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Got a Bride Charlotte from my free summon! Also a third Leanne from my daily banner free summon, which is getting kind of silly since now I have three of her and no real use for the extras.

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5 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

Leanne is new? Wow, lucky. Also congrats to the further Elincia merges! 

Yeah, I was never able to get her on other banners she appeared in. Though I didn't try much for her at her debut because I was going for Tibarn instead at the time. But after that, I did try harder for her in future banner appearances. And thanks!

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7 hours ago, Anacybele said:

Leanne evades me no more! YAY! She's +HP, -Res. Not the best, but not detrimental either, since it at least isn't -Atk or -Spd.

While have a good nature is nice, nature does not really matter for most Dancers/Singers since they are not going to face much combat. I agree -Spd is not ideal, but -Atk actually is not bad if you use her on defense since that means the AI would more likely have Leanne Sing than have her attack.

But yeah, the Herons are pretty good for Tibarn and Naesala Galeforce. The Herons are pretty good for Røkkr Sieges too as long as the the Røkkr is not an archer.

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2 minutes ago, XRay said:

The Herons are pretty good for Røkkr Sieges too as long as the the Røkkr is not an archer.

Why? They can't quad and don't have effective damage. 

/Edit: ok one heron to heal and sing makes sense.

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3 minutes ago, XRay said:

While have a good nature is nice, nature does not really matter for most Dancers/Singers since they are not going to face much combat. I agree -Spd is not ideal, but -Atk actually is not bad if you use her on defense since that means the AI would more likely have Leanne Sing than have her attack.

But yeah, the Herons are pretty good for Tibarn and Naesala Galeforce. The Herons are pretty good for Røkkr Sieges too as long as the the Røkkr is not an archer.

True, but when I'm using refreshers on offense, I like them to be able to attack if they have to as well as support. Sometimes I'm left having to use them to attack.

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16 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

Why? They can't quad and don't have effective damage. 

/Edit: ok one heron to heal and sing makes sense.

Yeah, I use them for healing and Singing. I run two of them and have them support Catria/Est or Palla/Tibarn.

15 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

True, but when I'm using refreshers on offense, I like them to be able to attack if they have to as well as support. Sometimes I'm left having to use them to attack.

That is a good point. For Abyssal, I sometimes need a Dancer/Singer to hit a foe to weaken it so my main nuke can take the foe out.

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1 minute ago, XRay said:

That is a good point. For Abyssal, I sometimes need a Dancer/Singer to hit a foe to weaken it so my main nuke can take the foe out.

Yeah, exactly. I'm in that very situation on a tough map sometimes.

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NY!Selkie wasn't exactly the colorless 5-star I was hoping for.

Well, +def -spd would sucked on Marth too, at least.

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Close Def banne- Ephraim merge?

2 Red, 1 each Blue, Green, Colourless

4* Frederick (Oh well. +Spd/-Res)

Next, that Double Special huh? Green seems the best bet to try. If I had orbs to spare....

2 each Blue, Colourless, 1 Red (Of course.)

3* Thea (It's not a launch unit. +Spd/-Atk)

Back to Awakening.

2 each Red, Green, 1 Colourless

5* Larcei (Well that's a hell of a pitybreaker. +Spd/-HP, even worse she's good), 4* Bantu (If there was one time to get a 5* it would have been now Bantu. +HP/-Def), 3* Python (I mean, it's Python. Neutral), 3* Cecilia (No Mustafa I guess. 😞 +Atk/-HP), 4* Priscilla (Just stop showing up okay? Neutral)

37/40 btw. So I am in the situation of getting a pity rate next circle and having to deal with the rest of the month, all while taking that free 5* too and being forced to choose. Ho hum.

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Spent 300 orbs and only Caedas, a Ninian, and even an Ophelia decide to show up, and then another 30ish. I was about to curse the game, since I got 4 Caedas in a row and she finally outmerged my Charlotte, until...


Now they're both tied, and one merge away from being complete.


I am F2P. : D

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Seems like I neglected this thread for too long. In the Awakening banner I hadn't even spent the tickets as I was conflicted whether to pull for free mythic or no but I'talk about that later. Today with the double seasonal I was tempted to pull for Sothis so I spent 8 orbs and made 3 pulls, the session had 2 greens, 2 blues and a colourless. The units were 

  • 4* Male Robin
  • 3* Barst 
  • 3* Beruka

No Sothis so I have to wait until her rerun to get her but that's fine. The free pulls in the Daily banners haven't given me anything but it also doesn't matter. The free pull in the New Power banner was a +Res -Spd Myrrh. Pretty happy as I didn't have her and more dragons are always welcome. 

Back to the Mirabilis banner, after seeing the calendar I though that there would be many chances to save so I decided to go for Mirabilis. Following my luck from the 3H rerun 20 summons and nothing. The 22nd pull was another +Res -Spd Myrrh. Out of nowhere I ended having a +Res +1 Myrrh which is really nice (Lilith is done anyway only needing a DC in the future as she can't run Galeforce so I needed another flier to build). I am at 25/40 now, hopefully I get Mirabilis before 40 pulls. 

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This banner was a surprise to me, for as good it is! I spent 40 orbs for a chance to give Alfonse a merge or to get a Sothis. I got this:

J9brMcn.png WJuOXz7.png

I got 2 Winter Ninos. Too bad they are not Alfonses, but I was in need of some Rally fodder so I am happy. I also got a NY Selkie. She will be foddered to Bride Micaiah, so she can have Sabotage Spd... and Distant Ward because why not. I can fodder 4 skills afterall, but I will keep Push on her.

Two Summer Banners, with two TTs, are coming. That's the moment I save for CYL.

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I've got Ephraim and Sumia, so grey for Velouria it is.

  1. 3* Catria: Ugh.

3 blues and 2 reds. Now for Double Special Heroes. Red is trash, but otherwise I think I'll take the rest of the first circle.

  1. 5* Winter!Sothis: Awesome! +Atk/-Def gives her both a superasset and superflaw, so overall a very good combination.

With that nice freebie I don't see a point in pulling three blues when I already have NY!Alfonse at +1. Sorry, Nino.

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OMG Conrad's back! And still a 4 star focus too, I should fairly easily get merges for him! Conrad's so adorkable, especially in this outfit. I'm a sucker for doting big brothers, typically. XD Two reds in the free pull session, let's see. I got him on my first red pull in his debut though, and I just got a free pull 5 star yesterday, so I dunno if my luck's gonna--


OH MY GOSH WHAT?! XD HE'S EVEN 5 STAR!! AND THIS LITERALLY WAS THE FREE PULL! Fuck yeah, baby, good bye -Def! Now my Valentine Conrad can really show off that extreme tankiness! @Rezzy @mampfoid @Arcanite (And anyone else that cares)


I've sacked a male Byleth and a Leo to him now as well, and no regrets. Look at those beefed up defenses. WOOHOO! I could throw a Fortress seal on him too, but I don't think he wants his Atk any lower than it is. It's not the lowest, but it's also not real high. He wants to do SOME damage. I did choose to also give him Savage Blow when I fed Leo to him, he'll just equip it when needed. I'll also give him more assist options sometime too, since Reposition and Swap would also be valuable on him.

Melee Bouquet may not synergize with DC and QR, but in this case I don't think it's a bad thing because Melee Bouquet's effect still makes his Spd not matter on player phase. He can't be doubled when he initiates! So now his Spd doesn't matter on either phase!

Damn though, he really seems to know that I want him when he shows up. Both times I've gone for him now, he's appeared right off the bat in the first red pull. lol

Edited by Anacybele
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Pitybroken by two off-focus units (Owain and Silque) on my way to 40 pulls, and settled on Anna. Now I can finally get rid of that SPD flaw.

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2 hours ago, Anacybele said:

OMG Conrad's back! And still a 4 star focus too, I should fairly easily get merges for him! Conrad's so adorkable, especially in this outfit. I'm a sucker for doting big brothers, typically. XD Two reds in the free pull session, let's see. I got him on my first red pull in his debut though, and I just got a free pull 5 star yesterday, so I dunno if my luck's gonna--


OH MY GOSH WHAT?! XD HE'S EVEN 5 STAR!! AND THIS LITERALLY WAS THE FREE PULL! Fuck yeah, baby, good bye -Def! Now my Valentine Conrad can really show off that extreme tankiness! @Rezzy @mampfoid @Arcanite (And anyone else that cares)


I've sacked a male Byleth and a Leo to him now as well, and no regrets. Look at those beefed up defenses. WOOHOO! I could throw a Fortress seal on him too, but I don't think he wants his Atk any lower than it is. It's not the lowest, but it's also not real high. He wants to do SOME damage. I did choose to also give him Savage Blow when I fed Leo to him, he'll just equip it when needed. I'll also give him more assist options sometime too, since Reposition and Swap would also be valuable on him.

Melee Bouquet may not synergize with DC and QR, but in this case I don't think it's a bad thing because Melee Bouquet's effect still makes his Spd not matter on player phase. He can't be doubled when he initiates! So now his Spd doesn't matter on either phase!

Damn though, he really seems to know that I want him when he shows up. Both times I've gone for him now, he's appeared right off the bat in the first red pull. lol

Congrats again, your luck continues 

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2 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

Congrats again, your luck continues 

Yeah, all of a sudden it just shot up lol.

I also got Christmas Zephiel while getting more merges! Conrad is +5 now!

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