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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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10 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Radiant Dawn's choice to bring back dark magic doesn't mean much for gameplay. But I still like for bringing FE magical completeness back. -Worm in other FEs is translated as "Swarm" btw.

I prefer worm, worm is funnier.

9 hours ago, gnip said:

"Soren, always lost in your books."

Not sure if you already had the wonderful "Hoooooold! Hold I say!" cutscene.

I'm half convinced they just went out on the street to ask some poor saps to read out lines without any context.

13 hours ago, Armagon said:

Forgettable musicĀ it's more memorable than most Zelda dungeon themes tbh.

To be fair I didn't find it to be any more forgettable than most Zelda Dungeon music...if that's even a proper way of saying it. There are only a small handful of dungeon themes that really stand out to me.

But in general I think BoTW music is incredible, I don't know what people are smoking.

7 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Weird... Did you change anything? I'm assuming not, of course.

I fumbled around with stuff for an hour until realizing that literally all I needed to do was update my laptop and it would be fine.

7 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Heey. I'm not cynical about it, I just can't play it because it requires NSO and I swore never to let Nintendo scam me with that again lol

I got NSO earlier this year, and it's this weird feeling where on one hand I thought 60 dollars for all these games for an entire year is actually not too bad, but on the other hand, I haven't opened any NSO stuff since like two months ago.

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I got to the last race of sapphire cup expert with four lives and on first place. I thought it was pretty amazing for having just come back to the game.

I choked four times and lost all my lives. Now I am too heartbroken to keep trying.

...I think I'll just go make me some eggs.

1 hour ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Sure, "you" found someone "else". Next you'll tell us he's a big Berwick fan too.

He's asking who he should romance in Three Houses.


1 hour ago, GuardianSing said:

I prefer worm, worm is funnier.

It has wormed its way to your heart.

1 hour ago, GuardianSing said:

I got NSO earlier this year, and it's this weird feeling where on one hand I thought 60 dollars for all these games for an entire year is actually not too bad, but on the other hand, I haven't opened any NSO stuff since like two months ago.

There's this awkward middle ground where it seems like a lot of games, but you're not likely to be interested in 90% of them. And then you might hear or see online about this other old game that piques your interest, only to find it's not on NSO.

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Finally, a fighting game character Rubenio can like.

5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Like I said before, people love the things they already love.

"People who like this sort of thing will find this the sort of thing they like." -Artemus Ward

2 hours ago, Newtype06 said:

Welcome to localization hell

But 06, a new game was released in English today.

Though since I've played Trails every day for the past six months, I don't mind taking a break (when I'm done with Reverie).

1 hour ago, GuardianSing said:

I'm half convinced they just went out on the street to ask some poor saps to read out lines without any context.

You have yet to experience true quality...

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2 hours ago, GuardianSing said:

To be fair I didn't find it to be any more forgettable than most Zelda Dungeon music...if that's even a proper way of saying it.

Most Zelda dungeon music is forgettable background noise. BotW's dynamic dungeon themes help it stand out a lot.

2 hours ago, GuardianSing said:

got NSO earlier this year, and it's this weird feeling where on one hand I thought 60 dollars for all these games for an entire year is actually not too bad, but on the other hand, I haven't opened any NSO stuff since like two months ago.

Damn you're paying the full price?


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So, Lost Eidolons. Wall of text incoming.

The post that convinced me to finally give it a shot described it as a middle ground between Three Houses and Engage, that didn't quite reach the story highs of Houses or the gameplay highs of Engage, but its lows weren't quite so catastrophic as those two's. Generally speaking, I find this to be a fair assessment. I will make a number of comparisons here, since the game wears its inspiration on its sleeve.

The gameplayĀ (combat) is basically Three Houses gameplay but good. There is map design, with some interesting concepts here and there (chapter 21 being the biggest highlight for me), plenty of harmlessly good maps and no absolute shitters I can think of. Monster design is a lot more interesting, if rather underused outside of the designated monster maps. The weapon triangle-like mechanic with the armor types led to pretty interesting match-ups and made tanking a more involved process. Magic also makes for an interesting trinity, with light being your average recovery magic, elemental focusing on damage and enviromental interaction, and dark offering a large slew of debuffs and utility spells. They're all very good, very important and well deserving of a dedicated user on the team.

Boss design is pretty great in a different way from Engage. Having to kill all mooks around the boss is an interesting concept that led to plenty of careful maneuvering. As a bonus, the game had two big boss fights (chapter 17 behemoth, final boss) that actually felt like regular videogame boss fights, with multiple phases and whole lists of special abilities.

I played the hardest difficulty settings possible and the game always felt extremely fair. Tight tactics, and I always found myself using most of the arsenal provided to me, which is always a good thing. The final boss got a bit zany, but that's about it. There's even a difficulty setting that's basically just "story mode", which I found to be a pretty nice touch. Options for all!

The other side of the gameplay coin is camp. You get to run around, talk to your guys, perform different activities with them, you know, the works. Strictly superior to Engage's completely unnecessary pile of trash hub. Training is done automatically between chapters, so already you don't have to spend hours watching canned animations for optimal gains. Each map visit has a bunch of fetch quests, which on a replay I can forsee becoming super tedious, but since the game isn't on the Switch, it runs like a dream and loads things in a flash, so skipping through stuff is a lot less annoying. Only one optional battle per chapter, and they are all pretty small and uninspired. Lastly, you only visit camp once per chapter and since it's, well, a camp, the story doesn't have to bend over backwards to find a contrived reason to teleport you back to a static base. Overall, more purposeful than Engage's and less tedious than Three Houses, while still suffering from the typical FE hub issues to a lesser degree.

Class balance is pretty good. Slightly fewer options than either of the games brought up before, but in contrast, none of them feel redundant. Though the archer classes do feel more powerful than the rest - 3/4 range with bows is incredibly good, not just to attack without danger, but also to kill mages, who are huge nuisances that tend to hang back, where their friends' zones of control keep you from reaching them easily. On the other hand, I appreciate that horses are (very limited) items you can give to anyone, regardless to class. That's a great way to handle the cavalry issue, I think. Flying isn't a thing.

Storywise, the game offers a bit of a slow romp, more subdued than your average FE story, leading to a really good moment in chapter 15. Pretty good generally up to the third act, where it lost a bit of steam when it got caught up in an endless game of Hubert moments with Team Bad. It has a few instances of weird writing, as well as a few plot points that don't really seem to go anywhere or feel rushed. Still, it's fine. It certainly beats the shit out of Engage. And those first two plot deaths are just chef's kiss, I swear. The third one, not so much, but you can save him so, eh.

Character writing is okay. There's not as much of it, nobody gets ten chains of talking about bookshelf dust with some other rando. The lategame characters in particular get very little, which is a shame. But what's there is good, and the voice actors give some really good performances. Personal highlights among the main characters are Gilbert, Francisco, Marchelle, Linard, Sera and Klara.

Visually it's good, really good for a no-experience studio with a limited budget. It also, as I mentioned before, runs really well and loading screens are sparse and very fast. Honestly, just based on this I might end up replaying this sooner than Engage. It may not strike the same gameplay highs, but fuck at least I won't have to wait minutes for the fucking thing to load.

Soundtrack is forgettable. Medieval ambient songs. They're also oddly underutilized, cutscenes are often silent.


Overall, a worthwhile game. You can tell it tries to be a spiritual successor to Three Houses, but it differentiates itself in key ways. The maps feel a lot different, with the focus on match ups based on gear, positioning and quick killing. The fact that I, the biggest hater of Three Houses on the planet according to me, enjoyed my time with this game enough to finish it and even consider replaying some time in the future, is a testament to the game's quality. Pretty amazing accomplishment for a studio with no experience, let alone with strategy RPGs. I will keep an eye on their future developments - I know they're currently making a sort of sequel/spin-off to Lost Eidolons. Wonder how that'll turn out.

17 minutes ago, Lightchao42 said:

"People who like this sort of thing will find this the sort of thing they like." -Artemus Ward


19 minutes ago, Lightchao42 said:

You have yet to experience true quality...

That clip is legendary.

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I yielded and bought the new Pirate Warriors 4 character DLC. While Yamato seems like a fantastic character for this kind of brawler, another version of Luffy and Kaido sounded significantly less impressive.

And yeah, Yamato is extremely fun. All the buttons, strings and moves feel great. Very much the highlight of the pack and pretty much what made it all worth it.

Kaido is... actually kinda interesting, to my surprise. Unlike the existing one he is a speed type. And rather unusual for his weight class, he has air strings. During those air strings he will also automatically take on his dragon form.
Which is cool and all but has a dramatic flaw on the Switch version: There is a pause every time you start an aerial string to load in the dragon model. Which is really weird. You would think the dragon model would be loaded in at all times, so that it can be called upon instantly. Meanwhile the transition back to his base form is seamless, as it should be. So I doubt the same is impossible for the dragon form. It's probably just some shoddy programming whose consequences are simply not noticeable on the stronger consoles.

The new Luffy is... just bad. Despite being the DLC character pushed the most.
It really is just regular Luffy with additional lightning effects on his combo strings with a new Form Shift in exchange for the two he already had.
Which is also kind of frustrating because it would be way more convenient to have him implemented by simply giving Luffy a new costume and new form shift as a move. If nothing else I would probably have more fun with him if I could use a different costume because that cape looks terrible when running and those orange pants are ugly as all hell. But I guess you can justify selling it for more if you call it a "New character" instead of "1 new costume and 1 new move".
To be fair, a Form Shift is effectively a new character. And this form does have a gimmick where your transformation gauge doesn't go down as long as your combo counter keeps going. So you can effectively stay in that form for a whole battle.
But because it's a Sky Type and Sky Types during Full Burst are always airborne, Gear 5 doesn't have any ground strings. So it still very much offers a lot less than a proper new character would.
It's also not very fun because you are just spamming your overpowered charge moves and there is preciously little enemies can do about that.

It also feels very much underwhelming as an adaption of Gear 5 in general. Gear 5 basically gives Luffy Bugs Bunny powers, but all this version does is the stretchy stuff Luffy could already do. Even temporary size increases aren't anything new for him, between Gear 3 inflating his limbs and Gear 4 completely changing his body shape.
Plus, the need to keep attacking like a berserker to keep the form active also discourages you from fighting in a way that more accurately reflects Joyboy's fun-loving nature.
While adapting Gear 5 into a video game is probably a massive challenge at the best of days, and even more so for a Mosou game I'd wager, I at least think making him his own character instead of a form shift for normal Luffy would have been a better move, if only so you are not forced into a specific playstyle that feels very much at odds with what the form actually is.

The new missions are fun enough, I suppose. And being focused on Yamato is a nice plus. Although they don't provide the kind of level design I am looking for in a Warriors game, since they are quite reasonably priced I'd say they are still worth it.

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54 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Lost Eidolons. Wall of text incoming.

The post that convinced me to finally give it a shot described it as a middle ground between Three Houses and Engage, that didn't quite reach the story highs of Houses or the gameplay highs of Engage, but its lows weren't quite so catastrophic as those two's. Generally speaking, I find this to be a fair assessment. I will make a number of comparisons here, since the game wears its inspiration on its sleeve.

The gameplayĀ (combat) is basically Three Houses gameplay but good. There is map design, with some interesting concepts here and there (chapter 21 being the biggest highlight for me), plenty of harmlessly good maps and no absolute shitters I can think of. Monster design is a lot more interesting, if rather underused outside of the designated monster maps. The weapon triangle-like mechanic with the armor types led to pretty interesting match-ups and made tanking a more involved process. Magic also makes for an interesting trinity, with light being your average recovery magic, elemental focusing on damage and enviromental interaction, and dark offering a large slew of debuffs and utility spells. They're all very good, very important and well deserving of a dedicated user on the team.

Boss design is pretty great in a different way from Engage. Having to kill all mooks around the boss is an interesting concept that led to plenty of careful maneuvering. As a bonus, the game had two big boss fights (chapter 17 behemoth, final boss) that actually felt like regular videogame boss fights, with multiple phases and whole lists of special abilities.

I played the hardest difficulty settings possible and the game always felt extremely fair. Tight tactics, and I always found myself using most of the arsenal provided to me, which is always a good thing. The final boss got a bit zany, but that's about it. There's even a difficulty setting that's basically just "story mode", which I found to be a pretty nice touch. Options for all!

The other side of the gameplay coin is camp. You get to run around, talk to your guys, perform different activities with them, you know, the works. Strictly superior to Engage's completely unnecessary pile of trash hub. Training is done automatically between chapters, so already you don't have to spend hours watching canned animations for optimal gains. Each map visit has a bunch of fetch quests, which on a replay I can forsee becoming super tedious, but since the game isn't on the Switch, it runs like a dream and loads things in a flash, so skipping through stuff is a lot less annoying. Only one optional battle per chapter, and they are all pretty small and uninspired. Lastly, you only visit camp once per chapter and since it's, well, a camp, the story doesn't have to bend over backwards to find a contrived reason to teleport you back to a static base. Overall, more purposeful than Engage's and less tedious than Three Houses, while still suffering from the typical FE hub issues to a lesser degree.

Class balance is pretty good. Slightly fewer options than either of the games brought up before, but in contrast, none of them feel redundant. Though the archer classes do feel more powerful than the rest - 3/4 range with bows is incredibly good, not just to attack without danger, but also to kill mages, who are huge nuisances that tend to hang back, where their friends' zones of control keep you from reaching them easily. On the other hand, I appreciate that horses are (very limited) items you can give to anyone, regardless to class. That's a great way to handle the cavalry issue, I think. Flying isn't a thing.

Storywise, the game offers a bit of a slow romp, more subdued than your average FE story, leading to a really good moment in chapter 15. Pretty good generally up to the third act, where it lost a bit of steam when it got caught up in an endless game of Hubert moments with Team Bad. It has a few instances of weird writing, as well as a few plot points that don't really seem to go anywhere or feel rushed. Still, it's fine. It certainly beats the shit out of Engage. And those first two plot deaths are just chef's kiss, I swear. The third one, not so much, but you can save him so, eh.

Character writing is okay. There's not as much of it, nobody gets ten chains of talking about bookshelf dust with some other rando. The lategame characters in particular get very little, which is a shame. But what's there is good, and the voice actors give some really good performances. Personal highlights among the main characters are Gilbert, Francisco, Marchelle, Linard, Sera and Klara.

Visually it's good, really good for a no-experience studio with a limited budget. It also, as I mentioned before, runs really well and loading screens are sparse and very fast. Honestly, just based on this I might end up replaying this sooner than Engage. It may not strike the same gameplay highs, but fuck at least I won't have to wait minutes for the fucking thing to load.

Soundtrack is forgettable. Medieval ambient songs. They're also oddly underutilized, cutscenes are often silent.


Overall, a worthwhile game. You can tell it tries to be a spiritual successor to Three Houses, but it differentiates itself in key ways. The maps feel a lot different, with the focus on match ups based on gear, positioning and quick killing. The fact that I, the biggest hater of Three Houses on the planet according to me, enjoyed my time with this game enough to finish it and even consider replaying some time in the future, is a testament to the game's quality. Pretty amazing accomplishment for a studio with no experience, let alone with strategy RPGs. I will keep an eye on their future developments - I know they're currently making a sort of sequel/spin-off to Lost Eidolons. Wonder how that'll turn out

Ruben playing an entire game and writing an extensive review just to say: "3 Houses le bad".

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Watching a bit of F-Zero 99 footage after my epic GX victory.

It does look like a fun little game. I like the game loop they got going, gathering pellets to get to the skyway as you try to kill rivals for extra... rank? The game does feel horribly slow to me, though. Mario Kart levels of sunday driving going on here, it's like there's 99 Silver Neesens on the racetrack! Though I feel that might be a bit of an unfair comparison to GX. Even the original F-Zero looks a little sluggish compared to GX. Not as sluggish as this, I do feel they must've casualified it for the audience, but... I guess that's understandable.

16 minutes ago, Shaky Jones said:

Ruben playing an entire game and writing an extensive review just to say: "3 Houses le bad".

I had fun with the game, but that's always a nice bonus.

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1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Lost Eidolons -snip-

Well, imma add to my wishlist. Dunno when i will get to play it, but it's there

Near future for me is Zelda, Scarlet Nexus, Linked Ironman, some small games, etc.

Edited by Shrimpy -Limited Edition-
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"It's dark," they add. "That's not a problem. We can live in the dark. I never thought of that. But of course, we can live here forever - if the Worm will only wait - "

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Sooner than I wanted, but let the Black Hole Rising begin!




This opening was quite memorable to me as a child. It's definitely wordier than it was before. I like these kind of "evil discuss their military grand strategy and operations" conversations. Even if it's only between a supine Hawke and a grievance-laden Sturm here, Hawke does explain it's b/c the other COs are away making war, which is a good explanation.


Ah yes, the most utilitarian, creativity-lacking name possible.šŸ˜Ā But it works well enough, so I don't question it.


One of the biggest, and perhaps the last, Andyism there is.šŸ˜† Embellished a little I see.

Considering the lack of a separate opening trailer for AW2 in Re-Boot Camp, and the shared art style, jumping into AW2 doesn't feel as distinctive from AW1 as it did on GBA. I'm still all for it though!

The Orange Star Theme, invented in AW2 like all the national themes, got a nice remix. Surprisingly not rockin', more varied instruments.


The three-battle tutorial from AW1's campaign is here, optional b/c I completed them in AW1 already. Though the new next three Re-Boot tutorial battles vs. Olaf aren't here, and lack any kind of equivalent for AW2.


Straight into the first AW2 campaign battle. Also, the Black Hole grunt looks maybe a little too harmless/cute.


No tutorializing this time around, not even optionally.Ā 

More importantly, dots? They replaced the CO Gauge stars with nondescript dots?šŸ¤Ø A thousand curses up you WayForward! How did your love of aesthetics cause you to make such a mistake?Ā 


The second battle wasn't FoW originally, now it's tutorialized here, but other aspects were removed, such as talk of Sami's direct combat weakness. Didn't take any screenshots of it, but Flak is still quite misogynist here.

Speaking of Flak...



They actually explain how Flak works now.


Not perfectly though. Luck is damage directly added to the final total, not a Firepower increase, I'm pretty sure an Infantry couldn't deal this much damage to a Tank on Woods otherwise.

Flak's theme is bland as always. Which is fine. Flak comes off as the CO would be a Chapter 1 Bandit in FE.


This level of animosity feels new between Max and Flak. It might've existed before I concede, but not to this degree.


The ability to choose which battles I want to do has unlocked. I choose to follow the numeric order.


And I decide I'll now take detour to the lab.

Flak Attack is surprisingly bloody for only the fourth battle. Five B Copters, 2 Bombers and 2 AA is a lot for what forces Max has on hand.


This on the other hand... extremely easy. It was the tutorial battle for Fog of War originally, now it's just easy. And thank Sami for reminding me of the biggest threat in FoW in the campaign, Rocket fire from a forest you failed to take into consideration.




This exchange was wonderful.


How I learned the word "wunderkind" as a child.

They explain exactly how her day-to-day ability works now. It got nerfed to +5 Firepower per terrain star in Dual Strike, I don't think she needed it, but maybe it was done to make Jake, Koal and Kindle's weak day-to-days not crappier versions of Lash's in practice.


One of us! One of us!šŸ˜


They went out of their way to draw a dummy Lash portrait?šŸ˜

I thought this blew up in GBA, doesn't happen here if it did.

Me like her choice of words here.

I also noticed...


Expressive Lash be.šŸ˜„


Ah yes, the Black Hole Cannon, huge range, but I've bein around a lot of them and have seen deadlier.šŸ˜œ


I wonder what she likes to watch.


Ruben probably agrees with that first complete sentence.



This battle is extremely easy, just an intro to the gimmick weapons Black Hole has in AW2, and to deployment facilities. 2 enemy properties, no starting units, you get a T Copter, an Infantry to seize the peninsular base, and six properties, a joke. Nell no longer provides an explanation for a bunch of units the first time you build them on this map. Except...


Why "New Cannon"? Call it Neo Cannon, like the unit itself!šŸ˜‰


I don't think I've seen that face before.šŸ˜†


On to the factory!


Adder doesn't look to bad now.


Skeletal and cartoonishly evil, how appropriate.


Some chemistry, no?


A spy? Did she mention one before?

No more Andy "What's an airport?" here since he said it already in AW1. Although the airport is very important here. The Factory being able to produce upwards of three same-turn-movement units per turn and their superior starting economy on this small and not wealthy map means Flak can demolish you in the long-term.

Thus, although I only got an 84 Power score from destroying one enemy unit...


...I resorted to the old "conserve your early funds for a Bomber and OHKO the pipe seam immediately" strat. Wins the map easily. Orange Star has repelled the Black invasion in like an IRL hour & a half!šŸ˜„

And with that...


The wars to liberate Blue Moon and Gold Comet can begin!

Odd that they let you do these in any order, though I do like it. Comet's missions are deemed harder and numerically labeled with the later numbers, but I think I'll finish Comet first. The Factory finale of whichever nation you complete second will be able to use a CO of the first nation instead of an Orange Star one. Blue Moon benefits more from having Kanbei as an ally than Comet does by having Olaf/Grit/Colin, they'll do just fine with Max. But, I can play the rest of the battles in whichever order I desire. I think I'll mix it up between Comet and Moon.


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Just now, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

why does the cast of 2 look like 1's grown up and evil lmao

Well, they want to emphasize the new villain army here. They're not the good ones.

AW1 was "good guys being manipulated by one bad guy", AW2 evil invading all the countries in broad daylight now. Hence the subtitle. The artwork is an modified, modern, cropped version of the old GBA box art.:


Heroes just so happened to be left out of the above halving.šŸ˜†

20 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

I am in a normal battle theme mood today huh

Will an SRPG standard map theme do?

If not...

Finger around in this compilation. Timestamps are in the description on YouTube.


2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

enjoyed my time with this game enough to finish it and even consider replaying some time in the future, is a testament to the game's quality. Pretty amazing accomplishment for a studio with no experience, let alone with strategy RPGs. I will keep an eye on their future developments - I know they're currently making a sort of sequel/spin-off to Lost Eidolons. Wonder how that'll turn out.

Glad you enjoyed it.šŸ˜€Ā I'm backlog/10 like others, but I'll keep this in mind.

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18 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

he artwork is an modified, modern, cropped version of the old GBA box art.:


Heroes just so happened to be left out of the above halving.šŸ˜†


18 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Will an SRPG standard map theme do?

Sure. Thankies! (for both videos)

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22 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


Although it is actually the case that...




The art direction for Advance Wars gradually got less cartoony, more realistic as the three games shared-continuity games progressed. Re-Boot Camp brings back the 'toon b/c it's what fans love and what WayForward likes drawing.

As for the separate-world Days of Ruin/Dark Conflict (same game, NA vs. Europe subtitles)...


This dude looks realistic,


but can you tell the guy here is the main protagonist?šŸ˜›

Days of Ruin, nothing against it nor the other thing when I say this, reminds of me Valkyria Chronicles on a certain level. A little less anime b/c time for fewer silly moments, but a similar-ish degree of story that has serious, even dark moments, but with a good coating of anime warmth and some cliche.šŸ˜„ If I could hack VC4, Orange Girl becomes a Shocktrooper b/c she has anger issues, Blue-White Gal a Grenadier, Guy a Tank Commander, Best Girl a Scout. Old Man above... Engineer or Other Tank Commander, maybe Lancer b/c he has the physique for it and the others don't. Oh and theĀ unshownĀ Gage gets to be a Sniper b/c he literally carries a sniper rifle.

34 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Sure. Thankies! (for both videos)

I'll throw you

These too. As for what you're Hunting, just close your eyes as you eat, 'tis necessary to grow stronger in the constant Battle For Survival.šŸ˜‰

I forget exactly if this is a normal battle theme, or boss/event, but I recall hearing it enough that it became commonplace. Better than the first battle theme (which goes by the unusual name "The Fear of God") IMO at least.:


Is it wrong if I feel like waltzing to this?


While I'm bingeing SMT at you. Some chill things.

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6 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Days of Ruin cast

I like their designs. Dig them alot.

7 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

A little less anime b/c time for fewer silly moments, but a similar-ish degree of story that has serious, even dark moments, but with a good coating of anime warmth and some cliche

Sounds more anime than the others to me


7 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I'll throw you


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1 minute ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Sounds more anime than the others to me

Oh it is. While the first three games are openly silly and very lighthearted about war, the most anime-ness award goes to Days of Ruin/Dark Conflict. Did I mention the blue-haired girl gets discovered by cowlick boy and she has amnesia?

-And I don't mind it at all.šŸ˜„

Also, Days of Ruin is more anime than Dark Conflict. Greater localization liberties in DoR instead of a duller literal translation as Europe did, on the whole bring Days of Ruin to life more.Ā (-Yes, two wholly-separate official English translations/localizations that could only agree on a single playable character's name out of the entire cast, interesting game for translation/localization discussions.šŸ¤“)


Here, now that I'm thinking of it.:

In Dark Conflict, he is Ed, of the Laurentian 12th Independent Legion, which doesn't have the nickname "Brenner's Wolves" (it couldn't as old man Brenner is called "O'Brian"). Ed's CO Power is New Era, not Rally Cry.

Take Lin's theme (the only character with exactly the same name in all three regions) as well. Though her CO Power is simply "Scout" in NA, "Night Vision" in Europe.

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Just now, Interdimensional Observer said:

Did I mention the blue-haired girl gets discovered by cowlick boy and she has amnesia?

Jo honorary FE lord.

1 minute ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Yes, two wholly-separate official English translations/localizations that could only agree on a single playable character's name out of the entire cast, interesting game for translation/localization discussions.šŸ¤“



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