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36 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

Give Veronica a staff. Thökk shows they can make unique and interesting staves.

Which is locked to an unplayable villain. They haven’t given us a new staff unit since what, Bride Lyn and Genny? They seem to be very cautious with staves in particular. A staff unit as a Brave variant woud only turn people off. No matter how “godly “ it would be. 

36 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

Give Hector or Ephraim a bow. Generals in the Archanean remakes and Jugdral could use bows, and Ephraim is a knight in Awakening. See, everything can be tackled on.

Those 2 have rocks for brains and neither is Archanean nor from Jugdral so your only hope for a “canon” bow General would be Lorenz. Hector and Ephraim are both from the GBA era. Awakening Ephraim was Great Knight and those had access to swords, lances and axes. With Gleipnir Eirika being a thing, Garm Ephraim is almost a lock now. As for Hector, his class is based on the General class and those would be locked to lances and axes. FE8 Generals could use swords too. They could go with the Wolf Beil but with Ephraim being a green in this scenario, he can take a lance as a nod to his FE6 class, Oswin, Uther or even Darin if they give him the Rex Hasta. This means thta B!Hector could be either a red or blue melee unit. Sword choices for Hector? Runesword, Durandal, Wolf Beil sword variant or a FEH original weapon. 

And then we have Celica, the easiest shot at a colorless unit due to her source material. Like it or not, Celica getting dagger’d is a real possibility. Just be glad if she doesn’t. 


@silverserpentThe “problem” is that there aren’t that many choices left if we stick to the GBA era: Legault, Colm, and Rennac are the only “hero” choices left and there’s Jerme and Leyla if they want to add the ones that were never playable in FE7. 

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43 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:


To be fair, that was partly motivated by a bitterness I have towards Beloved Zofia being Beloved Junk in SoV. Subdue? Swap? Ragnarok Omega is the only decent thing it has, and Celica already has plain old Ragnarok (you could get RO sooner though, in theory). Recovery is neat, but a thousand other things already give it.

I blame Priestess/Princess having only 4 Mov for this. It makes the chance that Celica could ever use the darn thing up close and even get the WEXP on a given run for RO slim. Stupid IS unwilling to touch Move stats in the name of tradition! For the same reason Ration Lady is useless- her praiseworthy Sword combat has no meaning if she can never get to the enemy (but at least she can join Alm and get Warped). The Ladyblade too is bad by virtue of terribad Move.

FEH could be the chance Beloved Zofia has been yearning for to actually shine.


34 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

Colorless Kliff with Sagittae? Both an archer and a mage/staff user lol

Isn't Atlas a good archer because of his strength stat? That could be fun.

Speaking pragmatically, the only stat an Archer in SoV needs is Atk and some Skl. The Killer Bow's Hunter's Volley guarantees the double so Spd is useless, and nothing should be hitting a Archer/Sniper/Bow Knight, so there goes HP and Def. Pre-KB/HV, Spd and Skl have a greater significance. Of the good Bows not KB, only Blessed wants Spd, Radiant, Parthia, Luna, and Longbow rely on Combat Arts, which can't double useless they're guaranteed to.


12 minutes ago, Zeo said:

They honestly have plenty of options for daggers. Even a non-seasonal dagger dancer if variety is a thing.

Lara could be interesting. And yes, we do have a handful of thieves in the series to draw upon, though still by comparison to everything else not Breath on the much smaller side.


7 minutes ago, Lord-Zero said:

Which is locked to an unplayable villain. They haven’t given us a new staff unit since what, Bride Lyn and Genny? They seem to be very cautious with staves in particular. A staff unit as a Brave variant woud only turn people off. No matter how “godly “ it would be. 

Staffs used to be really crappy though. The Refinement update for one of Wrathful or Dazzling and other boosts makes them more usable now I hear. People would go "Ugh a Staff!" before, and now might actually be willing to pull for one.

Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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7 minutes ago, Lord-Zero said:

And then we have Celica, the easiest shot at a colorless unit due to her source material. Like it or not, Celica getting dagger’d is a real possibility. Just be glad if she doesn’t.

Bam, Rex Hasta Hector.
Bam, Garm Ephraim.
Bam, Beloved Zofia Celica.
Bam, colourless Veronica. They can give her whatever, staves are in a nice spot right now.

“Golden dagger” does not look like a dagger, its appearance is almost the same as Awakening’s “rapier”, for crying out loud. Celica being able to heal doesn’t warrant her suddenly becoming a staffbot either.

A conspiracy theory is brewing in my pained feline mind that the… unconventional suggestions for Celica are driven by spite and bitterness against her.

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@Interdimensional ObserverEven with that, it takes quite a bit of work to make them “decent”. If a brave variant doesn’t come with a cool one right out of the box, it’ll still turn people off. Maybe stat condition staves such as Berserk or Sleep could make things a bit better for staff users.

@VaximillianI guess there’s no use convincing you since you’re being pretty stubborn about her. Golden dagger could still be made into an actual dagger in Heroes. The fact that it has “dagger” in its name doesn’t really help your case. Remember Matthew and Jaffar? Those were originally sword users in their own game due to the weapon limitations. Same thing happened to Celica’s Golden Dagger. Heck, Gaiden/SoV was so limited they didn’t even give players a playable axe unit or made axes usable by any of the playable characters. Being a colorless unit could actually work in her favor as she wouldn’t have a glaring weakness against the most dominant color in the game. Unless she‘s Ayra-levels of busted or at least pack some good res, she’d be Reinhardt feed. Not as “unconventional” as your mind seems to think. 

Staves are still in a rough spot despite the buffs. 

@silverserpentOh yeah, I forgot about those. Hardly memorable. Then again, the fact than none of them could promote and improve on their terrible stats didn’t do them any favors. 

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@Lord-Zero Cats are pretty damn stubborn indeed. That the Awakening thieves use swords means nothing at all because again, Awakening was too cool for common sense and had them wield swords in reverse grip which is how you use a knife or a dagger and is stupidly inconvenient for a longer weapon like a sword. The GBA thieves used swords because of gameplay limitations but lo and behold—their sprites very obviously depict daggers or knives. Celica’s “dagger” does not look like a dagger, from which I assume it is a misnaming. What Fire Emblem calls lances usually isn’t lances, after all. Gaiden doesn’t have playable axes thanks to Kaga’s negative bias against the type. Swords look heroic, whereas axes don’t. Mystery Book 2 doesn’t have playable axes either, lest you forget.

In which universe Ayra isn’t Reinhardt food, anyway? You can’t balance every-bloody-thing against one single unit. About everything that isn’t green or Sigurd is Reinhardt food.

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47 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

@Lord-Zero Cats are pretty damn stubborn indeed. That the Awakening thieves use swords means nothing at all because again, Awakening was too cool for common sense and had them wield swords in reverse grip which is how you use a knife or a dagger and is stupidly inconvenient for a longer weapon like a sword. The GBA thieves used swords because of gameplay limitations but lo and behold—their sprites very obviously depict daggers or knives. Celica’s “dagger” does not look like a dagger, from which I assume it is a misnaming. What Fire Emblem calls lances usually isn’t lances, after all. Gaiden doesn’t have playable axes thanks to Kaga’s negative bias against the type. Swords look heroic, whereas axes don’t. Mystery Book 2 doesn’t have playable axes either, lest you forget.

In which universe Ayra isn’t Reinhardt food, anyway? You can’t balance every-bloody-thing against one single unit. About everything that isn’t green or Sigurd is Reinhardt food.

Do we really need another sword unit? I'd rather have red be a mage this time.

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15 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

We just recently got a red mage in Eirika.

53/15 for swords/redtomes
37/18 for lances/bluetomes
28/16 for axes/greentomes
15/13/18 for staves/daggers/bows

Looking at these numbers do we really need another sword unit.

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1 minute ago, Tybrosion said:

And even when it isn’t, we still get more swords anyways so really what does it matter?

Issue: Too many swords.
Solution: Add more swords.

This always works.

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8 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

Issue: Too many swords.
Solution: Add more swords.

This always works.

I think the devs might actually follow this philosophy. Why else would every New Heroes banner except Rite of Shadows and Sacred Memories include at least one sword hero each?

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1 minute ago, Tybrosion said:

I think the devs might actually follow this philosophy. Why else would every New Heroes banner except Rite of Shadows and Sacred Memories include at least one sword hero each?

People like swords. Swords are heroic.

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Reached 60k feathers and had Marisa as 5* already so decided to promote again.

Lyon became 5* instantly. I want that Nafalgar goodness :)

The next two are sort of cheats, since I plan to promote every 3-4* unit and these are 4-5* ones... but I really like these guys and only really have dregs or bad stats currently awaiting promotion (plus a few healers... I will promote eventually).

Abel and Raven :D

Now 5*, since I can apparently pull Cain at 5* twice, but not his boon companion. And Raven because I only have Arthur and Beruka left to promote for the green side and don't particularly like either... besides, he's getting a new weapon :)

Arthur will probably be my next one, if I don't get a 5* green unit. And possibly Jagen for my blue. I would do Oboro, but still waiting for one I want to promote.

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@ILikeKirbys Exactly, it's Saber's payment, so it's his. What kind of person takes another's payment and forges it into their exclusive weapon?

4 hours ago, Lord-Zero said:

@silverserpentThose 2 have rocks for brains and neither is Archanean nor from Jugdral so your only hope for a “canon” bow General would be Lorenz.

What is Xavier, chopped liver?

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15 hours ago, Zeo said:

A Steady Breath QR Guard Aether Lukas with Slaying Lance+ is always nice but I'm actually leaning towards a Distant Counter Berkut's Lance (+RES refinement) QR Distant Def/Guard Lukas for mixed tanking of joy and wrath.

Since you plan on going to +10 and will probably have a team of +10s you should know that there aren't many mages in the +10 meta. A +Res Berkut's Lance and +Res nature would only really help against dragons.

I run Steady Breath, QR, Threaten Atk (Atk smoke would be best) Close Defense seal with Bonfire on a +Def/-Spd Lukas with a Def refined Slaying Lance. This build allows him to win every match-up against Swords, Lances, and even Axes. Bows and daggers just tink off him allowing you to finish them on the Player Phase. With a Defense tile he can reach an effective Defense stat of well over 80, which is basically invincibility against physical attackers. I've seen Moonbows from high Atk Axes do 0 damage. TA 3 Minerva - 0 damage. When I go into an Arena battle and I see all physical attackers and defense tiles, I just march Lukas forward and have everyone else stay back. I don't even need to check enemy stats. It is just a brain dead stupidly easy win.

Personally, I prefer to have a hyper-specialized Defensive tank Lukas, and then build the rest of my team around him to deal with the mages and Green Dragons. I feel that the Berkut's Lance build is better suited for other Lance users. If you have a specific team composition in mind though, don't let me persuade you away from that.


@Vaximillian sadly I haven't gotten around to playing Echoes yet so I don't know what options there are for Celica. All I know is that she can use swords.

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Marisa's voice is great.

I was unenthusiastic about her when it seemed like she might compete with L'arachel or Myrrh for a spot in the banner, but I like the way she's been handled.

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