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Beautiful Hero Battle: Oliver


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34 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

I'm honestly not sure why the developers thought giving the green mage Glimmer of all things was a good idea. That's like literally the worst possible special skill to use when there are fortification tiles around.

The ironic part is that Clair cant solo Lunatic because of the Axe unit. So swaping it out for a mage/dragonstone user kinda made it easier for Clair lulz

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Hector made Hard/Lunatic a walk in the park.

For Infernal however I needed to drink a SP but I eventually figured it out. I used Julia,BLyn, BAzura and Genny and through a lot of nifty moves and very good timing I managed to beat it.

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This was fairly easy. Beat infernal the second time around (Dorcas got ohko by Oliver the first time :facepalm:)



Idk why IS decided a trench tile on the enemy side would be a good idea but it’s the reason I can use Fir to take down the dragon stone user so whatever.

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Muscled the Lunatic map blind with horses, but having seen the map proceeded to switch to Flier Emblem for Infernal, no problems whatsoever for either team. I know it's a thing to call every new map the easiest one yet, but this didn't even require any complex strategies or cheese, just standard dance-repositioning 101 like it was April 2017.

In hindsight I should have skipped Lunatic because I don't need a duplicate of another mediocre unit in my nearly-full barracks but oh well. Will leave the 3-star version for the rerun.

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11 minutes ago, Humanoid said:

but this didn't even require any complex strategies or cheese

To be fair, none of them require any complex strategies or cheese. You can always just throw Peri at the mess and watch her come back out looking bloody and adorable and with a bundle of heads tied to her lance.

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Damn, if I just had the B skill from winter Tharja I could do infernal on solo with Sheena =/. Noo >-< Damn you Christmas banner. I hope I have more luck on reissue. Or some other unit with this skill will be released. 

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49 minutes ago, NegativeExponents- said:

This was fairly easy. Beat infernal the second time around (Dorcas got ohko by Oliver the first time :facepalm:)

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Idk why IS decided a trench tile on the enemy side would be a good idea but it’s the reason I can use Fir to take down the dragon stone user so whatever.

well its there to prevent prolly those Galeforce Cavalier tactics or so, but they hindered themself. Those Tiles made it alot easier because the Saphire Cavalier couldnt reach anything lol

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Hard could be done with most anything I have. Think I cleared with 4* units like Hawkeye (5* Chrom literally went unused).

Lunatic had me using 4* Barst (No Brave Axe, has Axebreaker), 5* Julia (G!Tomebreaker, Reposition), Fjorm (Reposition) and Bride!Lyn (WS!Candlelight). Barst took a lot of damage, but kept on trucking with help from Brave!Lyn, Fjorm is well able to take opponents out and Julia barely got involved because of me letting all the enemies through.

Infernal is actually quite concerning, partly because Arvis is 1 speed short of 1-rounding (I think) the manakete with Valflame, Uror boosts and DaB. The one problem I need to solve is the first turn of tanking, it might take me a bit.

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I can confirm what Hilda said, a Bridelia solo in Infernal is possible because of that cavalier and the terrain lol. Not too hard, although I had to build speed on Bridelia with Seals to quad the Manakete (Damn Drive Spd, that cavalier is the Obstacle.jpg of this map IMO)


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Whenever Rafiel gets added to the game, they should make it so that putting Rafiel in range of Oliver walking up to him on Infernal (without getting Rafiel killed by the mooks) recruits you another 1-star copy of Oliver for infinite Oliver farming.

I just realized I should really give Escape Route to my Peri for these things for even more teleportation shenanigans. That would also have let Peri get herself back over the cattle gates.


Also, I'd like to see them do a challenge map at some point where every enemy has Obstruct 3 in their Sacred Seal slot just for the lulz.

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Oliver vs Askrtrio & Fjorm Infernal!

No skill Inheritance
F2P Five Star units: Askrunits upgraded to 5 Star and Fjorm as an arward from Book II
You can replace the +2 Attack Sacred Seal by giving Fjorm Summoner Suppoert S and ally support with Alfonse or Anna, which lets her still kill the Red Tome user

as allwaye enjoy!


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Okay, done and done. 1 is for main account, 2 is for second account.


For Lunatic I used-

1. Hector, Fjorm, Axura, Katarina- Hector deals with Oliver. Fjorm deals with red mage, and face tanks lance cavalier. Katarina snipes the axe guy.

2. Hector, Lilina with Axebreaker, Fanlivia Delthea- Hector baits Oliver. Lilina finishes axe guy. Delthea deletes reds and Lance cavalier because of Lancebreaker.


For Infernal I used:

1. Halloween Henry, Axura, Bridelia, Katarina- I don't know the steps in detail but it just worked out because of AI patterns that I didn't expect. Bridelia needed Draw Back, and started with lance cavalier, then retreating after a dance. Then everyone just retreated. Katarina deals with manakete, Bridelia finishes her battle with lance cavalier, Henry baits the sword to the left, and finishes the sword with an Iceberg after some help with Katarina. Neutral Bridelia duels with Oliver and barely survives with 4 HP on the fort tile (darn Oliver's Quick Riposte).

2. Sanaki, Deirdre, Delthea, Fanlivia- This was interesting- mage + dancer comp. Sanaki initiates by dealing with manakete, then being danced, and using Draw Back to keep Olivia safe. Then it was a retreating tactic- letting the enemies come to me. Deirdre and Delthea on the left side meant they baited the green mage and manakete to the left while Sanaki on the right baited the red mage, Oliver and the lance cavalier. I had to dance Sanaki to the left, so she could deal with green mage (bless her Triangle Adept- a battle with red mage meant she had 2 HP left but she took 0 damage from green mage). Deirdre finished the manakete with Divine Naga, then had to move to the right to battle Oliver. Delthea dealt with swordie on the left, then also had to move right to finish off the red mage and lance cavalier. It was getting tight on the right side though, but thanks to Sanaki tanking green mage, I had just enough space to move Delthea and Deirdre to the right out of harm's way from the green mage. Delthea finished the red mage (but had 4 HP left thanks to red mages special- I had to let red mage attack Delthea so her Draconic Aura could activate). Deirdre shrugged off Oliver (thank goodness for +Res), and with Olivia's dance, also finished off the lance cavalier.

To be honest I was cutting it close since I was running out of room to move but it worked out in the end, thanks to my Res tanks- especially Deirdre.

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21 minutes ago, Hilda said:

Oliver vs Askrtrio & Fjorm Infernal!

No skill Inheritance
F2P Five Star units: Askrunits upgraded to 5 Star and Fjorm as an arward from Book II

How important is the +3 Spd from blessings on every Askran for this clear?

Edited by Vaximillian
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Hard and Lunatic was child's play with my Matthew team. Infernal gave me a little trouble and I got impatient after a couple failures so I beat it with Reinhardt/B!Lyn/Olivia/Nino.

...Then I got annoyed and knew I could beat it with my main team, so I tried again. @Soul~! @Hilda @mcsilas @eclipse @Vaximillian @Rafiel's Aria @Nosmur @Rezzy @DefaultBeep @Kaden @Johann

I finally remembered how to record again. This is what my Matthew is capable of. And this is why I don't go -RES.


Edited by Zeo
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6 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

How important is the +3 Spd from blessings on every Askran for this clear?

not at all because there is no Water Season now so they dont get any bonus at all from Fjorm, currently its wind and earth season. If you look at their stats you see they dont have thte +3 HP and +3 Spd Fjorms Blessing would give them in water season

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5 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

@Zeo Wow nicely done! Based Matthew the MVP! Nice use of Physic as well!

Also interesting how the lance cavalier was the last enemy, when a lot of posts I've read initiated by dealing with the lance cavalier first.

I should probably record my runs next time.

The irony of that was that my initial run (as well as my Hard/Lunatic clears) had me go up the right like most other people and clip the cav first, problem was everyone dogpiled on the team and the narrow space prevented them from being able to deal with it, more Oliver than anything.

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11 minutes ago, Hilda said:

not at all because there is no Water Season now so they dont get any bonus at all from Fjorm, currently its wind and earth season. If you look at their stats you see they dont have thte +3 HP and +3 Spd Fjorms Blessing would give them in water season

Alright, thanks for reminding me that I’m dumb. Your tactic worked after I gave Alfonse the Hone Spd 3 seal. Anna didn’t double the green mage otherwise. This is most definitely because of our different support configurations. Does your Sharena support Anna?

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1 minute ago, Vaximillian said:

Alright, thanks for reminding me that I’m dumb. Your tactic worked after I gave Alfonse the Hone Spd 3 seal. Anna didn’t double the green mage otherwise. This is most definitely because of our different support configurations. Does your Sharena support Anna?

my Sharena S Supports Anna yes! I should have mentioned that. I should get around and give Alfonse and Fjorm their Supports ¬.¬

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2 hours ago, Zeo said:

Hard and Lunatic was child's play with my Matthew team. Infernal gave me a little trouble and I got impatient after a couple failures so I beat it with Reinhardt/B!Lyn/Olivia/Nino.

...Then I got annoyed and knew I could beat it with my main team, so I tried again. @Soul~! @Hilda @mcsilas @eclipse @Vaximillian @Rafiel's Aria @Nosmur @Rezzy @DefaultBeep @Kaden @Johann

I finally remembered how to record again. This is what my Matthew is capable of. And this is why I don't go -RES.


Congrats!  I just managed to finish off Infernal with Bridelia, Nino, Eirika, and Ninian.  I did the first two with my Flier Emblem team, but I couldn't do Infernal, since I couldn't pull/kill the Manakete without getting swarmed.

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