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Okay, this is kind of funny.

Yesterday, my friend Pandog mentioned getting Gunnthra on the legendary banner. Earlier today, my other friend mentioned getting Gunnthra as well. I decided to summon today to try to get Brave Ike and Gunnthra. Three green stones.

First green stone I opened has ... PA!Azura. The second one. First one is already perfect, so I don't need to replace her. Second green orb has ... Gunnthra. Haven't checked her nature yet.

Last time both Pandog and the other friend got a character I wanted before I did, it was NY!Takumi. And I did get him in the end. I'm sensing a trend.

EDIT: All right, so I didn't get Legendary Ike. But I don't feel like pushing my luck any further. I think I should just abandon the legendary banner and hope for him next month.

Edited by Sunwoo
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Scraped together 21 orbs. 10.5% pity rate on the Legendary banner, here goes nothing.

  1. 3* Henry: I'm getting really tired of this guy's stupid face.
  2. 4* Sully: Ugh.
  3. 5* Fjorm: Finally! She's +Spd/-Atk, which I'm very unsure about compared to neutral. Any thoughts, guys and gals of Serenes?
  4. 4* Lukas: Bleh. Not even good skill fodder.
  5. 4* Bartre: Seriously?

That was ridiculous. 115 orbs, only one 5*, no useful 4* training targets, and a dearth of good SI fodder.

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Sniping for green on Hero Fest whenever I get to 20 orbs.

4* Camilla +HP -Spd
4* Sheena +Res -Atk
4* Soren +HP -Def
4* Mae Neutral

No, Soren, Ike is not bloody here.


EDIT: Finished a monthly quest to have one more go:

5* Amelia +Res -HP
4* Cecilia +Def -Spd

Already have a better Amelia. Back to square one.

Edited by Humanoid
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Put about 400 orbs into Legendary Banner (saved up since the last one where I only got 3 Chroms), and got:

  • 2 Ikes
  • 2 Seigberts
  • 2 Fredericks
  • 1 Xander
  • 5 Lucinas

I've never been able to get a single CYL hero that isn't Lucina (in the original CYL banner, I pulled one Lucina and no other Braveys) and here I was getting her several pull cycles in a row. Decided to finally use my free summon from the CYL event and grabbed another, and made her +6 with Earth Blessing.

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So, rather than bombard y'all with a bunch of pics, have the album link instead:


That brings me up to 668 total pulled units.

For boons/banes:


Odin (+Def/-HP): He has so many good skills!
Rebecca (+Def/-Spd): DARTING BLOW IS MINE!
Niles (+Spd/-Res): Oh, how interesting!  I really want +Atk just so he'll damage stuff.  It's tempting to run Cancel Affinity on him. . .
Lon'qu (+HP/-Spd): Vantage is a nice skill?  Oh, wait, so is Glimmer!
Palla (neutral): Goad Fliers is always relevant!

Gunter (+HP/-Spd): 46 HP on a horse is nuts.  He also doesn't mind this bane.  I will need to think about this.
Nino (+Atk/-HP): Oh my.  This is workable. . .is what I'd say, if I already didn't have another one, at 5*.
Clarine (+Spd/-HP): Good boon, questionable bane.  Will need to think about this one, too.
Seliph (+HP/-Res): HOLY SHIT I'VE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS ONE!  Well, -Def would've been preferable, but -Res is workable.  Time for The Insanely Stupid Build!
Soleil (+Def/-HP): That wasn't as bad as I feared.  Will sit on this one for now, in the hopes that a better one comes along.

Cecilia (+Spd/-Res): I think I have one like this.  But damn good combo nonetheless.  Guess who's grabbing Darting Blow from Rebecca? :P:
Sully (+Spd/-Res): I think you need +Atk more.  Still, good effort.  And you're damn good skill fodder.
Subaki (+Atk/-Def): Well. . .crap.  I think I need to keep this one!
Tiki (+Res/-HP): Oh she does NOT like this bane!  But I like more Bonfire fodder!
Olivia (+Res/-Atk): Good, I always need more Hone Atk fodder!

Catria (+HP/-Atk): Luna is a great skill!
Oscar (+Res/-Atk): Oh hello there Lancebreaker fodder!
Athena (+Spd/-Res): Desperation + Moonbow will do it!  Or maybe Noontime.  I'll decide on it later!
Laslow (+HP/-Res): And it's Axebreaker fodder!
Cain (+HP/-Res): To top it off, it's Wings of Mercy!

Robin (+Atk/-HP): WOOHOO!  Just what the doctor ordered for him!
Shanna (+Atk/-Spd): Oh, I believe someone needed Desperation fodder a few lines up!
Kagero (+Spd/-Def): I think there's stuff that can be done with this.  But I'd rather have +Atk.
Cain (+Res/-Def): On one hand, that makes his Res equal to his Def.  On the other hand, 24 of each is bleh.
Laslow (+Atk/-HP): I think I have one of you running around.  But it makes for an excellent Brave build!

Niles (+HP/-Atk): You are SO Iceberg fodder!
Palla (+Def/-Spd): More Moonbow fodder!
Tharja (+Def/-HP): The good news is that you're not -Spd.  The bad news is that I'd still run Raigh over you.
Cain (+Atk/-Res): I might have one of him already.  But THIS is what I want to see out of him~!
Corrin (+Spd/-HP): CHOO CHOO, YATO COMIN' THROUGH!  Is what I'd say, except I have a +Atk one at 5*.  I like Corrin, so having a +Spd variant wouldn't be the end of the world for me. . .

Beruka (+Atk/-Def): 32 base Atk is passable.  I think I'll train this one.
Corrin (+Spd/-Res): This is exactly what she wants!  I need to check the bane of my existing one.  This might call for a merge!
Effie (+Atk/-Spd): She's getting a spare Brave Lance.  This is nice!
Florina (neutral): MORE DARTING BLOW FODDER!
Eirika (+Def/-Res): I'm always in need of Hone Spd!

Beruka (+HP/-Atk): Glimmer fodder!
Rebecca (+Res/-Def): I'm getting all the Darting Blow fodder today~!
Catria (+Def/-Atk): Luna, too.
Robin (+Spd/-HP): Oh WTF, that's the second good one I've pulled!
Lon'qu (neutral): And Glimmer again!

Brave Ike (+Res/-Def): I appreciate the effort, and vow to make this as amusing as humanely possible!
Virion (+Res/-Atk): The only skill I'd pass on is Night Sky.  So that Lon'qu can pass on Glimmer and two levels of Vantage.
Donnel (+Spd/-HP): I wish there was a way to swap weapons.  If he and Effie were to do so, it would be perfect~!
Raigh (+HP/-Def): I might've considered this one if I was going for a pure anti-mage unit.  Which I'm not.
Hana (+Def/-HP): I wish it wasn't so hard to get units up to 5*, because this is great fodder.

30 pulls total, just for a 5*.  But I shouldn't have a shortage of Darting Blow, at least for the forseeable future!


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More maps is more orbs, so I'm already back to a full pull.

4 Colourless, 1 Red (This is a joke.)

4* Chrom (*Sigh. +Res/-Atk)

3 Red, 1 Green, 1 Colourless

3* Laslow (Meh, not exactly top tier), 4* Eirika (Been a long while since I pulled her at all. +Def/-HP, not great), 4* Eirika (ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME? Is +Spd/-HP a great nature?), 4* Cecilia (Again, not quite what I wanted. +Res/-Atk)

*SIGH 10 $$@ÂŁ %

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So I snagged 20 orbs which was enough for one go-around at the legendary banner before it's gone. I wanted S!Frederick and Ike most of all and you just never know. I'll have enough to make at least one pull on the HF banner before it's gone but this is my last chance for this particular banner so off I went. 1 blue, 2 reds, 2 colorless. And in one of the colorless there was...


I was afraid this would happen. Takumi would have been fantastic CC fodder. S!Frederick would have fed his B skill to my Matthew to add to his ultimate build. And yet I'm left with this. The one colorless unit I didn't need or want. She's +RES/-HP but I prefer the mixed bulk of +DEF/-RES so I'm happy with the one I already have. Merging a unit like her is worthless so I guess I'll have to build a Firesweep Bow+ user somewhere down the line. 

At least it's a five star though, so I'm grateful for that. Thanks legendary banner.

Edited by Zeo
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Beat the developer maps for more orbs. Time for another Hero Fest attempt.

  1. 4* Nino: Eh. Maybe I'll promote you for the merge.
  2. 4* Lukas: Wrong Soldier.
  3. 4* Serra: Useless.
  4. 3* Bartre: Also useless.
  5. 4* Azama: Also useless unless I want to do some stupid Pain+ novelty build.

I've been having a bad run of luck lately. 199 orbs on Sacred Memories for 3 good/okay 5*, 115 orbs on the Legendary Banner for 1 pretty crap 5*, and the Hero Fest is shaping up to be just as wasteful.

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So, I spent my initial 50 or so orbs we all were given (Got Legendary Ike), and decided after spending those, that I wanted to save up... and at 48 I broke and decided I wanted Eirika. Seeing people's rolls on social media is a dangerous thing...


And after getting a -ATK one, I decided to spend the rest of my orbs, to try and get a different IV, and on my last roll...


Well, I did want her too. In fact, she was the one I wanted the most from the banner... which makes it strange that I was going for Eirika. So, I'm happy I got her. I just wasn't rolling for her (there were no reds in that session) so it amused me more.

Anyway, after that, strangely enough, it made me content with my -ATK Eirika. Perhaps getting two 5*s in a short time nullifies any bitterness towards any detrimental IVs. I don't know.

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I’d consider this a good haul. A +atk/-spd Siegbert, a +hp/-def S!Xander, and finally, this lady: tVYz5eO.jpg 

+atk/-hp. While the super bane in hp is a bummer, the attack is certainly welcome. This means the Blade build I want to give her will be amazing.

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I beat CC 11+12 to get the orbs for this pull. Is it over?

3 Red, 2 Blue

5* Seigbert (Bert bert bert, Xander Jr.'s here! +HP/-Res, not a bad nature at least.), 4* Selena (Is this going to be a Nohrian pull? +Res/-HP), 4* Laslow (Bitch it might be! You're no D!Ike. +Res/-Spd), 5* Lancina (Surprise, it's LANCINA! She's +Def/-Atk like B!Ike and -Atk like Boi. What is my luck with Brave Heroes?), 4* Shanna (Also unrelated to earlier. Neutral, think I'l keep.)

I aimed to get legendaries and the two you see here. I am okay with this, better than last time. And first time where the best pull was Neutral Ayra.

Despite both Fred and F!Robin showing when I wasn't looking for them. I was dreading this banner but it was better than expected.

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Been spending all my orbs on the Hero Fest banner hoping to get Brave Ike/Lyn for fodder. Took me getting a pity breaker Klein (who was promptly sacked for QR3) and getting up to around 7% pity break after that, but I finally got both of them in the same session! 
Lyn is +res/-atk so I have no issues using her as fodder, but Ike is +atk/-res, so I can't decide whether to merge with my neutral Ike or use the neutral one as fodder.
I'll have a think, but now it's back to saving orbs again.




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Legendary Heroes: Ike - 315 Orbs - 16 full pulls over 4 days. 

6 five star heroes. 4 unique five star heroes factoring in repeats. 2 Lucinas, 2 Fayes, 1 Siegbert, 1 Takumi.

I'm kind of underwhelmed with this banner compared to the first legendary heroes (I skipped the second one entirely). Especially since I had to do most of the lunatic chain challenges to scrape these orbs together.


4 star Cecilla
4 star Godrin
5 star Brave Lucina
4 star Nino
3 star Saizo
4 star Roderick
4 star Roy
3 star Saizo
4 star Male Corrin
4 star Raigh
4 star Taitu
4 star Frederick
4 star Nowi
3 star Frederick
4 star Cecilla
3 star Est
4 star Male Robin
4 star Saizo
4 star Lucius
3 star Virion
3 star Frederick
4 star Athena
3 star Gordin
5 star Faye
4 star Sophia
3 star Setsuna
4 star Lon'q
3 star Saizo
4 star Kagero
4 star Palla
5 star Faye
3 star Olivia
4 star Boey
4 star Prisilla
4 star Cain
4 star Rebecca
4 star Lucius
4 star Peri
5 star Brave Lucina
4 star Jagen
3 star Saizo
3 star Shanna
4 star Subaki
3 star Barst
4 star Odin
4 star Cordelia
3 star Hinata
4 star Titania
4 star Tharja
3 star Raigh
4 star Donnel
5 star Siegbert
4 star Ogma
3 star Henry
3 star Jagen
4 star Hinata
4 star Lachesis
3 star Donnel
3 star Gwendolyn
4 star Nowi
3 star Stahl
4 star Tiki
4 star Mathilda
4 star Sully
4 star Est
4 star Gordin
3 star Gwendolyn
3 star Gordin
4 star Lissa
3 star Barst
3 star Felica
4 star Ogma
4 star Soleil
4 star Laslow
4 star Titania
5 star Takumi
3 star Niles
4 star Selena
3 star Hana
4 star Robin

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Just pulled Brave Ike from the Hero Fest banner, which solidifies the fact that I have better luck with it than the Legendary banners. Just need Brave Lucina and then I'll have all of the Braves. Now if I can just pull Sigurd from Hero Fest, I'll have all that I'll need.

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@Zeo @Vaximillian @Cute Chao @DefaultBeep

So I caved in and did a last YOLO summon from the Legendary Hero banners. And after disappointment of  no 5 stars I also tried the Hero Fest banner out as well.

What I did get was an optimal Peri for my main account (finally)! +Spd/-Def and I can work with that. Maybe even follow @Ice Dragon's Firesweep build one day. Too bad she came just after I gave my Cordelia's Galeforce to Siegbert.

So I moved on to Hero Fest, and...


I got a duplicate Brave Ike! +HP/-Spd this time, so I don't know if that's better than +Res/-HP?Good thing I didn't build my first Brave Ike yet.

 @Javi Blizz I think you're luck rubbed off on me so thanks! All I know is I want more Brave Ikes so I can give Steady Breath to both Shiro and BK.

Then I pulled the other greens for another Bike or Colorless for Siegbert's Swift Sparrow but instead, I got a conga line one Night Sky fodder (Beruka. 4 star Virion, 3 star Virion).

Which was actually perfect for Peri to prep her for Galeforce whenever I get another Cordelia. I was wishing I had a 3 star Est so I can pass on her Seal Spd so I can sacrifice Virion for Astra/Seal Spd 2 and 3, but since I didn't have any, I just sacrificed the 3 star Virion as well. Who knows when Seal Speed's -7 would be useful for a GHB?

And in my next summon I did get that 3 star Est I was actually wishing for once... -__- . Oh and a Bartre.

Now down to 111 orbs which isn't too bad. Just need to be in more control but I have to say except for the last 2 pulls, those orbs were worth it.


Second account gave me a Sully (was running out of Swordbreaker) and a neutral Jeorge. Could be worse.

Hero Fest pull gave me a 3 star Gunter, another Roderick, another Est and... a 5 star Oscar!?!?


Wrong Tellius lance unit (I expected this to happen in the Crimean Knights banner but not Hero Fest!). But he is +HP/-Res which is workable and is the best bane possible. Actually, same boon/bane as my current (only) Oscar. And hey, that extra Roderick I just pulled will come in handy for him!!!

Sadly I left with 18 orbs (Legendary Banner really hurt my orb stash) but at least I have more unfinished story maps on this account. Just need to be stricter in my spending now.

But yeah, it's kind of ironic I get two of the best offensive blue lance cavalry days after I sacrificed that Cordelia and was told Peri/Oscar would be great Brave Lance+ and Galeforce users.

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14 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

I got a duplicate Brave Ike! +HP/-Spd this time, so I don't know if that's better than +Res/-HP? @Javi Blizz I think you're luck rubbed off on me so thanks!

All I know is I want more Brave Ikes so I can give Steady Breath to both Shiro and BK.

Gimme! I want at least a dozen Ikes, but alas, no orbs for that anymore. As before, hero fests never give me anything good.

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7 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

Gimme! I want at least a dozen Ikes, but alas, no orbs for that anymore. As before, hero fests never give me anything good.

It's amazing how fast orbs can disappear :(

Yeah Hero Fests can be hit or miss. In fact, only my main account successfully summoned a Hero Fest focus units. I got my only Hector (-Def) on the first one, Ike on the second after sooo many orbs (-Atk), and now the two Bikes on this one, so this was my luckiest thankfully. (Amusingly, the dupe pulls here mirrored my CYL summon in my 2nd account where I also had 2 Bikes in the same banner)

All the Hero Fest attempts on my second account only gave me pity breakers. Peri and Maria (at least she was +Atk) on the first one, the second one gave me a Lucius and a +Atk/-HP Hinoka (which I was really grateful for) and now I got that Oscar. 

But yes, may Anna bless us with more Steady Breath fodder in the future!

@Zeo Ah, that's a bummer for the extra Faye, but hey could be useful fodder in the future. Can even pass Wings of Mercy in case you need emergency WoM fodder!

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1 minute ago, mcsilas said:

But yes, may Anna bless us with more Steady Breath fodder in the future!

I wonder if any other Breath skills will be Ike-only as well. Apparently, he’s the only one who knows how to breathe, huh?

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Just now, Vaximillian said:

I wonder if any other Breath skills will be Ike-only as well. Apparently, he’s the only one who knows how to breathe, huh?

The mercenary life means he doesn't have the best dental hygiene. But he somehow made that as a weapon.

Dragon/Breath weapon type Ike when?

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@mcsilas WoM3 Seems like a waste of a Faye even if I don't/didn't plan on building a Firesweep+ Archer. At least it's another resource and a fairly exclusive one.

I hope I pull a dupe B!Ike before this banner is over as well. A better nature (which almost any nature other than the one I have would be) would mean not only a better Ike but Steady Breath fodder which I'm 90% sure would go to either Lukas or a Dragon.

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