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3,232 total pulled units.  It just happened like that!


Raigh (+Spd/-Res): Not bad!
Gaius (+Def/-Res): This, however, is bad.
Niles (+HP/-Res): WHY.
L'arachel (+Atk/-Res): Definitely workable.  Hoping for an Ivaldi refine one day!
Camilla (+HP/-Spd): And welcome to the fodder club.

Nanna (+Res/-Spd): Wrys you are not.
Eirika (+Res/-Atk): That's very unfortunate.
Tiki (+Atk/-Spd): PERFECT.  I couldn't have asked for a better one.
Lukas (+Atk/-HP): In which Lukas thinks he's Leon.  Well, uh, merge fodder?
Mathilda (+Spd/-Def): Would be better if she was +Atk IMO, but this isn't bad at all.

Sakura (+Atk/-Res): Also not bad.
Laslow (+HP/-Def): That could've been a lot better.
Cordelia (+Res/-HP): Yuck.  Maybe I'll have use of Galeforce one day.
Ephraim (+Def/-Res): I had two shots at a new unit, and I got a merge instead.  This will be the base, since it's better than the +HP one I have now.
Odin (+HP/-Def): Well, uh, thanks for being good fodder!

Raven (+Def/-Atk): That's a hard no.

Reinhardt (+Def/-Spd): If I wanted to do a silly tank build, maybe.  But what's CC?
Caeda (+HP/-Atk): Oh goodness no.
Stahl (+Atk/-Spd): And that's probably as good as he gets.
Niles (+Res/-Atk): Man oh man, that's also bad.
Azama (+Atk/-Res): Can you and Niles trade?  No?  WHY?!

Hawkeye (+Res/-Def): Again, no.
Libra (+Spd/-Atk): Sadly, he can't get away with this.
Fir (+Def/-Res): Neither can she.
Lukas (+Res/-Atk): I can't imagine this being good for him, ever.
Silas (+Spd/-Def): If he wasn't so darn slow, this would be decent.  But I always need him for fodder.

Hana (+Spd/-Res): I prefer +Atk on her, but this is a nice alternative.
Raigh (+Def/-HP): This is just sad.
Wendy (+Res/-HP): Also not great.  C'mon FE6!
Shigure (+Atk/-Def): I hope you'll forgive me for letting your singing self down.
Jeorge (+Def/-Atk): Here, Jeorge tries to mimic Gordin.  It ends badly.

Camilla (+Res/-Atk): I didn't like this the first time, either.
Nino (+Res/-Spd): DRAW BACK FODDER!
Bartre (+Res/-Atk): Really?
Odin (+Def/-Atk): REALLY?
Wrys (+Def/-HP): Big sigh here.

Peri (+Res/-Atk): I think I grabbed all the units from a certain someone.
Thea (+Res/-Atk): But I like her as fodder, so I'll forgive this one.
Jagen (+Atk/-Def): Oh, now we're talking.  A little.
Raigh (+Def/-Spd): Here we go again.
Kagero (+HP/-Res): Maybe one day, the Poison Dagger will make its comeback.  But not today.

Est (+Spd/-Res): This might be a bit workable.
Robin (+HP/-Res): This is Bonfire.
Fir (+Def/-Res): This continues the trend of disappointment.
Eirika (+Res/-Def): And that's a merge, which drastically improves my first Eirika (she's -Def).
Nanna (+HP/-Spd): And we end with fodder.

Tailtiu (+HP/-Atk): I mean, she's great fodder, but still.

A whole bunch of bad banes for the Renais twins.  Thanks, game.


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...I... am I lucky...?

I decided to dip early because of Thrasir. I summoned her +Def twice, so her flaw didn't matter much... but I didn't accept that. So I bought orbs and began summoning...

Yune...  Yune... Yune... Yune... Yune... Yune... Yune... Yune...

She's +10. It happened again guys I +10ed another Mythic hero whyyyyy.

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I got an Eliwood and I am super glad I got him as he was one of my goals in that banner. Gave him swift Sparrow 3 and Atk spd ruse from a Brave Eliwood that didn't see much use and Galeforce and he is perfect. He is +Atk -spd which is interesting, I had hoped he wasn't -spd but that +Atk is nice I guess, I won't be pulling anymore hopefully I will grab a sothis when she appears next time. 

Time to start saving a bit for Halloween (dozla which as seen will have Armor march, Iliana due to her typing and Hector because duo). 

Edited by SuperNova125
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I finally pulled my first Innes!! He came at -Def +Res, which I don't mind. In the same circle, because my rate was like 4.6%, I decided to pull the reds and greens and I got my second Brave Roy... -Atk +Def? Hmm... I wish it was somebody else if it was not gonna be Elincia. I mean, I still don't have an OG Lucina, but I digress! I am just so happy Innes is finally home. I have a few orbs left but I am not sure if I want to pull for a few reds on Thrasir's banner for Eirika or not... I just might, though. The Halloween bait is not too strong for me, thankfully. I really want a Mia more than a Hector, and the extra orbs we are getting might make up for the ones I'll be spending. Besides, Rolf is free and he is probably my most wanted of the bunch.

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Yay, I free summoned my first Nephenee! She is +Atk and -Spd, but, like always, I don’t mind what the IVs are in the end! I am just so happy to have her finally! I’ve been wanting her since her release but I never actively tried for her... it’s very nice to get her like this now. 🙂 

I don’t think any of the weekly revivals are must’s for me anymore? That said, I do need a good handful of units still, like Deirdre, Jaffar, Lyn, Tana, Elincia... I just hope they repeat so I can try for Lucina once more... 

Edited by SockPuppet
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Got a free Nephenee on my alt account! Of course she's +Res/-Atk but I finally got a blue infantry Tellius unit. Also stupid me tried to open the other orb out of salt because of the bane and got a 3 star L'arachel.

Then for even more salt I wanted to get any 5 star from the legendary but just got a pity rate... At least there's a +Atk/-Spd Hawkeye so maybe the refine could be good.

On the other hand in my main account, I wanted to clear the 3.50% in the Soiree banner. 2 reds. First was a Morgan, and the second is finally, +Res/-HP S!Ishtar! Finally have a red flying dancer! Opened the blue and colourless but shouldn't have, just a Florina and Virion. Now I just hope I can stay strong for H!Jakob/B!Lucina...because I only have 2 orbs right now...

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A decidedly more enjoyable summoning session on this fine day. After wasting all my orbs up to 4.50% after Fallen Berkut to get a merge for PA!Olivia, I got three 5* units in three summons today. Pretty nice!

Kind of the game to not make me feel too bad about not getting rid of Olivia's trashy SPD-flaw. Sanaki from todays banner (neither green nor blue orbs, so I'm fine with it). Went straight for the quest orbs to pull green on the mythic banner and got Yune on the only green orb from the first circle and Spring Veronica on the second one with also only a single green orb. Very appreciated to get actual targets. Having G Duel Flier ready is nice (even with Duo units coming), while Yune is new and very welcome in my collectio . So I will admit that this banner has been nice to me. Shame about Olivia, but now I might be able to save up orbs once more. Additionally, a Hrid on a greenless circle some days ago is also some fine fodder, while a single merge copy for Myrrh (Myrrh/Nah/Idunn banner) is also way better than last time she came around and I got nothing.... Now for this joy to continue with the new mode, Tower of Forms.

And with that, I passed the 100-mark for this year!

2019 5* count (no guarantees/TT): 101

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I got 5 Tana yesterday! ...From the Fire Emblem Cipher booster box I opened. But I held on to one of those Tana cards for luck while summoning, and I got one in Heroes too!


A very lucky circle with three Sacred Stones princesses! I opened all the red stones as well hoping for Elincia to fix her bane, but I got Lethe instead. Lethe is cool though, and I didn't have her, so I'm very happy to get her. Sadly she is +HP -Spd, but with all the Speed she gets from her weapon she'll hopefully still be useful. And Tana is up to +5 merges now, which I'm very pleased about. Very happy I got to break my pity rate before the banner disappeared.

On the new revival banner today I went for a green stone hoping for Amelia, but I got 4-star Cecilia. If I had the orbs I would have wanted to get a merge for Amelia as well, but I need to save everything for L'Arachel and Dozla on the Halloween banner now.

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1 hour ago, BoaFerox said:

I got 5 Tana yesterday! ...From the Fire Emblem Cipher booster box I opened. But I held on to one of those Tana cards for luck while summoning, and I got one in Heroes too!


A very lucky circle with three Sacred Stones princesses! I opened all the red stones as well hoping for Elincia to fix her bane, but I got Lethe instead. Lethe is cool though, and I didn't have her, so I'm very happy to get her. Sadly she is +HP -Spd, but with all the Speed she gets from her weapon she'll hopefully still be useful. And Tana is up to +5 merges now, which I'm very pleased about. Very happy I got to break my pity rate before the banner disappeared.

On the new revival banner today I went for a green stone hoping for Amelia, but I got 4-star Cecilia. If I had the orbs I would have wanted to get a merge for Amelia as well, but I need to save everything for L'Arachel and Dozla on the Halloween banner now.


my lethe is minus... atk or something stupidly mean like that. (and because i don't know who would want her A skill she's alive along with the Keatons i don't want, who are also broken). blegh. Let me know if/when (fingers crossed!) you get L'Arachel and Dozla!

12 hours ago, mcsilas said:

Got a free Nephenee on my alt account! Of course she's +Res/-Atk but I finally got a blue infantry Tellius unit. Also stupid me tried to open the other orb out of salt because of the bane and got a 3 star L'arachel.

Then for even more salt I wanted to get any 5 star from the legendary but just got a pity rate... At least there's a +Atk/-Spd Hawkeye so maybe the refine could be good.

On the other hand in my main account, I wanted to clear the 3.50% in the Soiree banner. 2 reds. First was a Morgan, and the second is finally, +Res/-HP S!Ishtar! Finally have a red flying dancer! Opened the blue and colourless but shouldn't have, just a Florina and Virion. Now I just hope I can stay strong for H!Jakob/B!Lucina...because I only have 2 orbs right now...

honestly. she is like one of the units that i hope they just decide to be all "guess what we're demoting her!" the only reason why she was locked was Wrath and we got Wrath Grail guy now. I would legit +10 her if i could.  (YAY for Dancey Ish!). i don't have dance on mine lolol. 

I wish upon you the power of Jakobs (of the Halloween variety)

On 10/5/2019 at 8:22 AM, Xenomata said:

...I... am I lucky...?

I decided to dip early because of Thrasir. I summoned her +Def twice, so her flaw didn't matter much... but I didn't accept that. So I bought orbs and began summoning...

Yune...  Yune... Yune... Yune... Yune... Yune... Yune... Yune...

She's +10. It happened again guys I +10ed another Mythic hero whyyyyy.


how many orbs did you buy to +10 Yune? 

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@mcsilas @mampfoid @Alexmender @Landmaster @SatsumaFSoysoy @Tybrosion

Guess there was light at the end of the tunnel for me after all.



I took the 20 orbs that I gathered at the beginning of the month and decided I'd take one last crack on this banner before expiry at the 6.00% rate I was at. Granted Ishtar was the highest on my priority list with Reinhardt as 2nd. The game as you well know loves blessing me with colorless *5s. A bow dancer is new, she's got SPD Tactic and she's +ATK/-DEF so she's basically my Bridelia + dancing utility which is pretty nuts. I'm happy. Even if it had been a pitybreaker I would have been happy to get something, so this turned out pretty great.

It didn't end there. There were 2 greys and 3 reds, in one of them?



Not Ishtar sadly, but as far as pitybreakers go, this is pretty much the cream of the crop. He's +RES/-ATK which is not a problem. I could merge him into my +SPD Tibarn to get rid of the DEF bane but it matters not to me. So he'll probably be sturdy impact fodder. Kinshi Hinoka, OG Ephraim, possibilities for Sturdy Impact are enticing.


I'd used 2-3 Cains for WoM fodder recently, so they were a nice bonus as well. All in all now it feels worth it. Spent a lot of orbs on this banner. To come out in the end with something of real value is more than I could have asked for at this point. I'm down to 0 orbs but there's quite a few to collect and now I can officially go into saving mode for real. Unless of course I shoot for one of the halloween banners as the new one is particularly tempting.

2 greens and 1 blue on the new revival banner. Nothing of note out of those, but my nephew did get a free Neph on his account so that's cool.

I'm satisfied, that's the short version. Also silas grats on your free Neph and S!Ishtar! Wish I'd been able to get her, but after what I just went through I'm just glad I got out with something.

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@Zeo Glad to see things worked out for you. As for me:



There was no light to be found at the end of my tunnel, only anger and salt. Apparently wanting to get Ishtar and/or Rein to go with my Nephenee was far too much to ask of this god-forsaken banner. 


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It feels good to finally break a rate, so I'm happy that you got a one of the best archers with you. Looks the high rate gave you a nice prize with Sturdy impact fodder too, and I'm jealous of your double Cains, I'm running out of WoM again lol.

I wish you luck for Halloween month!

@daisy jane Thanks! Just glad to have her really, it's been 2 years since she came out so nice to get her for the artwork alone.

Kinda tempted to yolo for Fanlivia but I really need to save....but then she'll return next year...but then it'll only be for the art anyway and there are better dagger dancers... argh the temptation is too strong!

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12 minutes ago, Zeo said:

@mcsilas @mampfoid @Alexmender @Landmaster @SatsumaFSoysoy @Tybrosion

Guess there was light at the end of the tunnel for me after all.

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I took the 20 orbs that I gathered at the beginning of the month and decided I'd take one last crack on this banner before expiry at the 6.00% rate I was at. Granted Ishtar was the highest on my priority list with Reinhardt as 2nd. The game as you well know loves blessing me with colorless *5s. A bow dancer is new, she's got SPD Tactic and she's +ATK/-DEF so she's basically my Bridelia + dancing utility which is pretty nuts. I'm happy. Even if it had been a pitybreaker I would have been happy to get something, so this turned out pretty great.

It didn't end there. There were 2 greys and 3 reds, in one of them?

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Not Ishtar sadly, but as far as pitybreakers go, this is pretty much the cream of the crop. He's +RES/-ATK which is not a problem. I could merge him into my +SPD Tibarn to get rid of the DEF bane but it matters not to me. So he'll probably be sturdy impact fodder. Kinshi Hinoka, OG Ephraim, possibilities for Sturdy Impact are enticing.


I'd used 2-3 Cains for WoM fodder recently, so they were a nice bonus as well. All in all now it feels worth it. Spent a lot of orbs on this banner. To come out in the end with something of real value is more than I could have asked for at this point. I'm down to 0 orbs but there's quite a few to collect and now I can officially go into saving mode for real. Unless of course I shoot for one of the halloween banners as the new one is particularly tempting.

2 greens and 1 blue on the new revival banner. Nothing of note out of those, but my nephew did get a free Neph on his account so that's cool.

I'm satisfied, that's the short version. Also silas grats on your free Neph and S!Ishtar! Wish I'd been able to get her, but after what I just went through I'm just glad I got out with something.

Congrats! Really happy you came out with someone and plus a good IV! And Sturdy Impact fodder is the cherry on top, nice end result!

2 minutes ago, Tybrosion said:

@Zeo Glad to see things worked out for you. As for me:

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There was no light to be found at the end of my tunnel, only anger and salt. Apparently wanting to get Ishtar and/or Rein to go with my Nephenee was far too much to ask of this god-forsaken banner. 


OOF, why did you get greedy. 

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6 minutes ago, mcsilas said:


It feels good to finally break a rate, so I'm happy that you got a one of the best archers with you. Looks the high rate gave you a nice prize with Sturdy impact fodder too, and I'm jealous of your double Cains, I'm running out of WoM again lol.

I wish you luck for Halloween month!

@daisy jane Thanks! Just glad to have her really, it's been 2 years since she came out so nice to get her for the artwork alone.

Kinda tempted to yolo for Fanlivia but I really need to save....but then she'll return next year...but then it'll only be for the art anyway and there are better dagger dancers... argh the temptation is too strong!

@Zeo YAY!!! NEPHY! 
I hope when she comes on legendary she has a good share, because it would be so nice to stock up on some more (Mine is Neutral, and yes. Theoretically it should be "ooh spd tactic" but it's not. it's "Ooh, let's go get some more Nephy" I haven't even changed the bow on mine but when i get a good iv (Mine is neutral) i'll probably build her like i did Bride Cordelia. 

@mcsilas what's a Cain? (I actually have escape route on Phina... which always confuses me because i'm like why can't she dance Celic---ohhh that's why. LOL it's so aggravating. 

honestly for me, I am just hoping i can get Mia and get out, and continue to save. the end of the year is going to be so orb-costy for me. (I need so many NY units from last year for Serra and Mercedes, Olivia Prime, it's nuts. not to mention wanting Lull Fodder, adding Camilla merges... this game. My orbs. GAH)

I have Fan Livvy. yah tere are better daggers but she's also great. (you know. 😉 for dancing).  i'm glad i got her last year. (because God forbid you know, NohrZura makes my life easier


@Tybrosion 😞 that's so bummery. i'm sorry 

Edited by daisy jane
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20 minutes ago, Landmaster said:

OOF, why did you get greedy. 

Yeah, I really don't make the best decisions at times such as bringing Gilbert to the Azure Moon final map on Maddening, where he got picked off by ambush spawn WarlocksOh and no, I didn't bother to use a Divine Pulse to save his ass.

16 minutes ago, daisy jane said:

@Tybrosion 😞 that's so bummery. i'm sorry 

Yeah, sometimes this how things go for me with the gacha. My luck with the previous Halloween banners was pretty good, so perhaps I'm due for a turnaround on the third one this week. I can only hope, at least.

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@Zeo Congrats on the awesome Neph! It saddens me a bit that she straight up outclasses Bridelia, but that's how things go in these types of games. 

And that Sturdy Impact fodder is awesome as well. If Summer Lyn performance is anything to go by that skill will do wonders for Bownoka!

As for me, I'm still stuck with a 7.5% on the Mythic banner. Hopefully I'll be able to get at least one red focus once I finish grinding the remaining stratum quests I have available and get the arena orbs tomorrow.

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Just now, Alexmender said:

As for me, I'm still stuck with a 7.5% on the Mythic banner. Hopefully I'll be able to get at least one red focus once I finish grinding the remaining stratum quests I have available and get the arena orbs tomorrow.

How did you get negative pity rate? XD

But yeah I know that feel. Still haven't cleared a rate in my second account. Hope you clear it!

Well the new banner isn't actually that must-have for me in terms of trailer skills, so I thought with my 8 orbs, I'd do one last yolo attempt on the banners ending today. Totally forgot about the stratum quests though, I should've read your post before summoning but well...

there were 2 green orbs, only had enough for 1 so I picked the left and...I got a +Spd/-Res dancing Reinhardt from a 3% rate!!! Nature could be better but as long as he's not -Atk I'm fine, and it was super lucky anyway so I can't complain!

@daisy jane I did end up succumbing to Fanlivia YOLO but got my 24123th Jeorge..

Well that should stop my summoning itch for today. I think I'm actually satisfied on not clearing the mythic banner anymore after finally getting both Judgral dancers. For now.

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7 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

How did you get negative pity rate? XD

But yeah I know that feel. Still haven't cleared a rate in my second account. Hope you clear it!

Well the new banner isn't actually that must-have for me in terms of trailer skills, so I thought with my 8 orbs, I'd do one last yolo attempt on the banners ending today. Totally forgot about the stratum quests though, I should've read your post before summoning but well...

there were 2 green orbs, only had enough for 1 so I picked the left and...I got a +Spd/-Res dancing Reinhardt from a 3% rate!!! Nature could be better but as long as he's not -Atk I'm fine, and it was super lucky anyway so I can't complain!

@daisy jane I did end up succumbing to Fanlivia YOLO but got my 24123th Jeorge..

Well that should stop my summoning itch for today. I think I'm actually satisfied on not clearing the mythic banner anymore after finally getting both Judgral dancers. For now.

Oops, my finger slipped! It was 9.5% haha. 

Thanks! And congrats on that Dancing Reinhardt! His nature isn't even that bad if you want to get memey with a ton of spd buffs.

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3 hours ago, Tybrosion said:

Yeah, I really don't make the best decisions at times such as bringing Gilbert to the Azure Moon final map on Maddening, where he got picked off by ambush spawn WarlocksOh and no, I didn't bother to use a Divine Pulse to save his ass.

You monster

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