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4 minutes ago, WraithReborn said:

My reaction:

I'm not finding these videos. I don't get these kinds of recs.

How did you then?

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11 minutes ago, Dayni said:

I'm not finding these videos. I don't get these kinds of recs.

How did you then?

“He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster. And if you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.”

- Friedrich Nietzsche

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I don't remember where I read it, but I sometimes had a chuckle on this phrase (likely paraphrased at this point) inspired by it:

"He who fights monsters sometimes doesn't have the time to become one himself."

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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6 hours ago, lightcosmo said:

Some hopes for the time (if) we get a XCX port:

Balance out the skills.


Some changes to the weapon types

Let me go through this point-by-point. Since it is a lot.

6 hours ago, lightcosmo said:

(CC comes to mind, obv)

Core Crusher? Yeah, if it's part of the metagame as I've seen it described, nerf it. I like the idea of giving each Attribute its own offense-related, non-50% Boost Skill, but Ether would be more balanced if Core Crusher was nerfed.

The issue apparently is that it multiples damage as opposed to being an additive percentage like practically every other Skill, which could be quickly and easy fixed. Perhaps alter its compatibility with Appendage Crushers as well. Although, I also think Core Crusher needs more drawback, as is, appendages don't break that easily or seem like they do that much good. The damage boost from Core Crusher too greatly exceeds the costs, unless you're farming a drop that you can only get or get more frequently by breaking a particular part.

For the other Attribute related non-Boost Skills. We have: 

  • Conducive Strike- 300% more Electric damage to enemies inflicted with Shock.

...And that's it. Heatseeker exists for a 100% critical chance boost on enemies inflicted with Blaze -except it doesn't demand Thermal damage. I think Conducive Strike is mostly fine. For Heatseeker ...how much damage do critical hits even do? Conducive Strike and an improved Thermal-only Heatseeker would need to be balanced in part around how much damage criticals deal. Conducive Strike should offer a bonus slightly weaker than guaranteed critical hits, since even with a 100% chance boost, I doubt every hit would be critical.

For other Attribute-exclusive Skills, some ideas.:

  • Gravity- Gravity does involve the manipulation of space. And we have three Arts (Gravity Blast on Raygun, Starlight Kick and Gravity Lunge on Psycho Launchers) with Gravity affixed as their Attribute that can inflict Topple.
    • So... how about...  “Gravity Shift”- "Gravity attacks have a 33% chance of inflicting Stagger"? 
      • Sure Stagger does almost nothing in itself, just a very brief stunning of the enemy and a temporary removal of their Topple resistance. But, there are only three ground combat Arts in the entire game that inflict Stagger, and one of them is Blossom Dance🤣. This wouldn't be "more damage" like Core Crusher and Conducive Strike, but easier Topple would benefit the entire team.
    • Or, if that is too weak, then maybe “15% chance of extending the duration of debuffs on the enemy when inflicting Gravity damage (attempts to reapply each debuff using a separate RNG roll)”?
      • Still too weak? I’m trying to think of something more flavorful than a raw damage boost with some debuff requirement, while still having some metagame balance.
    • It’d be really convenient if XCX changed its Stagger-Topple/Bind system to XC2’s Break-Topple-Launch-Smash setup, since I could readily envision giving Gravity a damage boost each time it inflicts one of those four stages.
  • Physical- How about “Fierce Challenger”- “50% chance of gaining 100 TP when inflicting Physical damage to enemies inflicted with Taunt"?
    • Physical is the most “primitive” of Attributes, being solid ammo and sharp/pointy edges as humans have relied on for since time immemorial. I’m thinking it could use a bonus that emphasizes that raw simplicity and power. What form that bonus takes, not sure.
    • TP stands for “Tension Points” and is primarily used for offense, so it seems viable as an alternative to a raw damage increase.
    • I’m feeling TP Overdrive needs a nerf BTW.
  • Beam- I'm thinking “Light Penetration”- “Increases Beam damage dealt to enemy Appendages by 75%”?
    • Ether and Beam alike having flesh-piercing properties sounds good, but they should go about it differently. This is just one way of trying to distinguish them.
    • The intensified light of Beam irradiates the surface into necrosis, while the magic of Ether harmlessly passes through the surface and brutalizes the heart. Since Appendages can break before the enemy is fully dead, and the core survives until the enemy is dead, Beam should get the bigger bonus.
    • We would need to revise Appendage Erosion and Dismantler if we did this though.
      • Dismantler can be changed to heal the Skill’s possessor a bunch or give them a big lump of TP after breaking an Appendage.
      • Appendage Erosion is a nice idea, so I’m not sure how to alter it.


And on Attributes on a whole, Physical needs some serious help. Nothing is weak to it, and many enemies resist it. As for the other Attributes, I found this summary years ago.:


"In general, enemy type (Theroid, Humanoid, Mechanoid, Piscinoid and Insectoid) actually give a base-line toward what they're going to be strong against, and what they're going to be weak against. Each individual enemy race (say, Marnucks, Puges, Forfexes, and so forth) have further altered resistances, but they generally stay within the guidelines of enemy type resistances.

- Theroids in general have 0 Physical, 0 Beam, -25 Ether, -50 Thermal, 0 Electric, 0 Gravity resistances. Even the giant millesaurs have 0 Gravity resistance. 0 is "normal", of course, while -25 and -50 means they are exceptionally vulnerable to Ether and Thermal already.

- Insectoids see a spike in their resistances compared to Theroids. 40 Physical, 0 Beam, -25 Ether, -25 Thermal, 0 Electric, 0 Gravity is their general baseline for resistances. They are very strong against physical attacks, but weak to ether and thermal.

- Piscinoids see an interesting shift. Their baseline is 0 Physical, 0 Beam, -25 Ether, 0 Thermal, -50 Electric and -25 Gravity. So once again, they're weak to Ether, but also Gravity and especially anything Electric. However, Piscinoids are rare to fight on the ground - most are flying only, and hard to bring down on foot simply because they're inaccessible on foot. They're those weird, flying tentacled fish enemies, among other things. Lophids, Levitaths, Balaenas, and so forth.

- Humanoids we see a shift. The baseline for most humanoids, including Marnucks, are 0 Physical, -25 Beam, 10 Ether, 0 Thermal, 0 Electric, 0 Gravity. Strong against Ether, but weak against Beam, and neutral against Gravity.

- Mechanoids see the most variation so far. They tend toward 30 Physical, -25 Beam, 10 Ether, 10 Thermal, -25 Electric and -50 Gravity. They are by far the weakest toward Gravity.

- Chimeroids (only one superboss, and chapter 12 enemies are this) have a general baseline of 20 Physical, 5 Beam, 20 Ether, 5 Thermal, 20 Electric, 20 Gravity. Strong against everything, but weakest to Beam and Thermal attacks.

- Ultrafauna (only two superbosses are this) have 50 resistance in every element.

Going by this, ether and beam are actually the overall best. Beam is the overall best thing for Ganglion since you'll be hitting the weaknesses of both all humanoid ground forces and all mechanical ground and flying forces, which is good since Ganglion forces so often have an intermixed group of organic and mechanical soldiers working in tandem. Gravity will hit better against mechs, but you won't be doing anything extra to humanoids. And ether does extra damage to every type of indigen that isn't a super boss, with theroids and insectoids and Piscinoids all having -25 ether resistance. Not even going into core crusher, this alone makes it the best element just on the fact that it effects more enemy types than any other.

The best way to do this game would be to either pack just ether weapons and let core crusher's insane damage increase make up the difference to things resistance to it, or have both a beam and ether weapon and switch between them depending on if you're going up against indigens (ether) or Ganglion (beam) if you don't want to bother with core crusher."


And from a different commenter in the same topic.:

"Overall, there isn't really a single type that's stronger, although a few have the advantage of nothing resisting them outside of specific tyrants in the main five monster categories. Physical is definitely the worst type though.

Note that below I'm ignoring Chimera, Ultrafauna and the rare tyrant with radically different resistances from their genus. There's a few enemies like that with very different resistances, such as one or two with 100 ether resistance and the like, but yeah they're very rare. This is more of an in general for that species.

Physical is either neutral or resisted by everything, so eh.

Thermal is strong against the three most common (in the world) enemy types, and is only slightly resisted by one, which makes it a solid all around type.

Electric is good against two enemy types and is only resisted by electric type Piscinoids, so it can be good in most situations.

Ether is strong against the three most common types, like Thermal, but slightly resisted by the other two. For most monster types, Thermal is slightly more effective or equally effective compared to Ether, so if you aren't running Core Crusher or aren't fighting lots of Piscinoids, Thermal beats out Ether.

Beam is good against the two more common story/boss enemy types and neutral against most of everything else. It's also good against electric piscinoids. It's a very nice all around weapon type that's consistently at least decent.

Gravity, like beam, is consistently at least decent. Nothing resists it, and it's strong against two types. It's also effective against most, if not all, flying enemies, which makes up a sizeable minority, meaning it has even more enemies it's effective against.

Overall, I'd say in terms of a general element and assuming you aren't running Core Crusher or the like, something like Gravity > Beam > Electric > Thermal > Ether > Physical is probably roughly the pecking order for element usefulness, but honestly there's not a lot between those top five types."


6 hours ago, lightcosmo said:

Nerf Blossom Dance. Simply put, remove the ignores elemental resistance portion of the skill. 

Nerf Offensive Stance and honestly Defensive Stance a bit. They flourish way to much from early game to endgame, any other Aura of their type doesn't compare at all.

Agreed that Blossom Dance and Offensive Stance need nerfs. Although I might leave the very unique Attribute resistance ignoring in place and decrease the damage multiplier of BD instead.

Defensive Stance is tanking, and big damage > big tanking, so it's fine. Reflect (Shield/Javelin/Photon Saber), Ghostwalker, and Astral Protection all provide varyingly viable alternative forms of invincibility. Plus, all the Longsword has is pure offense outside of Defensive Stance, let the one thing that keeps it from being a one-trick pony (a supremely good one-note weapon) stand.

6 hours ago, lightcosmo said:

Beam Saber's need a better way to gain TP for earlygame players, in a bind, the weapon type just lacks in damage without Starfall Rondo as it's only hard hitting art. Their TP gain art is only from front hits and gains like, 50? TP and from memory has around 40 sec cooldown.

Agreed. More Photon Saber TP gain would make running Astral Horizon + Astral Heal actually viable for a healer setup, 2000 TP for a single party-wide casting of an HP heal that is by no means going to be a full restore is exorbitant.

Other than that, make Galactic Cataclysm more useful, Monado Buster minus the Monado is inferior to Starlight Duster, unless we pair it the oddball passive-aggressive Aura called Novalibrium.

  • Starlight Duster + the Starfall Trio give the Photon Saber adequate damage output to help out a team. Add Phenomenon if you’ve equipped Ether weapons.
  • Astrolibrium is a Reflect Aura, so automatically great, and paired with a Beam ranged weapon doubles as a damage boost that kills fleshy Ganglion well. Geolibrium is better until Extend Aura Augments have been made or you can sustain infinite Overdrive, then it becomes downright inferior except for the AI.
  • You will die using Essence Exchange a couple times, but Primer > Essence Exchange on an enemy too far away to possibly accidentally hit is excellent for getting 3000 TP for your next OD in two minutes when you boot up the game or after dying or ending a battle on empty.
6 hours ago, lightcosmo said:

I don't have much experience from the Knife weapon type, sadly.

The Knife is almost fine.

  • I would say to tweak Brainjack so that a few Tyrants are vulnerable to it. And that Brainjack won't wear off if you accidentally attack your Brainjacked pawn, whilst not making Screamer's Sleep status obsolete as a result. Perhaps a successful Brainjack should apply the Invincibility buff to the target for a few seconds so you don't actually break it right away and have time to switch to a different foe.
  • Repair should be a much stronger heal than it currently does, 10% of a single target's HP with a 18 second cooldown is tiny (if bolstered via Overdrive of course).
  • And the Barrier buff needs to be better at negating damage so Absorber Skin is more useful. 
  • Dispel is the tied for the worst possible thing you could spend 1000 TP on, fix this.

Black Butterfly, the weak yet super fast Slit Edge, and perhaps Black Bane (I don’t use it) are all this super-supportive weapon type should have for damage. Although I wouldn’t mind another multi-hit Art.

6 hours ago, lightcosmo said:

Shield's simply don't focus on Defense like you would think, maybe starting there?

  • Supershield grants Reflect, that is the postgame defense you'll often need if you can infinite Overdrive.
    • Even ingame, IIRC, Arms Manufacturers sell Shields with one inbuilt Reflect once you max them out. Pair one of those with the natural Physical Reflect of Supershield and the Thermal Reflect of a swimwear arm right band, and you'll be immune to half the Attributes pretty easily.
  • The alternative Shield Auras of Iron Prison and Flamehand could be better, definitely.
    • Iron Prison > Supershield for most of the game, and is always better for the AI. My primary fix would be increasing its Proximity Spike damage dealt, and maybe changing the Physical resistance boost to whichever Attribute the Shield of the user is currently using is.
    • Flamehand should ditch the Terrain Damage immunity, since when are you standing in poison water/lava/white phosphor during battle? Give it "heals for some HP each time you take damage" -like Sharla's Heal Counter buff- instead.
  • Trash Talk can Taunt, so there you have aggro control.
    • The AI doesn't use it much though unless you're fighting multiple enemies, and the AoE on the skill has a tendency to accidentally draw in more than anticipated I've heard some players done in by Trash Talk say.
    • No aggro in XCX outside of Taunt was a bad move IMO, fixing this mistake would likely somehow help Shields.
  • Wild Down inflicts Topple, that prevents the enemy from attacking, that's defensive in itself.
    • But why it cost 1000 TP when the Assault Rifle's Assault Hammer doesn't? Something is wrong here.
  • Shield Wall- Damage negation for everyone is defensive, but again, strengthen the Barrier buff.
  • Mindstorm- Heals everyone, healing is defensive, good. Increase the healing potency, it is the only heal Shields get anyway.
  • Reality Rift- Slows enemy attack frequency, not sure by how much, but less enemy attacking is supportively defensive.

Thats my stance on Shields.

6 hours ago, lightcosmo said:

Spear's... Um, i think they rely on Electric a bit too much (Or that could be the SR weapon's, it's been a while haha) And it slows them down alot of the time.

I don't mind Javelins emphasizing Electric, it adds some flavor to them. Just as Gatling Guns are 50% Thermal damage, 50% Weapon/Unfixed Attribute damage.

Javelins are the worst of the 12 weapon types tho! It has Raijin for the awesomeness of HP healing from Arts + Reflect, and Maximum Voltage (thanks Alexa!) gives it one Art with good damage. But other than those, it has terrible damage! Trident Buster is a single-hit Tension Art with a 200% multiplier!🤣 And who the heck is ever going to drop everything and start sprint around in the midst of battle like a headless chicken to use Speed Demon?!?

I don't get it, the "middle branch/Commando" class weapons are supposed to be duly offensive, in contrast to the balanced "top branch/Striker" class weapons, and the more supportive "bottom branch/Enforcer" class weapons. But the Javelin is as dull as a teaspoon.

Javelin needs the Supercharge buff to apply to all hits of the next Art used, not just the first hit, to make Hair Trigger much more useful. The damage multipliers and or hits dealt on most of the rest need some fixes.

Also, the weapon type is called "Javelin", but not a single Art throws it! If the Sniper Rifle can Slayonet at melee range, the Assault Rifle can bump you with Assault Hammer, and you can body slam into enemies with the Psycho Launchers' Shooting Star, then we ought to be able to chuck a Javelin through a Qmoeva cockpit. ...If these are called "Spears" in Japanese... I still don't care, let me throw them.

6 hours ago, lightcosmo said:

Longsword need's nerfing, yadayadayada.

I’ve already agree to this. Let’s leave them mostly pure offense, which they're really good at with a splash of nifty aoe and secondary effects, but bring the pain down a little for balance’s sake.

6 hours ago, lightcosmo said:

Dual Swords should focus much more on accuracy and speed with their arts, rather than damage. Overall fair but that's just it: fair.

Dual Swords should stay damage-oriented, and not infrequently positional-reliant. I wouldn’t tone down their offense, as it isn’t a problem. If anything the Dual Swords should be stronger than some of the currently strongest weapon types. It’s not bad for building Overdrive for a melee weapon either, but it can’t seriously compete with the best ranged weapons (Dual Guns and Assault Rifle) at doing that. Despite Side Slash being a very quick 2-hit Purple Art that gives TP for each hit during OD, that is great.

6 hours ago, lightcosmo said:

Dual Guns are broken and need nerfing yadayadayada.

For Dual Guns, I’d tone down Executioner’s damage first things first. That Tension Art outdamages the Dual Sword’s, which makes no sense. Dual Guns already have the often-good-for-tanking (but not always, it hates crowds and enemies that hit rapidly and fast) Ghostwalker/Ghost Factory. And it Arts that hit frequently with short animations & Primer, making them the absolute best weapon for building up the Overdrive count. Nerfing their damage to a more reasonable level would keep them plenty good, but not broken.

Honestly, a lot of the Dual Swords’ inferiority comes from being paired by default with the Dual Guns. Dual Swords hit a bunch for a melee weapon, but Dual Guns outdo them readily with their flurry of bullets (as do Assault Rifles), and hit hard without needing positional damage. (Longswords are too strong for mostly unconditional damage too.) Dual Swords are supposed to be the “offensive” weapon in their default pairing. Every default class has “a sword and a shield” as I see it, an offense and a supporter.:

  • Duelist- Longsword is the sword, Assault Rifle the support.
  • Bastion Warrior- Shield is the support, Gatling Gun is pure offense.
  • Full Metal Jaguar- It’s supposed to be dually offensive, and it is. But the Dual Swords were intended to be the leading edge and Dual Guns covering fire. Instead, Dual Guns are everything and the Dual Swords are as useful as the human appendix (barring Side Slash).
  • Astral Crusader- Supposed to be dually offensive, yet also intended to lean on the Sniper Rifle for its primary damage, which it in practice does. The Javelin is rightfully more supportive, if still too weak and in need of a boost.
  • Mastermind- Intended to be dually supportive, which it is. But as the Full Specs Aura tells you, the Knife is the 85% supportive weapon, while the Raygun carries the damage.
  • Galactic Knight- The Photon Saber & Psycho Launcher setup is the only case where I don’t think there is a clearcut sword & shield. They’ve both second-rate but not bad offense, paired with good support.
6 hours ago, lightcosmo said:

Psycho Launcher is honestly alright, can't complain too much. Decent support to any weapon type.

Psycho Launchers are quirky.

  • So-so for Overdrive, reliant solely on Stellar Ray -ideally with multiple enemies- for the hit count.
  • Tacit Censure might be useful on some targets, though I wouldn’t know which get shut down by Virus sealing away their ranged Arts.
  • Gravity Lunge’s great damage is undercut by being stuck on Murderess until you’ve finished the story.
  • Shooting Star is a single hit, but the damage is comparable to Stellar Ray without an Aura. Not useless.
  • Astral Protection requires a fair bit of Augment and Ground Gear swapping to full utilize all the time, but is up there with Reflect and Ghostwalker for damage negation and has its usefulness even without OD.
  • Dual Dynamo buffing all three offensive stats might be too scattershot, but I suppose you could make an all-out Psycho Launchers alternative to Astral Protection with it.

I’d give Psycho Launchers some small improvements, but I’m not sure what.

6 hours ago, lightcosmo said:

Assault Rifle could use some help, maybe deal more damage?

The Assault Rifle does not need more damage. Furious Blast and Quick Cannon are sufficient, and Grenade Blitz ain’t bad either.

The Assault Rifle already gets the most Arts of any weapon type. With loads of support- Last Stand, Assault Hammer, Decoy Round, Flash Grenade. And Furious Blast’s high hit count (and the Ramjet Rifle) makes the Assault Rifle second only to the Dual Guns for sustaining Overdrive. Power Dive adds an all-important TP-free Green Art to the lineup and Takedown Shot is a second good hit count builder when Furious Blast is still cooling off.

6 hours ago, lightcosmo said:

SR needs to break appendages better imo. You're sniping weakpoints, it should hurt.

The Sniper Rifle needs… something. It’s supposed to be all about damage and supporting its own damage, nothing else. Slayonet and Afterburner (thanks Boze & Lao!) do provide the hurt, and Sidewinder and Shrapnel add yet more. Eagle Eye, Hawkeye, and Ghost Sniper self-synergistically buff itself with the stuff it wants.

Yet the Sniper Rifle isn’t the ranged equivalent of the Longsword, it isn’t broken. For it also has the lowest Arts hit count for a ranged weapon, and its animations aren’t that much faster than the Raygun or Gatling Gun, making it lousy for sustaining Overdrive without a slew of Augments or Skills backing it up. That is a serious blow to the Sniper Rifle if you know how to build infinite OD, since melee weapons aren’t as good at hit counts and OD.

6 hours ago, lightcosmo said:

Gatling Gun has too many loose cannon arts (ha) that just don't support most main weapons at all.

Other than the three Auras and Cool Off, everything the Gatling Gun has only yellow Arts, indicative of its raw firepower. Maybe the Auras need a buff, but the otherwise weapon type is balanced. Dishes out a storm of spread out hits, which might be bad if you’re trying to avoid aggroing too many enemies in, but if you are fighting multiple enemies, it’s good.

Long Arts animations counter the many hits (unless against a slew of baddies able to send you MAX in a heartbeat) and make it a mid-tier sometimes-great weapon for building Overdrive.

The spread-out hits are also wasted when you're fighting Tyrants in the postgame, since it's mostly mono-a-mono there.

6 hours ago, lightcosmo said:

Raygun. Ummmm, i think these are pretty good as well. Again, not much experience, haha.

Rayguns are worse Gatling Guns regarding Overdrive. Arts animations as slow, but with fewer hits. But that is it for the bad stuff with this weapon type. Rayguns are an enjoyable blend of damage with some aoe, paired with both buffing and debuffing. A very balanced and nifty weapon type, though Beam Bomber is its best damage and it's locked to Mia, so there goes any idea of getting much out of it.

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7 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

30 characters plus a whole bunch of secret characters I haven't unlocked yet, 5 grand prix cups with 5 courses each...

Ah yes, the AX Cup & characters. You'll need to complete the Story Mode on Hard and Very Hard to get all of the characters. And for the tracks, you'll need to win all the other Cups on Master difficulty, which requires beating every Cup on Expert.

"AX" stands for "Arcade X" instead of "GameCube X" which is why the Switch isn't getting a new F-Zero we can't have SX in gaming. Since it was an arcade game developed concurrently with GX. The "easier" way to get the AX characters and Cup was to put your GC memory card in the machine and win a few times in AX. Obviously not an option one year short of two decades after release.

6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I will fully admit that seeing the guy in third place's face was what singlehandedly convinced me to give this game a shot when I first saw footage of it.

Mr. EAD, Nintendo's own bizarre parody of Mario. One of his Grand Prix victory interview questions has him say his brother android was scrapped and turn into his vehicle. 

5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Well, to be fair, every dead racer and their machine comes back for the next course, as if nothing happened.

The nurses and mechanics might be these.:


That UFO-like thing that zaps you away if you fall off the track contains several of these Chao. Merely adorable Sonic franchise mascot characters. -Sega collaborated with Nintendo and were responsible for most of the development of F-Zero GX & AX.

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8 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Ah yes, the AX Cup & characters. You'll need to complete the Story Mode on Hard and Very Hard to get all of the characters. And for the tracks, you'll need to win all the other Cups on Master difficulty, which requires beating every Cup on Expert.

Oh wow. That's definitely going to be harder than the diamond cup was...


"AX" stands for "Arcade X" instead of "GameCube X" which is why the Switch isn't getting a new F-Zero we can't have SX in gaming. Since it was an arcade game developed concurrently with GX. The "easier" way to get the AX characters and Cup was to put your GC memory card in the machine and win a few times in AX. Obviously not an option one year short of two decades after release.

Yeeeaaah that's not gonna be an option.

8 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Mr. EAD, Nintendo's own bizarre parody of Mario. One of his Grand Prix victory interview questions has him say his brother android was scrapped and turn into his vehicle. 

Mr. EAD is just wonderful. Best waifu, or something.


The nurses and mechanics might be these.:


That UFO-like thing that zaps you away if you fall off the track contains several of these Chao. Merely adorable Sonic franchise mascot characters. -Sega collaborated with Nintendo and were responsible for most of the development of F-Zero GX & AX.

Awww. Poor thing must be traumatized after witnessing Falcon at work...

6 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:


I haven't seen any of these yet. I think they require master difficulty or something like that.

...Mr. EAD's movie is the best.

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Ah it's time for that huh


yeah because you guys were too good at acting at that coupling show


She knew. She always knew. Then again, despite the acting she was the one closest to him and his partner for his revenge quest


However the revenge isn't being pursued anymore, so it's time to end the charade...


Oh no

I don't like this look



In the middle of the charade, there's definetly something genuine...



Aqua don't

You of all people


should know


Fuck fuck fuck fuck

All kind of red flags

Something horrible will definetly happen to Akane to restart the revenge quest

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That was… an interesting scene to start this new chapter with. Just please tell me this isn’t another route where I get literally zero explanation for everything, I would like to understand what’s happening this time. And the pacing for this is super weird, but it’s a good scene so I’m not complaining that much.

Although it does make me wonder how on Earth they attempted to turn this into an anime…

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5 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Although it does make me wonder how on Earth they attempted to turn this into an anime…

There's a reason why i told you you need both the VN and anime to understad 0

Which scene are you at, atm?

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12 hours ago, Dayni said:


Not like it led to a disaster, but the fact it nearly went wrong off Tropius should be saying something.

Weather strats are kinda scary (as long as they get the time to setup) and that Tropius had a solid weather strat.

8 hours ago, Armagon said:


I know this is a romhack but uh, i take it Mamoswine isn't in this?

No Mamoswine in this one. This romhack is really minimalist in its changes, just changing which pokemon you encounter where, and blocking off a few things, and that is something I like about it.


Lets get one last encounter out before I go for the weekend.


Just when we walk out of the Gym he calls us, knowing we have the badge already...




Now that we can fly, its easy to fix @FlyingKitsune's name. Then after that we fly over to face Brendon


Oh Brendon, you don't have to be so shy about liking pokemon dolls just because you are a boy.


Always the polite little rival isn't he. Lets test this out.


The last Brendan battle.


This is what @Julizan 's Overheat was supposed to do to Winona's Tropius. Next in comes the Slugma, but I switch to @BrightBow the Kabuto to resist the Rock Throw, and then one-shot it with Surf (although I forget to screenshot any of that). Next is the Marshtomp and


Misdrevious walls it (mostly). It only has ground moves and normal move, both of which @twilitfalchion is immune to. Now it does have a move that lets its normal type moves effect ghosts, but with good confusion luck, I never need to switch out to deal with that.


I figured @Shaky Jones could finish things off, seeing as I didn't need her on the Marshtomp like I expected.


Alas Brendan, you were shackled down by your AI, while I have been forged into a pokemon machine by this challenge.


You hang in there too Brendan. Now to check out the Department store and


I can't help myself, I buy all the dolls that relate to our encounter, like this one for @GuardianSing


and one for @Sooks, and one for @TheRomHackist as well


the @TheChoZenOne is a little bit of a stretch, as she was evolved when I caught her, but I get it as well.

I buy some TMs, and


find this very interesting option on the roof. Now to check out Mt Pyre some more and run into


one of the scariest pokemon you can ever find in a Nuzlocke.


Its ability prevents you from switching out, its moves are Destiny Bond (takes you out as well if you kill it immediately after),  Counter and Mirror Coat (deal double the damage it took back at you for physical and special moves respectively), and Safeguard to try and prevent you from defeating it in other ways.


I use all 40 defense curls while counting enemy PP, and I get lucky in that it runs out of counters on the turn I run out of Defense Curls,


so I can safely take it out, but latter in Mt Pyre


I get stuck in far more dire straits...I just start using Mud-Slap, praying accuracy matters to Counter and Mirror Coat, and


I get extremely lucky. I go through all 6 Mud-slaps I have, and it only correctly uses Counter once, and after then when I have to switch to Psybeam, it never uses Mirror Coat (and I even get a lucky crit in there). This was a staggering amount of luck to get out of this. I was genuinely expecting Gaurd.Sing to fall here.


All of that effort for the Shadow Ball TM...alright time to take on the Aqua Grunts at the top, and


Those little punks are slandering my good name.


And Archie is in too much of a hurry to even battle us,


just went and stole an orb,


not even thinking about the ramifications of Maxie having also stolen the other orb.


At least we get the FIRE EMBLEM, before having to chase down those pesky orbs 😛

And with that little Fire Emblem related joke, that is the last for this update. See you all next Monday.

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11 minutes ago, Shrimpolaris said:

There's a reason why i told you you need both the VN and anime to understad 0

Which scene are you at, atm?

Just started route 3 (well the chapter that later splits into 3 and 4), the first of scene which is 


Okabe answering a phone call from Amadeus, next second BOOM! He has reentered Alpha and suffering commences. Which is really good. I was not expecting that, although I might start to become annoyed if I don’t get an explanation for this in this route either…

I need the anime? I thought it was just a poor adaptation.

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3 minutes ago, Sooks said:

the first of scene which is

ah that.

The explanation for that is pretty easy/obvious.

That part is pure kino

3 minutes ago, Sooks said:

I need the anime? I thought it was just a poor adaptation.

eh, not really.

Edited by Shrimpolaris
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