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3 minutes ago, Zeo said:

@mcsilas Lucky! Sorry about no Hector though. @mampfoid @Rafiel's Aria

So I got baited same as you guys. I have 16 orbs and was saving them to keep pulling for Morgan but a chance at DC or CC is too good to pass up. I've pulled 3 Ikes (one of them being +ATK/-HP) so I can safely avoid red. So there was one green, 3 colorless and one blue. I went for the green cause duh and got a *4 Frederick on my free pull. Meh, so I was getting ready to pull out but looking at those colorless orbs had be twitchy cause I'm waiting as always for more Matthews so I went ahead and pulled and... well... like...

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Oh, it's Priscilla. The only cavalry healer I care about... at *5... with the basically perfect IV Spread of +SPD/-DEF. And with that, my *5 Healer count has bumped up to 5 and my 4th healer pulled at *5. Neato.

..Yeah... nope. Nope not done. Next stone.

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Yep, so here's Jeorge. He's here too. How about that. So how about we were talking about archers a while ago and here's one now. He's regrettably +HP/-SPD, a terrible nature like most of my other Jeorges. But Parthia is a thing and I'm working on a *4 Supermerge so I can probably just merge this one down when the time comes. If I want to +10 an Archer, I'm willing to start from the ground up, but it'll probably be Rebecca.

So obviously, I'm going to go ahead and finish pulling at this point.

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Kinda regretted spending those last couple orbs on Effie but you just never know. All in all it was a weird session but I don't regret it for a second. Orbs well spent.

Welp, back to saving orbs for Morgan & Chrom.

Whoa. You know, you probably got two 5* colorless units because we've been talking about them so much. XD That Priscilla rocks though! She was my first 5 star healer...and she's popped up a few times for me at 5 stars. And even if you don't use that Jeorge, you can always at least get his 5 star confession (if you like getting those things like I do). Merging down is always fine too. That's what I did for my 4*+10 Effie.

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I just wanted Hector, and lo and behold, only one green orb. I hit it, and the column does the smoke-puff thing that signals a 4★ or 5★. I hold my breath.



...Oh. Damn it. Yes, Ike's here. Like, three of him. Now go shoo into the barracks with the rest of your brethren. Your +HP / -RES nature is worthless to me.

EDIT: Two more pulls on green with the last of my orbs... 3★ Gunter and 3★ Cherche. Ugh.

Edited by Reddazrael
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@mcsilas Congratulations on that Ike. Even if the newer Versions powercrept him a little, see it as a way to have a unit with 12k HM cap. 

@Zeo Nice pull! Colorless is your color (is it a color?). My Jeorge is -SPD as well, that's why I keep him with Brave bow and don't border to refine his prf. 

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Another chance at the elusive Hector! The only character that I mini-whaled for waaaaay back in the first Hero Fest... with no luck in getting him, back then or since.

Free pull? No green orbs. Got a Marth.

Next pull? One green orb. Got a 4* Arthur. That, friends, is my cue to stop trying to get Hector. Maybe someday I'll get him as a pity breaker! Best of luck everyone!

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@Zeo Nice 5 star haul!

You know what, my last colourless orb in that 4 green circle was a Priscilla, too! Except she's 4 star, and +Res/-Def (I have a neutral one trained up so not sure if it's worth switching over)

And hey, is that your first non-5 star Effie? lol

So I did some quick Blessed Garden quests for orbs, but decided not to pull on the Counter fodder....yet.

I did another pull for the 4 star fodder banner because I wanted some easy Klein/Setsuna 5 star fodder for their weapons. For once, I looked for colourless and had none, so I picked red and got a 3 star Sophia with the perfect +Atk/-Spd nature! Looks like she'll be one of those investments i'll do later when I need more units to train.

Next session had 1 colourless (gee desire sensor flexing its muscles), and it turned out to be a +Atk/-HP Sakura. Hmm...maybe decent now that healers want more Atk? I have a +Spd/-Res currently trained up.

@mampfoid Haha thanks, I do enjoy using Ike at least in my other account. I guess I can't think of anyone who would want Heavy Blade as a A skill right now because it's a SS, so maybe I can safely train this Ike. Who knows when that 1 extra speed compared to the free L!Ike might come in handy (in GHBs or something?) :D

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@Ozil Awesome pull! DC for everyone! 

30 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

@mampfoid Haha thanks, I do enjoy using Ike at least in my other account. I guess I can't think of anyone who would want Heavy Blade as a A skill right now because it's a SS, so maybe I can safely train this Ike. Who knows when that 1 extra speed compared to the free L!Ike might come in handy (in GHBs or something?) :D

I only need it for Cherche, to give her the ability to proc Galeforce on the first round (QP seal needed). 


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@mampfoid Oh that's fair, looks like a fun build!

Also @Zeo looks like your colourless luck finally rubbed on me! I had 16 orbs after doing some Chain Challenges in my main account, and I did a YOLO summon on the fodder banner, still trying to look for an extra Klein to give Brave Bow+ and QR3 for my LA!Roy.

There was only 1 colourless orb. Which I was fine with, so I open it and...I get a Klein! Finally! +Res/-Def so safe to fodder. He is 4 star though so I do need to use feathers to promote him, but that's okay since I have 24k feathers (and I now only have 11 orbs so I can't do much summoning.)

Okay, I should really stop summoning now haha

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Well I know who to blame for sucking up all the luck!

I blew all orbs I had piled up plus a 20 pack because of course DC/CC would be worth it. Get up to 3.75 and end up with a session with little of note my pity and final orbs netted a 5* Sakura +RES/-DEF. I think I am pretty much out then. Would have been nice to get useful fodder at least, but yesh. I think 3*Saizo is the best fodder unit I got?

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I already have a spare Hector I keep hesitating on using, so I decided to try pulling for Takumi, since I already have everyone on the banner and would likely use CC fodder for Count Henry.

Wanted Close Counter fodder... got Bowbreaker fodder at 4* for once :O I'm not unhappy about this.

Backed out after my free pull since I'm not desperate for any of the units and want to save my orbs.

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I pulled a 4-Star Klein in the Countering Skills banner. Which is alright, I suppose.

Got a 5-Star Marth pulling on the Branded King, so that's +3 for my Marth. Not pulling on that banner any more, much as I wanted F!Morgan (still, I got M!Morgan, Exalt!Chrom and Leo, so this banner still went quite well for me, really). Hopefully M!Morgan drops to 4-Star rarity in a week or so, I'd like a decent chance of pulling one that isn't -ATK in the future.

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45 minutes ago, Poimagic said:

My free pull on the Counter skills banner is.... a +hp/-def Minerva.....Not what I was expecting, but I’ll take it. I don’t know how to build her, probably something like a hyper offensive build. Oh right, gotta tag the other two flier emblem fans I know of. @mampfoid @GuiltyLove

Hey cool! She is rare, congratulations! 

Mine will see some action from tomorrow until Gerome takes her place. 

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1 hour ago, Poimagic said:

My free pull on the Counter skills banner is.... a +hp/-def Minerva.....Not what I was expecting, but I’ll take it. I don’t know how to build her, probably something like a hyper offensive build. Oh right, gotta tag the other two flier emblem fans I know of. @mampfoid @GuiltyLove

One of the few units from the beginning of the game that I don't have and still sort of want (enough to hope for a pity break but not enough to pull on her banners). Congrats :D

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Well no greens on my free pull so I pulled colorless and got 3*Niles, so iceberg fodder.  I am to the point of thinking Heroes has decided I will never have Hector since I could not get Vector either.  I am just going to keep saving my orbs, Hector and CC fodder is tempting but with H!Jakob coming back either this month or next I would rather have orbs for him.

Edited by EricaofRenais
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Free pull ended up being a 4* Cecilia, which I don't mind since I needed one to give Robin Gronnraven (because I apparently sent my built Robin home at some point and I don't know how).

Meanwhile the Awakening banner is taunting me: I've pulled a 4* Odin (and I have the feathers to promote him) and my first Sothe, both of which I'm ready to feed to F!Morgan...if I can ever pull her :/

Edited by kirauza343
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4 hours ago, Poimagic said:

My free pull on the Counter skills banner is.... a +hp/-def Minerva.....Not what I was expecting, but I’ll take it. I don’t know how to build her, probably something like a hyper offensive build. Oh right, gotta tag the other two flier emblem fans I know of. @mampfoid @GuiltyLove

Not bad. The only Minerva I have is +Def -Spd


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It took 194 orbs but I finally pulled a Takumi to feed Witch Nowi for Close Counter.  Sitting at 3 orbs now, hopefully Witch Nowi isn't on the legendary banner or I'm screwed for pulling merges.  The Spring banner might have lolis on it but at least I'd have a month to pull instead of a few days. 

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10 hours ago, mampfoid said:

@Zeo Nice pull! Colorless is your color (is it a color?). My Jeorge is -SPD as well, that's why I keep him with Brave bow and don't border to refine his prf. 

Gray is a color. *shrugs* Colorless "Hell" isn't even hell for me at this point. There are way too many useful things and things I need in there and generally I pull on the colorless stones the most out of all the stones that I'll pull if they happen to be off-focus. As for Jeorge, I'm kinda spoiled by my Bridelia and LA!Roy so Jeorge's ATK seems kinda low for it without +ATK. Plus his bow is too good to pass up so I'll be alright with a supermerge +10 I think. Just requires a bit of waiting. He won't be getting my Dew any time soon though, but eventually yeah for sure.

10 hours ago, mcsilas said:

@Zeo Nice 5 star haul!

You know what, my last colourless orb in that 4 green circle was a Priscilla, too! Except she's 4 star, and +Res/-Def (I have a neutral one trained up so not sure if it's worth switching over)

And hey, is that your first non-5 star Effie? lol

So I did some quick Blessed Garden quests for orbs, but decided not to pull on the Counter fodder....yet.

I did another pull for the 4 star fodder banner because I wanted some easy Klein/Setsuna 5 star fodder for their weapons. For once, I looked for colourless and had none, so I picked red and got a 3 star Sophia with the perfect +Atk/-Spd nature! Looks like she'll be one of those investments i'll do later when I need more units to train.

Next session had 1 colourless (gee desire sensor flexing its muscles), and it turned out to be a +Atk/-HP Sakura. Hmm...maybe decent now that healers want more Atk? I have a +Spd/-Res currently trained up.

It's actually my 2nd *4 Effie now. So I'm 2 for 2 lol. Priscilla depends on your preference. They're pretty much the same in the scheme of things. For Sakura it depends on how in danger she'll be on the regular. +ATK will make her a better healer, but +SPD means she avoids more doubles if she gets caught up and if she's running Dazzling refinement her ATK matters less. Sakura's got decent bulk for a healer, but that -RES is also a superbane so keep that in mind. Grats on that Sophia also! My *5 one is that nature and she never lets me down as a raven mage. My best one by far.

10 hours ago, mcsilas said:

Also @Zeo looks like your colourless luck finally rubbed on me! I had 16 orbs after doing some Chain Challenges in my main account, and I did a YOLO summon on the fodder banner, still trying to look for an extra Klein to give Brave Bow+ and QR3 for my LA!Roy.

There was only 1 colourless orb. Which I was fine with, so I open it and...I get a Klein! Finally! +Res/-Def so safe to fodder. He is 4 star though so I do need to use feathers to promote him, but that's okay since I have 24k feathers (and I now only have 11 orbs so I can't do much summoning.)

Okay, I should really stop summoning now haha

Sounds like you had a pretty good haul for your troubles though. Grats on Klein though! I've personally never had a Brave Bow+ I didn't have to spend 20k feathers for. But in both cases it was worth it. Roy is a pretty fantastic BB+ Archer so you won't be sorry when you give it to him.

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7 hours ago, mampfoid said:

Hey cool! She is rare, congratulations! 

Mine will see some action from tomorrow until Gerome takes her place. 


I might use her in my fourth slot for my TT team, so as to train her up. I’ll probably replace Gerome with Cherche on my team once I get him.

6 hours ago, Cute Chao said:

One of the few units from the beginning of the game that I don't have and still sort of want (enough to hope for a pity break but not enough to pull on her banners). Congrats :D

Thanks. Hope you get someday.


3 hours ago, GuiltyLove said:

Not bad. The only Minerva I have is +Def -Spd


Now the nature my Minerva has seems even better. She could work like a faster version of her brother with that nature so I guess there is that 

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