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18 minutes ago, daisy jane said:

Hmm as I have every sword flier except for Sigrun, NY Camilla and Lagearn... hmmm yes. yes you need another one 😉
+spd Eirika though is great. I think considering she still has a great niche of being one of the only offensive red mages, not really but i know ppl don't like her either. 
yah there are some banners coming up - Legendary/Gauntlet, Heroes wiith Null (then new heroes/heroes w/guard). 

I forgot to say this, but the Eirika I had already was also +Spd, so this one having that didn't do too much for me. But I guess I am happy to get a merge for her, and it did give her +1 Atk.

And well, I fell for the temptation and spent a few more orbs... After about 20 orbs I got this:


The legendary 5 red stones circle! Catria has to be in here, right?



She was! And she's also -Atk, just as I predicted, haha. But I'm still really happy I got her, and in return she got a +Def superboon, making her decently bulky, so it's not all bad. I won't be mad if she decides to pitybreak me and fix her attack one day either.

Now I'm down to about 60 orbs, so I'm a little underequipped to handle the Legendary banner if it's good, but I'm sure it'll be fine... I just need to exert better self control in the coming days.


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Just now, BoaFerox said:

I forgot to say this, but the Eirika I had already was also +Spd, so this one having that didn't do too much for me. But I guess I am happy to get a merge for her, and it did give her +1 Atk.

And well, I fell for the temptation and spent a few more orbs... After about 20 orbs I got this:


The legendary 5 red stones circle! Catria has to be in here, right?

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She was! And she's also -Atk, just as I predicted, haha. But I'm still really happy I got her, and in return she got a +Def superboon, making her decently bulky, so it's not all bad. I won't be mad if she decides to pitybreak me and fix her attack one day either.

Now I'm down to about 60 orbs, so I'm a little underequipped to handle the Legendary banner if it's good, but I'm sure it'll be fine... I just need to exert better self control in the coming days.





(but booo). 
her sword effectively but boo. 
I only get the circle of red when i DON'T want them. lol

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13 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

My free pull is...female Morgan. Her IVs are kind of meh (+HP, -Res), but her fodder sucks, so I don't know what to do with her. I don't care about her.

Her fodder is not that bad. I am sure you will find some good use for it. Even if its just guard which can be capitalized on in rokkr sieges.

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I got a bunch of tokens, let's try this.

2 Colourless, 1 each Red, Blue, Green

4* Roy (Really? +HP/-Atk)

3 Blue, 2 Green

3* L'Arachel (Ah well. +Atk/-Res)

2 Red, 1 each Blue, Green, Colourless

4* Kagero (Ah no. +Res/-Def)

2 each Red, Blue, 1 Colourless

3* Jakob (REMOVE HIM. +Def/-HP)

2 each Red, Colourless, 1 Blue

4* L'Arachel (Well, that's literally the best pull of all this. +HP/-Res)

3.25%, ugh.

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2 hours ago, Super Endriu said:

Her fodder is not that bad. I am sure you will find some good use for it. Even if its just guard which can be capitalized on in rokkr sieges.

I don't really use anything she has though.

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8 hours ago, mcsilas said:

I decided maybe I will try another Silque for fodder. Chose one colourless and it was a Nanna. Ok fair enough....but then I gave in to temptation and decided to try 1 green orb.

+HP/-Atk Adrift Corrin. Huh, guess the other Corrin alt decided to drop by my other account. Already have a +Spd/-HP one, so unsure if Atk./Spd bond fodder or merge (don't really use Fortify Dragons). Booked for now I guess.

Ok so I was pitybroken, I might as well try the other colourless and..

.....+Res/-Def Silque!!!!! Now at I'm unsure if +Atk or the +Res superboon is better, but if I go with +Atk I can fodder her staff... tough decision..

Then..I still want Python so I opened the other green and...

+Atk/-Spd female Kana!!! Much better boon than my +HP/-Res one, so a merge it is!!

Decided to try the last red anyway, just a Stahl which is fair enough.



But wow....three 5 stars in a 3%... I'm not even mad I used the small orbs I was saving for Nailah. This was worth it.

Talk about lucky getting three 5-stars in one summoning session. Congrats!

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@mampfoid 15 orbs for my main, while my second account used 34 orbs for those five 5 stars (the first Silque was a free summon technically). All at base rate. Getting orb discounts from tickets are great.

don’t think i’d ever get this lucky again on a 3% 4 unit banner so i’ll take it!

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So I finally broke my 6.5% on The Land’s Bounty banner... and I had no colorless orbs in my circle. I went for the green, and there she was: -Def / +HP H!Kagero. That’s all I got from a rate that high 😞

not sure if I wanna try for Mia again, or try and do something about the 3.25% I have on H!Hector’s banner?

My free summon from Zofia’s Call, however, was a +HP / -Atk Dimitri, my second one. I’ve used 3 of the tickets so far, YOLO-summoning them all, and from 1 ticket I got a 4* Oboro, a +Res / -HP Myrrh, and a -Atk / +Def Lewyn, both of whom I already have 😕 LOL this game is so bizarre... let’s hope I can get something else with that last ticket!! 

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On 10/18/2019 at 2:48 PM, Landmaster said:

Damn, Halloween really treats you well with those IVs~ Congrats on Ilyana and Dozla!~

I guess it treats me well because of how close it is to birthday (Nov. 4th). Speaking of treating me well:



Though for as many +Atks I’ve gotten from these banners, I’m also always due at least one dud per banner. The scientist of peerless beauty here sadly got just that (+Def/-Spd). But hey, I’m just happy to have her and can now solely focus on getting me a red Catria.

Also, congratulations yourself on getting that Elise which has several more merges than mine so you can call me a bit jealous!

On 10/18/2019 at 5:49 PM, mampfoid said:

That's an awesome Halloween collection, congrats! 

Thank you, and with the above it is now 100% complete too.

@Zeo Damn, that really is an impressive streak of freebie 5*s. Congrats!

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@mcsilas Well look at you! The colorless love rubbed off on you I see!S Some green as well, Absolutely fantastic pulls there! Adrift Corrin's a unit I've never seen! The Silques are great too. Having that staff as fodder! 

No freebie for me this time haha. 2 colorless and one blue, nothing of note in any of them. Still got 4 tickets to use though so I've got more attempts and I'm completely skipping green/red. Got to think about tomorrow's null banner so I can't spend too much here.

@mcsilas @mampfoid @daisy jane

This is a bit more boring but another one. I grabbed the tickets and went back in on the new heroes banner. Took a try for Forsyth even though I said I wouldn't. Got this on the 2nd ticket.


+DEF/-SPD. The same nature as my original one who ironically enough was the free pull on her original banner. Pretty terrible nature. Considered merging her right away but perhaps a blue mage could have a use for Blarserpent? I'll keep her.

It didn't exactly end there. No Silque or Forsyth but I pulled my first Mercedes at +ATK/-DEF which was cool. Then I went over to the newest halloween banner to break my 4.00% and got a *3 Bantu, first one for me. +DEF/-ATK which is less great but it was still pretty neat.

Went down to 10 orbs, but there's about 40 to be gathered still so I'm fine. I'll be able to pull on tomorrow's null banner and then some for the legendary if I'm interested. Saving isn't working quite how I'd like, but I like a lot of things this month (unlike last month) and the discipline is rewarding me so let's keep going.

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Tickets gave me nothing worth mentioning, but the story orbs gave me a +HP,-RES H!Dozla so I finally have a focus unit from the banner.  I still kind of want Hector, but I am getting burnt out on all the 3* and 4* red units I have been getting.  I love Hector, but he and Lilina don't want to come so I think I will quit while I am ahead.  I want to save on the off chance TMS gets a banner.  I think I will wait for Hector and Lilina to be on a legendary banner so the pity breakers will be better and the pity rates higher.  

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I got Laegjarn and Laevatein while pulling for A Monstrous Harvest Hector. I think I will summon again at the end of the month and see if my luck improves. I want to have two AMH!Hectors along with Kronya for Dark Season.

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Now up to 3,300 total pulled units!


Reyson (+Atk/-Res): I pulled him a bit earlier, but I forgot to log him.  He's awesome, and he was 5* to boot~!

Dozla (+Def/-HP): Eh, I'll take it!  He goes so very well with Reyson!
Catria (+Spd/-Def): This isn't half bad.  A pity, because she's great fodder.
Ogma (+Res/-Spd): This is just unfortunate.
Palla (+Res/-Spd): Reyson appreciates the Goad Fliers!
Seth (+Def/-HP): I just got you for free, too. ;/

Hana (+Spd/-Res): I feel like her speed is already overkill.

Clarine (+Atk/-Res): A slight offense boost on a character whose offense is spotty.  Uhhh. . .
Reinhardt (+Atk/-Def): This is worth it.  Or, would be if he wasn't 3*.
Eirika (+Atk/-HP): Hey, it's my first Eirika!
Chrom (+Res/-Def): Why must my Aether fodder be 3*?
Roy (+Spd/-Def): Not bad.

Rody (+Atk/-HP): And another good one!  But why are all the stellar ones (sans Roy and Reyson) at 3*?

Well, that was a pull session.  Time to grind Forging Bonds for tickets!


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I was just thinking I needed more green units and then the new banner today decided to give me this for free today...


Got one of my favorites from Three Houses with a good nature to boot too (+Spd/-HP). Would love to try pulling more of her for merges but my orbs must be saved for next month.

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Got two red orbs and a green one in my free session for the Null banner. and pulled Mareeta from the second red orb! Also pulled the green one to try for Hilda but no luck.

Mareeta is unfortunately -Atk/+Def, but whatever.

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I get really tired of saving up orbs for nothing.. 250 orbs gone. Not even one Focus unit.. I am so done today.. And there I just wanted Null and maybe flashing blade 4 for Edelgard... I am even skipping debut banners to have a better chance and this game just pulls of those things.

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First off, one Green, went for it, 4* Sheena, eh least she's worth more feathers than 3*.

Second, decided to buy one more orb pack... so I can get through the first summon tickets.
3rd ticket in, got Forsyth +Spd -Res, so... eh.
...but also Kjelle +Atk -Res, which GEEZ OKAY I GUESS. Current Kjelle was +Def -Spd no merge, so uh... seems a little overkill, but sure why not.

Forsyth I can live with or without really. Nice to have my SoV MVP, but there's just too many Lance Armors now that he's kinda just gonna meld in with the Armor Lance hive-mind...

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Oh, facepalm. My 3.75% on the first Halloween banner was broken by a random Lewyn. He even has the same natures as the one I'm using. To add insult to injury, got two useless Gunters in the same circle.

At least Special Spiral is good. But do I want to go back into this banner 😕

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Nothing from the null banner sadly. Could have kept going but went over to Hector's banner instead for a 4.25% rate. Oh well, month's not over. Wonder if I should have just went for the blue stones, took the likely Ilyana and left but meh. I love Hector. I'm going to try until I can't try anymore.

..Mareeta would be nice though.

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@Zeo Wow, congrats on the Morgan! Blarserpent sounds like a fun tome if I had extra ones to fodder actually. Also wow, jealous of a Mercedes, she's still missing for me lol

Hm Null banner. Huh...no Nailah?

Well good thing, I get to save orbs and go over 20 orbs for once. Now I feel even better about pulling on the new banner last night.

Alt account had no greens for Hilda, so I pulled a red and got a Soleil. Have Hilda on main, so Mareeta would be new but no reds- so the sole green orb in my main account was a Barst. As good as a 5 star!!!!

@NSSKG151 Wow, congrats on that nice-natured Hilda!

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Dumped around 150 orbs into the SoV banner for Forsyth...



Was greeted by a +hp/-def Dimitri instead at around 30 orbs in. Not really sure whether I want to keep or fodder him yet but at least it's new and with fodder potential.

Keep going for about 80 more orbs and finally got my fav christmas knight


Actually I got two after dumping most my remaining orbs after the first one because I wanted to fix his -res bane.


Lucked out with a sweet +atk superboon! I'm so ecstatic about this. He's pretty much indestructible from what I've seen and still manages to hit back hard.

Notably I also got a +atk/-spd Valbar which great because I like him but also like poor dude is probably gonna get no attention from me between Forsyth and Brave Hector.

I'm down to 17 orbs now which sucks because I would like to get some dc fodder (seriously considered sacrificing my Nailah to Forsyth) but also there's Flashing Blade 4 which I want for Lyn and even still there's Nils who should be appearing on the next Farfetched Heroes banner. Too many good things all at once and very little orbs with no clear way of how I want to distribute them T_T

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Just now, mcsilas said:

Hm Null banner. Huh...no Nailah?

Well good thing, I get to save orbs and go over 20 orbs for once. Now I feel even better about pulling on the new banner last night.

Alt account had no greens for Hilda, so I pulled a red and got a Soleil. Have Hilda on main, so Mareeta would be new but no reds- so the sole green orb in my main account was a Barst. As good as a 5 star!!!!

Thinking about it - it makes sense. while it is a null - it's also a DC along with it, so they probably don't wanna give that up relatively easily. I bet due to the DC, we're not gonna see Nailah frequently. 

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