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Is today the day of +Hp -Spd L!Julias? I got a feeling I'd get her today and I did but she came with the nature I mentioned before... I was going to complain here and I see like another 3 people got her with the same nature. Weird.

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1 hour ago, Alexmender said:

Is today the day of +Hp -Spd L!Julias? I got a feeling I'd get her today and I did but she came with the nature I mentioned before... I was going to complain here and I see like another 3 people got her with the same nature. Weird.

Yesterday everyone seemed to get her at +spd, we got her on the wrong day : (

Edited by Mau
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Did I mention that I free pulled Hardin (+HP/-Def) last night (well last night for me anyway, it would have been early morning for some people)?  Because that was a thing.


Is M!Robin doomed to be +9 forever now?  Screw you heroes give me the last Robin I need!

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9 hours ago, mampfoid said:

AR became annoying to me as well, I'm just running 2 GF units plus 3 dancers every week to maintain tier 21. Micaiah is one of them, it's so good to know she can one-shot most armors.

I maintain tier 11.

4 hours ago, TheSilentChloey said:

Is M!Robin doomed to be +9 forever now?  Screw you heroes give me the last Robin I need!

Me but with Tailtiu. Mine is +8 and I didn’t get a single one while sniping blue on the 8% banner.

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Weekly Revival 13 first. Going blue since I want a Tana merge.

  1. 4* Est: Just go away!

Now the Desperation banner. Mae's common as dirt, so red it is.

  1. 3* Palla: SI fodder.

Since the September quests provided a small burst of orbs, I might as well go back to the legendary banner to try for one more Julia or Tiki. 27 orbs to start.

  1. 4* Clair: Meh.
  2. 4* Reinhardt: No thanks.

One more set. 18 orbs left.

  1. 4* Florina: Worthless.
  2. 3* Catria: Ugh.

No 5*, and once again no Silas or Shanna.

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Righty-o, monthly orbs are in, but first, some single pulls on the new banners:

Weekly banner - no greens, so I settle for 4* Silas. That's fine.

Desperation banner - three reds is mighty tempting, but I have a pity rate to break on CYL so 4* Lilina is all I get here.

CYL3: 4.5% hanging rate, let's try to get rid of this today.

4* Priscilla

5* Nina +Atk -Def
3* Ogma
3* Lucius
3* Kaze
3* Arthur

A disappointing end, with my entire run on CYL3 being bookended by two off-focus units: Ylgr to start it, and Nina to end it. In between, 160-180 orbs of nothing. Still, at least they're new and 5* exclusive I guess, given how poisonous both the blue and grey wells are. Regrets? Of course, but all in all pretty standard. Next target is the October Legendary banner so plenty of time to save up.

Edited by Humanoid
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Freepulled Karel.

Not the red red focus unit I was looking for, but I take that present. 

Unfortunately his statline is terrible right now and aside of his wo dao+, he has no premium fodder. Soleil took the sword and desperation 3 since the firesweep is outdated without having a refine. 

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Well I am up to 12 percent pity and two pulls until 12.5 on the Legendary banner. Worse it is bleeding me out 1 blue or colorless orb at a time. Seriously. I don't want green this time. Please stop giving me circles and circles of green and red. It isn't Christmas. Seems like I am paying for that run of good luck I had a while back.

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@Zeo @mampfoid @Landmaster

So Hector rerun banner no. 2.

Of course smart me decides to use my orbs on my alt on the the Flying Takumi hunt, then after failing, going to the legendary banner for no reason. Didn't get any blues, but I did finally get my 2nd F!Grima! Finally I can merge away her bane from the +Spd/-Atk one, although this new one is +Spd/-Res anyway so she has the same boon. Now I can finally properly build her so at least a decent end.

Well good thing the rerun banner came with new monthly orbs, grinded those for a bit until I got to 15 orbs. 2 green orbs at least. 1st was a Sheena, and the next one was a +Atk/-Spd Hector! Feels good to get him quickly, and not +Spd/-Atk for once, which is my most common Hector natures (really lucked out with having next to no orbs). Also because the first rerun banner just gave me a big pityrate despite the orbs.

Already have a +Def/-HP one but I think I'll use this instead and fodder the other one for DC. He may be powercrept by himself, but a perfect copy is nice to have for AA.

Edited by mcsilas
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I'm really glad this legendary banner is super uninteresting for me. Wasting all these orbs just to have another copy of Brave Camilla and to get rid of any -Spd/-Att flaw from the first summon was not planned, but I finally got her again today, and since that copy has none of the two undesired flaws, I can even keep the first one as fodder (though she is kinda hard to use properly for it. Only certain units want Att/Spd push 4, and, through simple bias, I kinda want to give it to regular Sakura, but she still needs either wrathful or dazzling staff and I can't give any lower levels of either skill to her, so I'd have to choose only one and I don't like that idea).

Since my last post here I got a free Lute on her recent banner (I like her, so I welcome her into my collection) and a random M!Grima instead of Hector today. Not complaining here; finally getting rid of his Res-superbane while adding another point in his Att-superboon feels really good.

2019 5* count (no guarantees/TT): 93

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I got three reds in the free pull session for the Desperation banner. I decided to pull all three because Ayra is cool.

But of course, this happened instead.


I guess at least Karla has her bro now? I do have her. His IVs are just okay. Not optimal, not terrible. So I guess he can stay.

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Delthea is becoming my most F2P friendly merge project because I got her as my free summon on the Week 13 revival banner, the only Delthea's I have been able to summon were with first free summons.

I also think it was funny for me how Ayra pity broke me on that World of Thracia for MS!Reinhardt, and now I get him as a freebie on a banner with Ayra as a focus unit. After August's free summon 3 star galore, I'll take these.

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Well I saw the weekly banner had Hector and Tana both of whom I don't have so I decided to pull.  Got Hector then wasted another 30 orbs trying for Tana, no go and I have a pity rate.  I will wait until the trailer to try again if I try again.  Some day I will get DC fodder for my Seliph, but this is my first OG Hector and I will at least keep him until I max his HM.  So my poor Seliph is still waiting for his day to come.

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@mcsilas Grats on your Hector! He'll serve you well even if he's outdated. Funnily enough I pulled zilch on that banner for myself but my nephew free pulled Hector on his account. Not that I'm jealous as I've got like 7 across all the versions.

@mampfoid @Landmaster @Alexmender

Well, it happened for me.


10.00% rate and my last 5 orbs. This is the first time a yolo summon has ever worked for me. There were even 2 blue orbs so there could have been another *5 in the other... or a *3 Peri. God knows all things (not this God... mind you). She's +ATK/-HP so it can't get much better than that. Guess the Sothis banner thing turned out to be a fluke after all.

Now to pick who I want my eventual supertank is going to be. Leaning towards Fallen Corrin since I have 2 of her and she's +SPD. She'd be pretty nasty with 2-3 Nagas behind her and DC/Vantage to back her up.

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@Zeo oooh congrats! That's a great boon, and yeah Corrin seems good for tanking. She and F!Tiki are crazy bulky and annoying to face.

You kinda of want to make me do a blue YOLO to fix my L!Tiki but things happened and orbs are gone again.

@mampfoid Well speaking of that.. last day of A Sketchy Summer and I only had a 3.25% rate but I thought I'd try again because I'd have to wait another year.

1 single colourless orb...and I finally got Summer Takumi for my alt!

I was expecting -Atk or -Spd or something since it's too good to be true...but he's +Atk/-HP! Looks like @mampfoid's consoling message helped 😄

In contrast tried for Kinoka fix again on my main but sadly nothing. Oh well can't have it all, and it was a good end.

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9 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

I was expecting -Atk or -Spd or something since it's too good to be true...but he's +Atk/-HP! Looks like @mampfoid's consoling message helped 😄

Awesome, congrats!

+ATK is really great, since he is practically a flying Bridela. I only noticed this when I was pulling for a spare copy (to give Fishy Bow to Bridela) some weeks ago and got a +ATK copy myself. 


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3 hours ago, mampfoid said:

Awesome, congrats!

+ATK is really great, since he is practically a flying Bridela. I only noticed this when I was pulling for a spare copy (to give Fishy Bow to Bridela) some weeks ago and got a +ATK copy myself. 


Thanks, Fishie Bow is a really interesting weapon and fun to use. Plus since I had no Bridelia in this account, a flying Bridelia is greatly appreciated!

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1 hour ago, mcsilas said:

Thanks, Fishie Bow is a really interesting weapon and fun to use. Plus since I had no Bridelia in this account, a flying Bridelia is greatly appreciated!

Desperation weapon + Escape Route is big fun in tempest trials, lucky you. ;- )

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