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55 free orbs, and summoning gives me... Vanguard Ike +HP -Def, so Warding Breath fodder...

and Witchy Nowi, the one unit I most wanted!

...+Res -Spd. Which, sadly, is still better than my current +Def Witchy Nowi.

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Well, it took all of the 100+ orbs I had saved up plus 10 bought ones, but I got at least one new addition.



While it's still quite disheartening to only get two 5*s from 100+ orbs after getting two from just 4 off the last legendary banner, Lute (and +Spd/-Def!) more than makes up for it. As for the witch Nowi dup (+Atk/-Res, exactly like my first one), I have no clue whether to use her for a merge or fodder (Atk/Res Bond or Hone Fliers). Honestly, with how long it took to even get one 5* from this banner, I might bow out of this banner now and go back to sniping for Catria and/or Kagero. I might come back for another pull or two.


Edited by Tybrosion
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I got 2 L! Robin from the banner on my first and second try. But I wanted H! Sakura. One is +Spd, the other +HP. Not sure what to do with the other. Maybe merge fodder? Anyway, I'm totally broke so I'm back to saving.

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Free pull and two summons later...I ended up with Brave!Lucina and Legendary Robin, holy shit. Now to hope that green orbs will actually appear so I can get S!Tiki and S!Elise.

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30 orbs on the legendary banner: 2x Lissa, 2x Clarine, 1 Lucius, 1 Setsuna, 1 Saizo ... *sigh*

As hard as it is to stop here, I want to save orbs for the 4* banner. If I only knew for certain which units will be featured...

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Right, let's go. Only 61 orbs on me, so I'm keeping my expectations low (I'll have to buy barracks space too which doesn't help). I do have 20-25 orbs I could claim from various quests and other random things which I will do over the long weekend.

4* Setsuna +HP -Def
4* Roy +Atk -Def
4* Adult Tiki +Atk -HP
3* Gwendolyn +Spd -Def
4* Gordin +Atk -HP

Some decent fodder but an inauspicious start. Let's go again.

4* Tailtiu +Atk -HP
5* Lancina +Atk -Def
4* Abel +Res -Atk
5* Buff Ike +Res -HP
4* Lukas +Atk -Def

Can never complain about two 5-stars in a session. Not the ones I wanted, mind you, but Lancina is new and a decent nature so I'll take it. Buff Ike is my third, and the worst of the three, so he's probably fodder once I figure out who deserves Warding Breath. Also Lukas goes to +6.

4* Peri +Atk -Spd
4* Catria +Def -Spd

Ignored three reds on this session, then finished the Easter paralogues to get back up to 20.

3* Cherche +Atk -Def
3* Wrys +HP -Atk
5* Summer Elise +HP -Spd
3* Gwendolyn +HP -Atk
3* Hana Neutral

A happy girl in amongst a bunch of three star junk - or at least I thought so until I saw the Cherche was +atk. My first +atk one ever! Elise's nature is disappointing, but then she'd have a tough task dethroning Nino (and all the optimal green horse mages) regardless of nature. She might not see much use but I'll probably build her as an AA counter - I've had some real difficulty countering Valentine's Lyn. Besides, a third 5-star in 60-odd orbs is nothing to sneeze at.

Righteo, I'm at zero orbs now. I'lI keep gathering some more and put them all into this banner I suspect, but I think I'll switch to sniping grey (a grand total of two grey orbs have appeared so far). I have the BHB quests, tap battle quests, Earth blessing quests, Blessed Gardens, Rival Domains and Squad Assault orbs to get, all of which I've held off on due to spending all my stamina on TT, plus the April monthly quests of course.

Edited by Humanoid
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After having been notoriously unlucky regarding RNG since I started playing heroes, I was amazed that I managed to pull F!Grima after spending only 10 orbs. I felt like the game was compensating somehow for all the bad luck thus far. I was pretty stoked.

Then I realized she has a -DEF superbane. Spent another 100 orbs trying to get a replacement, but no dice.

I feel like the RNG extended their hand in friendship only to reel back at the last moment and punch my lights out. XD

Still, getting a painful IV is better than nothing. Sure there will still be a way of making her work.

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8 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

30 orbs on the legendary banner: 2x Lissa, 2x Clarine, 1 Lucius, 1 Setsuna, 1 Saizo ... *sigh*

As hard as it is to stop here, I want to save orbs for the 4* banner. If I only knew for certain which units will be featured...

Since we'll get 11 orbs with the new special maps, I did another session to add 2 Niles and another Lissa to my fodder collection. Pity rate 9%. 

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Because I'm weak, I did another session and used a total of 60 orbs (my limit was 30 ... *sigh*) to get a +ATK/-SPD BH!Lyn (ATK smoke fodder @Zeo , since my LA!Roy got higher ATK for Brave+). 

End of banner (for me). 

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I don't normally post my second account summons, but I spent 80 orbs in four full sessions. It looks like blue was the colour to get, because in the space of five blue orbs, I got Fjorm, Fjorm, Lukas, Lancina, and Fjorm. I think the game is trying to tell me something...

Fjorms are HP/Res, Res/Def, Def/HP, so I'm not sure if any will replace the free neutral one. (Lancina is HP/Spd but that's fine, already had a perfect one)

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My friend just pulled f!Grima and summer Tiki on the new banner. Apparently, Grima (and Robin in general) just really like her, since she has Christmas Robin and male Grima as well.

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600 orbs on Legendary banner.

Got 3 Sakura, 3 Brave Lyn (+4 now), 1 Robin and 1 off-colour Gunnthra.

My first Sakura was +Spd and -Def.

Also got a couple of Klein and Sothe.

All in all, not a bad haul. I'm super happy I finally got kitty Sakura : D

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No colorless on my first session, so I rolled the 1 green and got a Boey.. Not sure if I want to put orbs into this banner or not. I'm weak for fliers but with Robin's stats I'm not sure I'll have much use for her. I'm missing a lot of the units here, and would like those too, but I'm not sure if it's worth it. With Golden Week next month, the 4* banner (could have Cordelia) and CYL/Brides/Summer units all on the horizon, I'm a bit scared to dump orbs again after I used most of my stash on bunnies.

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Did some colorless and blue pulls. XD I feel like I should be excited that I technically got what I wanted, but somehow it always feels like it's at a cost. But overall, I'm pretty satisfied. I'm not going to hunt for better natures. My spoils include: 

-4* Sothe - I can always use more LaD fodder
-Halloween Sakura - My first 5 star. I was...a little peeved. And of course she's +SPD -DEF. XD IDK if I should use her. Maybe I could give Kitty Paddle to Matthew for a meme build. 
-Brave Lyn - She was in the same batch as Sakura, so I was a little less peeved. Didn't check her nature since my current one is +ATK -DEF. So Swift Sparrow/ATK Smoke Fodder
-4* M. Morgan - He's...something like +RES -HP. Not perfect, but not awful either! I'm happy to have gotten another copy of him. :3
-4* Lucius - YAS! (+RES -DEF) I guess I'll never get a +SPD copy, but now I just need one more Lucius and I can start another 5*+10 project. 
-Female Grima - (+DEF -RES) Not terrible. I'm pretty excited to use her. As cruel as it is, I think I'm going to give Chrom an Earth blessing now. I can replace Ike on my Earth team! Yay!
-Brave Lucina - I was so excited. Definitely praying for anything besides -ATK and.... +HP -ATK. Again. XD I think it's my 3rd or 4th -ATK Lucina. So Another merge for the +RES -ATK copy. 
-Lute - Now she was the one I really, really wanted. She's also +HP -ATK. But I got her. 
-4* Est - Last one I needed for my 4* supermerge copy. 
-A couple of Shannas and Subakis - Not a single copy of Lukas or Tailtiu however. 
-And the final pull was 4* Klein. That's a good note to end it on.

So satisfied overall. It is a bummer that the only character I didn't want has a good nature. I guess that's just karma. XD

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I put all of my 186 orbs into this banner. Got two Frimas and one Brave!Lyn, but no Sakunyan.. I am heartbroken yet again. It's ironic: On the Halloween banner I got everyone except her, and on this banner I got all the colourless except her. It's like the game doesn't want me to have her... orz

Can't say I was robbed at least. The first Frima was +Spd -HP, which seems pretty close to optimal from what I can tell. The other one was pretty redundant -Atk.. this could have been Sakunyan. B!Lyn is neutral, which makes it as if I picked her for my freebie. 

Overall my feelings on this banner are heavily mixed.

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Legendary banner's back.

I never have great luck with these.

3 Blue, 2 Green (OF COURSE)

3* Nino (Not doing her best.), 4* Beruka (Well, it's Glimmer. +Res/-Def), 3* Odin (Good fodder.), 4* Donnel (More pothead. +HP/-Res), 4* Cordelia (I don't pull her often. +HP/-Atk)

2 each Red, Green, 1 Blue (Really?)

4* Merric (Blah. Neutral), 4* Arthur (Well that's alright actually. Neutral)

2 each Red, Green, 1 Blue (REALLY?)

3* Frederick (Eh, Luna is Luna.), 3* Cherche (Atk +3?)

2 Colourless, 1 each Red, Blue, Green (Finally)

3* Lissa (Well that sucks.), 3* Serra (Blah.)


3* Subaki (QR? QR.)

2 Colourless, 1 each Red, Blue, Green

3* Serra (Really?), 4* Felicia (Well, that's another one for fodder. +Res/-Atk)

2 each Colourless, Green, 1 Blue

4* Sakura (WRONG SAKURA! +Def/-Res), 4* Matthew (Hone Spd is Hone Spd. +Spd/-Def could be better.)

Down to 50 already and at 9.5%..... One more shot.

3 Blue, 1 each Red, Colourless

4* Wrys (Not very dramatic. +HP/-Res)

2 Red, 1 each Blue, Green, Colourless

3* Gaius (I think that's my Gaius at +10. yay.)

This banner's a conspiracy I tell you!

2 each Red, Blue, 1 Colourless

3* Azama (Asshat, you're not what I wanted.)

3 Colourless, 1 each Red, Blue (ABOUT TIME!)

4* Virion (Well screw you. +Res/-Atk too), 3* Lissa (Screw you), 4* Niles (Screw you. +Res/-Def)

3 Red, 1 each Blue, Colourless

4* Maria (ARE. YOU. KIDDING. ME. +Res/-Def)

Alright, at this point I've spent nearly 100 orbs and gotten jack shit barring a 10% pity rate. You might wonder WHY DO YOU KEEP DOING IT. Well, my luck on one of these has to turn around some day, right? Am I just really unlucky on the colours?

3 Colourless, 1 each Red, Blue

5* F!Grima (MERR GRIMAS! I FINALLY SUMMON A LEGENDARY HERO! IT TOOK 5 FUCKING BANNERS! +HP/-Spd sadly, but I can work around it. Maybe.), 3* Felicia (Well, it is BoL.), 3* Wrys (Well, it is LtS), 3* Olivia (WEll, it is Hone Attack 3. Which I have plenty of. Merge it is.), 4* Donnel (*Sad trupmet)

Frankly, I don't know why I bother. No Catkura, but after that exercise in misery, never again. FUCKING LEGENDARY BANNERS, RIGHT?

Edited by Dayni
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Well, today is the big day. I technically had over 200 orbs thanks to the free pull, but I went in mainly for Summer Elise (of course), and maybe a Fell F!Robin or a better Halloween Sakura or Brave Lucina on the side. I used all the orbs I had (some used to expand barracks), and I came out with:

Fjorm (+HP -Atk. Fodder.)

Fjorm (+Atk -HP. This became the new base Fjorm over the free neutral one.)

Summer Tiki (+Res -HP. Not as good as the +Def -Res one I pulled before. Fodder.)

Brave Lyn (+Spd -Atk. That attack bane SUCKS! Would have loved to have had that speed boon... guess she’ll be fodder too.)

Fell F!Robin (+Spd -HP. Nice IVs!)

Fell F!Robin (+HP -Atk. Fodder.)





+HP -Spd though. But I’ll take it, better than having to spend money for her or not having her at all. Still gonna build her up like crazy.

Overall I am pleased with how it went!! Now to have fun training everyone up!!

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I'm weak and rolled 55 orbs for Grima anyway. I ended up with just a +hp -res Sakunya. Kinda bad IVs, but I'm happy to have her for the collection since I never got her for Halloween. Too bad the colorless orbs besides that were all garbage not even good for fodder. Colorless hell is too true. (I STILL don't have even a 4* Kagero you know, colorless is always archer/healer 3*s) Stopping there and I guess I'll have to see how next month's colorless line up looks.

I got a neutral M Morgan from the one red I pulled, which is kind of neat.

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@mampfoid Sorry the pulls were so meh for you. Seems like a lot of people are having a hard time with this banner. The last legendary banner was horrible for me, went into this one hoping for something a bit better. @Humanoid I went in with 74 orbs so I was hoping I had a haul like yours.

@Cute Chao @Rafiel's Aria @mcsilas So I went in with intent to snipe red and colorless aside from a blue or green orb or so and of course, the full pull. Free pull gave me a Cain, a Cordelia(!) (But yet again -SPD) came after which was neat since it's been months. That left me with 3 colorless orbs. First one was~



I was wholeheartedly prepared not to see this character. I've never pulled the legendary hero on the banner they premiere on (Fjorm didn't count) so this was a bit of a jolt. As bittersweet as these things tend to be, she turns out to be +DEF/-ATK. Every time, man.

So I pulled the next one and got a Niles cause that's fun. Went for the last colorless orb and~



YEP! This is a reccuring thing with me. Dupes in the same pool has happened a few times and simply pulling a *5 again (on or off banner) is so common with me it doesn't even surprise me anymore. Still I didn't expect another colorless dragon of all things! And just as sure as you're born, you're rewarded for not complaining. This one's +ATK/-RES. Guess M!Morgan might get that RES Smoke after all eh @mampfoid?

I was a little taken back so I forgot to take a picture of the pool so sorry about that. The rest of my pulls were mostly uneventful, but pulls of note were

  • Leon (haven't pulled him in months),
  • Raigh (Now I can promote him whenever and give his supermerge his + tome)
  • Lillina (ANOTHER +ATK/-DEF one. I have literally 4 +ATK Lilinas now. 2 -HP and 2 -DEF, I get it, I'll build one.)
  • Hinata (6th Fury fodder in my barracks now. Pretty nuts)
  • Nino (Have enough to make her +6 now)

And this guy:


I've pulled him twice already so what makes this special? Well, this one's neutral. I ran neutral Matt so I think I'll actually promote this one. Eirika finally gets a partner to make that refinement worth it. So yeah no Matthews, but the fortune with these pulls was pretty great. My rate is at 9% now but with Spring Kagero still being a unit I want to get and the old Spring banner possibly on the horizon (I still want S!Camilla) I may pull back a bit on this banner. I actually skipped on 2 or 3 green orbs and a blue orb or so, but it just didn't feel worth it. I'll wait until the last day before revisiting this banner. For now I have all I need.

I've said it before and I'll say it again, this time was a win.

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