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In addition to any new weapons, we're also likely to get one or more new refines for existing weapons. Yato was the last non-Askr early weapon that needed one, but we should get some sort of refines for the Askr trio at some point, but there are also some weapons from last summer that could really use refines, like Dark Excalibur, Dark Aura, and Nidhogg. Dark Excalibur and Dark Aura are a bit odd because they're already refined weapons, but I'm guessing they'll get something.

We'll also probably get the ability to upgrade Mulagir to Swift Mulagir in June and Mystletainn to Dark Mystletainn in July, but that type of upgrade always seems to be a bonus on top of the new weapons and new refines for old weapons.

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2 hours ago, Vaximillian said:

Speaking of refines, how OP would it be if the trio got innate breakers over the type they are strong against? Axebreaker for Fólkvangr, Swordbreaker for Fensalir, Lancebreaker for Nóatún. With or without the changes to their existing effect.

Pretty mediocre to be honest. Breakers have poor synergy with Anna and Alfonse's existing effects, and breaker skills aren't exactly overpowered to begin with, especially those for a weapon type the unit is already strong against. The Askr trio needs far stronger refines to be viable, especially given their competition.


Tana's weapon effect is basically a more restrictive version of Safeguard+, and is one of the remaining legendary weapons with only a single effect. I'd say the weapon needs a refine, even if Tana herself doesn't desperately need one.

Edited by Korath88
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Wind 7 chapter was pretty easy, specially with Gunnthrá and Lyn super buffing your units. The other two units were Witch!Celica (+res) and Ishtar (+def/-atk :(), Gunnthra one rounded the knight while Celica tanked Xander and Leo. Gunnthra finished off Xander and Celica Glacies'd Leo. Then the peg was rekt by Gunnthrá lol.

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6 hours ago, Vince777 said:

If they do one day remake Genealogy, I really hope it'll answer all those questions I have about the fate of those 1st gen characters that just disappeared. 

Perhaps even make some of them (like Lachesis) recruitable?

I'd really want them to do what they had originally wanted to do and make Azelle and Tailtiu a canon couple, have Azelle turned to stone and Tailtiu die, and then resurrect them both at the end to reunite with their kids.

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24 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

@Zeo Why did you add Tana and F!Corrin to that list? Tana with triple Close Defense is pretty wall-ish and Corrin got already her breath refined. 

I can’t speak for him, but both are actually candidates in my book.

I actually think Vidofnir is a solid weapon, but it’ll stick out like a sore thumb one the lance equivalent of Sellsword comes out. At that point the only thing Vidofnir will have going for it is a higher might, while lance will be refineable and more consistent considering it grants +7 defense no matter what rather than just three weapon types. Even now it sometimes gets ditched in favor of Firesweep Lance. So once the sellsword lance inevitably comes out, Vidofnir will need a greater justification to use it.

As for Corrin, it’s often hard to justify using her over Nowi because her attack is pretty disappointing even with a refined breath. Plus, though this is more biased, I always found it odd how male Corrin gets a better personal weapon while female Corrin doesn’t (who’s the more popular one to begin with), so it’d be fair to give her own breath.

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@Korath88 @SilvertheShadow@Zeo

Hmm, true. Tana is strong herself, but her weapon is not up to date compared to the newest generation of weapons and refinements. 

I thought Corrin wouldn't get an update, because Dark Breath already got a refinement. But also Felicia got an refinable personal weapon after Silver Dagger got refined. 


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As to new weapon refines I want regular Jakob to get Jakob's tray.  Since they gave Felicia a personal weapon I have wanted Jakob to get one too, because I really like Jakob.  

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7 hours ago, Vaximillian said:

I didn’t take them. Gangrel is dead. Emmeryn is dead. Aversa is dead. Yen’fay is dead.

Yen'fay didn't come back to life, this is an alt dimension one that strolled in somehow. In his world, Say'ri died and he lived. Maybe it was Lucina's, we don't know, but it would give an excuse as to why Say'ri has no child of her own.

Also, you forgot Walhart, though in his case he died, he's just undead now brought back by his red steel will seeking CONQUEST!. Leaves one wondering how Male Morgan can be conceived, if the seeds of war have been dead for a while, I don't think male gametes survive that long.

Emmeryn is also brain damaged and an amnesiac, pretending she is dead (or taking an alternative Schrodinger's Cat take and assuming if she isn't seen alive, she is dead and alive unseen) might, depending on your views of morality, be for the better. One of those euthanasia vs. living life to the very end, if in suffering and impairment, and anything less is tragic murder/suicide, cases.

Aversa is certainly for her character's sake much better off being dead than ever going to the Wellspring of Character Undoing.


8 hours ago, XRay said:

However, I am not so sure Nintendo wants to tackle mature themes these days, and if they do, I hope they have the sense to let 8-4 do the localization and not the incompetents from Treehouse.

I'm expect the crux of that Silvia line to be translate accurately- as in "Do I look like a little girl!?!", but not in such a blatantly lewd way.

Fan translations, particularly by the horny and inexperienced fan translators of the 90s and early 00s, insofar as I can sense having read every page of Legends of Localization's Final Fantasy IV Japanese text and  English translations comparisons, can be very vulgar and exaggerated, deviating from what would actually be the best possible translation in favor of localization for horny irreverent juveniles. Swearing, heavy in the fan translations, is something else that would absolutely changed, rightfully for veritas so. The Thracia translation's "In America!" random addition is evidence the old fan translations of FE deserve to be in the dustbins of "How NOT to translate and localize" and otherwise forgotten.

I will admit that NoA might clean things up too much in some cases, FE4/5 do go further than most other FEs do, or at least casts in a little more realistic/depressing light.

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20 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I'm expect the crux of that Silvia line to be translate accurately- as in "Do I look like a little girl!?!", but not in such a blatantly lewd way.

If her character and dialogue in the Japanese version is supposed to be lewd, I prefer the lewdness to be included. Unless it is in an emergency or life threatening event, I am against all forms of censorship.

On the other hand, if the situation is framed as including censorship to increase the game's sales, I would feel a lot more conflicted, since increasing profits ensures the longevity of the series (I do not want it to go down like Advance Wars), but at the same time, that means I am basically saying it is sort of okay to sell out my values for money.

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5 minutes ago, XRay said:

If her character and dialogue in the Japanese version is supposed to be lewd, I prefer the lewdness to be included. Unless it is in an emergency or life threatening event, I am against all forms of censorship.

I'm not saying it shouldn't be lewd if Silvia is, it is all a matter of matching the English measure of lewdness to the exact measure lewdness in the Japanese. There is a difference between "Here shove your nose in my boobs!" and "Look at me, do I look like I have the body of a little girl?".

To use an example of what I mean, here is a section of the Final Fantasy IV translations comparison from Legends of Localization:


This Place



A woman here shares her opinion with you:

Japanese Version (basic translation) English Version
The air and the food here are delicious, AND things are so nice and laid-back with so many women here! I love it here! The Food is good and the land is beautiful!

Although this is an insignificant line, there is some ambiguity to it that creates a few interesting things to note:

  • In the Japanese line, she uses a common phrase that can mean two different things – one is that the air is literally nice and refreshing to breathe in, and another is that the atmosphere of this particular pub is nice. Given that she’s talking about food, I’m going to assume that by “here” she’s referring to this pub and not Toroia as a whole.Normally this wouldn’t even be an issue, but then she also brings up the fact that there are so many girls, and since Toroia is a very women-centric place, it makes it a little harder to tell what she means by “here”. Then add in the fact that Toroia is full of trees and water and beautiful nature stuff, the “air being refreshing” definition fits perfectly too. So which is it?

    Whenever ambiguities in Japanese text pop up like this, it’s always nice to be able to consult a native speaker of the language – or be a native speaker yourself, which was the case with this game’s translation! And it looks like the official translator interpreted this line to be talking about Toroia as a whole, since the girl mentions the land being beautiful.

  • For some reason, “Food” is capitalized in the English translation.
  • The line about there being so many women here is missing in the translation entirely. The Japanese line basically says that being surrounded by so many other girls makes her feel much more comfortable and carefree than normal, which suggests that being surrounded by lots of guys somewhere else wasn’t really something she enjoyed.Anyway, again, does this tie in with Toroia as a whole or just this particular pub? If anyone with insight has some thoughts or info, let me know!
Praise be to thy Food Praise be to thy Food

The fan translation handles this line by going with:

The atmosphere here is great!

Not only that, but a lot of guys drop by, so our evenings are fun… if you know what I mean!

The fan translation drops the mention of the food here being nice. It also goes with the “atmosphere” choice, meaning the fan translators felt she was talking about this specific pub and not all of Toroia.

More importantly, though, she now talks about how she loves it how guys drop by so she can have adult fun with them. That’s actually the exact opposite of her character and her line in the original game, though, so this is another instance where the fan translators tossed aside the original text in favor of a juvenile addition.


While we’re at it, I thought I’d check the PlayStation and GBA translations too. The PlayStation has:

The air’s good, the food’s good, I love this place.

The GBA translation’s pretty much the same, with some different formatting. So both are missing the part about there being so many women here.

No women allowed No women allowed
PlayStation translation Game Boy Advance translation


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I never thought I'd say this, but I kind of hope Oboro doesn't get a new refine just because mine has been wrecking face with a def-boosted slaying lance for so long I forget her default lance is heavy spear. Only because whenever a character gets a personal weapon I feel like I NEED to use it over whatever is actually more effective.

Also, yeah, I'd prefer if gen 1 characters weren't playable in gen 2 of FE4 remake. Awakening and Fates tried to do that "have your cake and eat it too" thing by making the kids and parents playable at the same time while keeping the parents young and beautiful. Genealogy is a lot more nitty gritty than that, and there's an actual time skip. So, no.

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@mampfoid It's been said already, but for Tana Vidofinir is pretty much just an un-refinable Safeguard lance and that's pretty unremarkable at this point. She herself is a great unit, but the lance is underwhelming as a legendary and she prefers a Firesweep as things are right now.

As for F!Corrin, she's pretty much entirely inferior to Nowi and has pitiful ATK. By virtue of being a dragon she's not going to be that bad of course, but for all intents and purposes there's pretty much no reason to use her over Nowi.

Should Matthew get a refine, if it's not a boosted Rogue Dagger+ I'll be conflicted as to what to run on him. I'm not sure how they would improve him, hopefully not trying to boost his ATK and turn him into a (likely) worse Kagero/Sothe or making him a reverse Felicia with a Heavy Blade effect vs Physical units. I feel like that would be unavoidably underwhelming on him still.

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36 minutes ago, Zeo said:

Should Matthew get a refine, if it's not a boosted Rogue Dagger+ I'll be conflicted as to what to run on him. I'm not sure how they would improve him, hopefully not trying to boost his ATK and turn him into a (likely) worse Kagero/Sothe or making him a reverse Felicia with a Heavy Blade effect vs Physical units. I feel like that would be unavoidably underwhelming on him still.

Honestly, given what I can gleam from reading about him, he seems like a candidate for a personal Firesweep Dagger, maybe with a refine that enables counterattacks, or built in Poison Strike/Savage Blow/Candlelight Debuff.

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10 minutes ago, Xenomata said:

Honestly, given what I can gleam from reading about him, he seems like a candidate for a personal Firesweep Dagger, maybe with a refine that enables counterattacks, or built in Poison Strike/Savage Blow/Candlelight Debuff.

I run a Matthew team with him as the leader with a Close Counter Seal/Smoke set and it capitalizes well on his bulk, but frankly speaking even with a +ATK (and not +SPD like I have) he still hits like a wet noodle if his opponent hasn't been debuffed and/or he lacks a hone or buff of some kind.

Even with a Firesweep Dagger he would be no good as an attacker by his ATK stat alone. The only way that would work would be if they gave it the Rogue Dagger effect on top of that and he could counter if attacked which is really just broken, even on a unit like him.

My personal choice for a refine would be a weapon for him that gives and takes +7 DEF/RES (Rogue Dagger upgrade essentially) and the refine would be that every unit in the game except dragons and Felicia (due to the nature of their refines) target the higher of his DEF/RES which makes him a universal tank. 

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2 minutes ago, Zeo said:

I run a Matthew team with him as the leader with a Close Counter Seal/Smoke set and it capitalizes well on his bulk, but frankly speaking even with a +ATK (and not +SPD like I have) he still hits like a wet noodle if his opponent hasn't been debuffed and/or he lacks a hone or buff of some kind.

Even with a Firesweep Dagger he would be no good as an attacker by his ATK stat alone. The only way that would work would be if they gave it the Rogue Dagger effect on top of that and he could counter if attacked which is really just broken, even on a unit like him.

My personal choice for a refine would be a weapon for him that gives and takes +7 DEF/RES (Rogue Dagger upgrade essentially) and the refine would be that every unit in the game except dragons and Felicia (due to the nature of their refines) target the higher of his DEF/RES which makes him a universal tank. 

What gave me the thought is his mention, in his C support with Serra in Blazing Blade, of the fact that "I’m a thief! I don’t get into brawls...", and there really isn't much else to go on in terms of weaponry he "specializes" in or has any deep connection with, at least compared to the other units who received new personals.

I dunno, out of the units who'd like a personal weapon, Matthew really has nothing much to go on...

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1 hour ago, Zeo said:

@mampfoid It's been said already, but for Tana Vidofinir is pretty much just an un-refinable Safeguard lance and that's pretty unremarkable at this point. She herself is a great unit, but the lance is underwhelming as a legendary and she prefers a Firesweep as things are right now.

As for F!Corrin, she's pretty much entirely inferior to Nowi and has pitiful ATK. By virtue of being a dragon she's not going to be that bad of course, but for all intents and purposes there's pretty much no reason to use her over Nowi.

Should Matthew get a refine, if it's not a boosted Rogue Dagger+ I'll be conflicted as to what to run on him. I'm not sure how they would improve him, hopefully not trying to boost his ATK and turn him into a (likely) worse Kagero/Sothe or making him a reverse Felicia with a Heavy Blade effect vs Physical units. I feel like that would be unavoidably underwhelming on him still.

I wouldn't call F!Corrin completely worse than Nowi considering her higher speed grants her more versatility in letting her run player/mixed phase builds more effectively and allowing her to avoid doubles. Dark Breathe+, though not as good as lightning Breathe, is still a good starting weapon. Personally, I'd rather see see young Tiki get a weapon refinement upgrade considering that she starts out with a generic breathe and is 5-star locked.

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8 minutes ago, Xenomata said:

I dunno, out of the units who'd like a personal weapon, Matthew really has nothing much to go on...

To be fair, neither did Lute or Mia. It's hard to say what they'd go for, but he's not the glass cannon he was in FE7. He's a weird speedy bulk tank in this game for some reason, so I imagine they'd cater to that rather than trying to save his ATK stat. You could give him the weapon and refine as Felicia and flip physical/magical and he still wouldn't be that great unfortunately.

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What Matthew could use most is a personal rogue dagger with a refine that lets him avoid counterattacks from all units that are melee ranged. If Matthew could get his buffing/debuffing on more units without fear of deadly retaliation, it would help improve his viability in high tier settings.

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You know what would actually be kinda neat?

Negating damage altogether, kinda like the enemy exclusive seals, or as was in literally every other FE game since the first, AVOIDING THE ATTACK.

I mean, in BB Matthew still had the defense of a paper bag in Atlantis, but he could usually just not take any damage at all if he just avoided the attack. That might have been translated slightly into his Defense stat, but what if he had a way to simply delete any incoming damage?

Maybe not as a personal weapon... but who ever said we had to give everyone who needs something new a Personal weapon?

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@Xenomata I actually have to agree with @Glennstavos here. A personal Rogue Dagger with Sacae's Blessing would be literally perfect for him. DC would mean nothing and the only time a physical melee unit could counter would be when he wants them to (AKA with that sweet 11 damage reduction from Rogue Dagger + Seal ATK|Smoke).

I can't think of a better refine for him honestly aside from something to reduce even more damage than Rogue Dagger already does. 

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12 hours ago, Othin said:

Yato was the last non-Askr early weapon that needed one, but we should get some sort of refines for the Askr trio at some point, but there are also some weapons from last summer that could really use refines, like Dark Excalibur, Dark Aura, and Nidhogg.

Alfonse, Sharena and Anna are tied to the story so they’ll most likely get the upgrades when the story requires it. 


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2 hours ago, Zeo said:

To be fair, neither did Lute or Mia. It's hard to say what they'd go for, but he's not the glass cannon he was in FE7. He's a weird speedy bulk tank in this game for some reason, so I imagine they'd cater to that rather than trying to save his ATK stat. You could give him the weapon and refine as Felicia and flip physical/magical and he still wouldn't be that great unfortunately.

I always tough they decided to giving that bulky-fast stat-line for similar reasons that people like Marisa (because they translated her Avoid and low-ish Atk as bulkyness xD)

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1 hour ago, Lord-Zero said:

Alfonse, Sharena and Anna are tied to the story so they’ll most likely get the upgrades when the story requires it. 


Yeah. Could be soonish with the preparations to fight Surtr, but who knows.

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Hmm... I wonder...

The Odd Waves skill seems VERY very, shall we say, Similar to a certain series of skills learned by a very certain species of humanoid beasts...

Taguel are known to be pretty speedy, Kitsune have their fair share of Resistance, and Wolfskin can be considered pretty beefy...

Hmm, yes... very suspicious indeed...

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