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it feels like FOREVER since i got a focus unit from a banner without having to cut off all my limbs.
She's +Res - Spd, which seems good for her, so, that's good.
Got some good fodder in Lon'qu and Odin afterwards, so that's good too.

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I had 220 orbs today, then got 12 from the quests. So I'm down from 232 to 86, and I've gotten a Sigurd (+Res, -Speed), an Inigo (+Attack, -Speed), and an off banner Celica (+Speed -Res, woop woop!). 

Now...do I keep going, or do I wait? I feel like I should be content with what I've gotten.

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I only planned to spend 60 of my 120 orbs for this banner, but it turned into 100 instead.

I got a +attack Deirdre out of it. Sadly she is also -speed. Quick reposte might help a little, but 24 speed still looks pretty bad.

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8 minutes ago, Thane said:

I had 220 orbs today, then got 12 from the quests. So I'm down from 232 to 86, and I've gotten a Sigurd (+Res, -Speed), an Inigo (+Attack, -Speed), and an off banner Celica (+Speed -Res, woop woop!). 

Now...do I keep going, or do I wait? I feel like I should be content with what I've gotten.

Hey, same Sigurd as me. (I was wrong in my first post, he's +res not atk, rip)

Unless you really don't want to wait, I'd just wait till we see about what's going on for Halloween first before pulling more. We should get info hopefully before both the Dancer and Judgral banners end, anyway.

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Just now, Alkaid said:

Hey, same Sigurd as me. (I was wrong in my first post, he's +res not atk, rip)

I'm going to smile and nod over the fact that I finally got him. Speed is almost always the worst bane but at least Sigurd is built around being able to tank ranged double hits.

1 minute ago, Alkaid said:

Unless you really don't want to wait, I'd just wait till we see about what's going on for Halloween first before pulling more. We should get info hopefully before both the Dancer and Judgral banners end, anyway.

Yeah...probably for the best. I've just waited a long time, so I'm a bit eager, but dammit, I want Halloween units too. Might roll for Axura or another Sigurd if the preview is unimpressive.

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Just now, Thane said:

I'm going to smile and nod over the fact that I finally got him. Speed is almost always the worst bane but at least Sigurd is built around being able to tank ranged double hits.

Yeah...probably for the best. I've just waited a long time, so I'm a bit eager, but dammit, I want Halloween units too. Might roll for Axura or another Sigurd if the preview is unimpressive.

Yes, I'm a bit triggered too. With Hone Cav at least he hits a modest 35.. On the bright side, with the DD3 seal and his base kit he seems like a brick wall to most attacks.

I hadn't rolled since the start of the dancer banner, so I used a few more orbs than I should have. (should have quit as soon as Sigurd popped up, but that -spd and still wanting Dierdre triggered me to roll a little more). Now I have 90 orbs left, down from 137. I hope I don't get too burned for Halloween.

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Even though I told myself to just spend 15 orbs on this banner I went down to 6 from 65. Having a potential 40% bonus unit for the trials was tempting and apparently I have much less self restraint than before the pa banner.



+def-spd nature

15 units pulled - just two 3*

Other notable pulls that I am quite happy about


Roy TA fodder

Selena barst reposition

Lonqu Vantage

Fcorrin - draconic aura



Edited by Prince Endriu
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My free summon was Sophia and I ended that session because the rest were blue and one colorless which I wanted to avoid as I don't want the new blue unit as her stats are disappointing.

But the next summing session I ended up with...


The couple really wanted to be together.

Both +Res with Sigurd -HP while Deidre -Spd (I can just give her Fury and Spd 3 seal to have her speed be the same as +Spd Julia).

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93 orbs trying for Sigurd and all I got was this... Meh.


Already had her, and this one's IVs are shitty. Merged Elincia isn't a bad thing though, so I can take it. But I'm still disappointed that I came away with no Sigurd.

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Wow. My free pull, I pull a Tailtiu, +Res/-Spd. Then I pull my first Sanaki, +Atk/-Def. Then I pull another Tailtiu, this one +Atk/-Res. Interesting full pull.

Edit: Second session, I got a deirdre, +atk/-HP

Edited by Inferno lizard
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@Anacybele @Arcanite @MrSmokestack @Sophie @Vaximillian@DarkLordIvy @Anime27Arts@Captain Karnage@Tybrosion@Glaceon Mage @TheTuckingFypo and anybody else who wants to marvel at this feat.

Well, I guess this is be expected at this point.


Way to break my pity rate.  I wanted your dad and for you to not be -Atk.


-Atk, sigh




FINALLY, wait, what, he's -Atk!


I had my pity rate broken 3 times by -Atk 5*s. 

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3 minutes ago, Arcanite said:


At this point

I dont even know what to say anymore

I feel depressed for you

@Rezzy ...Yeah, what Arc said here. xP

But I'm amazed that you've still been able to do what you've done in the game with all these -Atk people you get.

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I got Deirdre, another Ike, and another 5* Athena. I merged the Ike and I'll use the Athena for fodder. I don't really care about IVs so this is good for me!

I honestly don't care enough about the other two to pull for them anymore, since I got the one I wanted on my free summon lol

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28 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

Well, it is you!
I'm not necessarily incredibly surprised!

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