been better and more appropriate.

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