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120 orbs so far on this banner and only a - ATK Brave Roy to show for it. Not bad, since I didn't have him, but still haha.

But Myrrh was like in my Top 3 characters in SS, so I WILL get her haha. I hope the next Legendary Hero isn't TOO OP, so I won't feel bad missing him/her.

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7 hours ago, Tybrosion said:

4.25% seems to be the magic percentage.

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In a shocking twist, I got the banner hero I wanted the most. Even more shockingly, she got +Spd/-Res. No one needs to guess what my next 20k feathers are going towards.

I also tried sniping for HNY!Azura again only to be reminded why I gave up on that banner: nothing but disappointment and despair await. Me and my remaining 21 orbs will just what and see what the next legendary banner has in store.

Congratulations, at last some luck for you! 

Edited by mampfoid
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25 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

Congratulations, at last some luck for you! 

Thanks! I'm certainly looking forward to having a blade tome cav that actually has Speed Leo, bless him, he tries. Hopefully, this turnaround will extend into the legendary banner so I can get the new legendary hero and/or Gunnthra but I'm not holding my breath.

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7 minutes ago, Tybrosion said:

Thanks! I'm certainly looking forward to having a blade tome cav that actually has Speed Leo, bless him, he tries. Hopefully, this turnaround will extend into the legendary banner so I can get the new legendary hero and/or Gunnthra but I'm not holding my breath.

After watching the FEH channel some hours would remain to give Azura a last chance, perhaps the legendary banner won't be so legendary after all. 

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15 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

After watching the FEH channel some hours would remain to give Azura a last chance, perhaps the legendary banner won't be so legendary after all. 

Perhaps, but I also don't trust the stupid New Year's banner to even give me greens, let alone Azura, at this point (I did try again after getting my Arena orbs, only to leave with 4* Azama 300 feathers because of course there were no greens). I'll at least consider my options after we know what the legendary banner has.

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3 minutes ago, GuiltyLove said:

I stopped at the beginning of January

As for why, I guess I just got bored of the lack of content and all the seasonals replacing actual new characters

I didn't notice, sad to hear that. What FEH-update would it take to bring you back? 

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I just got this a little while ago when I decided to try for Oscar and Frederick on the 4/5 star banner...


Good news is, this Mathilda is +Res and I don't get many high res units. But the bad news is, she's -Atk. And she's a unit that has low attack to begin with. So she'd only be useful on horse teams. So I'm undecided on whether to use her or fodder her off/send her home. What do others think? Would a weapon refine or something possibly salvage her?

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Give Cancel Affinity to a grey unit and cackle like a supervillain as you put them into a defense team. Mathilda's common enough at 4* availability that a better one will surely appear if you ever feel the need. (I'm snowed in by so many of her that I've started foddering her off for Hone Attack 3)

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I have a -atk Mathilda, I find her best as a support unit with Hone Attack and Rally Resistance. But I also have Micaiah for an anti-cav unit. Her usefulness will depend on how many units you have to fulfil those two niches.

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14 minutes ago, Humanoid said:

Give Cancel Affinity to a grey unit and cackle like a supervillain as you put them into a defense team. Mathilda's common enough at 4* availability that a better one will surely appear if you ever feel the need. (I'm snowed in by so many of her that I've started foddering her off for Hone Attack 3)

Why when there are few units/weapons that have any weapon advantage vs colorless?

4 minutes ago, Baldrick said:

I have a -atk Mathilda, I find her best as a support unit with Hone Attack and Rally Resistance. But I also have Micaiah for an anti-cav unit. Her usefulness will depend on how many units you have to fulfil those two niches.

My only anti-cavalry units are female Robin, Cecilia, and Gray. Gray is also -Atk. And they're green and red respectively, while Mathilda is blue, so now I have an anti-horse unit of each color.

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12 hours ago, GuiltyLove said:

I stopped at the beginning of January

As for why, I guess I just got bored of the lack of content and all the seasonals replacing actual new characters

You're just a seasonal :v

Edited by JSND Alter Dragon Boner
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1 minute ago, Anacybele said:

Why when there are few units/weapons that have any weapon advantage vs colorless?

My only anti-cavalry units are female Robin, Cecilia, and Gray. Gray is also -Atk. And they're green and red respectively, while Mathilda is blue, so now I have an anti-horse unit of each color.

It's not particularly fantastic use of her I admit, but then the other skills are just Hone Attack 3 which is available from her at 4*, and Ridersbane+ which isn't overly desirable. Defense teams lose the vast majority of matches that they're in, but it's the few that they do win that matter, and often that comes down to surprise. Most frequently this comes down to something like Wings of Mercy, but any surprise is good and CA is one such surprise to people who don't read enemy skills.

That said, it's still a very niche use as you say. From my own perspective though, I literally haven't used my +atk +hp 5* Mathilda since she hit level 40: she's technically an anti-horse unit but is still very awkward to use in that role due to a lack of atk and def when fighting bulky horses, and a lack of DC when fighting mounted ones. My guess therefore is that you'd be unlikely to realistically use her for anything meaningful, hence the preference to fodder, and CA is probably her best skill.

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7 minutes ago, Humanoid said:

It's not particularly fantastic use of her I admit, but then the other skills are just Hone Attack 3 which is available from her at 4*, and Ridersbane+ which isn't overly desirable. Defense teams lose the vast majority of matches that they're in, but it's the few that they do win that matter, and often that comes down to surprise. Most frequently this comes down to something like Wings of Mercy, but any surprise is good and CA is one such surprise to people who don't read enemy skills.

That said, it's still a very niche use as you say. From my own perspective though, I literally haven't used my +atk +hp 5* Mathilda since she hit level 40: she's technically an anti-horse unit but is still very awkward to use in that role due to a lack of atk and def when fighting bulky horses, and a lack of DC when fighting mounted ones. My guess therefore is that you'd be unlikely to realistically use her for anything meaningful, hence the preference to fodder, and CA is probably her best skill.

I see. Well, I suppose I'll keep her though, because any anti-cavalry unit is nice to have when units like Reinhardt and CYL Lyn are everywhere.

Edited by Anacybele
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Condensing two pulling sessions into one. @Vaximillian @GuiltyLove @Rezzy @Arcanite

A week ago, I went into the Sacred Memories banner with ~120 orbs, hoping mostly for Eirika, but that night was off-focus night...



-Spd, didn't bother checking boon. Firesweep/merge fodder I guess.


+Res -Def Brave Lucina. A step up from my +Res -Spd one, so I merged.


+Atk -Def! Great improvement over my +HP -Atk 5* Lilina, so I merged, and I'm going to give her Raudhrblade soon.

I ended up stopping with about 55 orbs to spare, planning to try my luck another day. I pulled last night, and...


In ten orbs! @Alexmender @DefaultBeep +Atk -Res too, which is super super good. My life is complete for now.

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