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Rate the Unit, Day 33: Pent

Thor Odinson

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Rate the Unit, Day 33: Pent


- Ratings are assumed to be on LHM and HHM. Also, they should be based on when the unit is first available.

- Votes need some explanation regarding their gameplay performance to be counted (unless they fall into the general parameters of the average rating, but reasoning is still strongly encouraged on those even if you just wanna quote people) — incredibly low scores or high scores without proper justification will not be counted. Numbers for votes, please - not something like "Marcus/10", etc.

+/- ≤1 point extra regarding personality/appearance is okay, but no more.

- Votes out of 10, or something proportional to it. Makes it easy to calculate, please and thank you~!

- Make votes easily visible, please~! ##Vote:

- Every ranking phase ends approximately at 20:00 EST. Do the math for your timezone.

Scores (in ascending order)

Wallace: 1.12

Wil: 1.85

Bartre: 2.78

Rebecca: 2.84

Dart: 3.86

Dorcas: 4.19

Rath: 4.28

Canas: 5.07

Eliwood: 5.34

Guy: 5.71

Farina: 5.95

Erk: 6.01

Lyn: 6.07

Matthew: 6.17

Serra: 6.27

Geitz: 6.50

Legault: 6.55

Lowen: 6.71

Lucius: 6.94

Oswin: 6.98

Hawkeye: 7.21

Isadora: 7.24

Hector: 7.63

Heath: 7.67

Fiora: 7.99

Kent: 8.17

Priscilla: 8.38

Raven: 8.39

Florina: 8.41

Ninian/Nils: 8.80

Sain: 8.83

Marcus: 9.63


Pent is a DILF, trufax.

All jokes aside, he is quite good-looking...ahem. While there are many Magic units before Pent, Pent really stands out the most. He comes with awesome bases, double A ranks, decent durability as far as magi goes, and a FREE PHYSIC STAFF. And nobody even beats his physic range except /maybe/ Lucius depending on his levels at this point. You can throw this guy at a small group of enemies, and he can take care of them without dying thanks to not being made of paper, all on EP too, and on player phase you can either bomb something with him, or use his awesome PHYSIC powers to heal somebody from far away. He doesn't fly, but he can warp hella far. He can warp one of your fliers hella far so they can move EVEN FURTHER. That is awesome. Oh and he comes with a free A support with his wife. You don't even't have to grind supports for that. And it boosts his already decent durability even FURTHER.

As I've said in earlier rating threads, Pent is awesome because he can claim to great combat, great staff use, and not being made of paper all at once. That's something no other magic user aside from Athos can claim to. And Athos is fucking Athos.

Also you really can't hold availability against Pent

As he is, if he had availability he'd break the game almost as hard as Marcus

Do we really want FE7 to become FE8

9.75/10. -1 point for not flying or on a horse, but +.5 because he's hawt and +.5 because he makes your mounts go further with 9 range (at base) warp. Possibly more.

Edit: derp. Forgot to deduct that .25 for not being Marcus. I did it to Ninian and it's only fair I do it here.

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Let's see. . .he's hot, well-spoken, influential. . .oh, right, rating.

His bases are sexy, and anything he gets on top of said bases is gravy. He has an auto-A support that nets him +3 damage reduction, and his weapon ranks are so amazing that he'll always have a use. The only downside is that he can't fly. But that's what Farina's for.


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He's a sage, sages are always useful for staves + anima (and light if you feel like using it), not to mention he has a nice damage reduction support, while being a unit that's just good in general.


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Great stats. Good growths. Weapon ranks are superb. Insta A support.

Gorgeous hunk of man.

prepromo who is worth it.

9.15/10, only for mov and availability

Btw, I played a hack where his bases were all 2. If I rated him from that, he would get 0

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10/10. Availability is the only thing you could possibly hold against Pent (you could try to hold your body against him too, nothing wrong with that), and these rankings were (as I understood it) based on how they perform after you've already recruited them, AKA can they compete for a spot on your team from that point on, rather than docking them for time spent not existing.

And Pent will definitely earn his spot on the field, with his A Anima and A Staves, and sexy RNG-proof stats. In fact, Pent is so good, you will often even be convinced to field his wife, with whom he has an auto-A support, despite being merely an acceptable unit with definite flaws.

If I misjudged the availability threshold on these lists, he could probably fall all the way to 7.5 or so. Because he's still that solid.

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when I say a unit is docked points because of availability, what I mean is that that unit will have to compete on a team with limited spots.

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he's definitely overrated. anyone you'd have trained up to now must be outclassing him stat-wise. and his growths aren't that great. yet this doesn't immediately make him a bad unit. He is very reasonable at fighting, but what gets his score way up for me, is that nice staves rank.


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He's not available for very long, and while he's a good unit, he isn't overly impressive either. IMO Erk contributes more since he's available for a bunch of hard chapters earlier on and is comparable to Pent if you keep up Erk's training.


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anyone you'd have trained up to now must be outclassing him stat-wise.


Must is too strong of an assumption. Sure, if you go casual, that might be the case like, 50% of the time. However, that's never happening in a playthrough with any semblance of speed. His bases are just that good.

Also wasn't it established that Pent's base speed doubles pretty much all the enemies that are left except like, swordies and a few bosses? That ain't slow.

(you could try to hold your body against him too, nothing wrong with that)

But then Louise would shoot me dead ; A;

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Low ratings are cracking me up.

Seriously, in a topic series as informal as this one, how can you NOT give Pent a perfect score? Great bases, A-staves, auto-A support, cool personality and portrait; just fun and efficient to use all around.


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Oh Pent. This is the one man army we see in Living Legend. Whoops the ass and looks hot doing it! Hnngh. Louise is a lucky woman.


Where to start?

Great weapon ranks! DAT STAFF RANK!

Comes with a free physic. (hnngh)

Auto Support with Louise.

Nice looking (:P)

Starts at a good level.


Can be outclassed in combat. (but only just....)

Growths arent much to write home about it.

9/10 and how! Dude is so good that even when i choose not to use him to train Erk or other folks, hes still great. Since his magic (at base) will be higher than Erk's at the same level, when it comes to anima users, hes like, the best right out of the box. Only Lucius has the chance to outclass Pent in actual combat...But like i said, only just, because Pent isnt as squishy.

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Low ratings are cracking me up.

Seriously, in a topic series as informal as this one, how can you NOT give Pent a perfect score?

The only rating that would really qualify as low is the 5.

Very easily if availability is a factor to the person rating, If it's not, yes, easy 10- but it matters to some people.

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But then Louise would shoot me dead ; A;

I'll distract Louise for awhile, and then we can switch. Deal?

Except he's not a dad yet. :awesome:

Well, canonically at least Klein is more that just a twinkle in his eye, as revealed in support conversations. But technically I guess you win this one.

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he's definitely overrated. anyone you'd have trained up to now must be outclassing him stat-wise.


Anyway, 9/10; holy moly at the bases, the weapon ranks (instant access to every stave), and he doesn't look shabby either; really, not much to dislike aside from fairly low mov, but I guess starting off with a nice Warp range is pretty swell.

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he's definitely overrated. anyone you'd have trained up to now must be outclassing him stat-wise.


Do I NEED to say what's wrong with this?

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Alright, guys, don't bash him for it. Knowing whase, he's a person that prefers to train his lower-leveled units. Be glad he's not going to argue about it. 8P

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He's Pent. Not much more needs to be said

Good growths



Long-Range Physic

Awesome hair

Awesome personality

Yeah, 10/10 despite lack of availability.

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