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I'm going to ignore the trainwreck that is Relay Defense at the moment and address other things.

So @mampfoid and @NegativeExponents- how are Cherche and Odin's new weapons and their refines working out for you? Did you go for the unique refines or +ATK/SPD?

Also I'm feeling creative, I already did a prf for Matthew. I think I want to make a Brave or Legendary Matthew. 

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Well level 8 ended up way easier than level 7, because of the easier AI abuse. (Took two tries, needed to swap out Summer!Corrin for OG!Cordelia.)

: /

Whoever their play testers are, they really should've told the dev team that if the simplest solution is AI abuse, the levels should be ordered by how hard it is to do AI abuse. And if the 'proper' solution wasn't abuse the hell out of the AI, I'm afraid I don't quite see it as of yet.


Edit: I guess I'm free to look at videos now without spoiling myself, though. Does anyone have any videos of people clearing it 'fairly'? Like, with buff stacking or, hell, even staff abuse. (Staff abuse at least uses the game mechanics rather than the AI mechanics.)

Edited by DehNutCase
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Some are saying that most stuff in the game like the event calendar has been delayed because of the earthquake in Japan. The Twitter account for Heroes missed timing for announcements and Cipher Twitter has also seemingly been affected by it. I hope things get better in Japan as another earthquake was the last thing it needed.

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41 minutes ago, Zeo said:

I'm going to ignore the trainwreck that is Relay Defense at the moment and address other things.

So @mampfoid and @NegativeExponents- how are Cherche and Odin's new weapons and their refines working out for you? Did you go for the unique refines or +ATK/SPD?

Also I'm feeling creative, I already did a prf for Matthew. I think I want to make a Brave or Legendary Matthew. 

Didn't do any of the new refines yet.

Cherches weapon is good, of course it's just a mt upgrade for her standard set. Won't do any stat refine for her until she needs it for a clear, because until now she doesn't need it anywhere. Won't go for the special refine, panic ploy with his HP condition is just too situational. 

Odin was fun to level up with the new prf and flashing blade seal. As long as he is on a tactic team he won't need the special refine, I'll decide during TTs if it's worth giving him or not. 

Also Celica is still in the dew competition. I'm not sure if I'll continue to do clears with Celica emblem (or team Oliver) though. 

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Yeah. Cherche doesn't need to really refine her weapon as the weapon itself already does so much for her. Extra might when refined is okay, but that l two damage isn't that much of a big deal. Panic ploy might or might not help you out as it doesn't hit the scariest targets for the most part. Funnily enough I'd say it's one of the few legendary weapons where you don't even need to refine it. 

All of these weapons are great, but I'm not tempted to use dew

Edited by silveraura25
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I'm still undecided on my Cherche as well. Honestly, I have so much dew sitting around I may end up doing the Panic Ploy and atk refines. They both seem pretty useful for different situations. I like the idea of having Panic Ploy utility on a flier I'd actually use (sorry Valter), but for specifically Abyssal content I'd want atk since PP will be useless on those enemies.

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I decided to start doing my new weapon projects that I kept pushing as I didn't get the right natures every time. Making a investment right now will pay off rather than just postponing things. I think I'll first promote Soren, then Fir and finally focus on building a brave bow Leon. I like the dude so I want to use him more. Truth is I want to do Leon assisted solos

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Unfortunately I think Cherche will have to wait until maybe next year - if I'm still playing the game - before getting her new weapon. I can't justify sacrificing a copy to give the weapon to my 4*+10, so she will be a 5* project. However the next 200-300k feathers are probably booked for other units, so I don't see myself starting her 5* merge anytime soon.

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59 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

I pulled a Shanna, and thus Celica is prepared for her refinement which will come after Clair’s:

How the...

Did we pull Shannas at close to the same time as each other? Why are our Celicas so intent on being so similar...

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12 hours ago, Tybrosion said:

Difficulty from horrendous design is not legitimate difficulty. This mode really is the hottest piece of garbage seen in this game yet.

Having to play defensively against high-powered enemies does not constitute "horrendous design". There's nothing any less legitimate about the difficulty here than anything else.

11 hours ago, DehNutCase said:

The biggest 'difficulty' I had was how hard it was to swap the location of units in my brigade. (Seriously, try organizing a brigade with your units and friend units, and see how many button presses a simple swap takes.)

The second biggest 'difficulty' was the fact that I can't see what the enemy reinforcements are until I go into the map and kill some people.


That's not a game mode being hard, that's a game mode being badly designed. A better brigade menu and another setup phase (where you get to change where units start) every time your new people teleport in would make this mode a lot less tedious to play. Ideally they should've just made this like tempest trials, where every 'relay' phase is a new menu where you get to pick units---if that's how it worked, a lot of people would be able to clear even Abyssal in the first attempt, rather than having to restart the entire mode every time they wanted to swap one unit.

There are definitely interface changes that could make it go more smoothly, and I'm sure they'll make some of them over the course of upcoming updates.

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The best part about Cherche refine is it make her went from somewhat expensive to build unit into probably the most budget unit on old pool. 5*  Cherche now is what used to be optimal DB cherche back then


It just made me realize now - Axe are stacked with this. Raven also have Basilikos

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1 minute ago, JSND Alter Dragon Boner said:

The best part about Cherche refine is it make her went from somewhat expensive to build unit into probably the most budget unit on old pool. 5*  Cherche now is what used to be optimal DB cherche back then


It just made me realize now - Axe are stacked with this. Raven also have Basilikos

Rather coincidental that greens have a surplus of these units that you can easily make a core team out of, yeah.

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Here my two cents about relay defense stuff: 

It's new and it has to be played differently from other modes which is good. How it replaced Rival domains for two weeks is strange. On the other hand it's good to have two weeks to solve the Abyssal maps. The opponents in highest difficulties are too much, even if someone is searching for something challenging, there should be another way to solve this than to manipulate the AI to block itself. 

I don't think there are many other ways to design the maps. If there wouldn't be any kind of bottleneck, players wouldn't have a chance to win. As long as there is a bottleneck, there will be the possibility to trick the AI. Perhaps if they wouldn't field ranged units ... 

7 hours ago, Alkaid said:

I'm still undecided on my Cherche as well. Honestly, I have so much dew sitting around I may end up doing the Panic Ploy and atk refines. They both seem pretty useful for different situations. I like the idea of having Panic Ploy utility on a flier I'd actually use (sorry Valter), but for specifically Abyssal content I'd want atk since PP will be useless on those enemies.

Funnily the SPD refine is the most likely to happen any time soon for my Cherche. Quads are helpful in Abyssal clears. 

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11 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

Perhaps if they wouldn't field ranged units ... 

That would be good too. I have a bunch of Arena Assault units who can tank for ages with Triangle Adept and Breakers. I will have to remove their Weapons though so they do not kill the enemy that clogs the bottle neck.

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1 minute ago, XRay said:

That would be good too. I have a bunch of Arena Assault units who can tank for ages with Triangle Adept and Breakers. I will have to remove their Weapons though so they do not kill the enemy that clogs the bottle neck.

After two turns of combat, blocked units will grow a pass seal. ;-p

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1 minute ago, mampfoid said:

After two turns of combat, blocked units will grow a pass seal. ;-p

Now the developers are just being asinine and petty.

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