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@Vaximillian That's a nice looking Deirdre! I agree, their artist is so good. I hope you have good luck with the arena orbs! (really wish AA also gave orbs as well so it's actually worth doing to me)

I love the details on Deirdre in particular. Her dress is so nice, and that hair is love.

Also, it's kind of ironic, i just remembered I didn't finish the last Arvis orb quest. So it's kind of fitting the 2 orbs from Arvis battle that helped bring his daughter home I guess?

@mampfoid Well, luck in exchange for low orb count! Sounds like you should donate some orbs if you're wasting them :P

But at least you can get fodder sometimes so not all orbs are a waste.

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1 minute ago, mcsilas said:

@mampfoid Well, luck in exchange for low orb count! Sounds like you should donate some orbs if you're wasting them :P

But at least you can get fodder sometimes so not all orbs are a waste.

That's a good exchange, since also my orb count isn't especially high (26, all content solved). 

The best I got in the last week was the seventh merge for Cherche, even fodder-wise my pulls have been of low quality lately. My luck on new/special unit banners isn't that bad overall, but it kind of bugs me that I can't get any of the legendary heroes. Apart from L!Ike and Fjorm I got only Gunnthrá (+DEF/-SPD). 

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1 hour ago, Vaximillian said:

Yes! So happy to see others benefit from me giving away my own luck, hehe. Whenever the inevitable FE4 remake comes, I want all the actors who played the Genealogy characters in Heroes to return. They all feel perfect.

Agreed. I don't think I hate a single one of the voices so far (Ares, Julius and Sigurd are all especially perfect in voice choice :D ).


Congrats on the Julia :D May she serve you well ^.^

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@mcsilas Out of boredom I tried to get Charlotte or Caeda from the old bride banner and gave up after only Donnel and Reinhardt showed up.

Since I was in orb-wasting moods, I spent the rest on the new Nino banner. After getting Sheena and Seliph, I finally broke my pity rate with a +ATK/-RES Deirdre (@Vaximillian) with the last possible pull (remaining orbs: 2). 

At least a new unit and a beautiful one too. She also fills a niche in my roster, since I lack Julia. 

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7 hours ago, mampfoid said:

@mcsilas Out of boredom I tried to get Charlotte or Caeda from the old bride banner and gave up after only Donnel and Reinhardt showed up.

Since I was in orb-wasting moods, I spent the rest on the new Nino banner. After getting Sheena and Seliph, I finally broke my pity rate with a +ATK/-RES Deirdre (@Vaximillian) with the last possible pull (remaining orbs: 2). 

At least a new unit and a beautiful one too. She also fills a niche in my roster, since I lack Julia. 

oooh congrats! Always nice to get new niches!

always a bit funny too when getting an off-focus on a unit that’s currently a focus in another banner

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Let's go again, have to get something right?

3 Red, 2 Blue (Now this is getting ridiculous)

3* Chrom (I'd prefer to have been pitybroken by him. +HP/-Atk, nah.)

2 each Green, Colourless, 1 Red

3* Boey (His skills are a bit eh honestly. +Def/-Res), 4* Boey (....Really? +Def/-Atk, Blah.)

3.5% now. Man, it's a shame.

Edited by Dayni
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Between this and Saturday's off-focus Zelgius, I'm now again at that magical point of not knowing what the hell is going on anymore. Though it should be said that Sieg's IVs are far from ideal (+HP/-Spd). But hey, if the game wants me to run out of 5* exclusive reds to get (it's just down to Leif and Lene now; Supreme Samurai Ryoma is also missing) then I won't complain except possibly for the fact that I may never see Linde (who I was trying to snipe for with that pull) or Elise for as long as I play this game.

I also did a full pull on the New Power banner  after that. All you need to know about that pull was that a 3* Hinata was only thing of worth gotten from it.

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6 hours ago, mcsilas said:

oooh congrats! Always nice to get new niches!

always a bit funny too when getting an off-focus on a unit that’s currently a focus in another banner


Yeah that was a bit ironic. Perhaps also Nino will come to me as an off-focus summon. At least for her it's possible in contrast to all those seasonal and legendary units. 

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I did said that I will start saving up my orbs, but I couldn't. And the game is just punishing me. I want to save up for a future banner, but if I don't get at least a 5* from the Blazing Sword banner, my orbs and my 4.25% went all to waste.

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Summoned before the reset and got Eirika and Lilina. Useful for merges I guess. Was hoping for the compensation orbs to arrive so I could do another summon after the reset but no such luck. However my summoning finger was itching so I took the slight risk of summoning with 18 orbs. Glad I did.

4* Eirika +Res -Spd
4* Lilina +Atk -Spd

5* Peganino +HP -Atk
3* Felicia +HP -Def
4* Camilla +Spd -HP
4* Arthur +Res -Atk

Pretty sure I'm done with this banner now. A shame that -spd Karla will end up keeping Alfonse company on the bench, but there will be opportunities to improve her in the future. Nino is suboptimal too but that's more workable, might go Blade though since it's 21 atk effective vs at least 25 (she'll be permanently glued to Hinoka) up to 37 (Caeda will also be on the team). Glad I didn't bother building my -atk Bride Sanaki now.

Shame she didn't swap natures with Camilla that came right after, but hey, that's my first +spd Camilla too, so that's nice. Way behind in the pecking order since I have built Cherche, Airzura and Michalis but might be a better 4th choice than Gerome.

Final analysis is somewhere around 130 orbs for +hp/-spd Karla, +spd/-atk Eldigan and +hp/-atk Peganino, so a decent 5-star rate but bad natures. Oh well, these aren't seasonal units so there's they should come along again sooner.

Edited by Humanoid
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New Power banner:

Main blew 50 F2P orbs and $52 of orb packs and only came out with a Y!Tiki merge.

Alt does about seven pulls, Lute +Atk -HP shows up. This is the second off-banner low-pity pull this account has had, the first being Ephraim. I also switch Shigure from +Def -Atk to +Spd -Def.

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@mcsilas It's annoying to get -RES on RES tanks. That's probably one of the reasons I've procrastinated and haven't merged my Lute (+SPD/-RES) to replace my +RES/-ATK one. I know she's better as a combat unit, but dropping from the unit with the most RES in my entire army with 40 natural RES to 35 just feels wrong, even if both ATK and SPD get a 3 point increase and I know that's better.

Either way congrats on your Julia! I said what I said about saving orbs, but I got twitchy and took my chances with 31 orbs. All trash sadly except a Kagero on the Fangs banner and a Shigure on the brides banner. Went from 31 to 13 and it doesn't feel all that worth it I'm afraid. But at least I'm not flat broke.

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I think the game has something against me getting Charlotte. Got up to at least a 4% pity rate only to end up with a -atk/+hp Caeda. So between both runs of this banner I'm up to 2 Caedas, 2 Cordelias, 1 Lyn, a couple of blue pity breakers from last year, and 0 Charlottes, the character I wanted most :/

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Ugh, two reds and two greens (and a blue), my OCD isn't going to like this, since I was planning on opening whatever colour that had just one orb. I only have three orbs though, which saves me from wasting any.

4* Henry +HP -Atk

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So while rolling for flying Nino, the game decides to give me my fifth brave Ike. Okay? I mean, I can't say no to steady breath but this is ridiculous.

+HP -Spd, but he's fodder anyways.

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Well, we got a new banner. I'll try once to see if I can get Karel, then another shot at Peganino.

2 each Red, Blue, 1 Green

4* Sophia (Man, that's not good. +Def/-Atk, have better)

Another try for Peganino

3 Red, 2 Blue (This banner wants me to give up I swear)

4* Oscar (I've been wanting more of him for fodder. +HP/-Def, I'm good.)

Well it could have been worse, but still no Nino.

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Time for the free pull from the TT banner.

  1. 4* Seth: Worthless.

And even though I've only got 34 orbs right now, I feel like pulling again on Scatted Fangs. A -Spd Giga!Nino is just too irritating.

  1. 3* Boey: Useless.
  2. 4* Rebecca: Wrong FE7 character.
  3. 3* Saizo: Hello darkness, my old friend...

And with 21 orbs I have just enough left for a full pull.

  1. 4* Kaze: Well, first time pulling you. Unfortunately you're +HP/-Spd, so Iceberg fodder it is.
  2. 4* Arthur: Meh.
  3. 3* Gunter: Meh.
  4. 4* Raven: No thanks.
  5. 3* Arthur: Really?

Well, that was disappointing. Hopefully the Tempest Trial gives me enough orbs to pull another 5*.

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Free pull: 3* Sheena. Pretty good as I need the merges. 

On the other hand, the re-run banner gave me a Klein. DB3 fodder is always welcome although I don't really have a use for it right now.

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@Zeo @Vaximillian @mampfoid @Cute Chao @Rafiel's Aria @Rezzy

Tempest Trials+ banner? Cool, I'll just take my free summon to save. Would be nice to get Jaffar though, he seems fun to play...



She evaded me in my main account and now I get her for free!!!!! I was worried about her appearing in the Luna banner but this works, too!!!! She was the biggest orb drain last month and I failed getting her, so free summoning her just feels so good! Great news so I can focus on Brinian near the end of her banner!

+Def/-Atk though but at least I have her! Flying archer will be useful either way! Ironically, second account's Kinoka was also a free summon!

Funnily enough, my main's Hinoka is also -Atk. I guess all of my Hinokas come with the -Atk curse on my main! At least I'm happy getting her at all! She can join her Kinshi riding brother!

Second account was a 3 star -Spd/+Def Maria. guess I'll give Miracle to someone, been itching to have Miracle shenanigans with someone- maybe Shield Pulse Saber.

@Zeo I know what you mean. It's hard to let go especially if they're 5 star exclusives. Sometimes I wish when you merge the game 'remembers' all the natures of the merges so you can swap them around depending on the map or something. I just don't like the finality of merging.

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