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Posts posted by DarkLordIvy

  1. So uh hi there, I'm crawling out of the pit of life real quick because I've had a very exciting time in Heroes the past two days.

    This happened after a bitter battle with trying to snipe the elusive greens I got the last two bIke's I needed! I now have a fully merged arena core! And I can in theory, consider giving other units Steady Breath now. :D


    And after a very boring afternoon of hm grinding while multitasking Titania is done! @Rezzy she's still waiting on Distant Counter fodder but otherwise how did I do?


    Three out of my four fully merged units are green's from Tellius. I'm sure that says something about me.

    And just for fun, here are updated builds for my already +10 Soren and Seliph:


    The Flashing Blade seal is one of the best things to happen this year, and I'm still waiting on Chill Spd fodder.

    Seliph actually has Distant Counter now but I still honestly prefer his dumb speedy builds.


  2. 13 hours ago, BANRYU said:

    Wowzers seems like this boi may be due for a bit of an update. 

    @DarkLordIvy If you can't spare the time, any objections if I write up some stuff relating to his signature weapon and its refinements? 

    Oof yeah I have really let this go. I feel bad about that. :(

    I actually have completely redrafted the analysis and builds. Would you maybe be okay with me sending you the link to the doc I have going?

  3. 49 minutes ago, Astellius said:

    They are evil, and so you should immediately hunt them down and destroy them...! And then take your rightful place as the true evil one, bearing the rank of 666

    One day I shall have my revenge. One day!!

    I got your Tiki a lot this round by the way! She was an amazing help dealing with all of the bLyn’s running around. 

  4. Glad I mostly missed the salt in this thread for once. 

    I forgot to screenshot my rank for this round but it was pretty low. I didn’t have many chances to play today and I decided to save all my flags from this round once it looked like Ike was going to pull off a win. 

    @Rezzy @Tybrosion glad to hear my Soren put in some good work! I’m miffed to say though that I didn’t get ether of your units at all. I only ever got three friend units almost the entire round. I spent the last almost twenty minutes of the gauntlet quitting the battle to see if anyone different would show up to no avail.... I’m beyond caring about multiplier upsets or the drama the fandom stirs up, I just want more than three friend units to use!

    Anyway, I’ve still got friend list space so if anyone else on team Ike wants To chance the game sending you my Soren feel free to add me: 0028978737




  5. 6 minutes ago, Ginko said:

    That's PoR Ike(from last year) not RD Ike. Don't try to threaten our team.

    How is that threatening our team?

    Maybe I should have made it clearer, that’s my screenshot from last year. I was joking that I can see that sort of thing is probably going to happen again with RD Ike. 

  6. 3 hours ago, Rezzy said:

    I notice that the same group of people tends to be on my team most of the time.  I think I've been on the same team as @DarkLordIvy just about every gauntlet.

    Ha yeah we have been on the same team more often than not, I’m still going with the great minds think alike explanation. 

    This reminds me I am going Team Ike for as long as that train is on the tracks. 

    I’ll be forcing my Soren on the world same as usual friend code 0028978737 if anyone wants to add me. ovo/




  7. Heeeeey I've been absent around here for awhile, hope nothing has been set on fire.

    This was a hard map. I pulled an extra Fjorm last night who was  going to be going to Atk/Def Bond for Fae, but bIke really needed Drive Atk so everyone else could actually kill things, and I ended up needing to get Daggerbreaker on LIke so that he could survive that stupid Poison Dagger. I sort of enjoyed the challenge right up to the point where I had to edit the video because I could not get After Effects to cooperate with me for the longest time.


  8. Here I come crawling out from under my rock to get beat up by a skinny kid possessed by dragon Satan.
    He couldn't keep me down forever though! Just half the day.

    There is a non-chipmunk version on my tumblr for anyone who hates the sped up audio (I don't blame you)
    And uh, this is what my photos looked like while I was fighting with this. I started recording all my attempts so I'd be able to keep a record for when if finally worked.




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