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I managed to pull a +Def -Res Hector in about 50 orbs. I’m excited to be able to give Distant Counter to Myrrh, but it sucks that the new Hector is better than my built +Atk -Def Hector. I’m going to have to rebuild him, and I’m out of Ward Armor fodder too. First world problems. 

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7 hours ago, Poimagic said:


I might use her in my fourth slot for my TT team, so as to train her up. I’ll probably replace Gerome with Cherche on my team once I get him.

Two green melee fliers seems redundant. I saw your team in the other topic, if Marth is your medic you won't need a healer, but perhaps a green or red mage would be better. Especially to deal with Grima. 

5 hours ago, Reddazrael said:

+ATK / -RES?



Congratulation on that perfect nature, he will frighten every Roy around your enemies to the core. 

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Oh, I got lucky and pulled f!Morgan. That was nice. She's +spd -def, which really isn't a negative, but it would've been nicer on my summer Corrin (who is, hilariously enough, +HP -spd).

Even more hilariously, my other two summons on that banner were a 4-star Reinhardt and a 4-star Eirika, also known as my Heroes crack OTP.

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Something is really going wrong for me on the Morgan/Chrom banner... I decided to spend some last 20 orbs on it because I feel like I could really use F!Morgan for Flier Emblem and E!Chrom would be nice to complete my Falchion collection. I pulled neither, of course. Instead I got Ephraim (+HP - RES) which I'm actually happy about and another Shiro (+SPD - RES)... Last time I got Shiro I foddered him off to Fae so she could inherit both SB and Aether from B!Ike. I guess this time I'll keep him, especially because he's not +RES -ATK and thus probably useful in AA.

Somehow I was happier about the A!TIki I pulled because now I just need one more to get her to +10, yay!

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F!Morgan continues to elude me. I got pity broken by a +def/-res Lute which wouldn't have been so bad if I didn't already have a Lute (and with +hp/-def she's got a better nature than the new one...I guess someone gets resistance ploy?). I just wish my luck with blue mages applied to the fliers :/

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Free pull from the Counter banner. I've already got Ike, Takumi, and V!Hector, so no real favorite here. Might as well try for normal Hector.

  1. 4* Stahl: And no greens. Whatever.

Also have 20 orbs again thanks to the TT, so another try for Morgan.

  1. 4* Odin: Worthless.
  2. 4* Roderick: Damn.
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6 minutes ago, Reddazrael said:

@mampfoid Thanks! I'm pretty excited about it. I've also managed to pull Takumi, and since I already have a Takumi that's nearly combat-ready, I now have Close Counter fodder for someone. Haven't decided on who, though.

Oh nice, CC is a fancy skill to play around. 

Meanwhile, I wasted my TT orbs and didn't get Ike, but at least some Hinatas. 

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This is probably the luckiest Banner Jabbing I've ever had.

On a 3% Rate I got the following consecutively to save me on the new TT:


IVs are mildly decent with M!Morgan being +Def/-Spd and Tailtiu being a bittersweet +Res/-HP. Still I'll take it so now I don't have to spend orbs for this banner anymore, and can save up for a Siegbert one day.

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Decided to do another pull or two on the Branded banner, since I already have a bunch of Exalted Chroms and I'd like to get him to +10 if possible. Probably a pipe dream, but I might as well.


...Okay, apparently all I needed to do was pull Morgan and his daddy will come galloping after him.

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4* + 5*'s nearly done. Might as well try.

2 each Blue, Colourless, 1 Red (Is this it?)

4* Soleil (Yay, finally! That gap in the 4* units no longer haunts me! +Res/-Def sadly.), 4* Mathilda (Well, you do have some nice skills. Sadly not 5*. +Spd/-Res), 4* Florina (DaB fodder? DaB fodder. +Def/-Spd), 5* Jeorge (OF COURSE! LEAST HE'S FOCUS, BUT STILL! +Def/-Atk, I want to fodder him already, but feather will be more worthwhile. How do I sacrifice the dunderhead?), 4* Jeorge (OF COURSE. Colourless hell in motion. +Def/-HP)

So, what am I doing with a useless 5* Jeorge? Feathers? Leave alternate ideas here. Back to the grindstone for Thracia.

Edited by Dayni
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And so I whaled for DC for Myrrh. Pitybreakers in no order:

+1 Raven +Spd -HP (Actually, the 5-star Raven was +HP -Atk. The Raven with the right IVs was a 4-star. Got him to 5-stars by sending home all the 3-star Bartres, etc.)
+1 Sheena +Res -HP (You were not the axe armor I was looking for.)
Julia +Spd -HP (Would have preferred her mother, but always good to have one more anti-dragon unit)
Soren +Spd -HP (His new personal tome sounds like fun)
Regular Ike +Def -Spd (Is it a pitybreaker if he's on the banner? Giving him a shot with QR2. Worst case, one more Aether fodder is good.)
Lute neutral (Merged into. Sad to lose +Atk, but -Res really hurt her ploys)
Rhajat +HP -Def (After all the Tempest Trials she ruined, I finally get to use her)
Merric +Spd -Atk Bye! Odin laughs at your pitiful attack stat! Pegasus knights will tank and kill you! Would rather have the feathers!
Minerva (didn't check) Thanks for the merge! Had a perfectly good +Spd -HP to merge to.
F!Celica (+HP -Atk) Thanks for the merge! The neutral one I had from before is preferable.
Titania (didn't check) Thanks for the merge! +Spd -Def is ideal.

Thirteenth was Hector and now Myrrh has her Distant Counter.

Non-5s included a few more copies of Raven, Soren, and Titania awaiting feathers. Frederick and Roderick join Lukas in the 4+10 club, and Fae is getting close. Reposition also got inherited onto most of the flying and cavalry units.

This was a painful and expensive learning experience, and on a fodder bait banner to boot, but those pitybreakers were almost all good, and I quit when I got my goal. Maybe a new rule for me: Three pitybreakers, or the unit I'm after, and I'm out.

Edited by Chrom-ulent
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10 hours ago, mampfoid said:

I pressed a little to get some orbs out of TTs and my last possible pull gave me an +ATK/-HP Ike (after getting a Hector?):


@Vaximillian @mcsilas @Zeo @Poimagic




Oooh, congrats! She's beautiful!

I mean, that Ike also had a great nature but you made him work one way or another.

I'd love to try her out in Rival Domains/VG one day :)

I caved in and did more summons but had nothing good. Now below 20 orbs again. At least Marth has Renewal now.

edit: @Zeo Actually I just pulled a +Atk/-HP Soleil at 4 stars. Neat, although not sure if -HP or -Def is better.

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Last attempt at Fae hunting on the 4* focus banner. Grinded out all of the tempest trials so I could use the orbs on here as well...


3* Nino - (+def/-hp)
3* Barst - (+spd/-def)
4* Gunter - (+hp/-res)
3* Barst - (+def/-atk)
3* Hinata - (+spd/-def)
4* Merric - (+atk/-spd)
3* Arthur - (+spd/-hp)
3* Laslow - (+spd/-res)
4* Fae - (+spd/-atk)
4* Soleil - (+res/-atk)
4* Lon'qu - (+spd/-def)
3* Cecilia - (+hp/-spd)
4* Roy - (Neutral)
4* Beruka - (+atk/-def)
4* Fae - (+spd/-def)

72 more orbs used and got 2 more Fae, so not too bad I suppose.

311 orbs used total on this banner sniping for greens and only 4 copies of Fae, all 4*... Ended up with 6 Camillas (one 5*), 8 Barsts (one 5*) and somehow 5 Soleils (all 4*).

Overall, got some great fodder. Tons of reposition and enough fury to last me for a while.

Just 1 more Fae and I will have enough to +10 her. Hopefully I will get it soon.

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2 hours ago, mcsilas said:

I mean, that Ike also had a great nature but you made him work one way or another.

I'd love to try her out in Rival Domains/VG one day :)

Yeah, the nature was great, but I only pulled on that banner for this one purpose, so no reason to sit on another sword infantry (even if it hurts a little to sacrifice the only copy of a unit). 

Tell me when you want to play her and I'll set her as my representative. I think we'll get a new map tomorrow?  She will remain as my rep only for a limited time frame though. I fear people could kick me out of their friends list if they see a 4* unit. 

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On 3/15/2018 at 8:11 PM, mampfoid said:

I pressed a little to get some orbs out of TTs and my last possible pull gave me an +ATK/-HP Ike (after getting a Hector?):


@Vaximillian @mcsilas @Zeo @Poimagic


I could do this on my Cherche, but it would mean forgo'ing Death Blow and that's a tough sale. Still that looks delicious with Galeforce. I wish Cordelias actually existed.

15 hours ago, mcsilas said:

@Zeo Actually I just pulled a +Atk/-HP Soleil at 4 stars. Neat, although not sure if -HP or -Def is better. 

Probably HP in the scheme of things. But i doesn't really matter since she basically never wants to be attacked. +SPD is probably the best still but +ATK is nonsense with that 41 base ATK. Wish I had one that wasn't +DEF/-RES, but there was no way I was spending orbs on the fodder banner.

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