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I got pity broken by a couple of best daughter Morgan. I was thinking if it makes sense to give her Blarserpent to LA Lynn? I don't really see a lot of blade mages or buffs in arena or AA. I figure the 6+def/6+res against staff/dagger/bows/magic would come up more than blade/buff negation.  

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13 minutes ago, Rezanator said:

I got pity broken by a couple of best daughter Morgan. I was thinking if it makes sense to give her Blarserpent to LA Lynn? I don't really see a lot of blade mages or buffs in arena or AA. I figure the 6+def/6+res against staff/dagger/bows/magic would come up more than blade/buff negation.  

Blarowl is the more conventional choice due to armoured units being far more likely to stick together than other movement types, plus it's a lot less premium since you can get it from Mae. The bonus won't always add up to +6, but +4 is easy enough and you get it to atk and spd as well, instead of just def and res. On top of that it works on player phase too, and against all weapon types. It does have one less might though.

Edited by Humanoid
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3 minutes ago, Humanoid said:

On top of that it works on player phase too, and against all weapon types. It does have one less might though.

Can serpent be forged for additional stats, including Atk? Because owl can. Then again, guard bow can, so I don’t see why serpent won’t be able to.

Edited by Vaximillian
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7 minutes ago, Humanoid said:

Blarowl is the more conventional choice due to armoured units being far more likely to stick together than other movement types, plus it's a lot less premium since you can get it from Mae. The bonus won't always add up to +6, but +4 is easy enough and you get it to atk and spd as well, instead of just def and res. On top of that it works on player phase too, and against all weapon types. It does have one less might though.

My LA Lynn does have close counter. Blarowl would be indeed a better choice. This time around I think I will refine it to be Def+, in order to help her out with dragons. As she is atk-/res+.


Since all of my best daughters have bad attitudes natures I might merge them or at least keep a spare one.

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So, for those of us who are OCD about this sort of thing, if I get the Forging Bonds accessories out of order, do they remain out of order in the accessories list when sorted by order obtained?

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1 hour ago, Ice Dragon said:

So, for those of us who are OCD about this sort of thing, if I get the Forging Bonds accessories out of order, do they remain out of order in the accessories list when sorted by order obtained?

Let's find out! What order did you get yours in? My order, from right (first) to left (last), is Flower Fortune Pin, Damsel's Ribbon, Priest's Miter, and Dancer's Mask.

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12 minutes ago, Xenomata said:

Let's find out! What order did you get yours in? My order, from right (first) to left (last), is Flower Fortune Pin, Damsel's Ribbon, Priest's Miter, and Dancer's Mask.

Right to left: Dancer's Mask, Flower Pin, Damsel's Ribbon, Priest's Miter. I guess that settles it.

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For science! I'll document each battle until I get the accessories.

Maribelle, 79 points
Sumia, 79 points
Sumia, 33 points, Flower Pin
Libra, 84 points
Olivia, 84 points
Sumia, 79 points
Sumia, 33 points (had a careless death here, no idea of any effect)
Maribelle, 52 points, Damsel's Ribbon
Sumia, 24 points (died again, I'm rushing through as I type this)
Sumia, 79 points
Sumia, 26 points
Sumia, 57 points
Olivia, 57 points, Dancer's Mask
Maribelle, 26 points
Maribelle, 79 points (irrelevant, but Elincia x F Grima support popped here)
Maribelle, 52 points
Sumia, 48 points
Libra, 33 points, Pope Hat

Current tally - Olivia 141, Sumia 458, Maribelle 288, Libra 117

Accessory order - Flower, Ribbon, Mask, Hat.


Phew, glad that's over with. RIP stamina pots, back to TT.

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I have an unwanted Lene. Merging her doesn't seem like a good idea to me since I rarely use her except for training purposes. So who wants Safeguard? Seth popped into mind, but he probably wants a Slaying or Wo Dao a lot more. Arden could have fun with it. With a Steady Breath and Ignis he wouldn't much feel the loss of a slaying weapon. Don't really want to use Steady on him much though since he has such limited merge potential. It just seems like many swordies would rather have their prf's or Slaying/Wo Dao.

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If you're toying around with the idea of a multi-merge Seth, Safeguard can make him a veritable wall, along with Close Defense and Guard.

Edited by Karimlan
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4 hours ago, Usana said:

I have an unwanted Lene. Merging her doesn't seem like a good idea to me since I rarely use her except for training purposes. So who wants Safeguard? Seth popped into mind, but he probably wants a Slaying or Wo Dao a lot more. Arden could have fun with it. With a Steady Breath and Ignis he wouldn't much feel the loss of a slaying weapon. Don't really want to use Steady on him much though since he has such limited merge potential. It just seems like many swordies would rather have their prf's or Slaying/Wo Dao.

I'd recommend it on a unit with slightly bad def, but good res. Someone with defensive stats like Lloyd, Eliwood or Hana.

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I'm currently raising a +att/-hp est and fed her some abels, a reinhardt, and a peri for a bunch of stuff. She runs BL+, glimmer, swordbreaker, eventual DB3. Her other set option's gonna be Slaying Lance+Glimmer. 

what C skil ldoes she want aside from flier buffs? I don't have the option of saccing arvis/julius/oliver for this.


(Yes I know she's not the best, but I picked up one with the perfect IV set so whynot.)

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6 hours ago, Mister Rogers said:

I'm currently raising a +att/-hp est and fed her some abels, a reinhardt, and a peri for a bunch of stuff. She runs BL+, glimmer, swordbreaker, eventual DB3. Her other set option's gonna be Slaying Lance+Glimmer. 

what C skil ldoes she want aside from flier buffs? I don't have the option of saccing arvis/julius/oliver for this.


(Yes I know she's not the best, but I picked up one with the perfect IV set so whynot.)

You can just give her a drive. Of any kind really

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I can't say for certain the logic behind my reasoning, but... okay that's a lie.

@XRay and @mampfoid, I decided to promote Hana [+Spd -HP]. My experiences with Soleil have been nothing but positive, and Hana, while far weaker in comparison, will be much faster and just as potent at killing Armors with the help of Desperation, over Soleil simply nerfing the enemies Speed with Chill Spd and otherwise needing to land perfect One-hit kills. I probably should have done Caeda [+Atk -Res] first, since she'd have the same role but with a better Movement type and weapon, but I'd already spent my Divine Dews on Linde and need to build the number back up, compared to being able to both upgrade Hana's Armor Slayer+ to Armorsmasher AND refine it at the same time. By that time, I expect to be ready to promote Caeda, if it hasn't been done already.

I'm a sucker, so I think I might already have my next promotion planned... well, after Walhart anyways, I'll work on Subaki next, then the trio of Sakura and her retainers will be truly united! Also I managed a better Subaki than the +Spd -Res I had before. This one is +Atk -HP, which no matter the simulation I did brought better results overall than +Spd.

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@Xenomata I think Hana is fine. I promoted a +SPD copy myself long ago and gave her a quad build which is quite fun (but less effective than her native weapon in AA). 

If you consider your next promotions, mind that Caeda doesn't need dew to learn Wing Sword. The dew is needed only for the refinement (stat or flashing blade effect), the effectiveness against Cavs and armors comes for free. 


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I gave my Spd/Res Hana a slaying edge because she is a noble skilled with a katana, not a wrought fencing. L&D, Desperation, Luna, Heavy Blade works for her, I think.

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@mcsilas I'm overwhelmingly late and you've probably already made your decision. Been busy, never the less I'll still give my opinion!

That said, +HP/-DEF is... weird. 41 HP is nice but 20 DEF is pretty terrible. He's not going to be dealing very well with Distant Counter and without +SPD (or something like Darting Blow/Fury/Swift Sparrow) he's not going to be doubling all that much either. Life and Death would cripple his bulk even further to the point of being oneshot by some units.

Still, Dull Ranged isn't that great of a skill and not worth foddering off Morgan at *5, so my advice would be to sit on him and wait for a *4 with a better nature, then merge him up and build that one. With a nature like that he can't really take advantage of any of the niche builds I go for and the cookie cutter builds don't serve him all that well either unless you go for the generic Fury/Desp/SPD+3 seal combo.

Another suggestion would be to give him Windsweep or Watersweep (assuming you have the fodder) with the Phantom SPD seal and let him be a buff sniper. Still that's a really peculiar nature. I'm not entirely sure what to do with that.

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@Zeo hmm i’ll keep Watersweep in mind next time a Soren appears then. I alreqdy inherited Darting Blow so far just to clear barracks space, might as well use him since I can’t think of anyone needing Dull Ranged.

thanks for the input!

i’ll see if i can use him in GHBs like you do. I’m already addicted to doing dagger unit clears like the Raven and Lucius one haha. 

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Ok, not wanting to hijack the other topic, so I'll answer here instead. This was my original post in the Your Lowest Tier Heroes topic:

13 hours ago, mampfoid said:


Currently I'm trying to build a low tier team for special infernal clears. Not yet sure whom to take: 

1. Oliver

2. Berkut (alternatively Canas, Marisa)

3. FH!Takumi (alternatively Niles, Setsuna, Corrin)

4. Walhart (alternatively BB!Marth, S!Frederick (+DEF/-SPD))

The only reason to take Berkut over Canas was the possibility to run Tactic skills. My first idea was Oliver, Canas, FH!Takumi (his quotes aren't very inspiring though) and Frederick, but all infantry and ranged seemed a bit too difficult to run. 

Oliver will get a full new skill set, perhaps Blarblade. No idea for Berkut and Walhart so far. Takumi will get a new special and Flashing Blade seal. 

Tagging low tier experts @Zeo @NegativeExponents- 

7 hours ago, NegativeExponents- said:

@mampfoid Woah. I’m an expert in your eyes? That makes me so happy! I’ll try not disappoint.

Ha, of course! Who if not the guy who solos infernal maps with an unmerged Odin

Thanks for your response, very much appreciated. 

7 hours ago, NegativeExponents- said:

I like your thinking of turning this into a tactics team. Especially now that 3/4 of the tactics skills are easily available.

Unfortunately I only ever pulled one L'Arachel, who is +ATK and rocking my Wind Blessing team #1 currently. Spare Canas won't be sacrificed either, he is my only source of Rauðrowl+. Two Legaults are ready to get butchered and also both seals are fully upgraded. L!Lyn is a myth ... 

8 hours ago, NegativeExponents- said:

Your initial choice of units seem fine although I’m not sure if Walhart can be considered low tier due not yet actually being released yet and the fact that his base stats are basically the axe version of Horse Chrom and his weapon is solid.

Walhart is not fixed for this team, but Gamepedia lists him already B+ for Arena with only Gunter listed below him. I was going to promote him anyway, so I could give him a try on this team at least. Also he would complete a full team of GHB units. 

8 hours ago, NegativeExponents- said:

I’m not sure if you also wanted help with a build for Oliver but I’ll start with him. You mentioned Blarblade so I’ll focus on that.

I'm always open for suggestions, your input is welcome. 

I already considered Oliver for my only Close Counter fodder and he remains one of the top candidates. In the beginning I'll try him with a different A skill though. SPD tactics sound perfect for him, but I've never pulled a L!Lyn and also no Chill RES fodder is available. 

His vanilla A-Skill seems worth to try out with an PP set at least and Fury is an easy choice for most units and especially for blade mages. I have Distant Defense fodder available, I was thinking about an EP set with DD6/QR2 or DD3/Guard/QR3. 

8 hours ago, NegativeExponents- said:

Also it seems like you already have something planned for Takumi so I’ll be skipping over him.


I mentioned Fury + Skadi because he already comes with it and nothing obviously better came to mind. Fury + Skadi gives him respectable 40 SPD. With buffs that would give him the ability to run Flashing Blade + something like Draconic Aura or Ignis. 

8 hours ago, NegativeExponents- said:

Next in line is Berkut


I like your idea, but sadly neither Sumia nor L!Ephraim ever showed up in my barracks. I would have a Kaze though, also the seal is already at Level 3. Since next TTs will gift us a BK, Steady Stance or Close DEF (from a spare Sigurd) plus Slaying Lance+ would be an option.

Also Brave Lance+ plus Sturdy Blow would work for him. ATK/DEF2 would make him a worse copy of Finn though. 

8 hours ago, NegativeExponents- said:

Finally we reach Walhart


Even if I like unorthodox ways to use skills, Darting Stance on Walhart wouldn't work too well. It works on Shigure because he is so fast to naturally double most attackers with the help of DS3. Shigure has enough bulk to survive the first blow and heals a little with his special on the second blow. 

Walhart has enough DEF to invite attackers for two blows to charge his special. My idea was to give him Brazen ATK/DEF, since he'll take damage anyway when thrown into a bunch of enemies to profit from his weapon. Sadly my Ares count is still 1. Perhaps I would sacrifice him anyway since his nature is far from optimal and I've already grinded his HM to the max

Brazen, QR, Heavy Blade and Aether would complete a schizophrenic set, he would walk on a slim line to stay effective though. 

I would prefer RES tactic over ATK tactic on him, since he'll be alone from time to time and he shouldn't take the most important buff with him. 

8 hours ago, NegativeExponents- said:

I hope I was at least able to help you a little by giving you some of my ideas on how to build them.

Yeah, great help to think out of the box so far, big thanks! 

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53 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

SPD tactics sound perfect for him, but I've never pulled a L!Lyn and also no Chill RES fodder is available. 

Oh I yeah I figured you might not have that for Oliver since chill skills aren’t exactly common. Which is why I added that Death Blow + plus a breaker of choice would be pretty good substitutes. His A skill is definitely good too though with the added benefit of taking less magic damage. As for spd tactics, his atk ploy is already a great skill especially if you choose to run fury on him. He’ll be ploying just about everything.

53 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

I have Distant Defense fodder available, I was thinking about an EP set with DD6/QR2 or DD3/Guard/QR3. 

I must admit I don’t find an only-ranged tank as appealing as something like an only-melee tank but Oliver can certainly make that work.


I mentioned Fury + Skadi because he already comes with it and nothing obviously better came to mind. Fury + Skadi gives him respectable 40 SPD. With buffs that would give him the ability to run Flashing Blade + something like Draconic Aura or Ignis. 

That does seem good. The only thing I would find better than fury would be brazen atk/spd but fury is solid and cheap. Also, I don’t know what you plan on doing with the B slot but if it’s desperation then I would consider moonbow for instant proc assuming Flashing Blade activates.

53 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

Steady Stance or Close DEF (from a spare Sigurd) plus Slaying Lance+ would be an option.

Those would be good. I was thinking if you go with Close Def then Berkut’s Lance might be worth keeping on him for better dragon matchups.


Also Brave Lance+ plus Sturdy Blow would work for him. ATK/DEF2 would make him a worse copy of Finn though. 

Yeah, kinda the reason I didn’t bring it up. It just felt like anyone else could be doing that better.

53 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

Even if I like unorthodox ways to use skills, Darting Stance on Walhart wouldn't work too well. It works on Shigure because he is so fast to naturally double most attackers with the help of DS3. Shigure has enough bulk to survive the first blow and heals a little with his special on the second blow. 

Well, I was considering it with spd tactics in mind in which he’ll be reaching 39 spd which is good enough to avoid doubles from a lot of threats. Even without spd tactics Walhart can reach 37 spd if Wolf Berg is active which is pretty good too. Definitely more of a defensive measure than anything else.

1 hour ago, mampfoid said:

Brazen, QR, Heavy Blade and Aether would complete a schizophrenic set, he would walk on a slim line to stay effective though. 

I considered this but there is two reasons I didn’t mention it. The first was that I felt his role would be too similar to Berkut’s so I wanted to differentiate them. The second was that 53 (57 with Wolf Berg active) attack isn’t all that high to activate Heavy Blade consistently and his brazen won’t be active to help with that until he’s already taken some damage. It just felt like an unreliable set.

However, since you’re planning on giving him res tactic instead it suddenly becomes much more viable so I say roll with it if you want.

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I saw someone say brave bow is shit. Is it though? I consider it to be great weapon. But I'd like an experts opinion in case I'm being biased

EDIT: the person's justification was that everyone in arena has 50+ def

Edited by silveraura25
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1 hour ago, silveraura25 said:

I saw someone say brave bow is shit. Is it though? I consider it to be great weapon. But I'd like an experts opinion in case I'm being biased

EDIT: the person's justification was that everyone in arena has 50+ def

I'm not an expert, but I do not consider Brave Bow bad by any means. In fact, I enjoy having a Brave Bow.

Because LA!Roy and ASS!Takumi exist. 38 Base Atk from +Atk natures plus 7 from BB+, plus 6 from DB3, plus another 3 atk from an Attack +3 SS, PLUS Hone Cavalry/Hone Fliers/Atk Tactic/Odd Atk Wave comes up to 60 Attack from a single hit. Also consider the Desperation-Brash Assault combo, which while niche still makes a Brave Bow guaranteed 3 normal hits and 1 Luna-charged hit if the user gets below 50% HP.

While that person isn't exactly wrong, they aren't entirely correct either, because not everyone is running Ward Armor stacking, last I checked anyways. Maybe the difference in bulk is more evident at +10 merge, but even then I'm not entirely sure you'd even be using LA!Roy/ASS!Takumi in the Arena. Sure Brave Weaponry isn't quite as powerful as it once was, but that's not entirely the same as "trash".

If anything, the point I'd give against the Brave Bow is that because it can't get color advantages from anyone but Legendary Lyn, the Attack you see is the Attack you get, and outside of Spurs and Drives will never get higher.

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27 minutes ago, Xenomata said:

I'm not an expert, but I do not consider Brave Bow bad by any means. In fact, I enjoy having a Brave Bow.

Because LA!Roy and ASS!Takumi exist. 38 Base Atk from +Atk natures plus 7 from BB+, plus 6 from DB3, plus another 3 atk from an Attack +3 SS, PLUS Hone Cavalry/Hone Fliers/Atk Tactic/Odd Atk Wave comes up to 60 Attack from a single hit. Also consider the Desperation-Brash Assault combo, which while niche still makes a Brave Bow guaranteed 3 normal hits and 1 Luna-charged hit if the user gets below 50% HP.

While that person isn't exactly wrong, they aren't entirely correct either, because not everyone is running Ward Armor stacking, last I checked anyways. Maybe the difference in bulk is more evident at +10 merge, but even then I'm not entirely sure you'd even be using LA!Roy/ASS!Takumi in the Arena. Sure Brave Weaponry isn't quite as powerful as it once was, but that's not entirely the same as "trash".

If anything, the point I'd give against the Brave Bow is that because it can't get color advantages from anyone but Legendary Lyn, the Attack you see is the Attack you get, and outside of Spurs and Drives will never get higher.

Yeah. I was beginning to have my doubts about the person making valid points when they said that it's also trash because it has 7 might. "So low"they said. You're trading 5 might for an immediate extra attack! The person was in a discord channel so him being proven wrong by a community isn't going to happen

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12 minutes ago, silveraura25 said:

Yeah. I was beginning to have my doubts about the person making valid points when they said that it's also trash because it has 7 might. "So low"they said. You're trading 5 might for an immediate extra attack! The person was in a discord channel so him being proven wrong by a community isn't going to happen

The same can be said about all Brave weaponry, since all the best users tend to hover around the same Atk amounts of 38-41, yet still tend to have less Atk than someone using a normal 14/12 might weapon with 34-37 Base Atk.

It's just all bout that Atk stacking.

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