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52 minutes ago, Pandog said:

Yes it was the training tower. It was also technically Auto Battle's fault for getting me in that situation in the first place..

Reminds me of when I almost round 1 of easy Arena Assault because a weaponless Azama wqs standing on a fort tile and I had Stahl and couldn't get him to move away from the tile.

good thing i at least gave Stahl a special by then but even then It took way longer than it needed to be because I had to go out of Threaten Atk's range and wait for the special to charge up

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1 hour ago, Infinite Dreams said:

3* Bartre awaits us with those 5 orbs.

I couldn't even get that with those orbs when I tried sniping for Airzura. Just a 3* Clarine and a 3* Setsuna that both were in different, but both green-less, circles. *sigh* This is going to be a month-long struggle, I just know it.

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7 hours ago, Kaden said:

Okay. I'll just need to work this out.

What's her boon? If she's +Def, +Res, or +HP, you could just make her into a support tank. Caeda's the speedy mage tank, Elincia has high offenses, and Palla is a jack of all trades, so they're going to do different things compared to NY Camilla, the first sword flier with 31 neutral defense. It would be nice for Ashnard, sword-wielding Glen, or whoever to show up with 35 defense soon since NY Camilla's not exactly easy to get, but whatever. You could keep her Kadomatsu and forge it to increase whatever stat you want. +Def NY Camilla would have 38 defense with a defense forge while +Res NY Camilla can have 45/31/31 bulk with a resistance forge. -Spd puts her at 32 speed, but that's still higher than Palla's neutral 31 speed and it's the same speed regular Camilla has and she's pretty bulky. Keeping her default Kadomatsu and Ward Fliers lets her give +6 Def/Res to her allies on a flier team.

Her Boon is HP. The idea of a tanky Camilla with forge is not bad. There are few units that would profit from her Ward Fliers though. My only tanky EP Fliers are Tana (who also has got Firesweep as an alternative) and Michalis, the rest is all offense. 

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14 hours ago, Vaximillian said:

Yes, I have! The headcanon I’m rolling with is that that time stops in the original world once a hero gets summoned. Or Zenith exists in a separate time-space bubble. Or the heroes are images and not real things. Or something.

Also, it’s Vaximillian.

...that explains why it wasn't tagging you. Stupid typos.

And that's actually similar to what I was thinking! Freaky.

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I wished there was a bell lance as a seasonal weapon or whatever or that we had a variant of Abel who was an axe unit. Either way, I'd totally give Abel a bell weapon. :p

For those wondering what I'm even talking about, I keep reading Abel's name in the French pronunciation which is something like "ah-bell" instead of the English pronunciation that's like "able". I don't know why it happens, but it just does.

Edited by Kaden
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17 hours ago, Vaximillian said:

Yes, I have! The headcanon I’m rolling with is that that time stops in the original world once a hero gets summoned. Or Zenith exists in a separate time-space bubble. Or the heroes are images and not real things. Or something.

If you can summon people from arbitrary points in time from a different world, it makes sense that you can also return people to arbitrary points in time. Namely, you can summon them to Zenith, have them stay for a year or so, then return them to their own world a second or two after they left.

Or, you know, send Marth to Ylisse to make Tiki happy. This is actually how Awakening DLC works.


1 hour ago, Kaden said:

I wished there was a bell lance as a seasonal weapon or whatever or that we had a variant of Abel who was an axe unit. Either way, I'd totally give Abel a bell weapon. :p

For those wondering what I'm even talking about, I keep reading Abel's name in the French pronunciation which is something like "ah-bell" instead of the English pronunciation that's like "able". I don't know why it happens, but it just does.

Abel's name in Japanese is also pronounced "ah-behl".

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21 hours ago, Infinite Dreams said:

3* Bartre awaits us with those 5 orbs.

I got a few copies of Barst in my futile attempts to get that seasonal Azura. Reposition fodder is nice and all but I’m quickly running out of barracks space...

A few Bartres as well. 

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The Warriors maps don't work nearly as well on Hana as opposed to other fragile units I have like Airzura...I still got her to level 40 with good SP thanks to Sword Valor and double SP but it was kinda painful. 

I also got an idea while suffering through those maps, a +Atk Hana has a ton of Str and L&D ensures that her Atk will be in the 60+ range when buffed, then with the Heavy Blade seal and a Brave Sword she'll be able to proc Aether or Galeforce every round if she enters the Desperation range. I don't have enough feathers to give her all that fancy stuff now but maybe I'll keep it in mind for the day I start merging her (I have like 9 Hanas not counting the 2 that come from the daily maps so getting her to +10 is just a matter of being persistent).

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14 minutes ago, Alexmender said:

The Warriors maps don't work nearly as well on Hana as opposed to other fragile units I have like Airzura...I still got her to level 40 with good SP thanks to Sword Valor and double SP but it was kinda painful. 

I also got an idea while suffering through those maps, a +Atk Hana has a ton of Str and L&D ensures that her Atk will be in the 60+ range when buffed, then with the Heavy Blade seal and a Brave Sword she'll be able to proc Aether or Galeforce every round if she enters the Desperation range. I don't have enough feathers to give her all that fancy stuff now but maybe I'll keep it in mind for the day I start merging her (I have like 9 Hanas not counting the 2 that come from the daily maps so getting her to +10 is just a matter of being persistent).

I give the unit I'm training the Close Def 3 seal and position a staff user with Physic+ and the Atk Ploy 3 seal in line with the vertical path on Camilla's map. That's usually enough to keep them alive (I occasionally need to bring Drive Def 2 or a Ward Cavalry/Fliers if the unit is particularly frail). I have a few variants to my strategy depending on the unit's range, but that's typically enough to keep them alive forever without losing any kills to my support units.

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22 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

I give the unit I'm training the Close Def 3 seal and position a staff user with Physic+ and the Atk Ploy 3 seal in line with the vertical path on Camilla's map. That's usually enough to keep them alive (I occasionally need to bring Drive Def 2 or a Ward Cavalry/Fliers if the unit is particularly frail). I have a few variants to my strategy depending on the unit's range, but that's typically enough to keep them alive forever without losing any kills to my support units.

Same. Genny has a beefy 34 res

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10 hours ago, Alexmender said:

The Warriors maps don't work nearly as well on Hana as opposed to other fragile units I have like Airzura...I still got her to level 40 with good SP thanks to Sword Valor and double SP but it was kinda painful. 

I also got an idea while suffering through those maps, a +Atk Hana has a ton of Str and L&D ensures that her Atk will be in the 60+ range when buffed, then with the Heavy Blade seal and a Brave Sword she'll be able to proc Aether or Galeforce every round if she enters the Desperation range. I don't have enough feathers to give her all that fancy stuff now but maybe I'll keep it in mind for the day I start merging her (I have like 9 Hanas not counting the 2 that come from the daily maps so getting her to +10 is just a matter of being persistent).

Just unequip L&D and give her Close Def seal and you are good to go. If you are farming SP never equip L&D on those maps.

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12 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

I give the unit I'm training the Close Def 3 seal and position a staff user with Physic+ and the Atk Ploy 3 seal in line with the vertical path on Camilla's map. That's usually enough to keep them alive (I occasionally need to bring Drive Def 2 or a Ward Cavalry/Fliers if the unit is particularly frail). I have a few variants to my strategy depending on the unit's range, but that's typically enough to keep them alive forever without losing any kills to my support units.


1 hour ago, Hilda said:

Just unequip L&D and give her Close Def seal and you are good to go. If you are farming SP never equip L&D on those maps.

Thanks! It seems the Close Def seal did the job to make Hana survive the reds. I kind of forgot I had that seal because it's been attached on Lucina since the TT started. She still takes some damage from the blue mages and cavs in Camilla's map but that's nothing that can't be healed in one turn.

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A few different things here. First off I'm gonna touch on NY!Corrin really quick. People think NY!Corrin is rather underwhelming as a first impression and for me it was the same but after taking a look at him he's actually a really great support unit. In a way he's a variant of my Matthew but structured a bit differently. 

Let's look at him for a sec. His stats as an offensive unit are nothing to write home about as is his BST. But he comes with Rally DEF/RES for 3 points each, spur for another 3 points and then his weapon for a drive. That's 8 points of overall bulk for the unit he supported, 10 if he has an actual support with them. He could also run a Fortify DEF or RES seal with the other in his C slot to free up his rally slot. Either way his role is to bulk up the unit he's next to with his stacks. Now imagine him standing behind an enemy phase Nowi, Fae or worse: Christmas Tharja. I get nightmares thinking about it. Seal ATK or ATK Smoke are probably really good skills for him.

He's not a great offensive archer obviously, but he's got his niche as a (make my partner annoyingly hard to kill) unit. I'll take him. I only have Bridelia, Faye and Takumi as archer options anyways. Seems like Distant Counter Effie would be a good partner for him.

Moving on from that over to Arena, I encountered this... almost sister team to mine in arena.


The team is extremely well crafted with their own gameplan in mind.




Jaffar is perfectly built, kills mages and weakens everyone else. But clearly Navarre is the star of this team with the blessing and most merges. He's got solid bulk enhanced further by the DD3 seal and his ATK bolstered by Fjorm while she herself is hard to kill with the CD seal and Sakura keeps everyone topped off and can take potshots.

As much as I looked forward to going up against this team. Matthew trivialized just about everyone. Sakura suicided on him and he proceeded to tank the rest of the team with a heal here and a dance there. Navarre could barely scratch him, Jaffar only got one hit in before being oneshot and I threw Ayra at Fjorm just so she'd do more than sit there looking pretty the whole encounter.

I treated the battle as a promotion battle, as right after it ended I gave Matt his next merge.


Next merge will give him +1 ATK/SPD, really looking forward to that. If I grab a +ATK Matt to merge somehow then he'll make a huge offensive jump: 38 > 43

I also take pride in the fact that I took out a blade/raven team of Linde/Sophia/Nino/Erika as well. That merge allowed me into the 698 team range. I still have trouble dealing with honed cavalry teams and the like but those are around the 690 range which I'm slowly falling out of. The higher I get with scoring the easier it is actually to deal with arena teams ironically.

And with that, I'm officially out of Matthews. Gonna need to pull colorless if I want him to get any stronger.

EDIT: Oh yeah, got another defense win as well. That makes 3. One was a Brave Lyn, one a Sigurd and one a NY!Azura. Oddly satisfying seeing meta units lose to this team.

Edited by Zeo
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Y'know, I really want a seasonal banner with Cherche, Michalis, Minerva, and Percy together because Cherche and Percy named their wyverns after them. Well, Percy did in the Japanese version of Fates, but even then, it could be funny and maybe cute to see Michalis trying to keep Percy out of trouble and not knowing why or pretending to not be a nice person.

I'm not sure if there's a way for that to happen with a banner of regular units. The only  I can think of off the top of my head is Sophie and Abel's already in the game.

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4 hours ago, Kaden said:

Y'know, I really want a seasonal banner with Cherche, Michalis, Minerva, and Percy together because Cherche and Percy named their wyverns after them. Well, Percy did in the Japanese version of Fates, but even then, it could be funny and maybe cute to see Michalis trying to keep Percy out of trouble and not knowing why or pretending to not be a nice person.

I'm not sure if there's a way for that to happen with a banner of regular units. The only  I can think of off the top of my head is Sophie and Abel's already in the game.

Maybe a banner of just the 'mounts' then? Abel, Minerva and...oh wait Michalis is GHB :/

Are there any other named mounts in other games?

@Zeo reminds me of batting a similar team in the same map. It had Genny and Jaffar as well, I forgot the other two units but it was mostly Wrazzle Dazzle + buffed daggers strats.

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1 hour ago, mcsilas said:


@Zeo reminds me of batting a similar team in the same map. It had Genny and Jaffar as well, I forgot the other two units but it was mostly Wrazzle Dazzle + buffed daggers strats.

Ironically enough, without a dancer those teams are relatively easy to dispatch. Which worries me as to what sort of team I'm going to build around Matthew once he acquires more merges. Inigo is a BST nightmare, he's not going to be able to be his partner for long.

Right now the team got me 3 defense wins. But I'm sure the credit goes to Inigo who can dance Ayra into someone's face or let Matt finish off a unit after already debuffing them.

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1 hour ago, mcsilas said:

Maybe a banner of just the 'mounts' then? Abel, Minerva and...oh wait Michalis is GHB :/

Are there any other named mounts in other games?

Well, Florina's pegasus is named Huey, but I'm pretty sure we don't have a Huey yet in Fire Emblem. Or an Ace which is the English name of Percy's wyvern.

For the others, that's what I asked. I checked Melady's page and I missed it, but it says her wyvern's named Trifinne and apparently the FE wiki page for wyvern actually has a list of wyverns with names.


Thracia 776: Eda and Kate. It's not stated anywhere except for her death quote. For such a common name, we don't have a character named Kate in FE, but there is a Kate in TearRing Saga.

Binding Blade: Melady and Trifinne and Zeiss and Rubley.

Blazing Sword: Florina and Huey, Heath and Hyperion, and Vaida and Umbriel.

Sacred Stones: Cormag and Genarog.

Awakening: Cherche & Gerome and Minerva.

Fates: Percy and Ace (EN) or Michalis (JP).

TearRing Saga: Raffin and Garuda.

For horses, there's only two: Beck's Pony and Sophie's Avel. Yeah, I know, a horse named Pony.

So, as far as I can gather from the wiki, there's only three mounts named after a character: Avel, Michalis, and Minerva, and one of them is Japanese-only, Michalis. Kate doesn't count since she's a TearRing Saga character.

1 hour ago, Poimagic said:

@Kaden I played Fates and was a fan of Sophie and even knew who Abel was, yet I never got why her horse was named that.

I never played Fates; I just remembered reading that on her wiki page of her horse being named Avel. I think I might have seen a support or two where she mentions Avel. For some reason, I keep thinking Silas's horse is named Abel and I don't think his horse's name is ever mentioned. Same with Camilla's wyvern being named something. Then again, I never played Fates.

Edited by Kaden
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