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Rate the Unit 29: Mareeta


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Rules (adapted from Integrity's)

- Ratings are for Normal Mode.

- Votes need some explanation regarding their gameplay performance to be counted. If somebody else said what you want to already, quote them explicitly.

+/- ≤1 point extra regarding personality/appearance is encouraged, but no more. If you exercise your bias privileges, please do so explicitly.

- Votes are made out of 10. You cannot rate a unit above 10 or below 0.

- The rating topic will be updated whenever I feel like it, but I will try to allow at least 24 hours for each topic. They will generally be updated at around noon EST.

- A character being inferior relative to another character does not explicitly reduce their rating.

- Characters do not get credit for recruiting others or allowing access to side quests.

- Assume that the character in question is being recruited.

- Characters do not get credit for bringing items.

- I reserve the right to ignore any votes which are not well-supported.

- You may allow a character to use scrolls (and adjust their rating appropriately) so long as it is reasonable (you may debate what constitutes "reasonable" if you feel people may disagree with you). You cannot arbitrarily increase a unit's score by arguing that they may exclusively use half a dozen scrolls for themself. In general, scrolls will probably not add more than +1 to a character's overall rating.

- Warp skipping has an impact on scores in so far as "Safy has an high base staff rank". Nanna would score lower than Safy because of her lower rank, but no chapter is explicitly said to be skipped. You can't get Warp and then suddenly say every character after doesn't exist or requires turns to recruit. Something could be said of Xavier, or Conomore/Amalda who are in an escape chapter where Leaf starts next to the escape point.

Robert: 2.33

Ronan: 2.42

Alva: 2.5

Marty: 2.89

Kein: 3.5

Tanya: 3.82

Dalsin: 4.38

Evayl: 5.02

Selphina: 5.37

Hicks: 5.89

Fred: 6.00

Brighton: 6.90

Machua: 7.03

Olwen: 7.05

Halvan: 7.35

Carrion: 7.54

Dagda: 7.54

Rifis: 7.70

Leaf: 8.18

Shiva: 8.26

Karin: 8.50

Felgus: 8.79

Othin: 8.86

Lara: 8.92

Fin: 9.06

Nanna: 9.13

Safy: 9.48

Asvel: 9.58

Ridiculous offensive capabilities with Moonlight Sword and eventually Starlight Sword, and her own personal weapon to go along with it. Unfortunately, she starts at such a low level that it takes quite a bit of investment to get her up to par and getting starlight sword costs you turns in chapter 15. Still, she can fulfill a niche as a boss killer (as if you didn't already have a bunch of other options for that anyway) so she's not quite useless. 5.5/10

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Ohh... this is gonna be good.

She may join rather late at a low level.

But when you join with a ridiculously broken personal sword in a level filled with axe users, you have some of the best growths in the game, an amazing PCC, the Luna skill, great speed and skill to avoid almost anything, and ridiculous offensive skills to kill anything, then who cares? Mareeta basically trains herself, with very little room for her to be RNG screwed. She can also learn Astra and makes a great boss killer alongside Asvel. I have used Mareeta in all of my playthroughs and have yet to regret it. She is just THAT awesome.

10/10 + 8991 bias = 9001/10

But for the sake of the poll, 10/10

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One of the most overrated units in the game. Starts out very weak with 3 base strength. Fortunately has a 60% growth to make up for it. Some of the best offense in the game, but bad durability means she's never going to be more useful than someone like Havan. And she doesn't have a unique utility like Asvel with he wtfbosskilling powers. I guess she can kill Elf in the final chapter thanks to her sword granting awareness, but really, there are other people who can do that. That said, she's not a bad character, and she is fun to use, but still massively overrated.


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Ohh... this is gonna be good.

She may join rather late at a low level.

But when you join with a ridiculously broken personal sword in a level filled with axe users, you have some of the best growths in the game, an amazing PCC, the Luna skill, great speed and skill to avoid almost anything, and ridiculous offensive skills to kill anything, then who cares? Mareeta basically trains herself, with very little room for her to be RNG screwed. She can also learn Astra and makes a great boss killer alongside Asvel. I have used Mareeta in all of my playthroughs and have yet to regret it. She is just THAT awesome.

10/10 + 8991 bias = 9001/10

But for the sake of the poll, 10/10


Seriously, she got to be like, the best Swordmaster EVER!

Just want to to add that giving her the elite sword helps her so much and giving her the sol skill is pretty fun. gee_wiz_emoticon.gif

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Wonderful character here. She's absolutely adorable.

She joins underleveled and frail, but a few levels with the Elite Sword will fix both of those problems. From here on out she is basically golden, as her offense is gr10mazing. If Olwen isn't being used, she's a good candidate for Ambush to help her poor durability.

9/10 - This includes a point of bias. Really, her only flaw is that she joins underleveled.

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Pretty goddamned overrated. Good bosskiller I guess, though Asvel is shitstomping her there. Her overkill offense isn't particularly useful because generic enemies are a joke in this game and anyone who's competent can kill generics easily. Still, she's not a terrible unit and her start could be worse.


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Sign me up on the overrated group. Great offense with Moonlight, possible Starlight, 5 PCC, massive offensive growths, Continue and her own weapon that gives, among other things, Awareness and Hero effect. Her defenses aren't good though, with 22 HP, 3 Defense bases and below average growths. To her credit, she can use the Elite Sword for bonus Defense and experience gained, but Nanna likes it for healing and Parn is coming up and likes it when he steals items, so there's a bit of competition for that, especially since they don't even have to fight with it.

Definitely would take the Dain scroll for some Defense. It's not like the Speed loss is going to be dramatic.

Really, the enemies in this game are easy to kill, so I'd rather give bonus points for those with defensive skills that help them survive better than overkill offense. At least she keeps up nicely with a 6/7 Movement, unlike Othin.


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Joins midgame at level 3, which isn't really the best time to join for her, but luckily for Mareeta, her prf's quite hax and she starts in an axefest with a bunch of trees, so she shouldn't have trouble getting 1 or 2 levels right off the bat there. Elite sword can be a thing, too, to ease that training period. Still, it's definitely a point against her since that's still 7 levels minimum until promotion.

Her trained performance is pretty cool, though. She serves well as a bosskiller, especially on Asvel's off days. Innate Luna is cool and if you're not playing for turns you can get her Astra just for kicks and overkill. Swordmaster is one of the better physical classes to be indoors, due to their 7 move and magic swords not sucking in this game for existent 2 range. Her offensive growths are good as well. You'll have to get her there first and that still takes effort, but even speaking from a person who normally dislikes growths units, her situation isn't too bad to ameliorate so training her is not that big of an issue. Her durability is kinda ass, too, so that's another point against her.

7.5/10 full bias inclusive. Because she keeps on getting 12 move for inexplicable reasons. I fucking swear, like, the first time I used her, I parked her on a tree with a sword in chapter 13 (aka before Dain scroll comes) and she killed a bunch of fuckers and gained 3 move levels in one enemy phase. I don't even know what happened but I sure ain't complainin'.

And then it happened again. All on enemy phase as well. maybe that particular area gives +50% move growth and we just don't know it

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Great example of "female sword unit that gets ALL the favouritism and turns out AMAZING". Being able to kill everything isn't so special (ridic as it sounds), other than vs bosses, and her durability start is very shaky. It seems SSS/low turn runs generally train her though, but they can only afford to because Ch14 has a turn minimum. It's obviously much easier to complete that chapter without using Mareeta.


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Joins midgame at level 3, which isn't really the best time to join for her, but luckily for Mareeta, her prf's quite hax and she starts in an axefest with a bunch of trees, so she shouldn't have trouble getting 1 or 2 levels right off the bat there. Elite sword can be a thing, too, to ease that training period. Still, it's definitely a point against her since that's still 7 levels minimum until promotion.

Her trained performance is pretty cool, though. She serves well as a bosskiller, especially on Asvel's off days. Innate Luna is cool and if you're not playing for turns you can get her Astra just for kicks and overkill. Swordmaster is one of the better physical classes to be indoors, due to their 7 move and magic swords not sucking in this game for existent 2 range. Her offensive growths are good as well. You'll have to get her there first and that still takes effort, but even speaking from a person who normally dislikes growths units, her situation isn't too bad to ameliorate so training her is not that big of an issue. Her durability is kinda ass, too, so that's another point against her.

7.5/10 full bias inclusive. Because she keeps on getting 12 move for inexplicable reasons. I fucking swear, like, the first time I used her, I parked her on a tree with a sword in chapter 13 (aka before Dain scroll comes) and she killed a bunch of fuckers and gained 3 move levels in one enemy phase. I don't even know what happened but I sure ain't complainin'.

And then it happened again. All on enemy phase as well. maybe that particular area gives +50% move growth and we just don't know it

Gonna go with this.

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Sign me up on the overrated group. Great offense with Moonlight, possible Starlight, 5 PCC, massive offensive growths, Continue and her own weapon that gives, among other things, Awareness and Hero effect. Her defenses aren't good though, with 22 HP, 3 Defense bases and below average growths. To her credit, she can use the Elite Sword for bonus Defense and experience gained, but Nanna likes it for healing and Parn is coming up and likes it when he steals items, so there's a bit of competition for that, especially since they don't even have to fight with it.

Definitely would take the Dain scroll for some Defense. It's not like the Speed loss is going to be dramatic.

Really, the enemies in this game are easy to kill, so I'd rather give bonus points for those with defensive skills that help them survive better than overkill offense. At least she keeps up nicely with a 6/7 Movement, unlike Othin.


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Great example of "female sword unit that gets ALL the favouritism and turns out AMAZING". Being able to kill everything isn't so special (ridic as it sounds), other than vs bosses, and her durability start is very shaky. It seems SSS/low turn runs generally train her though, but they can only afford to because Ch14 has a turn minimum. It's obviously much easier to complete that chapter without using Mareeta.


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IS just can't get the growth unit right. Once they create one with actual growths, not too badly underlevelled, and easy to raise, they do it in a game with low caps and scrolls so she still can't gain a long-term advantage. At least she can kill bosses with her mad skillz, and Swordmaster is a decent class indoors.


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She has a cool prf weapon, good base(str is shitty) and growth stats, is a "myrmdon", receives Astra, has Luna and is from the Odo family...But....For some reason I'm not exactly fond of her, she can turn kickass and be a good boss killer but her build is very shit, at least Shiva has more build and better growths than her in this case, and there's a lot of scrolls when we reach her chapter.


Funny fact, Fat_Bunny, the unit in my game that got blessed with +2 movement was the strangest unit, Dalsin.I'm still laughing that he has 8 movement and can catch with the rest of my army.

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Good and useful 6/10


I guess ignoring the rules just because others did, might not be the most mature way to protest against it.

And I did write an explanation for this one already, so whatever:

Marita is in quite a few ways a Est done right and yet still wrong. On the one hand she can contribute from from he moment she joins, having an absolutely frightening offensive potential. On the other hand, she doesn't really end better then her classmates. A dead enemy is a dead enemy. You don't get bonus points for being theoretical capable of killing them 100 times over. So her offensive output is for the most part hot air and she has her insane growths in those stats that the competition caps anyway while said competition is better in the defense department. And Marita is a special unit... in the sense that every other darn units who doesn't have a support partner gets supported by Leaf. But he doesn't feel the need to support the girl he considers his sister. What a jerk.

Still, she does decently enough. She kills stuff and dodges most attacks. Sounds pretty average at least and that would be around 5.

However she is one of the units with a PCC 5 so she is one of the few units who will always be able to score a critical on the second hit without needing any further raise and I prefer dull efficiency over exiting uncertainty every day of the week. Besides, it isn't a problem getting her there, since she has her personal Brave Sword to kill things until her crazy offensive growths can carry her.

Plus, with said offense she makes a good candidate for the Ambush scroll and she is better at killing bosses then most units.

Well, and I guess with her low level and killing potential, you could slap the Elite sword and a few scrolls on her and get some good results with relative ease out of it. That is, if you are into that sort of thing.

Besides, there is at least something that makes her a bit more unique. Thanks to her personal sword she has access to Awareness.

Most enemies don't have skills, sure. But when they do, it's handy. A few bosses have, as do Amalda's Troubadours. Some of them also have Wraith, as do any Berserker but that's relatively easy to deal with. Prayer is were it's at. It allows them to dodge anything you throw at them, screwing over your whole strategy with just a bit dumb luck.

And Awareness is a rare utility. Trewd and Cyas have them and the latter probably isn't going to kill any bosses. Nevermind that Trewd shares most of Mareeta's shortcoming on top of lacking her PCC and personal weapon.

There is a manual but it only appears on one route and you have to wait ages for Comodore.

She still can't take down Reinhardt reliably with it, though at least she makes brute force an option.

But when Elf's threatens to dodge with prayer and counter with Wrath, you don't have to take the chance and can let Marita handle it.


+0.5 bias because chapter 5 was so wonderfully dramatic.

Edited by BrightBow
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She still can't take down Reinhardt reliably with it, though at least she makes brute force an option.

Pretty sure status staves work on Reinhardt since he's not on a throne. Cyas is next to a throne boss with restore so if status staves can even hit him, they won't do anything. Unless you really need the holy sword for Olwen (and there is only one more ch where she has a horse and then she's down to 5 move) there's no point in even letting him move from his starting position and risk a x2 move, is there? I didn't do it, but I don't think any units will steal the boss's restore staff and move to heal Reinhart. Granted I did the conversation anyway to see the dialogue.

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Wasn't here, so this won't count.


Overrated Femal Growth unit with WTF promo gains.

Useful, for maybe bosskilling, but not much else.

We've got Asvel/Shiva/How Many Others? for bosskilling.

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