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Rinkah can be a pretty good unit, even with those IVs.

And Fates doesn't have that many axe units, so having Rinkah will be nice for modes like Limited Battles and AA.

People here gave some nice advices in how using her, but if you didn't like any of them... follow Vicious Sal's idea.

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Don't feather her, that's an even worse idea.

If you're not playing difficulties hard enough to even care about preserving your options, there's still no need to sacrifice her for mediocre resources. If she's not going to matter either way, just keep her for collection purposes, or just in case some sort of use comes up later for either her as a unit or her skills.

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15 minutes ago, Flying Shogi said:

Is there anywhere I can find which units correspond to which dates for weekly revival banners? Tried looking on Gamepedia but I couldn't find it. 

It was published in an in-game notification here, but it's probably more helpful to see it in graphical form courtesy of a helpful Redditor.


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14 hours ago, Othin said:

Don't feather her, that's an even worse idea.

If you're not playing difficulties hard enough to even care about preserving your options, there's still no need to sacrifice her for mediocre resources. If she's not going to matter either way, just keep her for collection purposes, or just in case some sort of use comes up later for either her as a unit or her skills.

I foddered my first Hilda for skills.  Of course Edelgard is better than her so my point is stronger units will see more use than bad IV units.


In Rinka's case I don't like her, I have better fates units and she's low on the keep list, even for collection purposes.  Those I whack up to level 40 and book.  Which is precisely what will happen to her.

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I keep them around in non-book form because of the possibility, admittedly slim, that they'll turn up as a combat manual at some point. While booking your original copy works fine if you later need them to fix a future pitybreaker (say you end up pulling a +Atk copy for example), if she turns up as a manual in exchange for Divine Codes/Ephemera instead you'll just end up with two manuals instead of a +1 unit.

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1 hour ago, Humanoid said:

I keep them around in non-book form because of the possibility, admittedly slim, that they'll turn up as a combat manual at some point. While booking your original copy works fine if you later need them to fix a future pitybreaker (say you end up pulling a +Atk copy for example), if she turns up as a manual in exchange for Divine Codes/Ephemera instead you'll just end up with two manuals instead of a +1 unit.

Yeah, that too.

Ultimately, it's up to you what you want to do. But that's my advice.

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14 hours ago, Humanoid said:

It was published in an in-game notification here, but it's probably more helpful to see it in graphical form courtesy of a helpful Redditor.

Thank you for sharing. Looking at the dates, I might try to get AotB!Celica to play with her refine but she's sword infantry so I'm less inclined to pull for that combination. November is a dangerous though. One banner I'm definitely pulling on and 2 other banners also interest me but they're back to back. Decisions, decisions...

Edited by Flying Shogi
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38 minutes ago, Dr. G said:

I understand that you don't need to pick a character from each banner. However, I am currently at max capacity for units in my roster. I am able to get rid of 3 and below starred units, but I cannot seem to get rid of higher star ranked units. I know it sounds bananas that someone would want to get rid of higher ranked units, but I do have a few duplicates, and I do want to make room for others. Does anyone know of anyway to thin one's roster a bit. I do think it is bs that the game doesn't at least give you the option to get rid of high leveled ones, especially if you have a duplicate that is higher than one you want to get rid off.

I will be responding here in this Thread as reminder to post questions here to help avoid cluttering the first page.

Additionally, to what @Glennstavos has said, if you do need to get rid of units, I recommend turning them into Combat Manuals. I do NOT recommend Sending Home units as the abysmal amount of Feathers you gain is not worth it. The average player can expect to gain at least 20,000 Feathers per week on average, so sending units home for 150, 300, and 1,000 Feathers is not a good idea when they are better utilized for Skill Inheritance. If you must Send Home units as an emergency measure for Feathers, Send Home 3* units first before you send 4* units home, since if you Send Home 4* units first, you will need to spend Feathers to promote 3* units to 4* later if you need them for Skill Inheritance, and that defeats the point of saving Feathers. I highly recommend keeping at least 40,000 Feathers as an emergency reserve so you do not have to Send Home units.

I also recommend keeping at least one copy of every free unit the game gives you. This includes all units that can be summoned with Grails and most units in the 3* and 4* pool. Most units in the 3* and 4* pool has been given away for free at one point or another. I recommend keeping every free unit the game gives you so that you can copy free guide videos on YouTube easily to obtain all rewards. It is important to keep the free units the game gives you because free units have Normalized Traits, which means they have no Assets nor Flaws, so their stats are "average"; free guide videos use units with Normalized Traits, so if you use a unit that deviates from that, it will impact how the AI move, and may make following the guide more difficult or impossible.

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Not FEH-specific but does anyone know of a screen recording app for Android that captures system audio that has the ability to eliminate background noise and also allows the user to hide the app/record icon while recording? I currently use DU Recorder and it does most of what I'm looking for but it captures background noise so I wanted to ask if there's an app with all of the listed functionalities. 

Edited by Flying Shogi
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I have two questions, first, do anyone know arena score calculator that takes the Duo effect into consideration? 

Also, I plan to make Duo Sigurd and Duo Byleth my merge projects to make them scoring bots, I also have Duo Micaiah, is it wise to make her scoring bot too? I feel like I should get physical unit instead as Duo Sigurd and Duo Byleth are already magic units and no guarantee the next arena bonus unit would be physical, but there is abundance of armors in higher scores, so is  it still wise ignoring the need for a physical one among my scoring bot and just go for Duo Micaiah? 

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3 hours ago, DraceEmpressa said:

I have two questions, first, do anyone know arena score calculator that takes the Duo effect into consideration? 

Yes, the the calculator takes Duo effect into consideration. You can test it out by giving a Duo unit and a unit from a similar Weapon and same movement class the same skill set.

3 hours ago, DraceEmpressa said:

Also, I plan to make Duo Sigurd and Duo Byleth my merge projects to make them scoring bots, I also have Duo Micaiah, is it wise to make her scoring bot too? I feel like I should get physical unit instead as Duo Sigurd and Duo Byleth are already magic units and no guarantee the next arena bonus unit would be physical, but there is abundance of armors in higher scores, so is  it still wise ignoring the need for a physical one among my scoring bot and just go for Duo Micaiah? 

If you can afford to, I recommend turning as many Duo units into scoring bots as you can. Most Duo units are pretty good in combat and most comes with great utility as well. BB!Miciah is a pretty decent Counter-Vantage unit as long as she lines up her Duo skill right; she can also be pretty strong as just a regular player phase unit if you just want to smash things via Desperation-Brash Assault. TSD!Sigurd is a cavalry Dancer/Singer, and that alone warrants decent investment, and his Duo skill can be useful to help deal with Heavy Traps in Aether Raids.

Edited by XRay
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4 minutes ago, XRay said:

Yes, the the calculator takes Duo effect into consideration. You can test it out by giving a Duo unit and a unit from a similar Weapon and same movement class the same skill set.

If you can afford to, I recommend turning as many Duo units into scoring bots as you can. Most Duo units are pretty good in combat and most comes with great utility as well.

Um, I'm talking about external, non official calculator sites, not about how arena itself work. I've tried calculating using this site 


and it doesn't have the option to consider duo effect. Do you know any sites that calculates like that do consider duo effects? or I'm missing something as to how use the site? Because when I customize the BST, the calculator automatically equips R Duel Flying on Duo Byleth. 

Well, first, I don't have that much of  budget, secondary, I dont' like using infantries, armor, and close range units, I greatly prefer  ranged player phase cavs and fliers with high speed as duo units  that have both def and res high are rare, which is why I'm asking should I wait for a ranged physical duo unit or I should just go with Duo Micaiah bc the abundance of armors in higher tier. 

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17 minutes ago, DraceEmpressa said:

Um, I'm talking about external, non official calculator sites, not about how arena itself work. I've tried calculating using this site 


and it doesn't have the option to consider duo effect. Do you know any sites that calculates like that do consider duo effects? or I'm missing something as to how use the site? Because when I customize the BST, the calculator automatically equips R Duel Flying on Duo Byleth. 

Yes, I am talking about that calculator. You can simply test it out by putting in BB!Micaiah, put in any gen III mage flier, give them both the same skill set, and compare the scoring difference.

17 minutes ago, DraceEmpressa said:

Well, first, I don't have that much of  budget, secondary, I dont' like using infantries, armor, and close range units, I greatly prefer  ranged player phase cavs and fliers with high speed as duo units  that have both def and res high are rare, which is why I'm asking should I wait for a ranged physical duo unit or I should just go with Duo Micaiah bc the abundance of armors in higher tier. 

For Arena specifically, I would go with TSD!Sigurd. Being able to properly player phase in Arena makes a pretty big difference to make the mode easier.

I personally have no issue dealing with armor units or bulky units in general, so I never found the need to use Effective Weapons. To deal with high bulk enemies, if I cannot take it down with a raw damage nuke, I chip away at it with a Firesweeper until the raw damage nuke can kill it.

I would only go with BB!Micaiah if you have issues with taking down armor units but you do not need the extra mobility.

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13 hours ago, Flying Shogi said:

Not FEH-specific but does anyone know of a screen recording app for Android that captures system audio that has the ability to eliminate background noise and also allows the user to hide the app/record icon while recording? I currently use DU Recorder and it does most of what I'm looking for but it captures background noise so I wanted to ask if there's an app has all of the listed functionality. 

I would check the functions of your phone and see if there's a built-in app that lets you do this. If you are using a Samsung phone, it has a Game Tools app that lets you record with no visible icon (you have to enter the slidedown menu to stop the recording), no background noise that I've ever noticed, and no noticeable quality drops. It's actually what I use when recording my runs of Hero Battles.

...course this only applies if your phone even has such a feature, but it's worth a look. I used to use DU Recorder myself until I discovered the Game Tools.

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20 minutes ago, XRay said:

Yes, I am talking about that calculator. You can simply test it out by putting in BB!Micaiah, put in any gen III mage flier, give them both the same skill set, and compare the scoring difference.

For Arena specifically, I would go with TSD!Sigurd. Being able to properly player phase in Arena makes a pretty big difference to make the mode easier.

I personally have no issue dealing with armor units or bulky units in general, so I never found the need to use Effective Weapons. To deal with high bulk enemies, if I cannot take it down with a raw damage nuke, I chip away at it with a Firesweeper until the raw damage nuke can kill it.

I would only go with BB!Micaiah if you have issues with taking down armor units but you do not need the extra mobility.

Aight, now I know how to do it, thanks

Well, as I said before, I already plan to max merge Duo Sigurd and Duo Byleth (already have one copy of Duo Sigurd and my Duo Byleth is already +4 ), and I do consider waiting for another bow duo unit, you are saying it's indeed the better option? (I don't want to use Duo marth, that was an armor) 

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@DraceEmpressa@XRay I did a quick test out of curiosity by using Duo Alm and Echidna, both 172 BST, stripped both completely naked and was shocked to find they scored the same. Then I fiddled around a bit more and found out the calculator hacks the Duo scoring boost by attaching it to the A-skill, no matter what it is.

This can be verified by changing them both from a blank set then giving them something straightforward like Fury 3. Worth 200SP, it gives Echidna the expected +4 score, but gives Alm a whopping +10, reflecting the 3 BST bin upgrade from going to 172 to 185.

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10 minutes ago, DraceEmpressa said:

Well, as I said before, I already plan to max merge Duo Sigurd and Duo Byleth (already have one copy of Duo Sigurd and my Duo Byleth is already +4 ), and I do consider waiting for another bow duo unit, you are saying it's indeed the better option? (I don't want to use Duo marth, that was an armor) 

BB!Micaiah is not a bad option for a scoring in Arena, but I do not think armor Effectiveness is necessary. She can help the bonus unit score a kill, but I do not think most bonus units need that much help either these days unless you are using Anna or another unit with abysmal Atk.

The biggest threats in Arena are high mobility units like GA!Lucina, UOT!Leif, CE!Chrom, etc. In terms of combat performance, those units are pretty decent on player phase, but they are nowhere near nuclear power houses like SK!Alm and Ophelia. The issue with GA!Lucina and units like her is that their extremely high mobility allows them to catch players off guard and snipe a squishy unit in the back.

I personally would not use BB!Micaiah as an Arena core since my main issue in Arena is not killing units, and my main issue is to avoid being caught pantsless by those aforementioned units, mostly GA!Lucina and CE!Chrom. UOT!Leif is not too bad for me since he is pretty predictable as long as he does not initiate on you. GA!Lucina and CE!Chrom are very unpredictable since I cannot really tell when they are going use their positioning Assist and when they do not.

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1 hour ago, Xenomata said:

I would check the functions of your phone and see if there's a built-in app that lets you do this. If you are using a Samsung phone, it has a Game Tools app that lets you record with no visible icon (you have to enter the slidedown menu to stop the recording), no background noise that I've ever noticed, and no noticeable quality drops. It's actually what I use when recording my runs of Hero Battles.

...course this only applies if your phone even has such a feature, but it's worth a look. I used to use DU Recorder myself until I discovered the Game Tools.

I actually am using a Samsung device but it doesn't seem like I can upgrade my OS version to get Game Tools. Thanks for the tip though. Will look into this whenever I decide to get a new phone. 

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Heh, actually, I thought that ballroom dancing was the perfect case for armored dancing since it's supposed to be slow and methodical (also, those huge, layered skirtspotentially with armored framework, at least for the ladies...and Forrest, I guess.)

@Fire Emblem Fan

Heh. If he did become a dancer, I'd actually like to see him in something more comfortable or formal or something. Mix it up -- movement and weapon type, too. Let him have his base movement/weapon type in his base version.

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