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7 minutes ago, NegativeExponents- said:

Yeeeaaah! Time to get some sweet sweet boots. Finally don’t have to rely on armor march or Caeda’s guidance to get around. I hope it has upgrades that get rid of the pesky hp threshold or at the very least lower it.

There won’t be upgrades to this seal because its name lacks a number and its border is the same as with the other one-rank skills.

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25 minutes ago, NegativeExponents- said:

Has anyone else encountered a weapon-less Zelgius!?


I was afraid of getting in his range but he’s completely harmless

Yes, I noticed that. Laughed and sent Ninian in.

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5 hours ago, mampfoid said:

Cool, have fun (again). 

Technically Est and Catria can refine their weapons, but that doesn't make them personal/signature weapons. 

They need something cooler :P

6 hours ago, JSND Alter Dragon Boner said:



--Minerva had weapon upgrade tho--

Yeah I know about that. Palla needs something though! Right now onee-sama is the weakest of the three ):

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11 minutes ago, GuiltyLove said:

Yeah I know about that. Palla needs something though! Right now onee-sama is the weakest of the three ):

Big sister always gets it done even without a fancy pokestick! Believe in Palla, become one with Palla!

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1 minute ago, GuiltyLove said:

It wasn't anything special either. Est carried Mercurius to Marth by herself though so she needs a Prf in this game with 20 Mt, obviously

Perhaps three weapons that have high synergetic effects, like some kind of megazord

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3 minutes ago, Hilda said:

My Azama is tehoicing because he now runs 45 Res and 39 Def with the new seal!

Speaking of Azama, do you think a +DEF/-SPD nature is a good base for a 4*+10 merge? I would even sacrifice a spare 5* healer to him. 

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8 minutes ago, Hilda said:

My Azama is tehoicing because he now runs 45 Res and 39 Def with the new seal!

What badges do you need to upgrade Fortress Res?

but yeah can't wait to put it on Azama. The bulk will be amazing.

@mampfoid personally, i'm going with +Spd/-Atk. According to the calculator (although it may be outdated now) he survives a lot of things with a Speed boon

i was going to 5 star my Azama for that shiny gold border but hmmm.. i guess merges are also an option although that would mean repeatedly going to colourless hell... i'll have to 5 star one anyway for Pain+ and the convo

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11 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

@mampfoid personally, i'm going with +Spd/-Atk. According to the calculator (although it may be outdated now) he survives a lot of things with a Speed boon


I have +DEF/-SPD, +HP/-RES and +RES/-ATK. First I was going -ATK, but many of the improved healing skills rely on ATK. 

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2 hours ago, mampfoid said:

I don't know what they got in their games, do you have any preferences? 

Like they legit had literally nothing


Hauteclere isn't even in original version(Minerva was originally hyped just because her stats is insanely high, requiring speedwings in FE1 to be insane though)

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2 hours ago, mampfoid said:

I have +DEF/-SPD, +HP/-RES and +RES/-ATK. First I was going -ATK, but many of the improved healing skills rely on ATK. 

i went with +DEF/-Atk, i dont think his speed can be salvaged because there are no SPD passives for the A Slot on healers. And his attack is beyond repair soooo i went with DEF+/-Atk his main damage comes from Pain + and double Savage blow anyway

the new healing spells will heal for 1 or 2 more HP if you go +Atk boon if you go -Atk the difference is like 3 HP healed. I dont think that breaks or makes a healing spell, besides i only use Martyr+ and Recover+ on him (occasionally rehabilitate) which is more then enough most of the time

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4 minutes ago, Hilda said:

i went with +DEF/-Atk, i dont think his speed can be salvaged because there are no SPD passives for the A Slot on healers. And his attack is beyond repair soooo i went with DEF+/-Atk his main damage comes from Pain + and double Savage blow anyway

the new healing spells will heal for 1 or 2 more HP if you go +Atk boon if you go -Atk the difference is like 3 HP healed. I dont think that breaks or makes a healing spell, besides i only use Martyr+ and Recover+ on him (occasionally rehabilitate) which is more then enough most of the time

So I'm fine with +DEF, thanks! 

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In another episode of powercreep we're going to bust Edward with a hammer. I've done one or two builds with him but new doors have been opened recently so we're going to see how far we can go. To make it worse, he won't even be the premium unit on his banner. So he won't have a full kit.


Stats: 41 HP | 39 ATK | 34 SPD | 27 DEF | 21 RES.

What you'd expect of his defenses. Middling, but deceptively bulky with his HP. Still he can't take a hit quite like Ayra, Mia or Soleil. His SPD (at 34) isn't in their league either which hurts enemy phase tanking, but who's tanking with units like these anyways? As a trade off he's got 39 ATK. The highest of all sword users in the game and #2 in overall ATK in the game.

Weapon: Caladbolg - Accelerates Special Trigger -1, If unit initiates combat, unit makes a guaranteed followup attack. Grant's Special cooldown charge +1 per attack. (Does not stack.)

And this is where we break him. Caeda set a precedent of units being able to have whatever they want as their weapon's special ability regardless of their unit type as she had Flashing Blade despite it being locked to infantry. With Bold Fighter 3 of all things as his weapon's special effect, his SPD stat is irrelevant as he's doubling every single enemy in the game on player phase regardless of it. Making breakers utterly pointless unless he wants to take a single hit on enemy phase. On top of that he's got 3 turn Astra and Dragon Fang and he's guaranteed to proc it if the enemy can counter attack. Because of this even a +ATK/-SPD nature could work as it has no bearing on his player phase offense which would be Black Knight levels of silly.

A Skill: Brazen ATK/SPD 3

He takes a hit and his already ridiculous ATK goes into the 60s. This skill actually would be inferior to Brazen ATK/DEF unless you were building him for enemy phase as the speed is worthless since he's going to double anyways, but we can't 100% optimize his kit can we?

B Skill: Wrath 3

Being faithful to his source game. He doesn't have the best defense, so he's probably activating Wrath in his first round of combat and his already dead opponent is even more dead. Dragon Fang +10 Damage on the first round of combat without Quickened Pulse. Or Aether with QP for self sustaining if you like.

With a base kit and stats like this he's an unholy child of Ayra and Soleil. Unfortunately his stat line is unfriendly to Distant Counter so he's fairly limited in the type of build he can run due to his fairly mild speed for units of his type. But if you were to pull a +SPD Edward you could make some silly things happen with a SPD Refined Slaying Edge+ which would give him more enemy phase presence.

To fully break him however, you'd need a Desperation seal, or a Wrath Seal and run Desperation in his B slot. Then after taking a hit he could become a true nuclear explosion. Just don't expect much out of him on enemy phase.

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1 hour ago, GuiltyLove said:

Wing sword Glacies combo, nice ~

Her res is ridiculously high too! Her attack and speed with just one goad is absurd as well. I almost want to build my own instead of just using Palla as a makeshift red flier... I always forget she even has the Wing Sword now

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Sitting on 195 nuggets at the moment, so in a couple of days I'd be able to afford a new Dew refinement. At the moment it's a three-way battle between Def/HP Hinoka, Spd/Def Jaffar and Spd/HP Caeda (who is only 4-star currently). Caeda's seems the most fun to use, but on the downside she will need to wait for me to get feathers to promote, and I'm still unsure whether I should wait for a +atk copy instead.

No rush to decide I guess - I doubt I'd use any of them in the current TT and I'm not hurting for people to use in the GHB reruns. I not only need to decide who to use the dew on, but the four people I need to use the nuggets on to get the dew, so I'll take my time.

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2 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

Even if she isn't a Whitewing (she isn't, right?), have fun with her. 

Yeah, she isn’t. Whitewings are a Macedonian pegasus knight corps, and Caeda is a Talysian.

Re: Warriors maps, did the named characters always respawn if defeated? I never noticed that before, but now I was surprised by Navarre persistently coming back over and over again.

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