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Grand Hero Battle: Lyon


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This one took a skill inherit and a Lv. 3 seal, but it amused me so...

  • 4* Olivia: neutral, no inheritance, no seal.
  • 4* Lissa: neutral, no inheritance, Hone Spd 2 seal.
  • 5* Valter: neutral, Drag Back inheritance, Squad Ace E 3 seal.
  • 5* Marth (Enigmatic Blade): neutral, no inheritance, Spur Spd 1 seal.



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12 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

@DefaultBeep Wow that are some expensive skills on her. I was like "what the hell is he doing leaving her exposed to that Cav" because I didn't realize Clarisse had CC until then. 

Very original clear, but why does your Lucina has got less than 1k HM? 

Heh, I’ve been willing to invest a lot in her lately. I happened to have a Takumi laying around that I didn’t really care about but couldn’t find a good use for, and when I started thinking of build ideas for her, I realized how fun a CC Clarisse could be. My end goal is to give her Seal Def and Def Smoke as well, but... Def Smoke doesn’t actually exist in the game yet, so I’m making do with Poison Strike and Atk Smoke (thanks extra CYL Lyn~) until it’s added.

I... haven’t really used CYL Lucina much, honestly. I got her back on the CYL banner, but I never had a true need or place for her until I started on CC Clarisse. She still doesn’t even have a B skill (or enough SP to get one), if that gives you any idea of how unfortunately neglected she’s been.

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Took too many stamina potions, but I beat Infernal with Newzura, Newmilla, Valter and With!Nowi.

Took too much planning, time and I can't explain right now.

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@DefaultBeep I loved it. In a few ways she's like my ideal Matthew because she's got Seal ATK/SPD built into her weapon. The Distant DEF seal + ATK Smoke 3 is fantastic, you killed a Brave Lyn for that. I really wish I could do the same. She was poetry in motion and honestly, it makes me look at Clarisse in a way I hadn't before. I liked her but I didn't really see where she shined. Good stuff, glad I could inspire someone.

@Hilda I never don't love watching that Clair, she just trivializes everything. If I liked her a lot as a character I'd probably +10 her myself (I've pulled like 5-7 Clairs) but I doubt it'll happen. I really have to like a character to do that.

@mcsilas @eclipse @mampfoid @Soul~! @Rafiel's Aria @Arcanite  Anyways, I'm late but I did it, and I won't pretend that it was easy or that I aced it. I burned through a lot more stamina potions than I care to admit and hit my head against the wall multiple times trying to find out how to clear this with my Matthew team. I could have beat it easy with a meta team, I have plenty of units who could have smoked it, but I wanted to do it with my team, and so I did. After multiple strategies trying to see what worked, turned out it was as simple as giving Matthew Ignis and Desperation, and slapping the QP Seal on Inigo. It really made me want to facepalm. But enough of that. Here's my Infernal Lyon clear with my Hero team. 


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21 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

Don't know if this was posted before, but this is impressive. 1 turn Infernal GHB clear using Flier Emblem + Galeforce (feat. Galeforce Skyzura)


Uh I love these one-turns. I wonder how many merges Elincia had. The second Airzura had Brave+ equipped. 

Here the equipped skills, perhaps I'll try to copy that for fun. 

11 minutes ago, Zeo said:

@DefaultBeep I loved it. In a few ways she's like my ideal Matthew because she's got Seal ATK/SPD built into her weapon. The Distant DEF seal + ATK Smoke 3 is fantastic, you killed a Brave Lyn for that. I really wish I could do the same. She was poetry in motion and honestly, it makes me look at Clarisse in a way I hadn't before. I liked her but I didn't really see where she shined. Good stuff, glad I could inspire someone.

@Hilda I never don't love watching that Clair, she just trivializes everything. If I liked her a lot as a character I'd probably +10 her myself (I've pulled like 5-7 Clairs) but I doubt it'll happen. I really have to like a character to do that.

@mcsilas @eclipse @mampfoid @Soul~! @Rafiel's Aria @Arcanite  Anyways, I'm late but I did it, and I won't pretend that it was easy or that I aced it. I burned through a lot more stamina potions than I care to admit and hit my head against the wall multiple times trying to find out how to clear this with my Matthew team. I could have beat it easy with a meta team, I have plenty of units who could have smoked it, but I wanted to do it with my team, and so I did. After multiple strategies trying to see what worked, turned out it was as simple as giving Matthew Ignis and Desperation, and slapping the QP Seal on Inigo. It really made me want to facepalm. But enough of that. Here's my Infernal Lyon clear with my Hero team. 


Thanks for tagging me, I'm beginning to become a real fan of your team! I never got Indigo myself (and I'm not going to snipe on a legendary banner either), but he seems real helpful in this one. 

@DefaultBeep ATK smoke seems already pretty good, it lets her use CC without dying immediately. 

Poor Lucina, she is perhaps the least spectacular CYL unit, but I enjoyed to play her a lot. She is strong of her own, but also a great support. 

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Used Omni H's strategy and beat the thing with Takumi and his cheerleader squad (3 Olivias). Had some initial trouble setting it up, because the green manakete kept acting strangely, but I was able to overcome it eventually. Lunatic and Hard were laughably easy with that team too.

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Here is my playthrough. This is my 2nd try. The key is if you kill Lyon as fast as possible, his reinforcement will stop. On 1st try, I'm not sure that my S!Gaius can tank Lyon's hit so it end up that my team beat all his reinforcement until Lyon die. 

Hope you guys enjoy, this is my very first upload on Youtube.

@Zeo your Matthew is amazing, I like to use dagger unit too. Maybe, I'll build normal Gaius or Sothe to be kill leader sometimes.

Edited by Ginko
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Infernal complete with only Sacred stones units. Told you I'd do it. Eirika and L'arachel have bladetomes instead of their normal weapons. (I might record a video of it if I can be bothered to)


Edited by Korath88
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Whewww!!!! That was intense!

After trying several different approaches to this map (and failing horribly), I settled on semi-flier emblem. 3 fliers + 1 healer.

H!Nowi = Does what she always does. Gets buffed up to +6/+6/+6/+6 and murders everything with raurblade
NY! Azura = Flier Emblem Buffs and Dance Support
Hinoka = Brave Lance + Deathblow build. Flier Emblem Buffs.
Lucius = By far and away my most competent staff user, and the one that will almost always get the nod if I feel like I need a healer for a particularly tough map. Wings of Mercy support build.

I actually tinkered out a slightly new Witchy Nowi build in the process of clearing this map.

H! Nowi Bane/Boon = (+Spd/-Def)
Life and Death
Fortify Fliers
SS = Heavy Blade

Crit Machine Nowi. For when that bulky blue unit facing a red mage absolutely has to go down in one round.

...Heavy Blade is going to proc against damn near everything with life and death and attack at +6 from a hone fliers buff.

Everything dies.


Edited by Shoblongoo
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5 hours ago, Zeo said:

@DefaultBeep I loved it. In a few ways she's like my ideal Matthew because she's got Seal ATK/SPD built into her weapon. The Distant DEF seal + ATK Smoke 3 is fantastic, you killed a Brave Lyn for that. I really wish I could do the same. She was poetry in motion and honestly, it makes me look at Clarisse in a way I hadn't before. I liked her but I didn't really see where she shined. Good stuff, glad I could inspire someone.

@mcsilas @eclipse @mampfoid @Soul~! @Rafiel's Aria @Arcanite  Anyways, I'm late but I did it, and I won't pretend that it was easy or that I aced it. I burned through a lot more stamina potions than I care to admit and hit my head against the wall multiple times trying to find out how to clear this with my Matthew team. I could have beat it easy with a meta team, I have plenty of units who could have smoked it, but I wanted to do it with my team, and so I did. After multiple strategies trying to see what worked, turned out it was as simple as giving Matthew Ignis and Desperation, and slapping the QP Seal on Inigo. It really made me want to facepalm. But enough of that. Here's my Infernal Lyon clear with my Hero team. 


Thanks, I'm honored that you thought it was good! I probably would've stuck with her base Threaten Def normally, but I ended up getting a second CYL Lyn on the first 8% banner, and I had a hard time resisting the idea once I thought of it, haha. She's easily the character I've invested in most at this point, considering she's the only +3 5-star I have, and a Takumi, CYL Lyn, and Ike have all had to donate their skills, but it's being able to do things like this with underappreciated units that make it feel worth it. Now if only they would skip these other GHBs and rerun her faster so I can give her more merges...

And your run was awesome as always! I'm especially impressed by how he was able to take on Lyon so well; I must admit I'm a bit jealous, since he was the biggest thing that gave me trouble to figure out. And don't worry, I won't ask how many potions it took you to clear, because I'm a bit embarrassed by how many I spent as well...

4 hours ago, mampfoid said:

ATK smoke seems already pretty good, it lets her use CC without dying immediately. 

Poor Lucina, she is perhaps the least spectacular CYL unit, but I enjoyed to play her a lot. She is strong of her own, but also a great support. 

Atk Smoke is certainly still nice for now, but it doesn't really give much of an improvement in comparison, I feel. When refined, Clarisse's Bow+ essentially has Seal Atk/Spd 2 plus Atk/Spd Smoke 2, so Atk Smoke 3 only lets her take slightly less damage from enemies around her target. I normally run CYL Lucina with the Spur Def Seal as well (which I really need to upgrade to 3 soon) which helps her Def out already, so the effective +7 boost to Atk that Seal Def/Def Smoke gives would be really nice. But Atk Smoke does still help her survivability a bit, it helps her Arena score slightly, and I didn't really know what to do with the extra CYL Lyn anyway, so she's keeping it for now, heh.

I've started to appreciate her more now that I've been using her lately. Mine is unfortunately -Atk (could've cleared this without the Atk+3 Seal if she wasn't...), but +Spd is fun, and she has a good mix of attack, speed, and bulk to her, plus her amazing support potential. Whenever she comes back on a banner, I'm definitely gonna try to pull a few more of her, so she can be more effective in the Arena (and match Clarisse a bit better~).

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45 minutes ago, DefaultBeep said:

When refined, Clarisse's Bow+ essentially has Seal Atk/Spd 2 plus Atk/Spd Smoke 2, so Atk Smoke 3 only lets her take slightly less damage from enemies around her target.

I wasn't aware of her refinement, that's a little redundant with ATK smoke indeed. 

45 minutes ago, DefaultBeep said:

I've started to appreciate her more now that I've been using her lately. Mine is unfortunately -Atk (could've cleared this without the Atk+3 Seal if she wasn't...), but +Spd is fun, and she has a good mix of attack, speed, and bulk to her, plus her amazing support potential.

ATK bane is awful, there is always that itching question how good she could have been without that. 

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If anyone is having trouble with infernal, apparently you can beat it with Fjorm (neutral), BH Lyn (neutral), 4* Olivia (neutral), and a level 1 Hana. Hana is mostly just there, but it kind of looks like she does get used to bait the armors later. I bet you could substitute Hana for any other level 1 red or maybe any level 1 unit.


Edited by Kaden
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Here's my Infernal run and the units used:

-Reinhardt +1(+atk -res) with Dire Thunder, Reposition, Blazing Thunder, Death Blow 3, Lancebreaker 3, Hone Speed 3, +1 atk (SS);

-Arvis +2(Neutral obv) with Valflame, Ardent Sacrifice, Iceberg, Swift Sparrow, Recover Ring, Def Ploy 3, Brash Assault 1 (SS, useless in this run, a DD3 seal would have worked better);

-Deirdre (+Def -Hp) with Divine Naga, Ardent Sacrifice, Glacies, +Speed 1, Quick Risposte 3, Speed Ploy 3, Atk ploy 3 (SS)

-Ninian (the usual one, with crappy IV's and skills)


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7 hours ago, Zeo said:

@DefaultBeep I loved it. In a few ways she's like my ideal Matthew because she's got Seal ATK/SPD built into her weapon. The Distant DEF seal + ATK Smoke 3 is fantastic, you killed a Brave Lyn for that. I really wish I could do the same. She was poetry in motion and honestly, it makes me look at Clarisse in a way I hadn't before. I liked her but I didn't really see where she shined. Good stuff, glad I could inspire someone.

@Hilda I never don't love watching that Clair, she just trivializes everything. If I liked her a lot as a character I'd probably +10 her myself (I've pulled like 5-7 Clairs) but I doubt it'll happen. I really have to like a character to do that.

@mcsilas @eclipse @mampfoid @Soul~! @Rafiel's Aria @Arcanite  Anyways, I'm late but I did it, and I won't pretend that it was easy or that I aced it. I burned through a lot more stamina potions than I care to admit and hit my head against the wall multiple times trying to find out how to clear this with my Matthew team. I could have beat it easy with a meta team, I have plenty of units who could have smoked it, but I wanted to do it with my team, and so I did. After multiple strategies trying to see what worked, turned out it was as simple as giving Matthew Ignis and Desperation, and slapping the QP Seal on Inigo. It really made me want to facepalm. But enough of that. Here's my Infernal Lyon clear with my Hero team. 


I am allways impressed by how much Bulk Mathew provides to your Team and how much hits he can take. Nice catch on the Mega Man X theme at the end when Genny was blasting everything away with her Genny-Blaster!!

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17 hours ago, Zangetsu said:

What about exclusive Dark Tomes like Goteia. Granted it's not available yet, but is it really fair just to be behind only one color? Should they really be treated like the other legendaries?

It's as fair as Garm being locked to green or Omega Yato being locked to red.

The only dark magic that I can see not being red is Loptyr for the same reason that Naga is not blue. However, that would also mean that Loptyr runs off of the Rexcalibur line and not the Fenrir line, just like Naga.

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7 hours ago, Zeo said:

@DefaultBeep I loved it. In a few ways she's like my ideal Matthew because she's got Seal ATK/SPD built into her weapon. The Distant DEF seal + ATK Smoke 3 is fantastic, you killed a Brave Lyn for that. I really wish I could do the same. She was poetry in motion and honestly, it makes me look at Clarisse in a way I hadn't before. I liked her but I didn't really see where she shined. Good stuff, glad I could inspire someone.

@Hilda I never don't love watching that Clair, she just trivializes everything. If I liked her a lot as a character I'd probably +10 her myself (I've pulled like 5-7 Clairs) but I doubt it'll happen. I really have to like a character to do that.

@mcsilas @eclipse @mampfoid @Soul~! @Rafiel's Aria @Arcanite  Anyways, I'm late but I did it, and I won't pretend that it was easy or that I aced it. I burned through a lot more stamina potions than I care to admit and hit my head against the wall multiple times trying to find out how to clear this with my Matthew team. I could have beat it easy with a meta team, I have plenty of units who could have smoked it, but I wanted to do it with my team, and so I did. After multiple strategies trying to see what worked, turned out it was as simple as giving Matthew Ignis and Desperation, and slapping the QP Seal on Inigo. It really made me want to facepalm. But enough of that. Here's my Infernal Lyon clear with my Hero team. 

Oh, that is hilarious!  Never thought I'd see the day where Matthew tanks a -raven and lives to tell about it!

I already did the "Leon takes out Lyon's forces", though. :P:

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1 hour ago, Kaden said:

If anyone is having trouble with infernal, apparently you can beat it with Fjorm (neutral), BH Lyn (neutral), 4* Olivia (neutral), and a level 1 Hana. Hana is mostly just there, but it kind of looks like she does get used to bait the armors later. I bet you could substitute Hana for any other level 1 red or maybe any level 1 unit.


Not really sure why they didn't take out the last armor a turn sooner, but still, very impressive. Yeah, I'd imagine Hana is just for baiting and with maybe a few very, very rare and very, very awkwardly built exceptions, I can't imagine the AI prioritizing anyone else over the level 1 character.

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After I don't know how many tries (maybe even 10 stamina pots) I finally did it. Tried PM1's guide as always, but this time something worked different, even using the other option units that he said. Finally I completed it using BH!Lyn, Elise, Eprhaim and PA!Azura. If I'm not remembering wrong, I started attacking the blue manakete and Lyn did almost all the job, except for Lyon, the blue mage and the red horse which were killed by Ephraim (or maybe one of them was killed by Elise when survived with 1 hp)

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I grabbed the 3* Lyon and one 4* Lyon. His worth as skill fodder is terrible in my eyes so I won’t bother with Infernal. I won’t use him anyway. If I change my mind, it’ll get a rerun later so no worries. 

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