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5 hours ago, Anacybele said:

Hey, awesome that you finally got him, FEFan! I hope you got better IVs than I did. XD (+HP, -Atk here)

I pulled blue for my free pull today because I'm just two merges away from finishing Silas. No Silas. DX I got Shigure instead and I strangely get him a lot too. Dude, go away. I like your mom, not you.

Thanks! He's +Res/-Def, not entirely ideal but nothing that would really hinder him. May as well be Neutral. XD

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6 minutes ago, Fire Emblem Fan said:

Thanks! He's +Res/-Def, not entirely ideal but nothing that would really hinder him. May as well be Neutral. XD

Yeah, still a bit better than what I got, but it's a damn good thing he hits super hard even with -Atk so I can still make him work. 😛

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4 hours ago, Anacybele said:

Yeah, still a bit better than what I got, but it's a damn good thing he hits super hard even with -Atk so I can still make him work. 😛

Oh yeah his attack is super good, even with a -Atk he can hit so dang hard, and that's BEFORE factoring in any buffs he might get!

4 hours ago, daisy jane said:


are you going to try to get merges for him?

I'd like to try, but I'm not sure how feasible it is right now. I'm a little low on orbs and I can't really afford to buy anymore orb packs. I gotta try and summon Summer Laegjarn for Swift Sparrow fodder, and I need to try and get merges for my Brave Lyn. I suppose I could wait until Lyn's NEXT rerun a few weeks from now, but I'm not sure if that'd just limit how many merges I get or not if I don't try now.

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that makes sense. 
good luck. I know that banner is really smacking people around. I'd really like swift sparrow 3 fodder as well. but i am now saving for Hinoka in 3 weeks + I actually like Laegjarn. (so it will be tough). 

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1 minute ago, Fire Emblem Fan said:

Oh yeah his attack is super good, even with a -Atk he can hit so dang hard, and that's BEFORE factoring in any buffs he might get!

Yeah, I slapped an Atk seal on him and with Death Blow 4's added buff, he can hit harder than my +Atk Hrid! XD

1 minute ago, Fire Emblem Fan said:

I'd like to try, but I'm not sure how feasible it is right now. I'm a little low on orbs and I can't really afford to buy anymore orb packs. I gotta try and summon Summer Laegjarn for Swift Sparrow fodder, and I need to try and get merges for my Brave Lyn. I suppose I could wait until Lyn's NEXT rerun a few weeks from now, but I'm not sure if that'd just limit how many merges I get or not if I don't try now.

I know what you mean here, going for a Summer Laegjarn is tempting for me right now too because my now +10 Summer Freddy would love that Swift Sparrow 3. But I want to see who's on Summer 2019 round 2, and the weekly banner with two Ikes and Mist is soon. I want Brave Ike and Mist merges!

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11 hours ago, daisy jane said:

I don't even care how anything else went today. because. 


is here. 

Oho, missed the most important part yesterday! Congrats, I hope you have the feathers to merge her up soon. 

Now your main sufferings ended pretty fast (Olivia, Caeda, Grima), what a satisfying week for you. I'm glad all ended well. 

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This weekly revival is tempting, could use any of these as merges.

3 Red, 1 each Green, Colourless

3* Jakob (Delete. +Atk/-HP)

Back to No Chill.

4 Red, 1 Green

4* Nino (Not exactly what I'm after. +Atk/-Spd)

3 Red, 1 each Blue, Green

5* Lugh (NOT YOU TOO! Neutral, I mean I could be angrier, but once again no Ranulf), 3* Donnel (Seriously, when can we purge the 3-4* pool IS? +HP/-Atk), 3* Caeda (I have too many of these. +Spd/-Atk), 3* Caeda (I DIDN'T ASK FOR MORE. +HP/-Spd), 3* Hinata (At least this is useful. +Atk/-Res)

Ranulf just doesn't want to come. That's a bit sad.

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I did a pull on the revival banner on a whim and I'm freaking glad I did! I IMMEDIATELY got Brave Lyn, with exactly the IV asset I was looking for! She's now been moved from having neutral IVs to being +Atk, she's merged +4 and has all five Dragon Flowers. I just need Swift Sparrow 3 and more merges, then she'll be complete!

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It's  been a while since I last posted, so I have some catching up to do.

Random Nina, somewhere... can't remember where, but I know it wasn't anything I asked for while also going for something desireable.

Yarne after many orbs on his debut banner. Was going for either Nah or Yarne, at least I got one.

Free-pull Ophelia on chill-banner. Good fodder, so I won't complain, though I remember not getting her when i actually tried. I should just never want any unit, maybe then I'll get what I secretly do want.

First circle on Eliwood banner, got Hinoka and Sakura, sure, why not., but wasnt getting what I cared for, really..., still, not complaining since they aren't useless.

Although, in the end, I did get a desired unit, a S!Helbindi at 4,75% to give his duel skill to Olivia! I can use my favorite gal in Arena again! Maybe someday even with a Prf weapon, tho I doubt it. Regardless, now that Flying Olivia is back, i don't have any orbs to spare. I will use all that I can accumulate till the last day of the banner, but I won't hold onto a lot of hope for that.

Well, can't say I'm disappointed, Red Duel Infantry is a major boost for my fun.

Edit: Random Laegjarn with my Arena reward orbs.... sure, not the right red flier, but a new one, and with interesting possibilities (+10 Aversa is a pretty neat Arena support unit, might beat Olivia, actually)

2019 5* count (no guarantees/TT): 76 (after edit)

Edited by MonkeyCheez3K
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YEEEEEEEEES! My collection is finally complete!


Now I have every single Lyn Inb4 Summer Lyn arrives. It's not like I'm going to use them all or anything but it feels great to have the whole set. This one is +Spd -Hp which is wonderful, although I'd have preferred a +Atk nature but hey, Spd is good if she ends up facing a rando Null Follow Up S!Ylgr or something like that one day.

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5 hours ago, Alexmender said:

YEEEEEEEEES! My collection is finally complete!

Congrats, +SPD even, very nice!

I'm still missing her and LA!Lyn. While OG Lyn is even a GF unit, I don't have orbs left for her currently. How many did it take you to get her? 

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Well got back from my holiday, so sorry if I missed some posts  here and there.

@Diovani Bressan Wow I'm so jealous. Green orbs don't seem to want to appear for me 😞

@Alexmender Wow, congrats on the +Spd Lyn and the completion of the Lyns!

@mampfoid Congrats on getting the hawk king (and Gray :P)! Same boon/bane as mine, and just a great unit overall.

@daisy jane Ooo nice on getting Olivia finally! So jealous!

@Landmaster @Usana

So while I was away I had limited net, but with all the new banners I summoned when I could find wifi:

- Was looking for a Celica for my main account during her banner and boy was it painful. Got an early +HP/-Def Ike pitybreak (at least I can finally merge away the -Atk from my +Spd one!). Then got another early pitybreak of the famed Ayra (+Spd/-HP!!!!). Funnily enough Ayra had the same boon/bane as her almost stat clone Owain.

That said, I finally did get my target in the end in the last hours of the banner though, Celica being +Atk/-Res!! (@SatsumaFSoysoy!!!!!)

Funnily enough in hindsight, I got all the red units from the red lineup of the very first legendary hero banner. Still got severely lucky with those natures of the ladies! Not sure if I should use my extra Owain to give Wrath to Ayra (depends how much I use her...maybe I'll hope for a random Karla or something since I like Owain)

- For my second account I was looking for an extra Genny for Brady to give Wrathful Staff to. Unfortunately she never came but I did get pitybroken by +Res/-Atk Owain, so I can finally merge away the -Def from my original +HP Owain!

Then came a whole heap of new banners which gave me:

- Free summon Summer Helbindi (neutral) for my second account

- Also on my second account, free summon +Spd/-HP Ophelia!!!! She was after Owain as well which is funny considering he's her dad. Second best boon is also sweet, I spent so many orbs not getting her during the legendary banner, so getting her for free was a strange experience.

- Not the free summon but I used 4 orbs to open the second colourless orb and I got a +Atk/-Res Summer Noire for my main! Another great boon/bane combo, and since normal Noire might never come to Feh anytime soon, I'll take this version of her. Awakening kids team gets another recruit after Brady/Yarne!

- VG banner in my main gave me +Atk/-Spd Gray on the second orb. Sadly I was hoping for Tibarn since I don't have him on my main, but hey I can merge this Gray. +Atk is probably better than my +Def/-HP one now I think?

-As for the legendary banner, I was incredibly lucky in my main account, with 2 five stars in my first summon! Neutral Selkie and +Res/-Spd Yune! Great to have more Restanks in my barracks!

-Took a few orbs to get any 5 star for my second account though for the legendary banner, but I finally got one in +Atk/-Res NY!Hrid. While not Eliwood, at least he is new and I like him, too and he has a great boon!


Sadly my luck has run out. Too many banners with units I want (Tibarn, Ranulf, Flying Olivia, Hectors for DC) but only pity rates so far (shared focuses for some of them are a bummer as well). Also green orbs are hiding again 😞 Can't complain too much though after this much recent luck, it has to balance out somehow. Saving for the next legendary with L!Alm will be hard though.

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@Diovani Bressan Congrats (again) to your new fodder, getting two in one session seems perfect! 

@mcsilas Big heap of new stuff, big heap of congratulations! Too bad about the missed units, but those will come back for sure. 

I'd choose +ATK over +DEF for Gray. I have to choose between +ATK and +SPD for him, what do you think? 

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Just now, mampfoid said:

@Diovani Bressan Congrats (again) to your new fodder, getting two in one session seems perfect! 

@mcsilas Big heap of new stuff, big heap of congratulations! Too bad about the missed units, but those will come back for sure. 

I'd choose +ATK over +DEF for Gray. I have to choose between +ATK and +SPD for him, what do you think? 

Honestly, if you're in no rush to make barracks space, I would wait for when he eventually gets a refine haha

+Spd usually seems like a good generalist boon but then again, new units keep getting faster so it depends on the role you want Gray to play. He's not the fastest swordie and if using effective weapons like Zanbato or Armoursmasher then maybe +Atk is the way to go.

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3 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

Honestly, if you're in no rush to make barracks space, I would wait for when he eventually gets a refine haha

+Spd usually seems like a good generalist boon but then again, new units keep getting faster so it depends on the role you want Gray to play. He's not the fastest swordie and if using effective weapons like Zanbato or Armoursmasher then maybe +Atk is the way to go.

Yeah, a refine seems possible.

Since I'm at three Grays now, I'll sit on two of them forever most likely. The third one will be eaten by Roy sooner or later. 

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After two blue pitybreaks (Legendary Lucina being much more welcome than Legendary Ephiram...god his fodder is so underwhelming) I finally pulled Yune! She’s +hp/-res which is unfortunate but considering she’s still hitting 48 resistance I think she’s workable lmao. 

I’m glad I got a random Kliff a while back because he was just waiting to give Yune that beautiful Fortress Defense/Resistance 3. 

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Oh wow, thank you FEH for being this generous and pleasing with my summons right now. After the random Laegjarn summon on the ladies headband banner, I collected a few orbs from the July quests to go for flying Olivia (I was desperate to get her, even with so few orbs; the other Olivias were waiting for her arrival) and I actually got her in the very next summoning circle. Duel skill for regular Olivia, Laegjarn for possible Aversa support, and now my only missing version of my favorite gal. I can be broke and happy. No trash summon in July will make me complain, that's for sure. And Flying Olivia is even +Spd/-HP, truly a keeper.

2019 5* count (no guarantees/TT): 77


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1 hour ago, MonkeyCheez3K said:

Oh wow, thank you FEH for being this generous and pleasing with my summons right now. After the random Laegjarn summon on the ladies headband banner, I collected a few orbs from the July quests to go for flying Olivia (I was desperate to get her, even with so few orbs; the other Olivias were waiting for her arrival) and I actually got her in the very next summoning circle. Duel skill for regular Olivia, Laegjarn for possible Aversa support, and now my only missing version of my favorite gal. I can be broke and happy. No trash summon in July will make me complain, that's for sure. And Flying Olivia is even +Spd/-HP, truly a keeper.

2019 5* count (no guarantees/TT): 77



Bless the Headband Banner. I was afraid i'd never have my favourite Gal either. (Mine is +spd as well)

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24 minutes ago, daisy jane said:


Bless the Headband Banner. I was afraid i'd never have my favourite Gal either. (Mine is +spd as well)


Can't even remember her last banner she was in, so not having to care about getting her anymore is a huge relief, until the next Olivia appears, that is. However, let us enjoy the moment, before gacha ruins it later on; gratz on your similarly good pull as well.

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Man the summer banner is giving me random pity breakers, after a random Ylgr merge, I got Silbert and now Shiro xD

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