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@Venmi Actually +Atk/-Def Elincia is pretty ideal, she has decent Res and her Def is low anyway.

@mampfoid Congrats on the flier merges and Summer Micaiah! I spent my orbs again as soon as I hit 20 since I think I need Micaiah/Xander for my main, both niches I don't have. Silly me went for a full pull with blue orbs anyway since I needed Shannas but didn't get anything notable. Sigh. Too bat about Tana though since you hunted for her for a bit.

@Rafiel's Aria Congrats on another free 5 star! 




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5 hours ago, Alkaid said:

And same here. If I end up not that interested in the new ones I'd like another shot at Lucina again. (I'd even like Roy too, since I don't have him yet)

Good luck! The world needs more Roys. 

/Edit:  @mcsilas thanks! Perhaps I'll see her again in the future. Good luck getting both. 

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No 5-stars, but I got a perfect 4-star copy of male Morgan (ironically, the same as female Morgan and exalt Chrom) and a decent Kaze. I think I'll merge my neutral into the +spd -res one.

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@Zeo @Vaximillian @mampfoid @Rafiel's Aria 

Main account free summon. No blue orbs as expected, so I picked green and..


Free summon Sonya! Finally a focus unit summon on these daily banners!

....except she's +HP/-Atk. Oh well, +HP superboon is something.

Not sure if I'll build her, but I lack green mages in general. I don't think foddering for Res Ploy would be that good since it's a seal now anyway.

Second account gave me 4 star Hawkeye, ironically with the opposite boon/bane with +Atk/-HP. Why couldn't you swap natures with Sonya? :(

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@mcsilas Congrats on the Sonya! Is she new? I think she's a pretty swell RES tank, so if anything, she makes a good Reinhardt counter if you're ever short on those. And her tome helps her specials hit harder. 

My free summon circle had two blue stones. First one was 4* Shigure. Super happy about that because that's the first one I've pulled at 4 stars. Was satisfied with that pull, so I went for the second one, and it was 4 star Tailtiu. Can't say I'm disappointed with that either!

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@Rafiel's Aria yeah she’s new at least, and the +10 damage plus Res Ploy should at least still do good damage, so i might just build her anyway since I always need more green mages. Congrats on the Shigure!

@mampfoid Darn maybe someone can get Spur Res then? Sometimes random Spurs help out.

need to start clearing barracks space for the TT units..

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Permitted myself the indulgence of doing a full round. The focus units are decent enough, and I'm really itching to get my first +10, which would require one Lilina or Nino, or two Nowis or Tikis.

3* Caeda +Spd -Def
3* Mae +Res -Spd
4* M Robin +Def -Res
4* Arthur +Atk -Def
4* Frederick +Atk -Def

That's a fail on both fronts. Oh well.

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11 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

@mampfoid Darn maybe someone can get Spur Res then? Sometimes random Spurs help out.

Spurs may help for special clears and I'm using it on Bond/Owl units, but usually those are not skills I'm distributing. 

Idea for your Sonya: You could give her QP seal, Iceberg and could run her with Marisa, Dorcas or L!Hector for Infantry pulse/Ostia's pulse. 

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8 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

Spurs may help for special clears and I'm using it on Bond/Owl units, but usually those are not skills I'm distributing. 

Idea for your Sonya: You could give her QP seal, Iceberg and could run her with Marisa, Dorcas or L!Hector for Infantry pulse/Ostia's pulse. 

Don't exactly have Dorcas in my main, but the other two works. Thanks for the idea, maybe I should support with Marisa and probably build her properly, too! I guess Iceberg would outdamage Moonbow huh, that's an interesting idea. Ironically Sonya likes Swift Sparrow but not sure if I should give her that spare Brave Lyn I have yet..(wow, been getting a lot of -Atks lately)

Spurs can be decent fodder to prepare for Drive Skills as well, like a Marth + Tailtiu inheritance combo. 

@Chrom-ulent Just realised I didn't post this but I meant to do it before. Clair likes -HP better as a bane if you have that combo, since with -Def she loses to Zelgius, one of the main arena threats and definitely one armour you want to KO ASAP. Congrats on your Hinoka and Klein though!

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36 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

Don't exactly have Dorcas in my main, but the other two works. Thanks for the idea, maybe I should support with Marisa and probably build her properly, too! I guess Iceberg would outdamage Moonbow huh, that's an interesting idea. Ironically Sonya likes Swift Sparrow but not sure if I should give her that spare Brave Lyn I have yet..(wow, been getting a lot of -Atks lately)

Yeah, Marisa is also better for color-balance. If you didn't build her yet it would be a good opportunity to start a Wo-pulse-team with her, Sonya and Shigure (or better an infantry unit that ate Shigure)? 

Sonyas SPD (31) isn't that great, Swift Sparrow wouldn't help her much. Perhaps you could go for an EP build? This would go well with her high RES and HP boon too. 

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Fighter Banner pity exhausted! Effie unfortunately, but I'm just glad to say it's done and over with.

+HP -Spd, just a hair away from the +Atk -Spd I'd have prefered.

Well... shoot. I don't really care to summon from Festival in Hoshido, so... guess I'll get an orb stock started for the other not-daily banners coming soon. At least those hastily spent 7 orbs from before my phone change weren't totally wasted...

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My haunt for Micaiah was stopped by this


Honestly this is even better, a FE Lord.
And since he's +atk / -res he's amazing.
Probably not the best dragon tank with this bane, but with Triangle Adept he should have no issues to oneshot Grima.

I stop from pulling from this banner for now and save for CYL.
If I should have >100 orbs, I might try for Micky again.

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Wrath banner. So, let's roll for NEPH NEPH!

2 each Red, Green, 1 Blue (No whammy, no whammy....)

3* Mathilda (Whammy. +Atk/-Res, not as bad as I expected but I don't think I will.)

Still 0 5* from these banners.

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17 minutes ago, Jules said:

Probably not the best dragon tank with this bane, but with Triangle Adept he should have no issues to oneshot Grima.

Congrats, really good nature for him! 

Just give him his Refinement (Brave effect), he'll one-shot most dragons. 

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9 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

Congrats, really good nature for him! 

Just give him his Refinement (Brave effect), he'll one-shot most dragons. 


Also... I didn't know that he had this weapon upgrade.
I thought the Falchion would have the same refinements as Marthcina's.
I even sacrificed a Laslow (axebreaker 3) for him... but Alm doesn't need it with the refinement. :facepalm:

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I just summoned two 4-star male Robins with the same nature in the same summoning circle. They're both +HP -spd.


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@Jules That is one nice Alm you have there. Kinda jealous except I have already have two off banner pity breaks on the dancer banner(at least my 5* rate is really good? Makes a legendary rate look tiny)

@mcsilas Grats on the Sonya! I had not green orbs in mine but that was fine since even though I don't have her, I really wanted more Nephenee. Didn't get her either, but it was a long shot anyways, right?


As for my pull? I think it was Sully. More exciting is the Tempest orbs. 20 orbs. First dancer session was all colorless with 1 red. Nothing interesting in the red so out I go. Second session 3 reds, 1 blue, 1 colorless. The reds were 3* Athena, 4* Ogma, and 5* Dancing Micaiah! +Def/-HP isn't exactly ideal, but at least she didn't drop her attack to boost her speed like my regular Micaiah did. Still that role is filled. Would have preferred a -SPD one since she is so slow it wouldn't matter or a +ATK to try and get her better one shot abilities, but hey she isn't exactly going to be killing much anyways.

Only question now is if I want to continue to pull on this banner. Xander. Well his dance is awesome, but otherwise I don't see me using him much. Elincia strikes me as a less useful version of Inigo. Slightly faster, but loses access to raven tomes and scores lower in Arena.  Ryoma is a bit more obvious of an upgrade to the other blue ranged dancer. Doubly since he naturally hits 140. Sadly the ladies don't don't do that. Hmm. . .  I think Xander would be my preferred alt if I roll for another. I would probably be hoping for neutral though. He is riddled with super banes. This would have the advantage of giving me a shot to acquire some Attack Tactic too. I really need some of that.

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@mampfoid Good point!

@Vaximillian How did you end yup building your Sonya?

Oh don't worry my luck balanced out, and I ended getting bad 3 stars or poor fodder units in the Grima/Hardin banner. They never want to show up. Was baited hard by that banner with nothing, although at least I wish I could donate a Cecilia to you.

@Usana Congrats on the Summer Micaiah! Yeah Xander is one of those units that want neutral. I kind of want to get 2 somehow since I want to inherit his dagger + CC to either Saizo or Summer Frederick (just thought of a fun build for him)

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2 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

@Vaximillian How did you end yup building your Sonya?

Oh don't worry my luck balanced out, and I ended getting bad 3 stars or poor fodder units in the Grima/Hardin banner.

Gave her most basic Darting 3 from a Tharja and Desperation 2 + Draw Back from a Mae. The C is empty for now, because 29 Res doesn’t seem too powerful for ploys.

All these Lon’qus. Ugh.

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